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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jeni 85

  1. Jeni 85

    Help! off to a bad start!!!

    Your restriction is probabyl not at that "sweet spot" yet... dont be discouraged... i know that for a month straight the scale would stick to the weight of 252-254... i was so disappointed.. I then decided i needed a fill.. as soon as i went for another fill and worked out it worked... Just stayed motivated... Oh by the way if your having those evil sugars (i was so guilty of this) you'll only want more so try to avoid them.. It took me three times to hit my sweet spot and soe others it took longer... remember each and everyones' body is different so we all have different fill levels. GOOD LUCK!!!! AND REMEMBER YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!:clap2::whoo: if you need support you got this board and feel free to message me on here anytime. (i am on here almost everyday)
  2. Jeni 85

    VG Band Issues- Please Help

    never mind that firstr website i copied and pasted the wrong one heres the other one Gastric Banding - Healthier Weight Centres
  3. Jeni 85

    VG Band Issues- Please Help

    "easyband".... sounds a little contradictory considering it is technologically complicated..... LOL I love my VG band and wouldn't trade it for the world. So what that you have to go to the office for a fill, no biggie its safer that way... Here's one of the links i found interesting: Surgical Procedures: Adjustable Gastric Banding i still wouldn't trust it... If you just go to yahoo, type in Telemetric Adjustable Gastric Band there are other links as well
  4. Jeni 85

    Bandster Heaven?

    im 4mths post-op and im loving everyday ..... things just are getting better day by day... i lost 42 pounds so far and i have a lot more energy... i am finally excercising and going to the gym at least 3x a week!!! It's an exciting thing... dont let the negatives get your spirits down always be optimistic and things will turn out great.!!!!
  5. Jeni 85

    B-12 Injections

    i got the lapband and they recommened that i get them too...
  6. Jeni 85

    So Flippin Mad

    I completely agree!!!! Anyway i have a frined who acted completely supportive in the beginning but now she is like... "i would never go that far to have surgery and i can lose the weight by diet and excercise" (with an attitude) she thinks it to drastic... and what she dont realize that i needed it and had been through a lot of different diets that just didn't work... Oh welll i dont let it bother me anymore i did this for myself and not anybody else... just keep that in mind... CONGRATS ON BEING BANDED!!!!!:whoo:
  7. <br /> <br /> <br /> * March 15, 2007, Loyola Hospital in chicago, il<br /> * 3 fills: check my sig<br /> *11CM Band<br /> *Yes i finally do... 3rd times a charm<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Khanson: Sounds to me like you definitely needs more protein,(hair, nails, and muscle) Not to mention staying full longer and the other benefits for our body. <br /> <br /> My doctor recommends me getting like 47g of protein a day. Thats something i aim for everyday.<br /> <br /> Some suggestions could be:<br /> <br /> ~Chicken (medium size grilled drumstick w/o skin is 12g)<br /> ~Tuna (individual packet size of albacore tuna has 12 or 19 g if i remember correctly)<br /> ~Cottage Cheese has a lot. I would recommend the cottage cheese doubles their good and not to high in cal. (11g for the individual size)<br /> ~Boost Drink, high protein, i recommend the chocolate one (15g)<br /> <br /> I'll usually start my day off with a Boost Drink (depending on how much restriction you have and how tight you are in the morning i find that sometimes it may take a hour to drink slowly.) but it gives you a head start on that days protein intake.<br /> <br /> This is what works for me, i'm not saying it will be good for you but i hope it at least gives you some help. <br /> <br /> If you don't like the foods above try going to, HIGHPROTEINFOODS.COM it has some good ideas on there.<br /> <br /> <br /> Best of luck!!!! <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/clap2.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Clap2" smilieid="217" class="inlineimg" /><br />
  8. Jeni 85


    the only thing i seem to have a problem with is bread, soda, & greasy food.. I avoid it at all costs.... And sometimes if i have a few to many bites of boiled potatoes it hurts like hell and i completely regret it... lol but i dont even miss those things anymore... its like your taste changes.. I mean my new thing is cottage cheese with fruit and i used to hate cottage cheese (those cottage cheese doubles are also good- 11g of protein)
  9. Jeni 85

    drinking water, advice needed...

    this is by far one of the hardest things for me to get used to... I am so guilty and i wish it were easy but its not... im am getting slightly better at this but still struggling and im 4mts post-op:rain:
  11. Jeni 85

    Still eating too much

    Don't Feel Bad Im Having The Same Problem... Im Still Thinking I Just Didnt Find My "sweet Spot" ... But Alittle Worried I May Have Stretched My Pouch Or Even Worse My Esophagus
  12. it depends on where you carry most of your weight.... mine is in my belly....lol like santa!!!! hahahahaha but i staRTED OUT AT 287 NOW 248 ... SIZE 24/26 PANTS NOW 22 TOPS: 3X TO 2X/1X ITS WONDERFUL
  13. Jeni 85

    Eating 4 days post op

    try to at least stick with thicker liquids or like drinkable yogurt , extra liquified mashed potatoes... baby food..(the banana ones the best) i even sometimes do this now when i dont feel so good. Hang in there, you wanna become best friends with your band in order to do so you have to be really nice to it in the beginning
  14. Jeni 85

    Wow....hurt! What is this?

    was anything greasy... because i found that i have bad band pain after eating anything thats too greasy.. i also found that my band like something one day and the next completley hates it... take things slow and you'll eventually get use to working with your band... i've been banded almost 4mths and am still learning somethings i never knew.
  15. Jeni 85

    too MANY PERIODS!!!

    my period was never really regular... but after the band it got goofier... its bc your body is losing weight and its throwing of the balance ... once your body gets used to it you should be fine... i'm in school for medical assisting and we do glucose tests on each other everyday and every single day its different like a huge difference one day it will be 68 and the next day it will be 126 but the dr said its ok because i have been loosing a lot of weight lately.
  16. Jeni 85

    Has anyone seen this article regarding WLS?

    i agree dont let one article sway you in one direction... like my surgeon told me, the lap-band is a tool to help you... LEveryone knows there is no miracle cure to be "poof" skinny =) but this is pretty damn close in my opinion... and im only 3mths post op
  17. i would do the surgery a million more times if i had to... i absolutely love my band and i find i am a lot happier these days... 35lbs less i 3 mths i very good for me... i would have never been able to do that on my own
  18. Jeni 85

    Do you have pain when you Burp ?

    how long have you had the band in????? i had the same problem the first couple of weeks... i also notice that i start burping if i eat to fast (swallow to much air) or when i et a new fill the first couple days after.. i only expirienced pain while burping right after surgery. but not now. good luck. if you have other question feel fre to message me
  19. Jeni 85

    Do you have pain when you Burp ?

    how long have you had the band in????? i had the same problem the first couple of weeks... i also notice that i start burping if i eat to fast (swallow to much air) or when i et a new fill the first couple days after.. i only expirienced pain while burping right after surgery. but not now. good luck. if you have other question feel fre to message me
  20. Jeni 85

    Got My Surgery Date! Yay

    That's wonderful, im happy for you!! And the time it takes to get beteer varies by person... it took me a while to recover and others they work back to work next day it really all depends on your body.
  21. joanne1970: dont feel bad at least you can take the pain meds when i had the surgery my stomach was extra sensitive to the pain medication and i was throwing up like crazy ended up going bck to the hospital for dehydration but everything is good now and i love it.
  22. Jeni 85

    pouch streathching

    im not sure exactly how this stretching works but i would ask your doctor... they would know what is best for you and ur band:)
  23. Jeni 85

    Do I really need a sleep study?

    i was required to have one... it helps in the insurance process to get the surgery because sleep apnea can improve with wieght los and that can be a reason they give to them and why you need this surgery... I was like you thought i slept great didnt snore but when i went for the sleep study they found that i have a minor case of sleep apnea... they gave me a c-pap (which i never use) supposedly if you have sleep apnea it is harder to lose weight.
  24. Jeni 85

    Happy with Lap Band?

    would do it again in a heartbeat.. lost 32lbs and love it... still have to make wise decision on avoiding certain things that slip right through aka ice cream.
  25. i think they are a mix of both. i had those same pains and when i had some to drink of eat (applesauce) it helped.. but those pains went away eventually i think its just foriegn object inside your body that the stoch muscles need to get used to:) if you have any other questions feel free to message me.. im not an expert at his but i know a lot (too much online research)

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