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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jeni 85

  1. Jeni 85

    OH Juli's Plastic Surgery

    Glad to hear you are doing well!!! So are the arms really that bad??? I go in for my arms and legs in june
  2. Jeni 85

    April: Marching into spring

    i cant either.. lol to tell you the truth i cant remember the before that well.. and plus i would like to see them side by side:wub:
  3. Jeni 85

    Lellow and the Torso Lift

    completely agree with you lellow!!! the back pain was the most uncomfortable...and the drains second that...
  4. ok updated.. lost 1.8lbs
  5. Jeni 85

    Advice please!!!!!!!!!!

    i completely agree.. my band surgeon had about 1800bands placed under his belt at the time i went to see him for my consult... he now has a lot more... Expirience is important
  6. Jeni 85

    Lellow and the Torso Lift

    So glad to hear you are doing so well... !!! dont feel bad about the drain i had all four of them in for 10days.. so not too bad.... somehow the results make us feel so much better!!!
  7. Jeni 85

    OH Juli's Plastic Surgery

    good luck in surgery!!!! let us know how it goes!!:thumbup:
  8. Jeni 85

    Advice please!!!!!!!!!!

    go see a lapband only surgeon with lots of expirience.... ignore this guy he doesnt know what he is atalking about and seems t like to take the easy way out!!:thumbup:
  9. Jeni 85

    3yrs 11mths and 21 days .... I hit GOAL!!!

  10. its dangerous to abruptly stop any antidepressents.. high risks of suicide and depression possibly getting worse.. i say stick with the pills until you see your doc... or slowly decrease the dosage.. but never just stop...
  11. Jeni 85

    Emptying Band For Travel?

    I have been banded for 2 years now and have travel to vegas without unfilling my band.. i didnt find a need because quite frankly i can enjoy myself in many other ways other than food.. and plus think about pricey restarauts and how small thier portions are... i come from a polish family and trust me they like to eat.. im actually going in august to poland for 2 wks with no intention on getting an unfill.. and ill deal with the explaining of me trying to live a healthier life... Ive had my band unfilled for my gallbladder surgery and it took my 6mths of going to get fillled and unfilled to find that sweet spot.. and my dr. isnt afraid to do an aggressive fill either.. you think you will be able to control yourself thinking you changed your ways.. but truth is we all still have the mind we used to have preband.. eat when hungrey and trust me i was hungry all the time.. even though i tried to eat healthy and excercise.. not trying to be harsh im just speaking from personal experience!!:welldoneclap:
  12. welcome to band land!!!! and congrats on taking your first step in having a healthier life!!! If you have any questions feel free to ask... Ive been banded for a little over 2 years now, down 122lbs and still going... actually had plastic surgery to remove excess skin 3wks ago on my belly and back... In june im going to have my arms and legs done
  13. Jeni 85

    April: Marching into spring

    Thanx Gwen!!! Im feeling fabulous and am very happy with the results so far!!! The surgeon says im still a little swollen.. but even so im ecstatic!!! I cant wait till june for round 2 where my thighs and arms are done this way i wont look like a mr potatoe head (mismatched parts!!!) LoL!!!... I went to the gym for the first time thurseday.. and lets just say i dont think my body is quite ready for that yet... maybe next week... Juli good luck to you on monday!!! ill keep you in my prayers!!
  14. Jeni 85

    Newbie- hello from IL

    welcome to bandland!!!:welldoneclap:
  15. thanks jason!!!:grouphug: welcome to bandland Nicole (audsmom)
  16. Im trying to go onto the page but it wont let me!!!! If someone can add me that would be great!! Name Start Goal Current To Go Jeni 85 173 165 173 8 Im aiming for 1 lb a week.. so hopefully ill be able to hit it...
  17. So i just learned from my band surgeon that i should probably get an unfill before my surgery on March first in order to prevent any harm to the band, stomach, and esophagus.. This kind of surprised me to hear this...:hurray: I really am dreading an unfill because of previous experiences.. The last complete unfill i got was right before my cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal) back on July 31st. It took me 5/6 months to finally get restriction again... I dont want to go through this again...:party: So what i wanna know is how many people had to get their bands unfilled for surgery?? And if you didnt get an unfill where there any complications???
  18. everything went wonderful!!! Got 2.3ccs out before the surgery and it is now almost 3wks post op and am gettting it put back in.. But all is weell. Thanks
  19. Jeni 85

    Marchies 2yr Bandiversary Month!!!

    thanks tammy!!!!! ill be putting up my before plastic surgery and after.. as soon as i get them:tongue:.. i didnt take the afters yet HERE IS THE NEW THREAD FOR APRIL!!!! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f90/april-marching-into-spring-91146/#post1188112
  20. WOW... It is so hard to believe that this month we will all reach our 2yr mark... I think this will be a great time for all of us to give an update and reflect on the past 2 years.. I think we have all done wonderfully... And i am so happy i was able to share this journey with all of you wonderful ladies... We are all such beautiful inside and out, but i think that some of us are coming to see that about ourselves and growing more confident as we progress. Thank you all for your wonderful support and great stories... I'm pretty sure we all are proud ourselves. I know im proud of all of you!!! So lets make the next year the best one yet and work even harder to shed off those last few stubborn pounds till our goals!!!
  21. Jeni 85

    Lellow and the Torso Lift

    good luck tommorrow!!!! ill keep you in my prayers for a speedy recovery... you will be ok.. i promise... you seem like a strong person so no worries!!:seeya: make sure to let us know how you re doing asap!!!:thumbdown:
  22. Jeni 85

    Lellow and the Torso Lift

    Scars are healing beautifully!!!! I cant believe im only two weeks post op... my scars look like im 4wks out... light pink and all closed up!! a scab or two here and there but tiny things aroung the few sutures i get taken out on thurseday!! Im feeling almost back to my old self .. except looking a lot better -20lbs is quite a diff. and im already preparing myself for the next surgery!!! You will be fine i promise.. Us bandsters are tough cookies!!! My mom keep saying saying she cant believe how tough and strong i am to endure a big surgery... Like i told her if you want something bad enough the pain doesnt seem bad... I actually feell like i can eat huge meals as weel and am constantly hungry!!! I hate that feeling but 2 more days.. and i get a fill!!! Thank God.!!! I also cant wait till i can go back to the gym... im not completely 100% but i should be by next week... hopefully ill be able to at least do some light cardio/aerobics stuff.. ill go crazy if i cant... i know i have to wait at least 4-6 wks more for strength training stuff.. Enough of my rambling....
  23. Jeni 85

    Lellow and the Torso Lift

    Its not being easy unfill.. at least you are able to get a fill 4 days post op.. i on the otherhand had to wait 3wks!!! But thats ok... its all good... So how are you holding up these last couple days before surgery????:biggrin:
  24. Jeni 85

    Marchies 2yr Bandiversary Month!!!

    Yay!!! I'm so excited for you... Im almost back too myself except without 20 extra lbs of skin and fat!!! im excited!! I'm already thinking and preparing for the next one!! I know i may be slightly crazy but trust me... You get that inner core done the rest of your body looks out of place, like mismatched parts...... But unfortunately i cant get anything done till June Oh well At least i can go back to the gym next week to do some mild cardio!!! no strength training for at least 4 more weeks... no biggie im more of a cardio person anyway!!! But ya, all my clothes waist down including panties are falling off, and i need to buy all new things!!! Yay!!! good excuse to go shopping!!! Ok enough of my rambling.. good luck Juli.. Keep us posted!!:biggrin:
  25. ok im so joining!!!! Count me in !!!!

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