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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jeni 85

  1. Jeni 85

    Lellow and the Torso Lift

    lol... thats the way i felt... i cant wait to get refilled i go in april 2nd for my adjustment .... the same day of your surgery... ill be thinking of you!!!! Good Luck!!! And Karey yes it is a homeopathic remedy..
  2. Jeni 85

    Marchies 2yr Bandiversary Month!!!

    wow the thread is finally rolling again... glad to see some old friends again that wehavent heard from in a while.. you ladies should check in more often... i find talking on this thread helps to keep me in check:wub:
  3. I had 4 drains, and they are all gone!!!! Yay!!! My surgeon said im healing very well, and the incisions are looking great. He took out almost all of the stitches, only has a few more left, i have to see him next week. He also wrote me a note for work so i could get a couple more days at home till friday..... Well got to go to class...
  4. Jeni 85

    Lellow and the Torso Lift

    im pretty sure you can you get those online... np if you need anything else let me know
  5. Jeni 85

    Lellow and the Torso Lift

    what is the name of that spray!!!!, actually all my scars have a discoloration to them, and one of them was slightly raised until this ps, it seems pulling the skin down helped flatten it out... but ya i definately would like too try it.. if your into the whole homepathic remedies, there are 2 you can use 1.) Arnica Montana- helps prevent bruising 2.) Staphysagria- promotes healing of surgical wounds im using both, the company that makes them is Boiron, hope that helps. in the usa they sell them at whole foods, im not sure if you have one of those in australia... Help maybe if i ever make it dow there you can show me around!!.. Its my dream vacation to go down to australia for like a month!!:crying:
  6. Thank you...:crying: as far as choosing a plastic surgeon... mzake sure to see a few and get a coupled different opions to see wh has the best treatment plans as well as the best bedside manner that is important.. also make sure to check out his or her qualifications as well..... I saw 6 different plastic surgeons before i decided... Good Luck and its wonderful to hear you gonna look back into the ps.. trust me you wont regret it!!!! As far as the plastic surgery goes, im going in tommorow to get my drains out, thank god!!!!!!! They are a bit annoying because the get in the way when trying to get dressed... Oh well, slowwly im starting to walk better, im not as hunched over as before.. and get this i finally got out in the fresh air today!!! it was so nice!!! ok ttyl, and wish me luck tommorow, Jeni:wub:
  7. Jeni 85

    April Fools Weightloss Challenge

    HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! LOL.. DONUT DAY WOULD BE GREAT.. I just stumbled upon this challenge now, so too late for me to join... ill join the next one, on april second... that should give me enough time to recover from my ps.. good luck lades, you are all doing wonderfully!!!:smile:
  8. Jeni 85

    Lellow and the Torso Lift

    Hey lellow.. you hanging in there???? I cant wait till you and julie join me in the flatlands!!! to tell yu the truth i was able to get on and off the toilet without a riser... but i do wish i had the wedge pillows... actually ill see if i could con my mom into buying me one.. still need to sleep in that psition... i have been using alot of pillows!!! and why do you need a silicone spray????:smile:
  9. Jeni 85

    Raw Oysters?

    never had raw oysters... heck the first time i had sushi was like two weeks ago .. i had mini salmon rolls.. uyummy.. i was only able to eat 4, before my band yelled stop!!!!! i think 4 mini is equal to 1 large roll right??? but anyways as soon as i can get walking like a healthy young adult and not like th hunchback of notre dame im going to purchase some more sushi rolls.. as far as crawfish... never tried it... Is it good??? Does it have a very strong taste or is it a more mild fish??
  10. Jeni 85

    Is it bad that I want him to be jealous?

    i completely agree!!!!!!!!!!!! and just gets more and more apparent the higher the weight loss goes.. im at 120lbs lost, now and its crazy...:thumbup:
  11. i agree with wasa!!!! sips not gulps!!! very bad gulping... i actually once had the perfect fill and i had a piece of meat and it got stuck.. 2 hrs later it was still bothersome.. no going up or down.. so i decided to gulp Water and that solved my problem... not that i would recommend this to anyone, nor would i do it again.... And if you ahave a hard time with liquids with regular drinking not gulping you definately need and unfill... also make sure the water is room temp. ... if its just some swelling from the fill a little hot tea may help with reducing swellling.... but dont go stuffing yourself afterwards ..... i always have hot tea the friest few days after a fill it seems to help the swelling go down quicker in order for me to transition easier stage to stage.. good luck keep us posted!!
  12. I have P.C.O.S as well, i wasnt diagnosed with it until after being banded.. I think i did pretty well for myself... 120lbs in 2 yrs isnt too shabby i dont think.... Im taking the Metformin as well as Yasmin to control my PCOS, and excercise and weight loss helped control my pcos greatly. im still dealing with some of the annoying symptoms but to a lighter degree of seriousness.. except for the hair loss. i still cant get that under control.. oh well beggers cant be choosers... MITRI!!!!! YOUR ALIVE!!!!!! I WAS STARTING TO WRRY WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU ... i HAVENT HEARD FROM YOU SINCE LIKE SEPT!!
  13. Jeni 85

    Marchies 2yr Bandiversary Month!!!

    Recovery is going well... but i tend to want things rushed and wishing things will go faster... My dr. says im doing great and healing fast as it is.. so im happy... Im very pleased with my results... and cant wait till end of may to get the full package deal and have my arm and legs taken care of!!! ive already did some online shopping for bathing suit/bikini and bought a two piece tankini.. it was exciting cant wait till it comes in the mail!!!
  14. Ladies good luck in surgery!!! And don't worry everything will turn out great!!! I know you ladies will be nervous beforehand but that's normal and i went through it as well... and trust me i was a nervous wreck!!! And thanks for those wonderful words ladies... Just remember how great you will look after!!! Word advice... make sure too find a plastic chair that will fit in your bathtub or shower.... this way you will be ale to shower sooner (and trust me you will be desperate to!!), this is because you wont be able to stretch completely , or stand to long either.. and with being on heavy pain meds not to safe to go standing in a wet bathtub:tongue_smilie:.. oh and have someone help you bathe!! I figured i would let you know this ahead of time so your prepared!! I was shocked because i thought i was and the plastic chair didnt fit in the tub.... i sat on a step stool.. not very comfy r easy to use for that matter.... Make sure to keep me posted how things go... im excited for you ladies!!!
  15. I see that you are having the same procedure done.. when is it scheduled??? As far as positivity , im usually a glass is half full type... always looking at the positive in every situation... So far i happy with the results..... the surgeon said it will look better once th swelling goes down. i cant wait to see!!! good luck at surgery
  16. no i was 190 pre op ill post pictures as soon as i have them available to me.. but keep in mind im only 4days post op.... im not seeing the surgeon for another week march 23rd when the drains come out!!
  17. yay thats awesome...!!! i always wanted to see how cute tey looked.. but everytime i put them on they magically dissapearred into the skin!!!! so i cant wait to be able to see how it looks.. like my plastic surgeon said you have tiny little body/core hiding there.. our job is to bring it out.. like i always said no pain no gain..!!!
  18. thanks lol!!! plenty of rest.. but also keep up and moving:w00t:
  19. i just had the belt lipectomy and am super happy with the results.. i have a thigh lift scheduled for june... the way he is doing my thigh lift is not only is he doing the cut in the groin area but he is going to take the incision down the thigh to where the excess ends (which luckily isn't down too low) So he is taking the two different types of methods and tailoring them to my needs... so make sure you are very clear with what you want with your surgeon and he can tailor a plan for you.. It very important that you and your surgeon are on the same boat... with this being said i still havent had that procedure done.. but im only 3 days out from the belt lipectomy and am happy with the results already!!
  20. not the yet but the majority is// i just need to get rid of the extra side boob that i have and the front butt i have on the fron part of my inner thighs and im good to go!!! oh yea and the recovery part might help too,,,, lol... so how long did you walked hunched over for???
  21. -20lbs + of excess skin and fat removed!! surgery went well!!!!
  22. Jeni 85

    Marchies 2yr Bandiversary Month!!!

    Hi all.... Surgery went well and im doing ok.... It's not like its a walk in the park, but its getting better everyday... I stayed two nights in the hospital and came home last night at 9pm and went straight to bed..... Pain med make me very drowsy so thats all i wanted to do, is sleep.. But it looks great!!! And the surgeon said he got off at least 20lbs of excess tissue!!! Tammy my banding sister!!! its so goo to hear from you again... today is our day!! And gwen your bandiversary is on my birthday March 27th!!
  23. Jeni 85

    Marchies 2yr Bandiversary Month!!!

    Awww... Gwen you are too sweet!!!! Didn't realize that i was an inspiration.... And yes my nerves are going haywire... i cant sleep... in 36hrs i will already be 20min into the procedure!!!! What helped a little was going to the gym and hopping onto the elliptical for 40... i guess the adrenaline rush was a good idea... im gonna go to the gym tomorrow night and the morning of the procedure... ok ill come and check in possibly tomorrow night or if not after surgery
  24. Jeni 85

    Marchies 2yr Bandiversary Month!!!

    thanks!!! i am very excited about getting rid of the excess stuff:w00t: and ill be 3wks out when you go for yours.... so i will definately let you know
  25. Jeni 85

    Marchies 2yr Bandiversary Month!!!

    i know ill be ok... but just nervous.. which is normal... so julie what are you getting done ps ??? my surgery is in 2 how about yours?

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