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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jeni 85

  1. LADIES!!! I think both of you need to calm down... Everyone is in this together. we all have one goal to lose weight... No need to criticize anyone.. (frankley i think we got enough of that from strangers) I think of all my fellow bandsters as a family.. We all have to stick together.. Both of you made your points.. Now move on... Think about it all we want is to be successfula dn for our fellow bandsters to do the same.. -Jeni M.
  2. Jeni 85

    P.C.O.S and Metformin (glucophage)

    I started the metformin yesterday.. and so far ive been ok.. Im taking 500mg 1x daily.. The only thing i notice is that i sometimes feel a little weak and lightheaded out of nowhere.. I think my glucose might be dropping a little low sometimes.. i take a small piece of gum, or a sip of juice and im fine..
  3. Jeni 85

    Marchies- JULY Independence

    Thanks ladies... I'm still waiting on the results of my ultrasound.. The tech told me if i dont recieve a call by friday to give my dr a call... That should be fun trying to get a hold of the G.I. Specialist.... lol:laugh: I've calmed down a little bit, but still wont be completely calm until i get the results... I'll keep everyone updated:cool:
  4. Jeni 85

    June to Labor Day Challenge

    thanks felicia!!!
  5. I think benefits outweight the risks... Im down 97.8 lbs and am beyond thrilled:biggrin:
  6. Jeni 85

    P.C.O.S and Metformin (glucophage)

    I occasionaly have these pains.... its typically only starts on one side and then kind of radiates throught the entire abdomin and you are in bed fr like 3 days, cant eat anything but crackers and Water if your lucky and extreme bloating... (almost feels like somone is stretching your ovary and trying to tear it in half) Is that the pain your talking about???
  7. Jeni 85

    June to Labor Day Challenge

    Hi ladies!!! I hope it not to late to join.... Im going to aim high i want to weigh 169 by sept 1st... So official weigh in day is on monday????? Best of luck to you all!!:thumbup: Name.............Current......Goal.........To Go Bunkey1965......210..........205...........5 dreamsize8.......216..........190...........26 FeliciaLevy75....259.4.......240...........19.4 laura bough......215..........190...........25 liz_hager..........168..........150...........18 NukeChik..........227..........197...........30 thininside28......271.5........245...........26.5 Cadets71.........231...........219...........12 Wannabthin......199...........179...........20 scrappy_friend...222..........200...........22 TexGirl..............202.........180...........22 Gayle21............190..........175............15 MMarg.............220...........199...........21 Jeni 85............189...........169...........20
  8. Jeni 85

    Flying with the band

    I would too be very intrested in hearing how the expirience is.. Im actually going to be flying on aug 14, to go on vacation to Las Vegas!!!. Ive been banded almost 16mths but have never expirienced flying with the band?!?!:wink2:
  9. Jeni 85

    Marchies- JULY Independence

    Hey all... so my 16mth bandiversary is only 6 days away.. and i am absolutely determinde to reach the -100lb mark by then 2.9 to go... So i have decided to kick up my excercise this week and i refuse to touch any sweets.. Lol.. which shouldnt be to bad considering that my period is finally done... So no whacked out cravings!!! I'm also now struggling with keeping myself calm i found out that depending what my tests say i may have to have my gallbladder removed!?!?!?!?:wink: I go for the ultrasound tomorrow... I really do hope its fine.. Because i really dont want to go throught the pain afterwards.. but there is one good thing on my side... Turns my surgeon who placed the band , also specializes in the gallbladder, and he would be able to do my surgery!!! Such a relief to know that if i do need it i will be in good hands..:wink2: Sorry about the rambling but like i said i am extremely anxious and nervous about tomorrow.. I'm well aware of the what the procedure consists of,im not afraid of that, but i just dont want them to find anything....
  10. Jeni 85

    Marchies- JULY Independence

    Happy july everyone!!!!.... I have been waking up very happy lately and cant explain why... I guess its because im so motivated im determind to hit 100+ lost by july 15th my 16mth bandiversary... its getting close!! so how is everyone else doing??? Are we all still motivated.?? I know as we approach the goal weights it gets a little harder to lose the weight.. trust me i know i hit a 2.5mth plateau where the scale even started going up!!! but im back on track thanks to the lovely support we all offer to each other.. I never thought i would be able to say 36lbs till goal!!! (my surgeons goal for me is a mere 26lbs away!!!) So lets keep each other nice and motivated!!! lets keep going!!!!!!!!!
  11. Jeni 85

    Anyone using liquid fiber?

    I use benefiber 2tsp. 3x daily... you can mix it with anything it doesnt get thick... and as long as you can take down liquids you should be able to take in the benefiber... I try to get fiber in throught my daily diet as well but that is quite difficult to do, because you think fiber its mostly veggies and i cant do that much veggies... because of my ibs if i dont get enought fiber in a day i wont go.. it really does suck:tt2: but try the benefiber.. i like to mix it with some tea Water juice, or even yogurt or pudding (only treat myself to to the pudding when im desperately craving chocolate... so i rationalize it with at least im getting some fiber...)
  12. that reminds me i bought a dress in a regular store size xl and i didnt look pregnant in it...
  13. I actually have become obsessed with wearing jean skirts...instead of shorts i now own 5 skirts and love them!!!!! I guess its because i feeel good in them and confident... and not to mention girly for once instead of wearing clothes that never fit right and made me look like a blob/manly so to speak... I never want to go back to being that person again...
  14. Jeni 85

    Size goal vs Pound goal

    i actually have a goal weight of 150.. but as long as i fall into a healthy bmi i am happy...
  15. Jeni 85

    Inspiration Please!

    best decision i have made in my entire life.. and would do it again in a heart beat... if for some reason i had a complication and had to have it removed i would let myself heal and do it all over again... I have lost 96lbs to date and am very pleased with the results!!! The band has gave me more confidence and better health!!
  16. I got my band 15mths ago just before my 22nd birthday.. i am currently 23... This is the way i think of it... you are taking control of you weight problems young so you are a decreased risk for long term effects of obesity... it also means you would prevent you from from gaining further weight.. My old pcp was completely against me having the band because she is against bariatric surgery saying she didnt believe in it.. needless to say i obviously went against her opinion an followed my heart... And with jumping through some hoops to get insurance approval.. i went down from a BMI:47.1 (288lbs) to BMI: 31.4 (192lbs)... So in my opinion it is th best decision i ever made for myself and i would do it again in a heartbeat... The only thing i regret is that i didn't do it sooner... So best of luck to you on your journey which ever decision you may choose... And if you have any questions feel free to email me at jmakowski@ix.netcom.com
  17. Jeni 85

    Marchies...jumpin' into June!

    I'm now 96lbs down!!!!! 4 more pounds and ill be in the 100 + club
  18. Jeni 85

    P.C.O.S and Metformin (glucophage)

    I actually did a glucose tolerance test and things turned out fine.. My Dr. said they within range.. He said he would like them better because they were borderline.. Hence the Metformin ER 500mg 1 daily... I know that endocrinologist are more extensively trained to deal with and treat patients with endocrine system disorders like P.C.O.S... But because i already have so many Dr.'s, i plan (hope) that it can be taken care of by my pcp... Now if me and him can't get control of it that i wont hesitate to go to the endocrinologist... But for now we will see how it goes.. Thank you for the recommendation on the endocrinologist.. i will definately look into it..
  19. Jeni 85

    P.C.O.S and Metformin (glucophage)

    I have been thinking about seeing an endocrinologist for the pcos for a while but i was kind of hoping my dr. could take care of it... we will see how it goes... But i am actually under the 200lb mark and still need to be on the bc... im at 194lb right now
  20. Jeni 85

    P.C.O.S and Metformin (glucophage)

    thanks cate... So my dr. decided to put me on the Glucophage XR 500mg... but i was told not to start till after i have my ct scan done.. Ill let you all know how it goes
  21. Jeni 85

    P.C.O.S and Metformin (glucophage)

    So what is the Byetta supposed to do exactly??? Is it supposed to control the symptoms?? And does is actually work?? Who here is on it?? And if it does what its supposed to do where do i sign up??? Lol!!!:rolleyes2:
  22. Jeni 85

    Marchies...jumpin' into June!

    THE scale MOVED!!!! FINALLY!!! thank you all for your advice... I the scale was stuck pretty much at the 200lb mark and now im at 195.5!!! I realize what the one crucial part i was missing.... Motivation and alll my fellow bandsters... I always seem to do so much better when i come on this site at least once a week... So I've decided to also start attending the monthly support group, at Loyola where i had my surgery.... I figured i should ive it a try... I find i always get myself in a better place when i hear or see other peoples successes and all my fellow Marchies are such inspirations to me!! Thank You All!!!:biggrin2:
  23. I have lost about 90-94lbs, but the past 2mths i have been going up and down in weight, the same 5lbs... It is absolutely driving me crazy... I have added more excercise and cut out sweets/ junk foods and Nothing!!!! I feel as i have good restriction.. So what is a girl to do now?!?!?! I'm seriously wondering if my health issues have anything to do with my stand still weight.. I have P.C.O.S. and Recently found out that i have I.B.S as well.. Any advice at this point would be of great help.. Thank you in advance to all, Jeni M.
  24. Jeni 85

    Desperately seeking some input!!!

    thank you all for your input.... i took some of your advice and not to jinx myself but the scale is going down again...:rolleyes2: and thanks for all the compliments!!

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