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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jeni 85

  1. A lot of it has to do with the emotional support and the caring personalities... i wouldn't say i have a crush on him... but feel connected to him because of how helpful, encouraging and supportive he has been.
  2. YOU WILL DO GREAT!!!!!! just always say that to yourself and follow the rules... Just remember these statistics include all of those who didn't follow rules, no fills, no excercise, no adjustments , and band complications.. so dont get discouraged.. I went into this thinking i will be a healthy weight i didn't even know what my main goal was im still going off my pcp stretch goal.. and im about 51% down... 70lbs exactly 9mths post-op!!!! :whoo:
  3. Jeni 85

    Fat all my life.

    Always was the fat girl since i about 1st/2nd grade... but im down 70lbs as of my 9mths post-op and am thrilled by my progress... If you work with the band you will be successful!!!
  4. Completely agree... (bored emotional emptiness... ect) But these are the head issue that we have to overcome.. The band stops us from eating too larger portions but in the meantime when we do go to reach for food when were not hungry and we PB thats when we have to stop to think why did we want it in the first place and how could we stop this from a happening again.. i am almost 9mths post-op and still dealing with these head issues... but i must say it is getting a lot better and i am learning a lot about myself:p
  5. Name......Chall. Start Wt.....Current......Chall.Goal......To Go Jeni 85..........224............218................21 8................ 0
  6. Jeni 85

    NSV (Non Scale Victories)

    I bought size 18 pants yesterday and they look good!!!! im so thrilled last time i was an 18 was the summer of 1999... :whoo:
  7. Jeni 85

    Marchies In December

    Ya im a little more than half way to goal!!!! Yay!!!!! :whoo: Now 68.7 more to go!!!!!
  8. Name......Chall. Start Wt.....Current......Chall.Goal......To Go Jeni 85..........224............218.7................218................ 0.7
  9. Jeni 85

    NSV (Non Scale Victories)

  10. Complete recovery ... no pain and stuff took me 2wks.
  11. My PCP was completely against WLS altogether.. She actually told my surgeon that she just doesn't believe in it. He asked if there is any medical reason why a shouldn't and she couldn't give him a good enough reason so he Went ahead and gave me the ok.. My PCP gave me a lot of problems about his at first so i'm happy that my surgeon step in and stuck up for me... 8mths later and almost 68lbs lighter, I'm thrilled. And ironically mY PCP is thrilled with my results and happy that i did get the surgery.:faint:
  12. Jeni 85

    Marchies In December

    Thank You for the Tip... I still got a long way to go.. So is everyone ready for the holidays??
  13. :update::whoo: 224......220....218.....2
  14. Jeni 85

    5'6" - What weight/size are you?

    I'm 5'5.5 as well and i started at 287.7 size 24 (most likely 26 because i was in a denial phase where i still squeezed myself into the 24's and :faint: refused to buy bigger clothes!!! ) But im now 220 and i wear 20/18... mostly 20 though ... but i carry all my weight in my stomach (actually the majority of it.):heh:kinda funny looking big stomach no butt!!! LOL!!!
  15. Actually my Surgeon favor the band over gastric bypass.. He doesn't even do the GB.. (Im not sure if he ever did them but he now works from a place called DayOne Health and all they do is the band. He actually told me why i shouldnt go with GB, and how Lapband was a better fit for me.
  16. Jeni 85

    Marchies In December

    Welcome to the board!!! Your doin great!!! Good luck with going back to school... Im actually going back to school in january to become an RN.... But after im done with that i actually was thinking of going for CRNA.. Let us know ho it goes;)
  17. Jeni 85

    In Your 20's And Had Surgery?

    <br /> <br /> Completely agree with you there... I find with every diet i had tried i would gain back what i lost plus more every time... sometimes even double... <br /> <br /> But so long yo-0yo diets and hello skinnier healthier me!!! Thank You Lap-Band!!!!
  18. Jeni 85

    My unjury is here!!!!

    Can someone please tel me what unjury is... and wher can i get it.. some of these recipes sound yummy..... My guess is it is some type of protien powder...
  19. Jeni 85

    In Your 20's And Had Surgery?

    <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> So agree!!! I hate the tent clothes i can't wait to have a nice form fitting dress and look sexy in it!!!!
  20. Jeni 85

    In Your 20's And Had Surgery?

    I was 21.. when i got banded... It was actually 2wks before my 22nd birthday... and am absolutely happy with it and wish i had done it when i was 16..... But im not going to lie it takes a little time to adjust to especially when you go out to eat with friends a lot...
  21. Jeni 85

    For those who have PCOS

    im not sure but i would like to know the answer to this as well
  22. Thanks i had a good week i guess :confused:
  23. Jeni 85

    For those who have PCOS

    I just recently discovered i have PCOS.... (actually to be exact about 2wks) well my Doctor confirmed my suspicions of it.. I actually have thought i had it since about may... I always had the symptoms since about the time i started my period (i was 12)... But had always been to shy and embarrassed to tell anyone i thought something was wrong with me. Its funny because i have never heard of PCOS until i watched a show called mystery diagnosis where the person basically goes thought all the symptoms they had and i got freaked out because this lady had the same symptoms i did.. I looked more into it. And finally decided to speak up because i was a little concerned that i had gone 10mths w/o a period. So i didn't know about it till after banding and i've now been banded for 8.5mths. I'm hoping this BC will work to regulate me because i hate dealing with the side effects...(headaches and on/off nausea) :huytsao
  24. Jeni 85

    Goals for Marchies

    To weigh 187.7 by March 15, 2008... 1 year post-op!!!:cry
  25. Jeni 85

    Marchies In December

    Mrs. Husker Thanks for the new December thread!!!! As Christmas and New Years 2008 approaches. I am faced with a wide variety of feelings. :confused: :rolleyes:I am Excited because I love Christmas and seeing my family and yes even the shopping. It's that inner child which is screaming out yay santa is coming!!!:clap2: I'm Nervous because i am going to be faced with challenges of not falling for the temptations of too many christmas treats:hungry: and foods; and the challenge of actually facing the bitter and cold winter snow:smokin: to go to the gym. :Banane43:I'm Anxious as 1yr. post-op approaches, because i promised myself i would be at least 100lbs less by March 15, 2008... And i still got about 33lbs to go.. So i definately got to kick things up a notch. :whoo:And Thrilled to be ringing in the New Year actually accomplishing that evil New Years resolution (loosing weight) that i've been making every year (and always doing the opposite). Finally!! :gluck: To all my fellow Marchies!!!

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