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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jeni 85

  1. Jeni 85

    Marchin into the holidays: Dec 08

    AAHHHH.. I DID REALLY BAD TODAY.. I PRACTICALLY HAD NO PROTIEN AND ALL JUNK food.. SWEETS....!! ' iwas so busy today i didnt have time for anything... and i did the whole thing of lets grab whatever is around.. and since its so close to christmas all our patients brought us a whole bunch of goodies today.. i know its no excuse.. but i promise ill do better tommorrow!!!
  2. Yes.. My Band surgeon informed me that because i had been heavy and obese for so long (most of my life) that he is almost 100% sure that i will want Plastic surgery and need it to remove the excess skin that i will acquire through major weight loss.. He also explained that skin is great at stretching larger but once stretched that it will almost never go back to its original size. He was very thorough in explaining everything at my initial consult.. The last time i saw him he said in another 15lbs i should start looking into plastic surgeons and that he can refer me to some good ones.:thumbup: By the way what is the average recovery time before a person could go back to work after a lower body lift
  3. Jeni 85

    Marchin into the holidays: Dec 08

    First of all welcome to the group!!! My challenge was to lose 10lbs by jan 2009... I also want to get back in gear with my workout.. its been struggling to only 2 times a week id like to kick it up to 4-6 times per week... And make sure to get 10-15,000 steps per day.. Also want to go back to making sure im getting all my protien intake again.. the past two weeks i have been kind of lacking in that department.. I'm going to see a plastic surgeon for a consult on saturday.. Im going to see what he thinks i should still lose before i should have surgery.. also wanted to get and idea of how much it will cost me!!! (and another huge challenge which will be the hardest.. stay away from the christmas cookies!!!)
  4. I figured it is time to start our new thread for November...:tt1: Marchies, we have to try even harder this month as the years end is creeping up... only 2 months left:eek:.. lets make em the best... I know some of us have been hitting dreaded plateau's :tt1: and bums in the road.. lets finally change that... WE CAN DO THIS!!!:tt1: I am determined to get off at least 10lbs by new years eve... Anyone else with me??:smile2:
  5. Jeni 85

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    Here's the link to our new december thread!! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f90/marchin-into-holidays-dec-08-a-82349/#post1077152
  6. Jeni 85

    Thinning Hair!!!

    i heard prenatal vitamins help!!
  7. Jeni 85

    Holy Protein Cow! Cottage Cheese!

    I used to hate cottage cheese.. and after banding i grew quite fond of it... you know this is a bad thread to read for a girl who has period cravings... im about to go to the store to by some and eat it with avocado and tomato!!
  8. Jeni 85

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    tHANK YOU GWEN.... Happy Thanksgiving to eveyone!! hope this holiday isn't too tempting... I know they are for me.. my mom made her famous sweet potatoes!! Have a good one!!
  9. Jeni 85

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    Thats Awesome Tia... CONGRATS!!!:sad: Actually i got some good news my scale is moving in the right direction again.. I saw 181 this morning.. i never saw that at number... i was stuck a 184-187.. YAY!!:crying: So i lost 3lbs!! yippee!!!
  10. Jeni 85

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    Ok so the fill was definately to tight... i had the day from hell yesterday.. was pbing everything i put to my mouth.. and then towards the evening it got so bad to the point where liquids weren't staying down... so i emailed my surgeon. and i met him in the ER so he could unfill me and i could eat again!!! YAY!!! I havent really tried solids... but im able to have thick Soups and fluids and yogurt... thanks juli!!!
  11. Jeni 85

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    I've got good news.. I DONT HAVE A LEAK AND I DONT HAVE TO GET REVISION SURGERY... YAY!!!! And he gave me restriction again!!! yay.. Stupid me tried to eat normally right away and i had a pb like i haven't in the longest time.. and i didnt miss it one bit.. But i think i may be slightly too tight now.. but at least i know its functioning now!! if it doesnt loosen up a bit in a couple days when the swelling goes down then it means i need to be a little unfilled... as crazy as this sounds but im glad to be too tight right now.. because it mean the band is holding the Fluid and this is a lot easier to fix then a leak.. Things are starting to look brighter.. My brother also agreed to go to rehab!!! FINALLY!!! And i had a date with a great guy that likes the way i look and knows about my past!!
  12. Jeni 85

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    ya that may be the case... but we will see .. i go to see him on thursday and we are going to do it under fluoro..
  13. Jeni 85

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    thanks juli, i will let everyone know that same day. I PROMISE!!:wink2:
  14. Jeni 85

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    *UPDATE* My surgeon emailed me back explaining what could have happened and why i lost Fluid.. and things are starting to look a bit optimistic.. this is what he said: "If during the adjustment, the needle does not engage the reservoir perfectly, there can be a small and steady leak during the adjustment process around the needle insertion site. Therefore, between the time we think the adjustment is perfect and the time the needle comes out, the reservoir can leak a bit (into the tissues of the abdominal wall; it is just sterile saline) after which, your restriction can be even less than when we started. I am suspecting that this is what happened to you two adjustments ago. Right now, I know you should have close to 6 cc of fluid in your band. If I put the needle in the perfect place and we get 6 cc back, then there is no reason to worry about a leak. I can guarantee this if we use x-ray. For some reason, your adjustments have been a bit more challenging (perhaps because your reservoir has rotated a bit) and if we do it without x-ray, there is a small chance that we will get confused again. I hope this helps." So basically it may have been just a scare... i hope so.. i go in to Thursday to double check.. so we will see.. but im feeling somewhat relieved. But wont be completely relaxed until he pulls out 6cc's on Thursday.
  15. Jeni 85

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    I actually went for an adjustment last week and after the adjustment i had noticed that i had less restriction than before the fill.. and i knew it was a problem when i was able to eat bread.. this worried me... i emailed my surgeon.. and he asked me to come in... I went in on Thursday to see him and he said he is going to see if there is any back pressure when he puts the needle in to give me another fill... and he immediately got a look of confusion.. he said that there wasn't as much backpressure and then he said.. that he is going to check how much was in my band..when he pulled back to see.. he was immediately concerned.. there was a lot less then 8.5ccs in there.. indicating a leak.. So the same day we went to the hospital to xray to see where the leak was.. Funny thing is that he couldn't find it on xray... Which he was happy about...Because that meant it may be a chance i wont need a revision surgery.. But here is the catch....there can still be a be a small leak that doesnt show up on the xray!!! So we are going to do a little experiment.. he put a new fill of 6cc's and he said we are going to test the theory to see how restriction lasts.. and i have to email him everyday with updates.. and lets just put it this way... its not good.. It's not looking good.... i barely feel anything.. I'm hoping that its just that i need a larger fill but...fearful thats not it.. If it so happens that there is a small leak then he wont know where it is.. which mean he would need to replace the whole bad system.. Oh well like they say when it rains it pours.. :Dancing_sorry:
  16. Jeni 85

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    Marchies, please keep your fingers crossed that i dont need a new band... i may have a possible leak... I had 8.5cc's and a lot of it is missing from my band:crying:
  17. Jeni 85

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    Acutually yes.. and it has been happening a lot lately.... its quite painful... Its bearable... but uncomfortable
  18. Jeni 85

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    ' Thanks gwen and juli... i know these things but yet i cant seem to overcome them.. im working on it i promise i will get back there.. i still work out at home and outside.. but now that its getting cold i have to keep things inside.. not that much in my house to do so, the gym needs to be used.. lol:rolleyes:
  19. Jeni 85

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    I hope so too gwen.... but i'm waiting to see what my surgeon says after he reviews the notes he made in my chart, to make a decision whether or not i should go in for another decision... He is worried that there maybe a leak in the system (band) i hope not!!! Its great to hear that you got the much needed motivation that you needed to go to the gym.. I wish i had more.. Although i will have more of a push to go later this month when my best frend gets a membership. so ill have a workout buddy... my main reason for not going because im still self concious about my looks and i dont like going by myself.. it helps to keep my mind off of that if im with someone.. I know it seems silly... but this is one thing im trying to overcome.. i guess this will come with time..
  20. Jeni 85

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    Wow, has it gotten cold outside.... i have noticed myself wanting to stay inside and under the blankets.... LOL... but thats not good... i have to get moving... Anyways, i went for another fill thursday and the strangest thing is i can eat more now than before the fill.. I dont know how this can be.. I got worried so i emailed my surgeon.. Has anyone ever had this happen to them???
  21. Jeni 85

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    So Gwen (whitepants) are you on thyroid meds??? I know i will eventually find something that works again..... It just kinda weird how the body works.. i have no appetite and am barely eating... but yet fail to lose weight... strange i think.. i know the body will hold on to every last calorie when not eating... I'm not doing this on purpose just don't have an appetite... but i am working on it.... Anyways, i'm starting to feel a little bit better lately.... i think that the antidepressant is starting to work a little bit.. Although im starting to get a bit concerned because i have noticed that my hands are a bit shaky lately and i also noticed today that my muscles in my arms are now getting shaky as well.. i am wondering if this is a side effect and if it is normal... Has anyone in here ever been on antidepressants and had this side effect??? I think im going to give my doctor a call to see if i should be concerned...What do you all think??
  22. Jeni 85

    surgery embarrassing questions

    completely down to the birthday suit as they like to say.. but keep in mind they cover everything that needs to be private with surgical drapings... Also dont be embaressed.. the people who will be seeing you see naked people in the OR every day..... they do this for sterile reason.. clothing holds a lot or germs and bacteria thats why they dont want it in the OR As for diarrhea, i got it really bad.... but thats because i got sick after surgery and got a Clostridium Difficle infection... but once i was put on the meds i was ok after a couple of days..:rolleyes2: And never be embarresed to ask your surgeon anything.. i have talked to my surgeon about everything.. even things not related to surgery and he has answered them for me:blushing:.... no question is stupid... they are doctors, and its a part of thier job to make sure the patient is comfortable and well informed!!
  23. Jeni 85

    Did your shoe size change?

    i went from a 10w to 8 1/2 .. no more wide... :rolleyes2:
  24. Jeni 85

    Thinning Hair!!!

    This whole hair thinning/hair loss thing really does suck... its bad enough i have to live with it but my mother reminds me of it everyday... enough to drive a girl crazy.. i started taking the Biotin today.. and am going to make sure im getting enough protien... also i have the pcos thing that causes hair thinning and my dr. thinks i may have low thyroid problem which im getting tested for this month...:rolleyes2:
  25. Jeni 85

    Marchies:The Month Of The Turkey

    I completely agree with you... these holidays are killers .... especially christmas.... Well the day of and the 2wks before when at my house we start doing all the baking.. and not to mention everyone bringing in baked goods into work... :rolleyes2: too bad the band doesnt stop us from making bad food choices... lol:tongue2: so anyone else want to join me and juli to be minus 10 by 2009???

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
