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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jeni 85

  1. Jeni 85

    Marchies 2yr Bandiversary Month!!!

    Juli good luck with everything... and i know what you mean, there are so much more in our other things ineveryone elses lives that are on other than thier bands... I too am having plenty of stressful situations to deal with!! And needless to say I am absolutely terrified about thurseday!!! Surgery Day!!! I have never been more nervous about anything than this.. i got myself so worked up, that i have no appitite and have thrown up any food that i attempted to eat today!!! Dont worry im keeping in my Fluid intake.. and drinking plenty of protien drinks to make up for not eating.. its just nerves and it will fix itself after surgery.. and plus i am getting unfilled for surgery on wednesday... So anyone have any god ideas t help calm pre-surgery jitters!!???
  2. Lucky you.... i just found out my insurance wont approve the procedure!!!!!!!
  3. Jeni 85

    Question for Dr. Schulman

    thank you.. makes sense...:confused:
  4. Dr. Schulman, I'm going to be undergoing a Belt Lipectomy on March 12th... My birthday is on March 27th and i was planning on having a little get together for my birthday at a hotel.. So here is my dilemma... I was wondering how long after the procedure would i be able to get into a pool/hot tub at the hotel... I know its a pretty large incision, so i really want to know when it will be ok...
  5. Jeni 85

    Marchies 2yr Bandiversary Month!!!

    ThANKS!!!!!! That is so sweet....... Im literally counting down the days... 8 more days!!!:scared2: I have such mixed feelings... Im excited but scared at the same time... But i also found out i have to have my band unfilled for the procedure... What are the odds of me convincing my band surgeon to refill me that following week?!?!?!? So im going to be getting my belly button pierced next month after im almost back to normal.... I know this seem a little teenager thing.. but i wanted one at 16 (couldnt have it because of weight) and now i will be able to show it off... so i dont care what my mom says im doing it!!:thumbup: Lol i know im rambling im going to stop now...
  6. but my dr. said it was to prevent any harm to band .. what did your dr. say??? Im so confused

  7. Hey Juli,


    Did your band or plastic surgeons recommend that you need to get an unfill before the cosmetic procedure???


    -jeni m

  8. Jeni 85

    Marchies 2yr Bandiversary Month!!!

    I completely agree with Juli.. I think its about time we hear from those bandsters!!!! We miss you ladies!!!! So 11 days till my surgery!!!! Im getting more and more nervous each day it gets closer.... But anyways, i went to the gym yesterday and ended up staying there for 3hrs!!! I usually only go for an hour but i was for some odd reason having a good time...:thumbup: But im a little sore now!!!!:wink: Oh well, i managed to do 45min on the elliptical and probably could have done it longer but decided to do some other machines i have never tried before... like all the strength training machines!!!:eek:
  9. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f90/marchies-2yr-bandiversary-month-88794/#post1159471 Heres our new thread for March... Hopefully will be more active this month.... It seems as if all of us are so busy with life and it is hard to catch up let all make a little more effort:tt2:
  10. Hi all thought i would start a new thread for us... I hope everyone is sticking to thier new years resolutions.. and thier band rules.. if not its ok lets get back on track.. So how is everyone doing this month?:tongue:
  11. so im going for my pre-op appt tomorrow afternoon... wish me luck... 2wks from today ill be a nervous wreck only hours away from surgery!!!!!!!!!!
  12. oh trust me i know exactly how you feel... imagine the feeling i got in the pit in my stomach when i realized that its only 15 days away!! <SPAN id="BLIXY COUNTDOWN CODE BEGIN" style=“visibility: hidden"></span> <embed src="http://www.blixy.com/countdown/BlixyCountdown13.swf" flashVars="MovieOvers=3&TitleOvers=3&BGOvers=3&TextExpiration=Plastic%20Surgery&TextTitle=Plastic%20Surgery%20%23%201&GlowColor=null&NumsColor=16777011&TextColor=16776960&BGColor=51&Second=0&Minute=0&Hour=0&Day=12&Month=3&Year=2009&" quality="high" bgcolor="ffffff" width="300" height="200" name="index_admin" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /><br><a href="http://www.blixy.com">Create your countdown widget and more at Blixy.com!</a><br> <SPAN id="BLIXY COUNTDOWN CODE END" style=“visibility: hidden"></span>
  13. Ok i finally created a plastic surgery thread for my journey http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f12/jeni-altering-her-body-shedding-extra-material-88539/#post1156404 take a look!!:w00t:
  14. im stuggling as well.. but i decided not to look at the scale for a while and just worry about getting exercise in and eating healthy the next 2 1/2 wks before my surgery.. want to be as strong as possible so recovery time isnt too bad.. I have been focusing on this the past two weeks and am very proud to say i am able to do 30min on the eliptical without any problems....and i still go do other excercising afterwards... I went to see my band surgeon on thurseday and he asked me if i would like to give a testimonial for a brochure he is creating for his practice because of how successful i have been.. and i said yes of course!!! As surgery date approaches i find myself getting more and more nervous.. but still completely excited it is the weirdest emotion to explain.. and im having surgery 3 days before my 2yr bandiversary!!
  15. Jeni 85

    self-pay plastic surgery anyone???

    regular tummy tuck 5,600- 7,000 depending on the surgeon and how bad the case is
  16. Im actually not getting anything with my chest done yet.. maybe in a couple years... My chest area was never that larger in the first place and i didnt really lose too much in that area so they are not to bad. They droop a little but nothing drastic... the stages i scheduled because all of the plastic surgeons suggested them in the same stages and they seem to make sense... Take care of the biggest surgery first and then take care of the smaller areas... my arms aren't too horrible but still bother me and my thighs are only bad on the inner portion instead of the outer... March 13th- Belt lipectomy with a brazillian butt lift which he isnt charging me for because im having so many procedures done with him June 15th- Brachioplasty/Thighplasty with lipo o top portion of the back... Total Cost $25,000 I dont have a thread yet but i may put one up.. do you think i should?? and what should i include in there?
  17. He does have a point to a certain extent.. i mean think about ti.. it is a lot healthier to cary around some extra folds of skin rather than carry around all the excess weight!! but still he should warn you about the possibilities
  18. Guess what my Surgery is Scheduled for March 13th!!! Yay!! i finally picked a plastic surgeon after visiting like 6 different ones and i love him he is great!!! Im still waiting for a reply from my insurance company but oh well:crying:!! Anyways i fugured this was a good time to have surgery because i have been at the same weight for 5mths and well truthfully i kinda of feel comfortable where im at .. except for the excess skin.. so it make sense..:rose: dont you agree??
  19. Jeni 85

    Jumping into the NeW YeaR...2009

    heres the new thread for february!! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f90/february-1-mth-till-2yr-bandiversary-87049/#post1136822
  20. Jeni 85

    Jumping into the NeW YeaR...2009

    So Juli do you have a date set for plastic surgery? My first one is going to be around March 15 the day of my 2 year band anniversary. I think that is the perfect way to celebrate !!!
  21. Jeni 85

    Jumping into the NeW YeaR...2009

    Hi all ! I went to see my surgeon yesterday and finally have good restriction again!! I feel motivated again yo continue my weight loss journey! I'm going to look in and see what kind of exercise classes Ballys has to keep me motivated! I'm thinking maybe a kickboxing clas would be fun !
  22. Jeni 85

    Jumping into the NeW YeaR...2009

    Hi everyone and Happy New Year!!! Sorry i haven't been on in so long.. My internet at home isnt working and i havent had time to get on here!! But the good news is that my internet should be up and running by mid next week!! I missed you to juli!!! I missed all of you. Im currently struggling with my weight loss and going up and down the same 5-8lbs.. i have no restriction whatsoever.. im going to get another adjustment under flouro on thurseday the 22nd... Also i have started looking for plastic surgeons in my area. and so far i found one that i like a lot.. but it going t cost me 22,000.. Wow!!! but i submitted to insurance for the panniculectomy and we will see what happens!! but im most likely having the first surgery end of march and the secong one in June... Tummy tuck/back lipo is in march and arms/thigh lift in June... Then in August off to poland for a wedding and to see my moms family who hasnt seen me in 8 years!!! they are going to be so shocked.. they saw pictures of me at my heaviest so are they in for a big suprise!!! Juli looks like me and you once again have similar timings in things we do... toyr having surgery april and mine if end of march.. pretty close!!! And if you want more info on my band surgeon for your cousin or fried let me know im more than willing to give it to you!! I start classes on tuesday and im in for a tough semester but im definately looking forward to getting my nursing degree, so its worth the work... Good luck in the new year everyone.. we only got 2mths till our 2 year bandiversary!!!:sneaky: Lets work extra hard!!!
  23. OK so i was going threw all the treads on here and realized that whenever someone has a NSV they have to put it somewhere randomly.. So i thought it would be a good idea to have a thread celebrating all of our NSV's. (i know im a dork!! ) Ok ill start off, a couple of days ago, i came across this pair of jeans my cousin bought me last year, no last year at that time i couldn't even button them at all (even when i tried to play the whole lets suck my stomach in and lay down on the bed game) So i was curious and just had to try them on.. and guess what I put them on no problem i even had my stomach relaxed. what a wonderful feeling. and today my mom bought me a top and i treid it on and it was to big... IT'S LITTLE THING LIKE THAT, WHICH MAKE YOU FEEL GREAT ABOUT YOURSELF!!!:clap2:
  24. Hey all!! Heres the new thread for December!! Wow!! can hardley believe x-mas is just around the corner.. With the holidays approaching, means more challenges are ahead.. So lets stay strong and make this thread as lively as ever supporting one another through the long road ahead!!
  25. Jeni 85

    Marchin into the holidays: Dec 08

    Sorry all I haven't been on in so long my internet is down and I have been struggling with a stubborn stomach bug for the past two weeks. Also just foubd out I need to have my wisdom teeth pulled abd my asthma almost sent me to the hospital 3 times this week.

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