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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jeni 85

  1. Jeni 85

    2 AND 11

    From the album: My Pictures

  2. Jeni 85

    4mths post op

    From the album: My Pictures

  3. Jeni 85

    2-3 mths post op

    From the album: My Pictures

  4. Jeni 85

    couple days post op

    From the album: My Pictures

  5. Jeni 85

    before and 7.5mths postop

    From the album: My Pictures

  6. Jeni 85

    1yr post op

    From the album: My Pictures

  7. Jeni 85

    2mths post op

    From the album: My Pictures

  8. Jeni 85

    1yr post op

    From the album: My Pictures

  9. Jeni 85

    Marchies...jumpin' into June!

    Thanks Gwen!!! So do my fellow marchies have any advice on getting the ball rolling again.. im getting so upset with the scale lately that it usually ruins my day...
  10. Jeni 85

    P.C.O.S and Metformin (glucophage)

    im probably going to try it and see how it works... thank you all for your input... hopefully there will be more responses.. and as far as the diarrhea goes at this point would be a relief... i have struggling with constipation issues the past 2mths :smile: Evil abdominal pain.. my DR. suspects i have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (as if i dont have enough to deal with already) but wants me to see a Gastroenterologist to rule out any other bowel disorders :mad: but i do understand where he is coming from..:frown:
  11. Jeni 85

    Medicines with Asprin in them

    LIQUID MOTRIN ONLY!!!! WELL AT LEAST ACCORDING TO MY SURGEON.... if im desperate crushed pills will work as well..
  12. <b>I like these challenges and i find that they keep me motivated. So since i don't see any other challenges up on the board decided to start one... So fellow bandsters here's our challenge... What's your goal weight to hit by June 1, 2008...:smile: <blingyblob.com countdown="" end=""><blingyblob.com countdown="" end=""></blingyblob.com></blingyblob.com></b><BLINGYBLOB.COM COUNTDOWN BEGIN /> <embed src="http://www.blingyblob.com/countdown/BlingyCountdown1.swf" flashVars="MovieOvers=1&TitleOvers=1&BGOvers=3&TextExpiration=Welcome%20summer%202008%2E%2E%2E%20We%20look%20fabulous%21%21%21&TextTitle=Countdown%20to%20the%20end%20of%20the%20January%2DSummer%202008%20Challenge%21%21%21&GlowColor=null&NumsColor=16724736&TextColor=16777011&BGColor=16750899&Second=0&Minute=0&Hour=0&Day=1&Month=6&Year=2008&" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="300" height="200" name="index_admin" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /><br><a href="scales moving.:eek: </blingyblob.com></blingyblob.com> Just a quick note only put your stats up(you don't have to copy everyones) and let me know if your new to the list or a weight update Here's the format... <u1:p></u1:p> NAME ... Start Weight ... Goal ... Current Weight ... To Go </b> 4jin..............225.......199.......219.5.....20.5 Abby1...............172..........140...........172..................32 Allaboutme ...... 211 ........ 165 ......... 205 ................. 40 Allison925 ....... 175 ......... 145 ......... 175 ................. 30 Ann 287............160...........197..........180.................. 17 Anyalee............231...........199..........231...................32 Angie4b1g ...... 237.8 ....... 205......... 222.4................ 17.4 Ariel ............... 199 .......... 169 ........ 199 .................. 30 babs0101 ........ 216 .......... 190 ........ 200 .................. 10 Bbgray ........... 260 .......... 220 ........ 260 ................... 40 Bigbaby ..........207...........167.........203.5...................36.5 bobby_hamrick......233.....199.........233.....................34 Chocolate_Snaps...292..... 242 ....... 274 .................... 32 chickatee..............184.......145........176............31 Cookielover .........198 ......175 ...... 198 .....................23<o:p></o:p> cQQlgirl ..........220.........195.........209................14<o:p></o:p> Debihaines ......... 254...... 200 ...... 227.9 ................. 27.9 eugeniam.............200...... 185....... 200.................... 15 Faithmd...............308 ......301.2 .... 270.................... 31.2 FairyFacade.........333.......180........246.....................66 <o:p></o:p> Foofy ................. 244 ..... 210 ....... 239.5 ....................29.5 Gayle.................. 246........ 190........ 214....................24 Georgia Girl ....... 275 .... 237 ....... 255 ..................... 18 <o:p></o:p> grammylew......... 216 .....190 .......216.......................26 Hazeleyegrl1 ...... 233 ..... 200 ..... 208....................8 <o:p></o:p> HeatherA ........... 255.6 ... 225 .... 250.9 .................... 25.9 HoppingToIt...... 309.......240.......309 ...................... 69 Hungryforchange 225 ..... 190 ..... 225 ...................... 35 Ivyrose325 .......... 261 ..... 215 ..... 250 ...................... 35 Jeni 85 ................ 214.4 .. 184 ..... 200.5....................... 16.5 Jennie1976...........235......205.......226........................21 Jfran ................... 181 .... 145 ..... 181. ...................... 36 Jsprague ..............240..... 220..... 233 ........................13 KarenG................195......165......185.........................20 Katrose............268....215.....234..................19 kristin1031 256...........226........199........27 Legster ............... 216 .... 174 ..... 210 ........................36 Linda Lu: 228......195.....15.2.....20.2 liz_hager.........196......170.....192..................22 Loftonall……...... 210 .... 150...... 210 …..………..…... 60<u1:p></u1:p> Lori_NC...........281......250.......281........................31 Luluc ........... 166 ...... 135 ....... 155 ......... 20<o:p></o:p> MamaJava ......... 283 .... 233 ..... 283 ........................ 50 Mamato3......242......199......223.5.......24.5<o:p></o:p> Mandyjo 188....150.....175....25 Mary-2b150 ........ 225 .... 150 .... 193 ........................ 43 MissTrini.............218.....170......218......................... 48 msdaneen 305............ 145........ 236.............. 91 Nadean ............ 204.6 ... 160 .... 190.4.......................30.4 Nhanson ........... 226 ..... 196 .... 220 ........................ 30 NOlanebryant....... 238.4.......... 198 ...........238.4............ 40 Nykee................325.......299.....325..........................26 PigsRFlying........230 ..... 150..... 192........................ 42 Rainer ............... 256 ..... 216 .... 247 ........................ 31 Redtulips3 ......... 245 .... 199 ..... 217 ........................ 18<o:p></o:p> Sfeiner 285..........271......245......271.........................40 Shadst83 ............233 .....199......233..........................34 Smithem1 ......... 240.6 .. 190 .... 240.6 ...................... 50.6 Soaf9.................265......145......220..........................75 <o:p></o:p> Squale...............314......285......314..........................29 Sta6160............. 205......140......170..........................30 Stacy73 ............ 226.4 .. 194 ..... 222 ......................... 28 Starryeyed ....... 237 ..... 199 ..... 229 ......................... 30 Sunny112..........215..... 130...... 143.......................... 13 Suzzzie ........... 297 .... 243 ...... 294 ......................... 51 Syndy.........252.2....212.2....252.2................. ...40lbs TheCapn.......... 520.... 399 ...... 469……..........…....... 70 Trish5713..........255....230........255...........................25 TxArcher ......... 360 ... 285 ...... 346 .......................... 61<o:p></o:p> Wombat712 .... 152.8 ........... 120 .......... 142.8........... 22.8 Wrestlersmom..266......150......260............................116 <!-- google_ad_section_end --> <o:p></o:p>
  13. Jeni 85

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    Jeni 85 ........214.4.....184.........197.5...........13.5
  14. Jeni 85

    P.C.O.S and Metformin (glucophage)

    Actually, when i went 8mths w/o the periods when i did get it, it was the period from hell... and even now getting it regularly i find it is very heavy and the crampin really sux... im bleeding through a tampon and a pad within 1hr:sad:
  15. Jeni 85

    P.C.O.S and Metformin (glucophage)

    Actually, i'm only 23, so no kids yet for me... (i have enough kids at work :crying: i work in pediatrics!!) But do plan on eventually having my own one day... I was hoping that losing the weight would help me with periods but i actually went 8mths after surgery w/o one... thats when i decided to go to the dr's and was officially diagnosed with the pcos... You think losing weight would help with the health issue .. but i find myself at the dr's often more often now then i did before surgery. Im very frustrated, with my health lately and am sick and tired of being sick... not to mention the damn scale is driving me crazy!!!:smile:
  16. Jeni 85

    Wasabubblebutt is in recovery

    Wish you the best of luck on your new journey!!!! I guess a lot of things can happen in a couple of months when not being on this board!! But im glad the surgery went well... And i was wondering what do they actually do to you for a gastric sleeve surgery???
  17. Jeni 85

    Starbucks..what do you order??

    Tall skinny vanilla latte... i like it hot... but its good cold as well
  18. Jeni 85

    Marchies...jumpin' into June!

    Thanks Gwen... By the way how is school going for you??? I went to the Dr. on friday and he decided to run more tests on me...(which sucks considering i have been going to the dr. every two weeks for the past two months and he is running different tests every time..) and to tell you the truth im learning a little more about myself then i needed to know... my previous Dr. diagnosed me with PCOS based on symptoms alone.. but my new Dr. said that he wanted to check my hormone levels to see how bad it is and he also had me do a Glucose Tolerance Test... They took 8 tubes of blood 6 needle sticks all together... On the last blood draw i made the phlebotomist nervous because i guess i turned pale... they made me stay a few extra minutes to make sure i drank some Water and was ok to go home... But now im anxiously awaiting the results of my test .. hoping to hear from my dr soon because i tend to be a little bit paranoid when it comes to things like this.. So my question to you all is... does anyone have PCOS? and is if so what form of treatment is your dr giving you?? My dr. has me on the birth control and his next step is to put me on metformin... Thanks for bearing with my rambling .. i just needed to vent...
  19. Jeni 85

    chiacgo doctors

  20. Jeni 85

    Marchies...jumpin' into June!

    Hi to all my fellow marchies!!!!! It has been a long time since i have been on here... We were doing construction in my house i didnt have access t the internet... and it was absolutely been killing me not to be able to get on here!!!! But the past two months have been bad... The scale kept going up no matter what i did... i got back to 206 !!!! (was going up and down b/w 206-202 and i was so disappointed...) But about a 1.5 wks ago i went to my surgeon for yet another adjustment and suprise suprise the scale is going down again.. im back at 198..... FINALLY!!!! So now that the weather is finally working to our advantage... i have decided to start taking nice long walks with my dog cocoa !!! and belive it or not 1/2 way through our walks my dog is lagging behind and im still going strong!!!! But would love to hear how the rest of you marchies are doing!!
  21. Jeni 85

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    ok this forum has changed from march quite a bit and am at a loss on how to edit m original post.. so my recommendaton is to copy the first list and update yourself/ or add yourself and post it up.. I know the old fashioned way but i just cant figure it out
  22. Jeni 85

    January - Summer 2008 Challenge

    Hey everybody, I'm sorry i haven't updated in a long time... I haven't had access to the internet to update because there is remodeling my house.... im down 5lbs more!!! yay.. and i got a fill today so it should be easier now... But please all be patient with my updating.. i promise ill try to update as much as i can and keep up the great work

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