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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jeni 85

  1. Jeni 85

    Countdown to Onederland!

    18.6 To Onelander!!!!!
  2. Jeni 85

    Marchies In December

    hahahaha:pound: Thanks Juli
  3. Jeni 85

    Surgeon Seeking Feedback

    Lol, I'm actually an CMA... and i know fellow CMA's that claim their nurses.. me on the other hand i tell the truth .. i know i still got a lot to learn and i know i'm not a nurse!!! (but i am going back to nursing school so one day i will be able to say that and feel great about it) I feel that it is really important to be truthful with the patient so you earn their trust... especially working in Pediatrics.. you need to have the parents trust you.. because if they don't what makes you think the kids will...
  4. Jeni 85

    Waking up during surgey

    they woke me up after surgery and i remember my surgeon saying its all done the nurse or going to move you to recovery.. i felt them move me to the bed and i knocked back out... next thing you know i was in recovery and my surgeon came in to tell me everything went good and asked me how i was feeling... But i definitely agree with Wasa .... She is one smart nurse!!!
  5. Jeni 85

    Marchies In December

    that's awesome Mrs. h :whoo::clap2:
  6. Jeni 85

    Waking up during surgey

    Ya, i heard about this on the news.. Do you believe they made a stupid horror movie about this:confused:.... I so not going to watch it... absolutely refuse to.. Its bad enough people are scared going into surgery for every other reason.. why do they have to make people more scared by making movies about it...Granted it does happen but no need to make it a horror movie!!!!
  7. Jeni 85

    Band done by Local Anaesthesia

    The general anesthesia had me completely freaked out before i got the surgery... when i came to i felt like i took a nap... it really is no big deal... Its scary the first time but trust you'll be glad it was done under general.. And definitely take into consideration what wasa said.. she brings up a good point... its kinds scary thinking a Dr. would do this under a local.. OUCH!!!
  8. :whoo::clap2: GO RAINER!!!!! :clap2::whoo: :star::first::wow2::cheer2::scales::success1::clap::waytogo::thumb::humble::amen::bounce::Banane23::Banane27::Banane08::Banane11::woot:
  9. Jeni 85

    Marchies In December

    I myself have never been one to "follow" fashion.. but then again always being a heavy set i never had the opprotunity to be "so called" fashionable... Lately i'm kind of starting to look at what everyone else is wearing, and would i even like that... But i am so looking forward to wearing any clothes that are form fitting... And i am getting there.. The other day i went and bought a pair of dress pants in size 18 and oh my goodness i actually have a butt!!!! :heh:(i have always carried all my weight in my abdomen instead of evenly proportioned ... but now that my waist is getting smaller i get to see a butt in the back and not hanging material!!!!!) So i guess eventually i too will fall in to possibly deadly fashion trends but heck i earned the right!!!!
  10. Jeni 85

    Now just obese

    Congrats... Its a wonderrful feeling to get out of the morbidly obsese and into just obesity.. i was thrilled as well... im counting down the pounds until i am under a BMI of 35... in which i would no longer qualify for lapband and im getting close:)
  11. Jeni 85

    Marchies In December

    Its funny i noticed a lot of adjustments i should make.... I'm sure after following these guidelines i will wow my Dr. at the end of january!!! last time he saw me i was 230 and im now 217ish so lets make it as close as to 200 as possible.. Sorry just have this random burst of self-confidence... which i rarely get especially since it is almost 4am in Chicago and i'm on pain meds... (probably the drugs making me a little loopy):heh:
  12. Omg cant wait to have after pics like these ladies!!!!:faint:
  13. Jeni 85

    Surgeon Seeking Feedback

    I was banded by Dr. Shayani at Loyola Hospital in Chicago. But since then he has moved to a different Practice Day One Health and i have also followed. <br /> What do you love about your band surgeon and their practice?<br /> Dr. Shayani is good and kind hearted surgeon. He made me feel comfortable from the moment i met him on my first consult... It is very important that a Dr. makes a patient feel safe and educated. And Dr. Shayani succeeded this in everyone. Including going above and beyond for his patients. As he did in my case.<br /> <br /> What do you hate?<br /> Nothing.<br /> <br /> What do we do well?<br /> DayOne Health is an excellent place where they truely believe in making sure there patients are always comfortable. I find that being a smaller practice then Loyola it is a lot easier to schedule an appointment.<br /> <br /> What could we do better?<br /> Nothing just keep doing everything the way its done.<br /> <br /> What more could we do to help you succeed?<br /> Be a little more specific with the post-op stuff... I found i was a bit confused at first.. But this board definitely helped.. I would suggest maybe recommending patients with access to computer to this site if they ever need any advice or support from fellow bandsters.<br /> <br /> How could we improve your customer experience with our practices?<br /> Nothing... They are good the way they are.<img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/happy.gif" border="0" alt="" title="" smilieid="60" class="inlineimg" /><br />
  14. Jeni 85

    List of Protein rich foods/values

    My doctor never told a specific an=mount of protien to get in a day.. the only thing he says t me is to make sure i eat that first at every meal... and i should be fine
  15. Pre-op jitters are perfectly normal... Dont worry you'll be all right.. your in good hands... And you got your fellow bandsters to support you along the way... YOU'LL DO FINE:clap2:
  16. Jeni 85

    Pills... Can I/you or can't I/you?

    i take all my pills whole ... i avoid taking liquid gels i find the gels bother my stomach and hurt... but everyone is different:cool:
  17. Jeni 85

    Marchies In December

    AWESOME Link... I am actually going to try to follow every single one of these rules and see wat happens maybe ill actually be able to lose that 30lbs by my 1yr (march 15):cry
  18. Jeni 85

    New Year's Resolution

    Thanks and always willing to offer help to fellow bandsters ... because when i started my journey there was others to help me along the way.. so i like to do as much as i can... As far as the thanksgiving goal.. i had a little help from being sick.... no appitite has a effect.. now lets see if ican keep it where im at now that im eating again:biggrin1:
  19. Jeni 85


    Yes an asthma attack is a scary thing... just the worst feeling when you cant breathe...
  20. Ok since surgery i have noticed a huge improvement in my asthma.. But this past week i had a cold and possibly one of the worst asthma episodes i habe ever had. (went to the doctor and am now on 3 different asthma medications 2 of which are steroids):mad:and i hate taking steroids but i have no choice... basically the doctor said take the steroids or risk going to the ER.. and i know the importance but still don't like doing it. I'm not usually a complainer but I'm just having such a hard time with it right now. Any words of advice would be much appreciated.. I was just wondering how many of us bandsters have asthma.. and if we can have a little support thread for those who do..
  21. Jeni 85

    Tickertape Obsession

    Ya, i must admit i am completely obsessed with it!!! hahaha but i definately keeps me motivated
  22. I'm not sure of this but i have been reading about low-profile ports that people switch to.... :paranoid
  23. Jeni 85

    Merry Chritmas to Me

    Congrats!!!!! and by the way there is this Protein drink which i like (and im kinda picky when it come to those) Its called BOOST(high protein) the chocolate tastes the best in my opinion i believe it contain 15-20g of protein:)
  24. Jeni 85

    New Year's Resolution

    Just wanted to wish you all a great new start to your band journey.. Trust me it is a fun and wild one with lots of twists and turns... Best of luck to you all...
  25. Jeni 85

    2008 Challenge

    250-300 hours at the gym!!!!!!! If not more

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
