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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jeni 85

  1. Jeni 85

    Marchies- JULY Independence

    I definately see where you come from and you are definately not alone in the lets take a break mode.... I definately have been doing that the past week.. (although i do plan on being at goal with ps done by my B-day in march exactly 2wks after my bandiversary Its more of a im completely stressed out and cant deal so i turn to my old evil friend food; actually its more of sweets to be exact.. But luckily Dr. Shayani (aka the band he placed) luckily has his hand on my shoulder letting me know enough is enough and i cant eat no more.... But to update you all I most likely will be having the surgery sooner than expected... I spoke to my surgeon today about the nausea and vomitting ive been having since friday and he said that if i wanted that i could even come in tonight to the hospital and have the surgery tomorrow in the am... But as long as im tolerating liquids he thinks the longest i should wait is till friday and no longer..... He said he will trust me in making my own judgement... And wants to hear from me if things get worse even if it is a 3 am :eek: I am so very grateful that i have such a awesome Surgeon and would trust my life in his hands... But im still terrified about all of this
  2. Jeni 85

    Marchies- JULY Independence

    Thanks tammyj... Besides the gallbladder i feel great.... How Have you been doing?? Im actually going for the surgery at the end f Aug after my vegas trip... As long as these symptoms dont keep getting worse and worse... Today i developed a new symptom of nausea... By the way, haw was the gallbladder surgery??? I'm a little nervous about it.. the good thing is that the surgeon who did my band is going to this one as well.. so i already trust him.. and i know its laprascopic... In how many days did you return to normal activities, like work...??
  3. Jeni 85

    Marchies- JULY Independence

    Try Fiber... benefiber.. no taste and can add to almost anything... a lot of narcotics cause the evil constipation deal... You can also try plum juice... it tastes a lot better than prunes!!!! Thank You by the way.. i am very happy with the weight loss so far and am celebrating wearin 14/16 instead of 24/26... I also find i am a lot more confident and willing to act myself around strangers... I still have the problem of my mind catching up with my body.... like when i went shopping my mom handed me some stuff and i was like are you kidding me i wont fit that its too small and sure enough it fit:tt2:
  4. Jeni 85

    Marchies- JULY Independence

    Actually its not for sure that i will need to get it removed.... i guess there a couple of different options.. As far as it being connected to weight loss... Hmmm... Intersting question... (im not a MD im just telling you what i have heard from various MD's) Well as far as i've been told is that Rapid weight loss can affect the gallbladder but it usually is a concern to gastric bypass patients not band patients.. So no need to worry, i will definately try to find out more. But like i said it is more of a Gastric Bypasss patient concern... I really didnt have the rapid loss.. its been pretty much a steady pace... Ithink it was bound to happen and it is a functionql problem.. For all i know it could've been there all along just asymptomatic until recently when it decided to give me some signs... lol:eek: By the way rosi, hows the fibromyalgia.. ?
  5. Jeni 85

    Marchies- JULY Independence

    Well i have both good and bad news... Turns out that my gallbladder, in fact, is not function correctly... So in a way this is both a good thing and bad thing... Good thing is i finally know whats been bothering me the past 3 months.. Bad is that it most likely needs to be corrected with surgery.. But i thought i would give everyone an update...
  6. thought since i hit the 100+ lost marker i would put up a pic.. im now down 104lbs.. <a href="http://s231.photobucket.com/albums/ee242/JeniM85/?action=view&current=260185.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee242/JeniM85/260185.jpg" border="0" alt="2post-16post"></a>
  7. Jeni 85

    June to Labor Day Challenge

    Name.............Current......Goal.........To Go Bunkey1965......205..........189...........16 CQQlgirl............200...........180..........20 Cadets71.........231...........219..........12 Dreamsize8.......216..........190...........26 FeliciaLevy75....257.4.......240...........17.4 Gayle21...........190..........175...........15 Jeni 85............183...........169..........14 (start wt. 189) Laura bough......210..........190...........20 Liz_hager..........166..........150...........16 MMarg.............216...........199..........21 Newhope4me....163.6........150..........13.6 NukeChik..........227..........197...........30 Scrappy_friend..222...........200...........22 TexGirl.............198..........180...........18 Thininside28......271.5........245..........26.5 Wannabthin......199...........179..........20 Im down 6lbs!!! I also decided to put our list in alphabetical order... i know im weird... lol:lol: I think everyone should put thier start of the challenge weight as well .. it will give everyone an idea of how far you've come!!
  8. Jeni 85

    Newly Banded for 47days

    Hey Rae, from what i see here you have only been banded a little over a month.. don get discouraged yet...It takes multiple fills before you reach that sweet spot to where you are losing wieght.. In the meantime think of these things -how much am i eating? -do i drink with my meals? (at least wait and hour after meals to drink) -hows my excercise? -am i making healthy food choices? -Am i eating protien first? -Do i get my daily recommended serving of Water? -Do i only eat when i am hungry? -Do i listen to my band when it says stop? -Am i grazing between meals?snacking? These things are all very important to being successful with the band.. I am 16mths post-op and still find myself going back to the main guidelines when i hit that plateau.. Best of luck to you.. as far as the fat flush diet i have never heard of it.. and was curious to see what it is as well..
  9. Jeni 85

    P.C.O.S and Metformin (glucophage)

    i've been on the metformin for about 10 days now and the scale is doing wonders for me.. i feel like i have a lot more energy with less appitite... since monday the scal has gone down 4lbs!!!:scared2:
  10. I was just wondering if any of you ladies have pcos and how your dr. is helping you manage it.. My Dr. so far has me on Birth Control and he wants to put me on Metformin.... I was just hoping to get so feedback on those on the metformin ... **Does it help regulate your cycle? **Have you noticed if it has helped with taking off weight? **Any bad side effects that you are expiriencing??? (i know which side effects it can have but more wanted to see if anyone has them and how bad are they??)
  11. Jeni 85

    Omg - approved!!!!

    :biggrin:Congrats!!! Let us know when you get your surgery day... When i got approved i had surgery 1.5wks later.. because my one insurance was expiring on my 22nd birthday so we really had to ush things along.
  12. i was just basing it off my own expirience, i always had to drink the barium whenever he did my fills under fluoro.. (i only had it done under flouro twice) I'm pretty sure each dr has thier own way of doing it.. my drfigures if he aleady has me under the fluoro he may as well have control over the amount of fill i get.. As far as finding the port, the only time had a hard time was for my first fill.. And he said that it would get easier with each fill as i lost weight.. And the second time he did it under fluoro was 1 yr post op to check if everything looked ok and to control the amount that flows through my band because i was having heartburn issues
  13. First of it all welcome to BandLand... Next , id like to start off with stating that its a mater of opinion which one is better.. I think that Flouro. fills are good in the sense that the surgeon completely controls how tight your band is based off how he see the barium flwing through the stoma.. But as far as im concerned i like the regular fills just fine.. You have to be able to listen to your body and band and you decide on the restiction.. Im pretty sure that for newbies some surgeons will decide by only doing a little everytime until they hit the right restriction.. but it realy depends on the Dr. Me and my dr. have a pretty relationship in which he trusts my judgement on restriction level.. But then again i am 16mths post-op GOOD LUCK on your journey and let us know how your first fill expirience went!! (by the way dispite what you might hear it really is quite a painless experience)
  14. Jeni 85

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    i CAN FINALLY join you in the 100+ lost !!! officially on July 15 ... Im so excited.. It only took 16mths but i made it!!:cool2:
  15. Jeni 85

    deb jen

    From the album: My Pictures

  16. Jeni 85

    NSV (Non Scale Victories)

    i fit into size 14 jean shorts!!!
  17. Jeni 85

    Marchies- JULY Independence

    Go ahead and post it on the general forum, juli i dont mind I think it would be interesting to see the resposes.. (and also if you dont mind post a link on this page to the thread) So i saw my surgeon today and well he decided that i should hold off on the fill for now... at least until i get my health issues better.. He also asked me about my symptoms and whats been going on.. I told him everything and he pressed on different ares of my abdomin and said that he thinks my gallbladder is fine and also he thinks that these issues are all related to the pcos because of the fact that when he pressed the area that hurt me it was pretty much the location of my uterus/ovaries... Basically he is going to help me find a good gyn. in the area which he would recommend. And wants me to see them within the next 1-2wks..(this should be interesting trying to find an available appt.) He really is a Dr. who goes above and beyond his job description and cares for his patients.. But on the bright side im down 102lbs!!! 20lbs more until i start the process of looking for a Plastic Surgeon!!:frown:
  18. This is also one of the reasons.. there are many reasons behind it.. all that matters is that you cant have them because its for your saftey... they want the environment to be as sterile as possible
  19. Jeni 85

    Marchies- JULY Independence

    Thank You... Turns out no gallstones, but i need a gallbladder function test first before they give my gallbladder the clear.. I see my band surgeon tomorrow.. he insisted tha i come to him to talk about the symptoms... The way he put it he also specializes in the gallbladder.. I hope he will finally be able to fix the problem.. :smile2: And if he lets me im going to get a fill as well.. i think i need a slight fill.. So is anyone else finding they are more at the Drs office now then they were before being banded???I am... your health is supposed to improve with weight loss but why is it im always at the drs :confused_smile:... I could be that i possibly wasn't as concerned for my health then.. Till tomorrow, Jeni M:cool:
  20. For some reason they always want the fake nails off for surgery... I think it has to do something with the length...When your nails are longer you can harbor a variety of bacteria... and can possible cause staph infections. Thats why you never see medical professionals with fake nails. Jewelery also can interfere with surgery.:party:
  21. We discussed how to get prepared for that day all the rules like no eating after midnight. what type of anesthesia.. i met the anesthesiologist... All it really was basic explaination of what was going to happen on surgery day from the time you get there till the time post op when you get to go home... Its more or less a meeting so you know what to expect.. And of course any last minute questions you may have. CONGRATS ON GETTING APPROVED!!! AND WELCOME TO YOUR NEW HEALTHY LIFE... BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!!:party:
  22. Jeni 85

    P.C.O.S and Metformin (glucophage)

    My pcp is planning to keep me at this level only because my blood glucose tolerance test wasnt to bad and doesnt require me to be on glucophage.. but he is doing it to see if it helps cotrol the pcos periods and did i mention maybe help me a little with the weight loss:rolleyes:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
