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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Jeni 85

  1. I have lost about 90-94lbs, but the past 2mths i have been going up and down in weight, the same 5lbs... It is absolutely driving me crazy...

    I have added more excercise and cut out sweets/ junk foods and Nothing!!!! I feel as i have good restriction..

    So what is a girl to do now?!?!?!

    I'm seriously wondering if my health issues have anything to do with my stand still weight.. I have P.C.O.S. and Recently found out that i have I.B.S as well..


    Any advice at this point would be of great help..

    Thank you in advance to all,

    Jeni M.

  2. im probably going to try it and see how it works...

    thank you all for your input... hopefully there will be more responses..

    and as far as the diarrhea goes at this point would be a relief... i have struggling with Constipation issues the past 2mths :smile: Evil abdominal pain.. my DR. suspects i have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (as if i dont have enough to deal with already) but wants me to see a Gastroenterologist to rule out any other bowel disorders :mad: but i do understand where he is coming from..:frown:

  3. My primary doc took me off my metformin prior to surgery as he thought my diabetes type II would disappear. I was his only lap band patient so he had no clue as to the difference between lap banding and RNY. Anyway my diabetes was worse after surgery than before but I take it only for that. I have PCOS but am past the child bearing phase of my life and to control my heavy periods I had an uterine ablation which I don't think is an option for women who still want to have children. But I was a heavy period person and not a no-period person.

    Actually, when i went 8mths w/o the periods when i did get it, it was the period from hell... and even now getting it regularly i find it is very heavy and the crampin really sux...

    im bleeding through a tampon and a pad within 1hr:sad:

  4. I'm going to the dr on the 20th. I have PCOS and hadn't had a period on my own until I got the surgery. Now I have a period about every two months on my own. I will NOT take birth control pills to control it. I'm wondering if they might put me on glucophage because I want to get more regular so I can get pregnant soon. I'll keep you posted. Have you had kids already?

    Actually, i'm only 23, so no kids yet for me... (i have enough kids at work :crying: i work in pediatrics!!) But do plan on eventually having my own one day...

    I was hoping that losing the weight would help me with periods but i actually went 8mths after surgery w/o one... thats when i decided to go to the dr's and was officially diagnosed with the pcos...

    You think losing weight would help with the health issue .. but i find myself at the dr's often more often now then i did before surgery.

    Im very frustrated, with my health lately and am sick and tired of being sick... not to mention the damn scale is driving me crazy!!!:smile:

  5. I was just wondering if any of you ladies have pcos and how your dr. is helping you manage it..

    My Dr. so far has me on Birth Control and he wants to put me on Metformin....

    I was just hoping to get so feedback on those on the metformin ...

    **Does it help regulate your cycle?

    **Have you noticed if it has helped with taking off weight?

    **Any bad side effects that you are expiriencing??? (i know which side effects it can have but more wanted to see if anyone has them and how bad are they??)

  6. Thanks Gwen... By the way how is school going for you???

    I went to the Dr. on friday and he decided to run more tests on me...(which sucks considering i have been going to the dr. every two weeks for the past two months and he is running different tests every time..) and to tell you the truth im learning a little more about myself then i needed to know... my previous Dr. diagnosed me with PCOS based on symptoms alone.. but my new Dr. said that he wanted to check my hormone levels to see how bad it is and he also had me do a Glucose Tolerance Test... They took 8 tubes of blood 6 needle sticks all together... On the last blood draw i made the phlebotomist nervous because i guess i turned pale... they made me stay a few extra minutes to make sure i drank some Water and was ok to go home...

    But now im anxiously awaiting the results of my test .. hoping to hear from my dr soon because i tend to be a little bit paranoid when it comes to things like this..

    So my question to you all is... does anyone have PCOS? and is if so what form of treatment is your dr giving you??

    My dr. has me on the birth control and his next step is to put me on metformin...

    Thanks for bearing with my rambling .. i just needed to vent...:)

  7. Hi to all my fellow marchies!!!!!

    It has been a long time since i have been on here... We were doing construction in my house i didnt have access t the internet... and it was absolutely been killing me not to be able to get on here!!!!

    But the past two months have been bad... The scale kept going up no matter what i did... i got back to 206 !!!! (was going up and down b/w 206-202 and i was so disappointed...) But about a 1.5 wks ago i went to my surgeon for yet another adjustment and suprise suprise the scale is going down again.. im back at 198..... FINALLY!!!!

    So now that the weather is finally working to our advantage... i have decided to start taking nice long walks with my dog cocoa !!! and belive it or not 1/2 way through our walks my dog is lagging behind and im still going strong!!!!

    But would love to hear how the rest of you marchies are doing!!:angry:

  8. Hey everybody,

    I'm sorry i haven't updated in a long time... I haven't had access to the internet to update because there is remodeling my house.... im down 5lbs more!!! yay.. and i got a fill today so it should be easier now...

    But please all be patient with my updating.. i promise ill try to update as much as i can

    and keep up the great work

  9. thick..... i usually don't come across this problem because a lot of people know ive had the surgery.. and i could care less who knows... there is only 2 people that i don't want to find out.. my one neighbor and my father...

    but i can see your dilemma... ive wanted to flip out and my neighbor the other day but i couldn't because she would find out my secret... so i just bit my tounge and kept my mouth shut.... Not the easiest thing to do

  10. I havent been on here in a couple days and am glad to see everyone is doing well..

    These past couple days have been rough, with it being my birthday i just couldn't help but splurge on the sweets.. i am officially done tough.. 4 days in row is way too much... And i for one am terrified to get on the scale...

    And for good reasons... I got on and it told me in 3lbs heavier and im again in two-terville.... :lol: I miss being in Onderland!!!:unsure:

  11. You are so right, I have found wonderful support and tons on info from everyone I've come into contact with on this forum. I decided to go on with it. I am just dying from the wait with the insurance.

    The wait truely does suck because it is pure torture... But think where it will get you...

    Trust me when i say this, jumping throught these hoops for insurance is well worth it!!!:)

  12. Im so excited! I was looking through my closet a few minutes ago and came across and outfit WAAAAAAAAAAAY in the back. I was really surprised that I still had it. Let's just say the first and last time I wore it was about 5 years ago. It's a dressy outfit that I bought for my Grandmother's 90th B-Day Party.... Guess what, IT FITS!!!! I was shocked. Everyone says that they can see that I have lost weight, but I don't see it. This evening I saw it!!!

    All of you my "Bandster" family are the first to know!! Now to make some phone calls.

    Thanks for listening, or I should say reading!!!


    That's awesome!!! :)

  13. I havent been on here in a couple days and am glad to see everyone is doing well..

    These past couple days have been rough, with it being my birthday i just couldn't help but splurge on the sweets.. i am officially done tough.. 4 days in row is way too much... And i for one am terrified to get on the scale...

  14. Where Is Day One Health? I Have Not Yet Had Lap Band But This Is So Helpful. I Was Advised To See A Dr. Alverdy At Uic Or Dr. Alverdy At Northwestern But I Do Not Drive Downtown. Thanks For All Your Info And I Am Scared.....

    DayOne Health is located downtown..

    But if you want a consult from Dr. Shayani he has his own personal office in oakbrook... If you would like the information please feel free to email me... Jmakowski@ix.netcom.com

  15. I have a long list ... LOL... but just to name a few!!!

    -Go to my 10yr High School reunion and not be recognized (finally beat those dang skinny bitches at thier own game)

    -Be able to wear a bikini.... lol wait let me elaborate on that look good in a bikini without scaring anybody!!!:thumbup:

    -Prove to those who never belived in me and always put me down that i am a strong and beautiful woman that can accomplish anything she puts her mind to... (losing weight)

    -Get my plastic surgery!!!!

    -Buy a whole new wardrobe thats not in the double digits!!!

    But thats only to name a few

  16. Don't let negative people influence your decision... My question to you is... Do you think this is the right decision for you????

    If the answer is yes ... (pardon my language) screw everyone elses opinion and do it...

    You have the support of your husband, so thats alll that matters...

    And if you need extra support, you always have us fellow bandsters on here.. and im pretty sure your doc has some sort of lapband support group..

    You'll do great!!!:thumbup:

  17. Heck Jeni, you are only a 10.8 lbs from losing 100 lbs!! Now that is kicking some butt. I also hope to start walking again this summer. I love walking. And I work in a state park so I get to see some beautiful scenery plus wild turkey and deer. I need to get back into the pratice of getting to work early enough so I can walk in the mornings, thats the best time to walk around here. I do walk around my neighborhood with my gf at night, but she never shuts up and there are times when all I want to do is walk and be in my own head.

    I am very excited about being that close to the 100lb lost.. but more excited about the increase in confidence and the loose fitting clothes which mean new clothes!!!:thumbup:

    And i know what you mean... sometimes it is nice to get away so you can think and get some quiet time alone.....Thats why i go with my dog lol. :)

  18. i wish i didnt go happy eating all the junk i ate before surgery!!!!

    i had a variety of all greasy fried food... which i gained like 10lbs... so in my opinion (now that i look back) it is really pointless...

    I dont even miss bread or soda or steak.... my tastes have changed... but it really is up to you....

    If you do dont go to crazy like i did... Man was i sick for a couple of days after i did that!!!:)

  19. Nikki,

    I got lucky and got mine at a Goodwill. I just need to use if more ofter. Check out craigslist.org and see what you can find.

    I have come to the conclusion that I am a slow loser. I was hoping to be at goal in a year, but if I get close to it by summers end, I will be one happy lady. And I also need to kick up the exercise, or to be totally truthfull, I need to get back to it like I was before.

    Mrs. H, i I think you have done great so far keep it going.. i hope to be at goal by the end of summer... at least my surgeons goal of 165lbs.. as long as this weather gets better here in chicago (it looks like 50'sthis week but lots of rain:angry:) and i can finally go walking (or should i say "running") with my dog... My dog likes to pull until i am running with him.. i can't run to far but its a lot further than before..

    We have all come a long way from where we started..!!!

    I think im going to start making mini goals for myself... First goal is to lose 7lbs by April 19.. i think that is entirely possible...

    Sorry if i rambled a little to much but i am feeling very optimistic today!!:)

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