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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jeni 85

  1. the first pic is the most current and the 2nd one is the before... 30pounds difference. Its not that much but its a start for me and im happy:)
  2. :DHi My name is Jeni, I was wondering if there is anyone here around my age who also got banded.(or thinking of getting banded) It just seems like im the youngest one in here Im 22yrs. old. (not that i mind im just curious) Well anyways I got banded I March and am loving every min of it. I just feel happier and healthier.. 28lbs gone 4ever. Looking forward to getting to know other bandsters.
  3. Jeni 85

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Reason Why and How I Got Fat: Portion Control:hungry: Emotional Eater(happy/sad/stressed/bored ect.) No Exercise:opps2: VERY BAD SWEET TOOTH (oh that explains those lovely cavities) Eating Late at Night:notagree Bad Food choices (aka Fast Food):eek: That pretty much sums it up, there is more reasons, like psychological issues behind it (parents divorce, being teased in school, mother getting me upset/depressed etc...) I definitely know that everyone has more than one thing that got them to their overweight state.... Its the combination of things thats the killer... but like they say "the first step is figuring out what caused the problem." and then take it from there. I'm on the right track now and I'm loving it!!!:clap2:
  4. Jeni 85

    I've been approved!!!!!

    Yay!!!!!! Isn't that feeling great... I was so excited when i found out i was approved... Good luck to you.. if you ever have any q's dont hesitate to ask
  5. Jeni 85

    Anyone Banded Who is in thier 20's

    thanks everyone... its good to know that im not the only one who had the band put in young... im loving the band everyday and im going walking about 3 x a week (which is a huge difference considering before the band i did absolutely nothing) so where is everyon from??
  6. Jeni 85

    Anyone Banded Who is in thier 20's

    Thanx its good to know. By the way you look great!!
  7. Jeni 85

    When does the six month diet start?

    Just wanted to wish you good luck!!!!
  8. Jeni 85

    Plastic Surgery Poll

    If there is hanging skin im getting it removed no matter what... I've seen what sagging skin looks like (i watch way too many plastic surery shows) and there is no way i would want to deal with it. I mean if i put in the effort to lose the weight i might as well look good i mean im only 22 still young so i want to look my best...
  9. Jeni 85

    MaRcHiEs IN MaY

    its most likely the bread... i've eliminated bread completely out of my diet b/c i can only handle like little bits at a time like a bite more than that i find that its painful... i have found that turkey burger are really good without out the bread with some salad on the side of rice or veggies... maybe that could work for you.
  10. Jeni 85

    MaRcHiEs IN MaY

    Hi tammyJ i was banded on March 15th also!!!! I just found it cool we had the same band date in the same city!!! :clap2:
  11. Jeni 85

    Day from Hell

    I completely agree you should definately be i good health before having this surgery. It is minimally invasive but surgery is surgery and your body needs all its streghnth to heal that instead of having double the work of something else. A little off topic here but i was supposed to have my surgery done in dec 06 but had it march 07 b/c my family doctor wouldn't approve it. Luckily my surgeon went ahead and did it (after speaking to my doctor and finding out the only reason she said no was b/c she didn't believe in the lap-band).
  12. 1) Yes, i am having success so far ... it has now been a little over 6wks and i have lost 25lbs and loving it... I don't do too much exercise, just go walking everyday like for at least a 1/2 hr, because i find that i have so much more energy now. Like they say a little bit goes a long way. 2.) This varies on the person and how they react to the surgery and all.. It took me longer because i got really sick (not to scare you or anything. my doc says that this is very rare in patients) But im feeling absolutely wonderful now. 3.) I have not for one second regretted it, i find only positive results from this surgery and i would do it all over again. And the only reversals i know of is b/c of something going wrong with the band like slippage or infection... But like they said that this very rarely happens. Wish you the best of luck on your journey.. and if you have any questions dont hesitate to ask.... --Jeni M. (E-mail: jmakowski@ix.netcom.com)

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