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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jeni 85

  1. Jeni 85

    Marchies In August

    Thanks.... But you are doing wonderful yourself... and all you probably need is another fill... i hit a month plateau before too but as soon as i got that fill i was back on track... and since you are losing inches means your gettign rid of fat and replacing it with muscle which i really good for you ... with more lean muscle the better ability to burn the fat!!! :whoo: Good Luck!!! and remember 42lbs gone forever!!!
  2. Jeni 85

    Picking Goal??

    a according to those calculations i should be aiming for 125... lol its funny cause when i was at weight watchers they told me at my height and age i should weigh 124!!! lol :biggrin1: But anyways a lot of you are talking about what your doctor says you should aim for... my surgeon didn't just a healthy weight and he thinks i i put my mind to it i can get to any weight i want to be... He is very encouraging :clap2: (he was so kind and caring when i first got out surgery and still is to this day with asking us to keep in touch with him through email and he emails you back within 48hrs lol) sorry got a bit off topic there..:omg:
  3. Jeni 85

    Marchies In August

    Ok 5mths ago at this time a nurse was waking me up to go to the potty after my surgery/.............AT 12:30 am!!!! Crazy hospital obssesed with you going to the potty lol... But anyways 5mths Post-Op and Down 47.5lbs.... Not as much as the rest of you but im proud of myself!!! Congrats on all of your successes!!! Lets see how we do this next month!!!! :clap2:
  4. Jeni 85

    Share with us: What has improved for you?

    Ok, im still fairly early in my Band Journey (1/3 way to goal) but have already noticed lots of improvements: 1.)More Energy!!! 2.)More Confident!! 3.)The other day i went walking downstairs in my house in my black capris and guess what.... THEY FELL OFF!!!!!. instead of being embarressed i was excited ... i retired those capris officially. 4.)When my mom bought me a 2x and i tried it on and it was tooo big!!!:biggrin1: 5.) Went to lane Bryant yesterday and grab my old sizes there (completely wasn't thinking) and ended up skipping out of the dressing room to get a smaller size!!! Went from size 24/26 tops to 18/20 :whoo: 6.) Looking forward to stepping on the scale... (i actually have to force myself to stay off it and limit myself to one time a week) 7.) Not being afraid of my doctor being disappointed about me gaining weight... 8.) Going to the doctor and showing her what a success this surgery has been so far (she was completely against me having surgery!! luckily my surgeon ignored her and let me have the surgery anyway!!!):heh: 9.) Got already to go to the gym yesterday left my house and was on my way there when i realized it was Saturday and they were closing in 10 min.... I was disappointed !!!! before lapband i would have never even joined a gym in the first place!!!!:cry 10.)Asthma has improved!!! 11.) Can walk up the stairs without almost passing out!!! 12.) Lost 45lbs!!!!! 13.)Went down in BMI oh ya and no longer considered morbidly obese... just obese not morbidly YAY!!! 14.)No longer desire POP or BREAD !!!! 15.) In control of what i eat. i no longer live to eat but i eat to live !!! :hungry: 16.)The compliments Absolutely love hearing them... Such a boost for the ego and confidence... :clap2: to be continued.....
  5. All my surgeon says to me everytime i see him is..... SOLID PROTEIN SOLID PROTEIN SOLID PROTEIN...... Also when i got the guidelines it said to avoid foods high in sugar/carb/fats... and meals with sauces (which sucks cause i love ketchup)
  6. Jeni 85

    Marchies In August

    I am so in on that one... my sweet tooth will be pissed but im sure if i see the scale going lower and lower ill be thrilled!!! jmcambra..... your losing fat but gaining muscle which is good For those of you wanting something sweet ( and not on strike from sweets) Try those 100 cal. packs. they have all sorts of things Cookies and chocolate and chips... for those times where you desperately want something but want to stay low on cals. :faint:
  7. Jeni 85

    Girls Only.... Periods?!?!?!?!

    I just take a little bit of whatever im craving... just to satisfy it.... but to tell you the truth my cravings aren't as bad as they used to be... but this is just my experience ... everyone is different
  8. Ok, so this topic is a bit uncomfortable for me, :embarassed:but I'm to the point where its driving me crazy... So my period has never really been "normal" but ever since surgery it has gone out of whack ... I mean sometimes i don't get it at all or ill get it for one day it will stop for three and boom its back again... I'm hoping that its just because of weight loss but then again I'm kind of freaking out it can be something worse.... Anyone else experience this??? (or something similar):help: (I'm going to see my pcp aug 23 and am going to ask her about it)
  9. Jeni 85

    How do the numbers DROP so fast?

    you m know your body best and what the right choice is for you... don't listen to the negatives... I have also noticed and improvement in my allergies and asthma since i had surgery march 15... i noticed it within a couple of days actually... I heard that some of it has to do with the hormones changing or something like that...
  10. Jeni 85

    Picking Goal??

    Actually, mine is a long ways away... but in the meantime i have small goals in between... Right about now id be thrilled about hitting one-lander :faint:
  11. Jeni 85

    Girls Only.... Periods?!?!?!?!

    thanks girls..... that helped a little bit
  12. Jeni 85

    Girls Only.... Periods?!?!?!?!

    I was watching mystery diagnosis. and on there this girl was listing symptoms and basically every symptom she had i have... including pre-op... They were all symptoms of PCOS... which freaked me out in the first place do you have any information regaurding PCOS
  13. Jeni 85

    Is this a diet to all of you?

    It really depends on how you look at it... I tend to look at it as a LIFESTYLE change... To portion control and healthy eating... The healthy eatin you have to do yourself the band helps with portions... So the bands my friend... if i do things to help myself it will help me...
  14. Jeni 85

    Any Younger Bansters Here?

    Hi, im 22 also.... got my surgery just before my 22nd birthday... Dont worry i felt the same way when i first came on here thinkning i was the youngest one... but think about it this way your taking care of yourself sooner.. I see your down 43lbs thats wonderful best of luck to you andf feeel free to message me.
  15. Ok, so i was looking through all my surgery stuff the other day (all the guidelines) and on there i saw i should be getting B-12 Inj. every 3mths.. Does anybody else have to do this??? :cry I know i should because i dont want to be at risk for b-12 anemia :sick, but something about a needle going in my gluteus medias (upper butt) does not soud the least bit appealing. :eek: Thanks
  16. hey i was jus wonder what everyone took as a daily multivitamin which contains b-12???:help:
  17. What protien shake were you drinking.... will BOOST or CARNATION INSTANT BREAKFEAST....:faint: I drink those every morning because im to tight to eat that early... if i drink one of those at 9:30 im usually good until 1:30/2pm i only take in about 600-800 cal a day
  18. I just created a group one myspace.com for all us bandsters so if your interested feel free to join... http://groups.myspace.com/MySpaceBandsters
  19. I was under my fathers insurance for the surgery and it went under his (they gave me the approval) now im under my mom's as a full time student and have been since january. (i Live in illinois) so would my mom's cover the fills... im still waiting for bills from the past three fills i've done.
  20. i have mild sleep apnea... well at least thats what they told me... i got a cpap machine but i never use the darn thing...it seems everytime i put that thing on my nose clogs up and i cant breathe.. so i sleep w/o it .... i feel that i sleep fine and feel well rested when i wake up so i had absolutely no idea what they were talking about... Hopefully, this mild sleep apnea has cured itself since i lost some weight...
  21. My ticker goal weight is 135.... i figured this would be a good goal weight but then again id be thrilled at 150...!!!! I'm only 22 so hopefully ill be able to get to that 135
  22. Jeni 85

    snacking to much

    I agree with jack But snacking seems to be a need for those working overnight.. Trust me i would know.... Not only do i work overnights. But i work in this little parking booth of a hotel.. where pretty much the whole night its me and the cars or virtually empty lot... This is when snacking is most tempting... I try to keep myself as busy as possible so i don't think about food... It also helps that im still in school so i do homework... But if i really cant avoid it, i choose healthy things like; *Yogurt (light) *Almonds (i find these fill you up faster and you eat less of them) *Jello (sugar free) *Breakstones Cottage Doubles ( lots of protien so it will actually keep you full longer) *Baby Carrots (i find i can only have at most 5 and im done) I hope that can help you a bit... Good luck... I see your doing great as it is!!!!!!
  23. Jeni 85

    B-12 Injections

    i emailed my surgeon asking him what he thinks i should do and he said: "B-12 shots are necessary for operations that re-rout the intestines. For gastric banding, you should just make sure your multi-vitamines contain the full complement of Vitamin B-12 on a daily basis. If you decide to have the blood test, please let me know what the results are. Thanks." So im going in for regular blood tests in august, so while there checking everything else i might as well have them check the b-12... wouldn't hurt right? </pre>
  24. Jeni 85


    Completely agree. it took me 3 fills lol... i was starting to think the worst of things lol.. but realized it was all in my head.... Definately give it time~~~:faint:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
