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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jeni 85

  1. Jeni 85

    Marchies: In June

    Juli you look awesome!
  2. Jeni 85

    Marchies: In June

    Juli i completely agree with you... im having a especially a hard time turning down ice cream this summer... i try to keep a variety of cold fruit in the fridge to avoid snacking on ice cream it helps but doesnt work every time!!!
  3. Have two open wounds one on each side so I completely agree it is a difficult area to heal my doc says I'm lucky its so little that he says he's seen a lot worse
  4. Jeni 85

    Marchies: In June

    Happy birthday mom Lambert ! Glad to hear everything is well
  5. Jeni 85

    Marchies: In June

    tHANKS CAROL... its time for my next appt tommorow... and i think i may have a slight infection strating in the thighs, up by the groin area.. i cant tell to well ... because im not that flexible:tongue2: but definately not pretty... cross your fingers that its not too bad.. hopefully he will still take out the staples, because those are driving me nuts.. anyways on to something else.. how in the world are all my fellow marchies doing?? it has gotten really quiet in here:wub:
  6. Currently recovering promise to post pics as soon as i have them and am all healed... Great result so far.. But difficult healing process up in the groin crease.....
  7. Jeni 85

    Marchies: In June

    so im a week post op and the stupid drains came out Wednesday,, i go back next Wednesday to get out some staples he left in for safety reasons... but since he took the drains out i feel much better... i only take the vicodin maybe twice a day at the most now,,, but i am going to start taking good old motrin on monday but ya other than that i cant wait to go dress and bathing suit shopping!!!
  8. actually a lot better since he took out the drains... thinking about possibley doing stage 3 (breast augmentation) the rest of my body looks so good that the girls are jealous they look sad and droopy .. but not a top priority... have to somehow come up with 6500 first.. lol:rolleyes: i know im crazy... my mom thinks i am lol.. but not until next year
  9. Jeni 85

    May Marchies May

    HERES A NEW THREAD LADIES!! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f90/marchies-june-95396/#post1239330
  10. im in the spread sheet.. i set the goal super high but.... we will see.... my goal weight is 165... but my super goal weight is 152.. normal bmi... we will see
  11. Jeni 85

    July 4th Challenge - 120 days

    Name.......................... Start Wt....... Current....... Goal....... To Go 3ShotRoc..................... 345.............. 244............ 220........ 24 Alabubba..................... 464.............. 464............ 400........ 64 Alleycia....................... 255.............. 217............ 198........ 19 Annieemmm................. 200.............. 198............. 170....... 28 Ashleyrenee................ 240.............. 240............. 199........ 41 Barb12590.................. 173.............. 156............. 155.......... 1 Betelnut..................... 295.............. 262............. 245........ 17 Bklyn1984................... 317.............. 238............. 230........ 8 Blaze21...................... 200.8........... 184.6............. 170....... 14.6 Blklab70282................. 241............. 241.............. 220........ 19 ChickyAbby................. 314............. 314.............. 270........ 44 Clcort......................... 236............. 200.............. 200........ 36 CountrygirlNY.............. 253............. 217.............. 182........ 35 Crzytchr.................... 237.............. 229.............. 210........ 19 Ewiedbingcott ............ 215.5.......... 207.9............ 198........ 9.9 Fab by 50.................. 215............. 204............... 175........ 29 Fordgal88.................. 199.............. 175.............. 193........ 18 Hdsantoni.................. 252.............. 198.............. 190......... 8 Htaylor1021............... 210.............. 203............ 185......... 18 itsjustducky................368...............368...............328... .......40 Jazma....................... 261.............. 261.............. 235......... 24 Jeni 85...................... 170............. 169............... 158......... 11 Jennyt71................... 245............. 197............... 170......... 27 Keepingfaith08........... 225.............. 225.............. 190.......... 35 Lalaredd................... 240.............. 190............... 150......... 40 LessJess................... 228.............. 199............... 199......... 0 Letsgetitstarted......... 229.............. 211............... 199......... 30 Libbyjane1976........... 283............... 283.............. 250.......... 33 LilMissDiva................ 251.6............ 247.6............ 227.......... 20.6 Liz_hager................. 158............... 151............... 145.......... 6 LisaRT..................... 254............... 248............... 225.......... 23 Long2BThin.............. 192............... 182............... 169.......... 13 Loveislovely............. 191............... 187............... 169.......... 18 Mair....................... 222............... 215............... 199........... 16 Mamacj.................. 316............... 269............... 233........... 36 Melody_Mary_42f..... 277............... 231............... 170........... 49 MsNickelback.......... 172............... 159................ 149........... 10 Nicolerose.............. 365............... 288................ 260........... 28 Nursemelly............. 245............... 201................ 185........... 16 Onehotmama.......... 272............... 237................ 210........... 27 OneHotMomma........ 285.............. 275................ 250............ 25 Pbpuniser............... 212.............. 212................ 182............ 30 Peachwood............. 251............. 251................. 230............ 21 Picklesix................. 197............. 175................. 170............ 5 Sexylips................. 238............. 238................. 199............ 39 Sadie77................. 277............. 250................. 220............ 30 SillyGoose.............. 258............. 234................. 228............ 6 Simone.................. 182............ 172.................. 160............ 12 Ukcatsfan.............. 340............. 340................. 300............ 40 Workingmom........... 214............. 214................. 175............ 39 ZiggyLove.............. 226............. 202................. 180............ 22 Health4life..............279.............222.2................195..... .. .....27.2
  12. Sounds great.. ill join it.. these last couple of pounds are being stubborn.. i lost 50% of what i wanted to lose in the challenge.. not too bad... considering.. i lost restriction and gained 5lbs!!! :crying: im considering myself done for this challenge i go in for round 2 of plastic surgery tommorow.. but am anxiously awaiting the next challenge
  13. Jeni 85

    May Marchies May

    thanks carol
  14. Thank you everyone.. sorry it took me so long to post the pics... im nervously awaiting stage 2 tommorrow
  15. Finally here are before and afters from my belt lipectomy
  16. Jeni 85

    May Marchies May

    Ok stage 2 surgery is on thurseday and for some odd reason im actually nervous... Not so much about the surgery or the anesthesia.. but the healing of the thighs.. ive been reading that it can be tough to get them to heal well.. Oh and by the way here are my before and afters from surgery # 1. belt lipectomy
  17. Jeni 85

    May Marchies May

    I still think you are nuts!!! i was only able to last like 10-15min and i was dead.... but i promise ill give it another try!!! So i went for an adjustment today and he checked how much i had in my band before fill it and there was nothing!!!!! unbelievabl3e.... grrr.. somethimes this band makes me so mad.. he also was very hesitant about giving me a fill when he found out that i was going for surgery in 2 wks.. he gave me somewhat of a fill but not really.. i have a total of 6 cc's in my band.. i feel a slight little something but not the sweet spot.. not even close!!! lol.. but ill live with it.. its better than nothing!!! ok so what else is going onm in everyones elses lives?!?!?!?
  18. solid protien and fiber filled foods and lots of excercise!!!


    good luck!!!! i know it is hard but we habve all been through it and survived and you can too!!!

  19. Jeni 85

    May Marchies May

    Hey Tammy Keep relaxed I had a band scare at the end of last year. Turns out it was something little that needed to be changed in the way my surgeon did my adjustments. So don't assume the worst. Speaking of goofy acting bands I'm going again for another fill because the last fill left me with absolutely no restriction when I had some prior to that adjustment. Oh well ...... 2 weeks till surgery 2 ... Starting to get nervous Juli how on earth are you able to last through a spin class? I thought I was going to die!!!
  20. Jeni 85

    May Marchies May

    Dance boot camp is on mon night ill be sure to let you know how it goes. I tried yoga for the first time yesterday and I love it. I'm trying pilates, step, on Sunday and cycling on Tuesday and some class called hi-lo . I can't wait
  21. Jeni 85


    lets see i dont really believe thse statistics so my starting weight was 295 and normal bmi for my height is 24.9 (152lbs) Need to lose 143lbs ive lost 125lbs so far so that is about 88% of my excess weight... and i aint finished yet.... as log as you follow the plan and dont slack off you will be successful!!! But this is a decision you have to make an your own.. and plus every one has something different thas right for them and thier lifestyle.. just do your research!! go to obesityhelp.com there your can speak to people who have had the various weight loss surgeries and they would be willing to share thier expiriences with you.. that may help also plenty of info online.. and weightloss surgeries for dummies is pretty good with lots of info good luck!!!
  22. Jeni 85

    Reactions! =]

    IVE actually have had this happen to me on numerous occasions...:tongue: it really is hilarious to see their reactions when they finally realize who you are..:wub: but i love it!!!!!!! Get used to it girlie.. trust me youll have a lot ofe various reactions from people you haven't seen in a while and you have lost weight.. And another thing you probably know this already but it takes a while for your mind the catch up with your bodys weight loss.... for example... i started out wearing a size 26w and now i wear a size 7s.. but my mind still has me at a size16/18w:blink:
  23. Jeni 85

    How Tall are You?

  24. Jeni 85

    May Marchies May

    So i decided that i want to join a group class at my gym.. they unfortunately do not have zumba... but they do have a dance boot camp.. im going to try that one... and Juli has got me wanting to try the spinning class... so i may try that one as well.. and i need to pick one more.. i figured if i sign myself up for classes 3 days a week then im more accountable to go to the gym.. lol And im thinkink yoga could be good.... has anyone taken yoga?? whats it like??
  25. Jeni 85

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    Down 125lbs!!:smile:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
