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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Jeni 85

  1. Im so joining in........im aiming low because i never make these challenges so im aiming a little lower this time!! It would be nice to make it this time!!

    Name...............Starting................ Current.......Goal..............To Go

    areellady...............189.......................189............159.. ................30

    BIGB......................342.......................342............300 .................42

    BellaPerdente.........287.......................251............200.... .............51

    Boos02..................258.......................226............200.. ...............26

    BrownBear.............240.......................240............200.... .............40

    Claudine................250.......................250.............225. .................25

    Bunkey1965...........194.......................193.............170.... .............23

    Dionna113.............199.......................199.............160... ..............39

    FeliciaLevy75 ........240.......................240.............190................5 0

    GillieBean..............304.......................304.............264. ...............40

    Hollie ...................154.......................154.............125...... ..........29

    Jeni 85..................182.......................182.............160.................22

    Josie74.................260.......................260.............215. ...............45

    klmsilva.................216......................216.............190. ...............26

    legster..................183......................183..............160 ...............23

    linksmom..............251......................251..............200... ............51

    Liquidbluegal.........225......................225..............199... ............26

    Liz_hager..............161.....................161..............130... ............31

    lotzasunshine.........292.......................292..............250.. ..............42

    Luu2008................230.....................203..............153... ............50

    MELISSA AGUIRRE..266....................233..............160................73

    Melody2006...........223.....................223..............173..... ...........50

    odizzzydori............242.....................242..............199... ............43

    srknepler...............285.....................285..............255.. .............30

    Sunshine2.............177.....................177..............160.... ...........17

    stevegoad..............370................341.............. 267.................74


  2. I thought the gallbladder was on the right side???

    Your band is under your left breast just below the rib.

    If you are having pain on the lower left side in the back maybe it is your kidney. I have had kidney pain and it is always associated with taking a deep breath.

    oops did i say right.. sorry i wrote that response when i was half asleep. it is on the right side just under the liver....

    and it really doesnt matter what we think it is.. you should really talk to your dr. if it is as uncomfortable as it seems...

    if it was anything like my pain and discomfort before my surgery.. i wouldnt wait to long...

    after all that a dr.'s job to make us better when they can..:smile2:

  3. Gwen,

    I hear you about laying on you tummy and getting the port in the right place.

    I also have issues when I do a leg press, since all my belly is scrunched up before I extend my legs.

    It's nothing major, just annoying. But look at us, talking about the gym.


    Sounds like you'll enjoy those classes. I'm sorry if you said this before, but what are you going to school for?


    definately agree with the whole position the port thing.. it can be ucomfortable if you dont:cursing:

    but juli im actually a Certified Medical Assistant and im going back to school for Nursing to get R.N. behind my name :smile2:

  4. Thank you ladies.. I had a wonderful time.. and yes i did snuggle in!!! :crying:

    And i am currently wearing 14/16 depending on company... and juli said he size dress was 14p... so yes we are about the same size..

    Juli You look great!!!!

    I had my first Class today (sociology) You know the first day of every class is uneventful and sometimes dull... but it wasn't to bad... I have Pyschology (human development) tommorow morning.. Im very much looking forward to it.... It will benefit me now while im at my current job.. help me understand how the little ones and my work are growing up developing!!

    I will keep you ladies updated!!

  5. Back from Vegas!!! I actually got back tuesday evening but have been busy trying to unpack and get my books for school, pay for classes etc...

    I had a great time.. but Vegas is evil when your not at that sweet spot.. i gained like 5lbs!!!! but thats ok... im down 2lbs already so no biggie... i go for a fill on thurseday and my surgeon is going to put me back to the fill where i was at.. close to 9cc's(my sweet spot!!!)

    If anyone goes to Vegas you have to go see the Chippendales it was a lot of fun!!!:)


  6. the fish i have had while banded i dont have problems with... but then again i didnt try eating the red snapper...

    maybe its just one of tose things you cant handle.. the band sometimes can be stbborn and have a mind of its own.. if it says no.. then dont do it.. just like me and pork, steak, Pasta, and bread.. all big no no's

    OK, I've got a question for y'all. Do any of you have trouble with fish?? Tonight I had red snapper for dinner and AGAIN....major PB. It's insane. It's gotta be the fish, because I've had the other items I had with dinner totally separate from the fish before and no PB. So, anyone else have this particular prob. I don't seem to have this with other forms of fish, just the snapper...dang it!

    Advice please...:biggrin:


  7. crickets chirping......

    Hello?!?!?! Where is everyone???

    More crickets chirping....

    I guess everyone is busy with thier lives.. but here is another update for the big dork!!! LOL.

    I got my fill today 6cc's (i was 9cc's before being unfilled) My surgeon and i decided to wait to fill it up the rest of the way till after vegas.. He said if i wanted more he was more than willing... Lol

    Im not even close to the sweet spot but at least i got some sense of fullness now.. (NO MORE BOTTOMLESS PIT) and maybe even a slight bit of restriction!!!

    I am so beyond proud of myself right now.. i went 2 wks being unfilled and lost!!! 1.5lbs!!! I didn't gain!!!! YAY!!!

    The best part is that because of the 1.5lbs.. it put me at a bmi of 29.85... Which means im no longer OBESE!!!! I'm just simply overweight!!!:wink2:

    Oh and im finally back to normal after surgery!! My surgeon gave me the ok to travel and told me to have fun!!

    Oh and i already solved the dilemma of the thank you gift .. i gave him a bottle of good polish vodka and a card.. it made him smile!!! YAY!!

  8. Name.............StartingWeight....Current......Goal.........To Go





    FeliciaLevy75......286.................244............240........... 4

    Gayle21..............190.......... ......190............175...........15

    Jeni 85................189.................182............169...........13

    Laura bough........215.................205............190...........15









    YAY!!! I'm back in the challenge.. i got my fill today 6cc's (i was 9cc's before being unfilled) Im not even close to the sweet spot but at least i got some sense of fullness now.. and maybe even a slight bit of resriction!!!

    I am so beyond proud of myself right now.. i went 2 wks beinG unfilled and lost!!! 1.5lbs!!! I didn't gain!!!! YAY!!!

    The best part is that because of the 1.5lbs.. it put me at a bmi of 29.85... Which means im no longer OBESE!!!! I'm just simply overweight!!!:wink2:

  9. All anti inflammatories (NSAIDS) like asprin, naproxen, and ibuprofen.. are believed to be the cause of some band erosions.

    My surgeon is ok with me taking them as long as i take the liquid childrens form or crush the pill.. the whole point is for the medication to pass throught the stoma fast, so it doesnt just sit on top...

    But like i said it depepends on what your surgeon tells you..

    micountryfarm-- can you let me know why you can't take anti-inflammatorys... I have the same issues with my knee, and when I get the pain attack nothing helps like aleve or voltarin. I am scheduled for surgery Sept 17, I know i can't take them prior to surgery-- but why not after?


  10. Raine,

    It's been a while since i had the band surgery. But i still can offer some advice..

    The day before surgery i was a nervous wreck, i couldn't think straight.. My mom said i was a mess.. But that night before surgery, i thought to myself all the reasons why i had decided to have the band and how this was to my benefit.. The next day i went to the hospital and put my complete trust in my surgeon and was ready for my new life...

    I am now almost 17mths post-op and am down 104lbs... I never regretted my decision for 1min.. My only wish is that i had done it sooner...

    Im not going to lie and say it was easy or painless, it does take work and you will be a little uncomfortable, but it is so worth it.. Not only does the scale move down but all the health benifits you recieve.. Also all the confidence you gain..

    Best of luck to you on your new journey and new healthier life!!!:)

  11. I am going thru the same thing. I was banded on June 9th. I have lost 42 lbs total but 15 of it was due to the pre-op diet. I have had three fills so far and I still don't feel too much restriction. I have thrown up if I have eaten turkey and cheese too fast but other than that I feel I can eat quite a bit. My weight went back and forth between 37-40lbs for about 3 weeks then I finally went down two more lbs. today I ate a vegetable and cheese egg beater omlet (hold the toast and home fries), a half of a roast beef dip sandwich and a small caesar salad for lunch and THREE pieces of pizza and a very small piece of cake for supper. I am starving right now!! I don't know if it is the food choices I made or what. For a few days I was eating mainly Protein with just raw veggies and my weight was down but I was still hungry and didn't feel that great. I have a friend who had the band and lost close to 100 lbs in a year. When I am with her she eats very little and gets full very quickly and that just isn't happening here.


    Hi kim my guess is you need an adjustment.... feeling hungry all the time indicates that you need a fill, an slow weight loss as well.

    Also avoid the pizza!!!! to many calories and no nutritional value..

    If your going to have a salad, chose a healthier dressing low fat balsamic vinagear, or italian.. avoid the creamy stuff like ceaser or ranch... Too many calories.. Also i would suggest adding 3-4oz of grilled chicken on top for th protien to keep you fuller longer..

    I had a very hard time with the protien at first and i was constantly hungry.. this is why our dr's stress the protien first thing...

    And if you are still hungry on only 3 small meals a day try choosing a low calorie snack in between meals like almonds, or some raw veggies...

    This should help until you get to that sweet spot with your band.. it will be a little easier.. But remember what the band is all about... it helps us with portions but the food choices are up to us.. and no one said this was going to be a easy breeze.. good luck

  12. You are doing great so far... And you have plenty of time to lose the weight..

    Remember life likes to throw suprises and challenges for us every once in a while... These things are what makes a person stronger and wiser.. We get to know ourselves better, and learn that no matter what life throws us next we will make it through...

    Just think you have done fabulous in spite of your injury.. Remember our health and healing comes first before the weight loss.. So whatever loss you have now think of as a bonus... And when your knee is ready im sure that you will be up and moving and shedding those pounds with pride!!!! Wait till you hit that sweet spot you will be in full course weight loss mode..

    Also, what i find that helps me, is finding those non-scale victories in everyday life (loose fitting clothes, smaller sizes, loose rings, getting up a flight of stairs without being short of breath, crossing my legs like a lady, etc.) Its things like that, wich make us feel the best.. It doesnt matter the number on the scale, but how our health is improving...

    I recently had to get a complete unfill with my band (i was at the sweet spot) because i had surgery to remove my gallbladder.. But im thinking of it as a challange to see how much i have learned with the band and try to make sure not to gain in the two weeks!!! I have not weighed myself, i won't until i see my surgeon on monday...

    BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!!! And remember you are doing great.. And LBT memebers are always here to help.. Keep us updated on your healing and progress!!

  13. Dont be freaked out quite yet.... Our cycles are very picky... The body like everything to be steady so a sudden weight-loss could freak it out!!! Basically, our body make sure it is a good time to get pregnant before it give us a chance to... So keep track, and if it happens again, give your dr. a call just to be on the safe side!!!

    I finally freaked out when i went 8mth w/o a period but then again i learned i had P.C.O.S.

    But like i said Our menstrual Cycle likes calm and routine ... No suprises or changes.. Because if we pull a suprise on our body with weight loss then our periods we get revenge!!!:thumbup:

    And as far as bc, i am currently on it and i found that Yasmin works pretty well and doesnt have bad side effects (at least for me) and any minor side effects it does have can be completely alleviated by taking it before bedtime!! And no weight gain either!!! And Yasmin also has a low-dose form called Yaz if you are really worried about side effects!!


    First of all, i have a new non-scale victory to share with everyone because i literally can't stop smiling from ear to ear:biggrin:. I wen shopping today for last min. things for my vegas trip. And me and my friend were at JCPenny's, i was looking for some bottoms to wear and she pulled a pair of capris' off the rack and said hey Jen these would look nice.. And i looked at her like she was nuts:glare: because they looked like they would be small; and when i looked at the size (15) i thought she was even more crazy. She said they will fit and to got try them.. So i figured prove her wrong.. But instead proved myself wrong!!! THEY FIT!!!:tt2: I was shocked, not only did they fit but they look great!!! (i got the problem now of getting my mind to majorly catch up with the body change, because i got myself still in size 20 mind set...)

    Juli, thank you some much for your words of encouragment, I really need that as i register for classes. You always know the right thing to say!!!:thumbup: And still completly jealous about the disney world trip!!! LoL

    Janine, i wish you all the very best of luck on getting re-banded.. I know you will get it!!! I was so happy to see your going to do it again.. And dont be discouraged by the weight gain because it is gonna come back off .. I believe in you, You are a strong person and from previous posts of yours that i have read you always are so optimistic and determined. So i nave complete faith that you will get the band and be even more successful this time around!!!:cool2: As far as what group to be in, I would love for you to stay with the Marchies because you bring a lot of input into our group and you fit in perfectly.. And like juli said, ONCE A MARCHIE, ALWAY A MARCHIE!!!:lol: We will continue to help each other out!!

    Lastly, I am going for my Adjustment on monday (yay!!):w00t:. And i wanted to do something for my surgeon to show him how grateful i am for all that he has done for me.. I got him a thank you card but want to do something more... Any suggestions???? I was thinking maybe a good bottle of wine, or since im polish a nice bottle of vodka??? But i dont want to come off as being weird.. HELP!!!:thumbup: I feel and have a need to give something to someone who has done so much for me DO you think that this is a good idea?!?!?!

    Sorry all for the long post i had a lot to say, and at least i warned you!!:tt2: At least I made sure to keep it fun and colorful !!!:biggrin2: I know im a Dork!!

  15. Get some rest Jeni!

    Don't over do it. Good to see you're up and about though.

    Almost done with school for a summer. I get a week off. We are going to Disney on Saturday. I'm so excited, I think even more than my six year old. I've never been!

    Have a good week everyone!

    lol ... ill get plenty of nice vacation time next week.. I leave aug 14 to vegas and i dont come back till the 19th....

    Almost done with summmer classes.. i start fall classes in sept. I got lik 40 more credits to go before before i can start my nursing classes...

    So ive decided to go full time otherwise im going to be at school till 30 to get my RN.. I better get plenty of rest because starting sept i will be workin full time and going to school fulltime.. ill definately be burnt out by winter break... But it will pay off in the end..

    And disney, IM SO JEALOUS!!! lol... disneyworld or land???

    Ive only been to disney world and i absolutely loved it at 20yrs old... i acted like i was 5yrs which made it o much fun... Have a fabulous time!!:)

  16. Hey Marchies,

    The board seems so quiet lately.... Well taday was my first day back at work, and i was happy to be back but about 4-5hrs into my shift i was worn down majorly!!! A week at home sitting around felt like i was back to myself, but going back to work and using muscles i havent used in a while i realized, im not completely healed i finally gave in and took a pain killer and now im laying i bed relaxinf before i have to go to work tomorrow...

    But one good thing is that everyone at work said i look like i lost more weight.. It was good to hear that, and i hope they are right!!:)

  17. Sorry i havent checked in in a while..:drool:

    I just had surgery last week to remove my gallbladder and well my surgeon unfilled my band:scared2::cry_smile:.. so i absolutely refuse to step on the scale in fear of being majorly disappointed..

    I see him in 5days for my post-op and fill, ill be weighed then but im expecting that i gained somewhat:unsure:...Hopefully not to much...

    But ill jump back in the challange as soon as i get that fill:thumbup:

  18. im so sorry to hear that gwen (whitepants).

    But congrats on another 2lbs loss.. dont let this sidetrack you.. stay strong, and remeber all the good talks and time you two have had as a blessing..

    Just think your friend would want you to continue in your journey and he now has a close eye on you (kind of like a gaurdian angel)

    If you ever need someone to talk to remmber you always have your fellow bandsters!

  19. Just checking in and see that all is coming into play for some.

    Jeni - glad to see you have a positive attitude about your recovery. Now you can reflect on what you've accomplished and use your new fills as if being filled for the first time and lose your remaing weight to meet your weight goal. (excuse the run on sentence. I didn't want to lose my train of thought.)

    Texas - I'll add you to my prayers along w/ my daughter to pass her classes as well. Good Luck.

    To everone else keep up the good work. Looking to read good resluts from all and do more posting.

    I like the way you put that... (dont worry im not checking grammer lol) Maybe those last stubburn pounds will come off easier:confused:... who knows.. I still haven't stepped o the scale in fear of what it will say.. i figured it would probably be wise to just wait to find out with my surgeon at my post-op/fill visit in 6days!! (at least if i gained he will not yell at me and reassure me that it will be ok.. that the way he is...)

    I know ive had quite a bit of an appitite and the worst part is my family keeps making my favorite irrisistible polish dishes.. But i eat till im satisfied and not stuffed... thats one thing i learned with the band that i can practice even unfilled...

    I have been feeling like i have more energy now and want to actually go back to excercising but i can't :thumbup: damn restrictions.. at least i can go walking...

    I return to work on thurseday, and boy i cant wait.. Who knew i would miss work that much.. And theres only so much resting and relaxing a person can do without getting bored!!! So im going to enjoy today and tomorrow with some tanning and walking...

    Sorry im babbling on and on.. but im in such a good mood..:thumbup:

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