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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jeni 85

  1. Jeni 85

    OH Juli's Plastic Surgery

    yay pictures!!! im waiting till after my next surgery but cant wait to see yours
  2. Jeni 85

    July 4th Challenge - 120 days

    Ok, i'm joining a little late.. but better than nothing Name.......................... Start Wt....... Current....... Goal....... To Go 3ShotRoc..................... 345.............. 263............ 220........ 43 Alabubba..................... 464.............. 464............ 400........ 64 Alleycia....................... 255.............. 226............ 198........ 28 Annieemmm................. 200.............. 198............. 170....... 28 Ashleyrenee................ 240.............. 240............. 199........ 41 Barb12590.................. 173.............. 158............. 155.......... 3 Betelnut..................... 295.............. 273............. 245........ 28 Bklyn1984................... 317.............. 248............. 230........ 18 Blaze21...................... 200.8........... 192.8........... 170........ 22.8 Blklab70282................. 241............. 241.............. 220........ 19 ChickyAbby................. 314............. 314.............. 270........ 44 Clcort........................ 236............. 200.............. 200........ 36 CountrygirlNY.............. 253............. 217.............. 182........ 35 Crzytchr2004.............. 237............. 232.............. 210........ 22 Ewiedbingcott ............ 215.5.......... 211.2............ 198........ 13.2 Fab by 50.................. 215............. 204............... 175........ 29 Fordgal88.................. 199.............. 175.............. 199........ 24 Hdsantoni.................. 252.............. 202.............. 190......... 12 Htaylor1021............... 210.............. 210.............. 185......... 25 Jazma....................... 261.............. 261.............. 235......... 24 Jeni 85...................... 170............. 170............... 158......... 12 Jennyt71................... 245............. 199............... 170......... 29 Keepingfaith08........... 225.............. 225.............. 190.......... 35 Lalaredd................... 240.............. 190............... 150......... 40 LessJess................... 228.............. 228............... 199......... 29 Letsgetitstarted......... 229.............. 229............... 199......... 30 Libbyjane1976........... 283............... 283.............. 250.......... 33 LilMissDiva................ 251.6............ 247.6............ 227.......... 20.6 Liz_hager................. 158............... 151............... 145.......... 6 LisaRT..................... 254............... 254............... 225.......... 29 Long2BThin.............. 192............... 183............... 169.......... 14 Loveislovely............. 191............... 187............... 169.......... 18 Mair....................... 222............... 220............... 199........... 21 Mamacj.................. 316............... 269............... 233........... 36 Melody_Mary_42f..... 277............... 231............... 170........... 49 MsNickelback.......... 172............... 166................ 149........... 17 Nicolerose.............. 365............... 288................ 260........... 28 Nursemelly............. 245............... 203................ 185........... 18 Onehotmama.......... 272............... 237................ 210........... 27 OneHotMomma........ 285.............. 282................ 250............ 32 Pbpuniser............... 212.............. 212................ 182............ 30 Peachwood............. 251............. 251................. 230............ 21 Picklesix................. 197............. 187................. 170............ 17 Sexylips................. 238............. 238................. 199............ 39 Sadie77................. 277............. 250................. 220............ 30 SillyGoose.............. 258............. 238................. 228............ 10 Simone.................. 182............ 176.................. 160............ 16 Ukcatsfan.............. 340............. 340................. 300............ 40 Workingmom........... 214............. 214................. 175............ 39 ZiggyLove.............. 226............. 202................. 180............ 22
  3. Jeni 85

    Lellow and the Torso Lift

    Lellow... you and juli have me in aww.. you are both back at the gym so early and doing wonderfully!!!! whats the secret?!?!?! im a little over 7 wks out and seem like a wuss in the excercise department.. lol:lol:
  4. Jeni 85

    OH Juli's Plastic Surgery

  5. Jeni 85

    May Marchies May

    First of all thank you for joing in the conversation this time... Your right our board has been a little quiet lately.... i think everyone is jst been busy... For example. i work full time go to school full time and am currently running around trying to get test and dr. visits taken care of before my plastic surgery on may 28th.. things happen.. but i do miss our live and active board:frown:
  6. Jeni 85

    OH Juli's Plastic Surgery

    Ms Juli.. keep in mind you are still swollen my dear!!! and trust me youll be suprised once you get to that store and try clothes on..!!! and 12 are you kidding me thats wonderful!!! tell me when is the last time you remember being a size 10/12????
  7. to tell you the truth now that ive officially had the surgery scheduled im getting a tad bit nervous but the way i put it in my head is if i made it through the belt lipectomy i an make it throught the next... and think about it this way juli you were unable to use your arms or your abdominal muscles t get up.. im sure that was difficult as well.. but you made it out ok... im sure i will too!!
  8. ok so now that im finally back to normal after my belt lipectomy... it time to start the journey to the next stage: Brachioplasty/Inner Thigh Lift with Lipo Im scheduled for surgery on May 28th!!! Im going to get the pre-op stuff done next week!!:biggrin: Does anyone know what these two procedure are like? I'm starting to get a little anxious and nervous... But this is the last surgery so thats a plus!!
  9. Jeni 85

    May Marchies May

    So i was reflecting on my band journey and this is what i realized i accomplished.. it hard to believe how much 2 yrs in band land can do... do this and i promise you'll be proud of yourself and feel more motivated.. My Highest BMI: 48.3 (295lbs/134kg) (Thats when i decided to draw the line and started my journey to bandland!!) Surgery Weight/BMI: 47.1 (287.7lbs/130.7kg) Current BMI: 27.9 (170lbs/77.2kg):wink: My BMI from the start to the current has come down 20.4 points!!! (Down 125lbs/56.8kg) Thats the bmi of a normal weight person lol.. then again the amount of weight lost is equal to a normal size adult woman.. scary when you put it into words like these.. i was carrying the weight of two people on my back and legs and my heart and other organs worked to support two people instead of one... wow what a risk it is to be obese... i never really thought of it that way until now!!! I think we all need to do this to help us realize how far we have come! If you can please share your accomplishment with the rest of us on here!
  10. My Highest BMI: 48.3 (295lbs/134kg) (Thats when i decided to draw the line and started my journey to bandland!!) Surgery Weight/BMI: 47.1 (287.7lbs/130.7kg):wink: Current BMI: 27.9 (170lbs/77.2kg) My BMI from the start to the current has come down 20.4 points!!! (Down 125lbs/56.8kg) Thats the bmi of a normal weight person lol.. then again the amount of weight lost is equal to a normal size adult woman.. scary when you put it into words like these.. i was carrying the weight of two people on my back and legs and my heart and other organs worked to support two people instead of one... wow what a risk it is to be obese... i never really thought of it that way until now!!!:wink:
  11. Heres the new thread for april... with new motivation powering us lets get those last pounds off!!!:thumbdown:
  12. Stay Optimistic and work hard.. I gained 3lbs the past week and i feel even more motivated to get in more excercise!!
  13. LOL!!! You put me to shame because im not back to my excercise routine i would say im about 25% of the way there.. Damn girl !!!!
  14. up 3 lbs!! grrrrrr!!!!:thumbup: thats ok got a whole month to lose 5lbs!!!
  15. Thank you so much.... Im no going to lie this past surgery knocked me down on my butt big time .. im still trying to get back to my exercise routine and am having a difficult time.. but daily functions back to normal... Your having revision surgery on you tummy tuck why is that????:thumbup:
  16. LOL!!! Thanks!!! I don't think i'm that amazing (maybe a little crazy though!!!).. if im feeling good i say why not go for it.. Of course im nervous but its eventually going to be done anyways.. the sonner the better!! Hey if it was up to me i would have it done next week!!! But work and my surgeon wont allow it..... HaHaHaHa!!! I need to have this done and be healed by mid august... I'm going to Poland to visit my family who hasn't seen me since before my Band so huge difference and plus i want to see me with out any excess hanging skin!!!! But anyway, how are you doing/recovering? Are you back to yourself yet?
  17. Jeni 85

    April: Marching into spring

    I wish i had that long for recovery!!! I only was able to take two weeks because of other plans for the year where i needed off!!! lol But anyways finally have=ing some spring weather here in chicago... Im sick and tired of the cold!!! Im planning on getting out this weekend on my bike to get some fresh air... Im still having a hard time getting myself to get back to my excercise routine... i miss it but it so hard to push your body back to where you were before surgery!!! ahhhhh... lol anyway... lets here from some more people on here... how are you all doing... Mrs. H how is everything going?? how are you feeling.. i have kept you and your family in my prayers every night...:thumbup:
  18. Jeni 85

    April: Marching into spring

    thanks... i wish i knew my head has a lot to catch up too.. my mind is still a size 20!!
  19. Jeni 85

    April: Marching into spring

    Awfully quiet in here!!! Well anyways... i finally caved and decided to buy 1 pair of jeans, so i have something to wear to go out.. i tried on the 9/10 at first and the lady at the store was like oh those are much too big.. ill get you the 7/8... i looked at the poor girl like she was nuts!!!!! i couldnt believe what i was hearing.... OH MY GOD IM A 7/8!!!! Its funny i still see myself fat...when clearly im now a normal size... my mind doesnt want to catch up...
  20. can you please update mine jeni 85: -128lbs
  21. completely normal surgery jitters.. i was a complete wreck a couple of days before surgery.. but the day of i knew everything would be ok.. look at me now im 2 years out, happier and healtier than ever.. not to mention down 128lbs.. and never regretted my decision for one second:wub:
  22. Jeni 85

    OH Juli's Plastic Surgery

    trust me its the nerves making you eat.. but you will be okay.. i had a belt lipectomy march 15th and im fine... and am beyond thrilled with the results..
  23. ok so some of this is pobably Water weight because i had a little bit of a stomach bug but im taking it.. down 4.4lbs... determined to keep it off.. only 1.8lbs to go:wub:
  24. Jeni 85

    Lellow and the Torso Lift

  25. Jeni 85

    April: Marching into spring


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