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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jeni 85

  1. Jeni 85

    Step It Up Marchies

    sorry juli i cant help you im having the same problem.. except im gaining and losing the same dang 2lbs.. lol i see my dr this thurs. hopefully having restriction will help me!! and i need to drag my ass to the gym..
  2. Jeni 85

    Step It Up Marchies

    Hello Marchies.. Im finally back from my trip to Poland.. and i had a great time... but needless to say my band loosened up and was able to eat everything again... But on the suprising side i actually lost 2lbs.. lol i was sure that i would gain... So anyways... time to get back on track... my goal for this month is to lose 5lbs... but i really have to go back to the band rules... for some reason i having a very hard tie doing this... I also plan on going back to the gym... which will be hard to do considering that i havent been there in almost 3 weeks, b/c of my vacation.. I also am going for an adjustment next thurseday, b/c i really need one.. am able to eat way too much!!! ok gotta go ttyl Jen Jen
  3. Jeni 85

    August Marchies

    just a little note.. the Iron pills are helping.. and the hair loss has decreased.. its still falling out but not as much... and just for anyone who will bye traveling long distanes by plane be aware that the band will be on the tight side the first couple days after your trip.. i am in poland right now and lets just say the first three days here i didnt eat much because i was haveing heartburn and was having pb episodes.. which i havent had in ages!!! but im in the country and no acess to a band doctor that is close by... i was on mushies at first but now am back to solids..
  4. Jeni 85

    August Marchies

    you are right i shouldnt complain:blush: im sorry ypou lost your hair
  5. Jeni 85

    August Marchies

    thanks carol... so where do you suppose all the rest of the marchies are????
  6. Jeni 85

    Picture 460

    From the album: progress

  7. Jeni 85

    me 7 17 09

    From the album: progress

  8. Jeni 85

    windy day

    From the album: progress

  9. Jeni 85


  10. Jeni 85

    Picture 458

    From the album: progress

  11. Jeni 85


    From the album: progress

  12. Jeni 85

    Blood in the syringe

    its things like that why i wont let anyone touch my band except my surgeon... next time do yourself a favor and ask for the surgeon. no offense to the np but she doent sound like she is very experienced/know what she is doing:scared2:
  13. Jeni 85

    August Marchies

    Ya you're right:tongue: that is definitely not a problem i want to have.. My doctor warned me about that. He told me to take the iron twice a day, at first, (with lots of fiber), and if i dont have any problems move up to 3x daily.. Worse comes to worse there is the Miralax that works wonders!! I just want my hair to stop falling out so much...
  14. Jeni 85

    August Marchies

    Ya you're right:tongue: that is definitely not a problem i want to have.. My doctor warned me about that. He told me to take the iron twice a day, at first, (with lots of fiber), and if i dont have any problems move up to 3x daily.. Worse comes to worse there is the Miralax that works wonders!! I just want my hair to stop falling out so much...
  15. Jeni 85

    August Marchies

    yes carol my doc. did start me on a rx of vit. D but he wants me to try over the counter iron pillls..
  16. Jeni 85

    Elliptical - Actual calorie burn?

    as long as th machine asks your weight it is pretty close in the estimate... its never 100% but i would say 98% correct
  17. Jeni 85

    August Marchies

    Mrs. H, Thanks for starting a new thread!!! You are still a marchie so in my opinion you are more than welcome to start posts if you would like...I am so glad to hear that the your kickin cancers ass... keep up the good job.... Im glad to hear its not too bad.. My moms friend went through chemo and radiation for breast cancer and it knocked her down bad.. but good news is she is now in remission!! so i wish you all the best and keep reaching for that light at the end of the tunnel you will make it there!!:smile2: As for my fellow marchies where the heck are you all?!?!?!? its been dead in here!!! I am absolutely devastated right now because i have gained like 6lbs!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!:thumbup: Im am completely and utterly convinced its my thyroid but my doctor says that the levels are on the low end of normal so he wont treat it.. Im going to go see an endocrinologist in sept. to see what he has to say.. Also my dr. gave me a call today and lectured me my blood work. It wasnt so good... Im low in a lot of important things.. For ex: My Iron is low, my b-12 is low, and my Vitamin d is low as well.. I also found out im Anemic today.. so there is another problem added to my list... I dont mean to sound like a baby, but i really needed to get it out of my system. So now im terrified to face my band surgeon on thurs. when he finds out i gained weight.. I havn't changed anything with eating or excercise.. so i shouldn't be going up in weight So anyways enough of my ranting:tongue_smilie: Thanks for listening:wub:
  18. Hello my fellow Marchies!! (Crickets chirping...) Where is everybody?!?!?!? Oh well guess everyone is busy this holiday weekend... Hope everyones 4th was a fun one... So how are we all doing this month... Hows the progress?? It seems like i am officially stuck at my current weight without being able to crack the 168/169lb marker... I know my fill level is good and i have optimal restriction, i guess my problem is my eating habits haven't been following the good old bandster rules... and the exercise needs to be kicked up another notch!!! I say we all vow to go back to those bandster rules this month and get the ball rolling again!!! Anyone with me?? Here are the good old rules as a nice reminder: Avoid drinking liquids during or immediately after meals as liquids tend to flush food through the stomach pouch. This prevents you from getting that prolonged feeling of satisfaction needed to help you eat less. As always, staying hydrated throughout the day is important, however. Drink at least six to eight cups of water per day, and make sure you consume them between meals. Chew your food thoroughly and eat small bites so that the food can easily fit through the opening to your stomach pouch. This will help you avoid the problem of food blocking the stomach outlet. Only eat when you are hungry and no more than three small meals a day, but you must make sure that these meals contain adequate nutrition. Remember, your stomach can only hold about one-quarter of a cup of food, or two ounces, at a time. Stop eating when your hunger is gone or when you feel comfortable. The general nutrition guide below can help you create good and healthy meals that contain adequate nutrients but low sugar and fat: Good Food Choices Fruits and vegetables One to two servings of fresh fruit daily Two to three servings of fresh vegetables daily [*]Breads and cereals One small portion of low-sugar cold or hot cereal Half to one slice of toasted whole wheat or rye bread each day. Note: Some patients have difficulty eating bread [*]Meat, fish, poultry, eggs One to two ounces of meat, fish, or poultry-or one egg each day. Remove all visible fat from the meat. Remove the skin from poultry. Prepare the meat in ways that need very little fat. Grilling, steaming, microwaving, or boiling are all good ways to do this. Note: Some patients have difficulty eating meat. [*]Dairy products Milk and yogurt are calories in liquid form. However, these types of food have calcium, which makes them an important part of a healthy daily diet, so choose a maximum of 2 cups of skimmed milk or low-fat yogurt and 1 ounce of cheese a day. [*]Fats Restrict the use of fat to 3 to 4 teaspoons of margarine, butter, or oil per day. You can have low-fat salad dressings and mayonnaise in moderation. [*]Drinks Drink as many calorie-free liquids per day as you wish (though not with meals). Suitable drinks are tea or coffee (black) with low-calorie sweetener, water, non-carbonated beverages containing few or no calories Some doctors have reported that carbonated beverages may contribute to enlargement of the small pouch and recommend they be avoided. Back to Top [*]Foods to Avoid Some foods deliver a concentrated supply of calories but little nutritional value. These foods should be avoided whenever possible. They include: syrups cakes jam chips pastries Alcoholic drinks should also be consumed in moderation: for example, one glass of wine per day. [*]Common Problem Foods Some foods have difficulty passing through the stomach opening created by the LAP-BAND® System and may cause blockage. These include: dry meat shrimp untoasted or doughy bread rice peanut butter fibrous vegetables like corn, asparagus, and celery nuts greasy or fried food membrane of citrus fruits I got everything directly off the lapband site... I figured we all may need a little jog in the memory once in a while... Oh and tdont forget the most important rule!!! PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN ALWAYS FIRST!!! I'm pretty sure that is well drilled into our minds.... but i can honestly say i haven exactly been following that rule very well lately!!!
  19. Jeni 85

    July's Independent Marchies!!!

    my dr. put e on a pill to control my migraines.. and evil little pill caused me to gain 5lbs.. im so depressed about this.. and to make things worse the pill isnt even helping!!! so anyways how is everyone else doing?
  20. Jeni 85

    July's Independent Marchies!!!

    I'm on facebook feel fee to add me Jennifer Makowski. Chapter
  21. Jeni 85

    Does anyone eat fruit in this forum???

    yes always!!! everyday.. i feel its importent to get fruits and veggies in... but you still have to make sure to get protien.. and some fruits are difficult for my band to tolerate.
  22. Jeni 85

    July's Independent Marchies!!!

    Hey tammy nice to hear from you.. sorry about the band issues...:wub: i on the other hand am completely stuck btw 168-170lbs and cant get it to budge... i actually went back to the good old bandster rules and excercising again and still nothing it is getting very frustrating..:thumbup: i only need a slight fill i have some restriction but not quite at the sweet spot anymore...:thumbup: i guess i just need to be more patient with my body because it is being stubborn!!!!:mad: oh well, i just want to get to 165-160 by aug 17 when i leave for poland.. that gives me 5 wks.. 1-2lbs per week should be possib le but if my body keeps doing the same i wonyt accomplish this:crying:.. i guess we are all having issues... :eek: so how are the rest of the marchies doing.. please update:wink:
  23. Jeni 85

    Marchies: In June

    Hello my fellow marchies.. decided o come and check in on things today and learned that we needed a new thread for this month.. Well here it is. Finallly Summer!!!! Something we have all been anxiously awaiting.. Lets keep each other very motivated this month!!:smile: Im on my way to recovery from stage 2 of my plastic surgery and so far am doing quite well.. im walking up and down stairs and showering so a lot better than last time.. i see the dr on wed to get the stupid drains out!! Hoping and praying this major swelling will go down soon!!
  24. Jeni 85

    Marchies: In June

    new thread for july!!! join in!!! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f90/julys-independent-marchies-97640/#post1266357
  25. Hi all!!!:w00t: OK, after visiting many plastic surgeons and thinking long and hard about my decision i have come to the final decision. Dr. Leonard Lu, M.D., F.A.C.S (New Horizons Center for Cosmetic Surgery. Skokie, IL) I'm having plastic surgery this year...:thumbup: Actually, my first surgery is scheduled for March 12th and the next one is sometime in June.. My Surgeon it was too much to do in one operation. Surgery # 1: March 12, 2009 Agenda (6 hours) Belt Lipectomy/Lower body lift: This includes: **Lipo of back/stomach/legs/and mons for contouring. **Also in this procedure i will have a mons lift (that area should not be so sad and droopy lol:redface:) **And a brazillian butt lift (where he will take some of what he lipos out and injects it into my bottom to make it fuller and more round) Surgery # 2: June 2009 (4 hours) *Brachioplasty (extended down to bra line to get rid of the "side boobs"!!! *Inner Thighplasty ( inner front butt) *Lipo of upper back near bra line I am beyond excited about this process.. I know that maybe it would be better to wait a little longer but i think after all the opinions ive had now is a good time. All the surgeon say that even if i plan on losing another 15lbs after surgery that my results wouldnt be altered because they pull everything so tight!! My weight has been at a basic stand still since october and well quite frankly i am comfortable at my size right now.. The only problem i have is that i cant stand the extra materials hanging down, they need to get altered and quick.. Hey i got rid of my baggy clothes why wouldn't i do this.. My Pre-Op stuff is already done and ive put down my down payment and surgery #1 is scheduled... No turning back now. I'll keep you Posted!! P.S. Oh and i believe that this may be the thing i need to do to finally feel like a normal person.. Needless to say my brain is still having a hard time catching up with the weight-loss.. Just a great way to end this chapter in my life

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
