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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jeni 85

  1. Jeni 85

    Winter Months

    I agree with sula:cry
  2. Jeni 85

    Marchies in September!!

    20 more lbs. to 1/2 way!!!!
  3. Jeni 85


    A nice tall glass of ice cold milk with a PB&J Sandwich.... those were awesome... But these days i can't handle bread so if i really get the craving ill pull out my wheat thins , and PB&J and make little mini crackerwichs :heh: with a small glass of milk (but only once in a while because not supposed to drink with meals)
  4. Jeni 85

    What do you do for a living?

    Cool!!! Where do you teach medical assisting??? And i would love to be an ob nurse ... babies are so cute:)
  5. Jeni 85

    Pain on right side?

    yes i know about that... I did take anatomy... Lol... But thank you anyway:guess
  6. Jeni 85

    Winter Months

    Completely Agree!!!!
  7. Jeni 85

    Winter Months

    OMG!?!?!? i already know i will have to have a tt because i have been overweight my entire life... and i got a lot to lose.... So when the time comes i will definately not een hesitate t do it... My nieghbor lot like 115/20lbs and she has a massive amount of skin she has a hard time even finding the scars from surgery.. she said as soon as she gets the money shes getting he tt... (she is the one who basically convinced me to get it done by shwing me how successful she was, i went to the same surgeon she had)
  8. Jeni 85

    Pain on right side?

    HAHAHA LOL... OK Hypochondriasis it is:nervous
  9. Oh i told onl a few people initially and well word spread-out(should of figured everyone i know likes to talk) and everyone and thier grandmther knows now... welll a select few at work dont... but basically everyody... so when someone doesn't know and i feel comfortable with them ill tell them.:bored Now of course i got some food/weight loss police on my case (i.e. my mother) But this keeps my in line and gives me a little reminder each and every day (i.e mother again):phanvan
  10. why is it that everyone seems to assume this is the easy way out... it really isn't you still gotta watch yur sweets and high fat foods.. and excercise or you won't lose the weight... I mean intiially we all lose weight quickly but then levels out and the wok has to start... the band is a tool not a miracle worker... u gotta work together with the band to be successful. (:tireddont mind me it's 3:45 am in chicago and im stuck at work so the sleep deprivation maybe talking a little , i've now been up fr 19hrs :ranger:)
  11. Jeni 85

    Cardiologist Visit

    So hw did they diagnose you for pcos.. i actually did a symptom checker on webmd and that was one of the things that came up when i put in my sypmtms... when i looked more into it i actually have like at least 75% of the syptoms... (which is kind of freaking me out) but i dont know how to ask my dr. about this i mean i dont want her to think im nuts:confused:
  12. Jeni 85

    Winter Months

    Lmao... Yes wonder bras are a girls best friend!!!! but do you see lots of haning skin since yu lst all this weight... :confused:
  13. Jeni 85

    Pain on right side?

    By the collar bone thats a new one.... mine is on the left side... Sometimes i find i get this completely random sharp pain my port... im convinced im just hallucinating but then a again hallucinatng is seeing things... whats the word for feeling things that aren't there... lol:guess
  14. Jeni 85

    What do you do for a living?

    Currently a Medical Assistant/Phlebotomist/EKG Tech. just got certifeid and a diploma in thse and in january returning to school for nursing!!!:whoo:
  15. Jeni 85

    Winter Months

    so what kind of ps you doing???:cry
  16. Jeni 85

    Winter Months

    LoL, that's great to hear.... And by the way congrats:clap2: on being so close to goal how do you do it?:cry
  17. Jeni 85

    Winter Months

    My dream is too mve to warmer climate ... as son as i get my nursing school done and over with ill be mving t somewhere where it is warm and preferably n hurricanes or earthquakes :heh: like Arizona or nevada... A girl can dream right???
  18. Jeni 85

    Winter Months

    Jealous!!! I live in chicago, so we get really lw temps. where its windy and lots of snow... Last year the temps gt to -15 i believe... freezing and windy which made it een worse. And yes those holidays will be hard at my house we make like at least 15 different types of Cookies.. Not to mention the huge polish x-mas eve dinner and i mean huge:faint:
  19. Jeni 85

    I hate a lot of you. I really do.

    That phrase sums up my life... everyone used to always say that to me.... Im ow starting to hear omg jeni did you loose weight , or jen your looking good... such a boost in the self-esteem which i desperately needed... I have always been overweight and to tell you truthfully i can't even imaging myself as thin.... But dammit i will get there... and after that im already plan on having a tummy tuck and booby lift... New hair cut style make-up and clothes- (i think any plastic surgery on the face is to drastic... i Like my face the way it is... maybe a little less rounded... but with further weight loss it will get to where i want it to be!!! (i watch so many ps shows that i think i'd be able to peform one lol.:heh:.. but i get a little sqeemish when they do face lifts and eyes!!!!
  20. Name............Chall. Start Wt........Current......Chall. Goal......To Go alwayscurious........245......................245. .............212..............33 Amelia40...............270.................... 270................240..............30 areellady...............232....................228 ...............212.................16 argon..................162...................160.2 . .............142...............18.2 Ariel....................207...................... 199 ..............182...............17 aussie_jode...........212......................212 .................190...............22 BabygotBack..........164.....................164. ...............145...............19 Babygrl1234...........215......................207 ................190...............17 Becky42................253.....................251 .5.................220............31.5 bekafina.................225.....................2 25.................199.............26 Cherrybomb...........311....................306 ..............291................15 chickatee..............203.....................201 .................175..............26 chocolate_snaps....344......................342... ..........299.................43 cQQlgirl..................225....................2 25................185................40 Chris_NJ................284....................268 ................250................18 cindyluhu...............194....................194 .................180...............14 dacer123...............243....................243. ..............223................20 Denise...................170....................17 0...............155................15 Denise..................244.....................24 4..................220............24 Desertbunnee.........232....................207. .............180.................27 DonnaD................185......................185 ..............170..............15 eclipse..................215.....................2 12... ..............199.............16 faithmd................303.....................303 ............ 283...............16.7 glindab................ 277....................269...... ........250....... .......19 gonnabfree............231..................231. .................205................26 Guinessgirl77..........241.....................241 ...................210.............31 gweniper................253...................243. ...............223................30 hf2havefun...........240......................240. ..............210..............30 ihadenuf................216....................216 ...................190.............26 james2539............235.4.................235.4.. ................220.............15.4 jfran……………………….212………………………212……………………..196………………1 6 jglong54...............206....................206. ...................195.............11 jadrad7.................224....................224 .................200..............24 jazzystouch...........246......................246 ...............220...............26 Jeni 85.................237....................231 ...............207................24 joisey....................307....................3 07................290................17 josiebies...............188......................1 80...............165...............15 JulieNYC................155.....................14 9.................136..............13 Kaelin's G-Ma.........272....................272............. ......220.............52 KarenG................. 240.....................237...................225. ..........12 katalin.e................230.....................1 79.................150.............29 Kellymovingon........207......................207. .................187..............20 Kimmie..................296.....................29 0..................270.............20 ladydi............. .....233.....................228.................2 08...............20 legster..................261....................25 1................235...............16 LeslieLee...............216.....................21 6................186...............30 lisa_in_toronto.......180......................180 ................160...............20 losingjusme...........273.....................269. ...............238................31 luvinke..................225.................. ..223..................195..............28 maddog.................230.....................230 ................205.............25 marcar35...............277.....................273 ................250............. 23 mcgreen...............236.................... 230.................210................26 METALBAND...........187.....................184... ..... .......167..............17 momlambert............207....................207.. ..............185..............22 mpalen.................229.....................229 ................200................29 Peache8887...........330.....................306.. ...............275..............31 pmmegm................248.....................248. .................228..............20 Rainer....................298................... 284................258................26 robgoblin87............279......................27 9...............250..............29 SC2VA.................233...................... 233.................200..............33 sdakotaRN.............254.....................254. ................225..............29 Short C................. 166....................166.................146.. ............20 Soniacan...............198.5..................198. 5.............175.............23.5 Stacy73................259.....................246 ...............230...............16 Sunny112..............215.....................165. ...............140...............25 Suzzzie. ...............346....................346....... ........315................31 sweethot143..........197....................190. .............175.................15 tanderson..............231.....................231 .............199..................32 ToniaPatt …..........286……….....……......283………........2 43.…... .....……40 UK-Lady...............255.....................223.... ............210...............13 Wannabthin...........231......................231. ..............211...............20 want2beme...........225.....................225.. ............195................30 wen.....................288......................2 84................255..............29 Whosyadaddy.........388.....................369... ..............335.............43 LifeLover..............289.....................289 ... ..............259.............30 down 3 more pounds!!!! :whoo::clap2:
  21. Jeni 85

    New Chicago Friends Thread.....

    Saturday the 29th... hmm ill see if i can i actually have an overnight shift this weekend.... If im up and awake for it definately if not well then next month will be awesome:whoo:
  22. Jeni 85

    New Chicago Friends Thread.....

    Gina,<br /> <br /> I've been wanting to go to a support meeting but i never wanted to go by myself.... and i don't even remember what day they are held... maybe we can meet there one time. And i dint have a diabetic person as a room mate i actually had some lady that was stab by her fiance and then the second time around i had a girl who was stabbed by her psycho ex-boyfriend...<br /> <br /> I actually wish they did put newly banded patients in room together.... It would be so helpful..
  23. Jeni 85

    Big Medicine

    I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THAT SHOW.. ADDICTED!!!! I love the success stories and i love how they show clips from the operating room!!!!!:whoo:
  24. same problem.... the sliming part i can live without... half the time the pb is caused by the slimming :faint:
  25. Jeni 85

    New Chicago Friends Thread.....

    hi Buckru.... dr. shayani was my surgeon also... and i go to oakbrook too... when did you have your surgery?!?! :whoo:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
