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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jeni 85

  1. Jeni 85

    What have you lost?

    a 2mth old pony and a Chihuahua .. lol
  2. Jeni 85


    when were you banded???
  3. Jeni 85

    Too Much To Handle?!?!

    Thank you everyone or your kind words... Im going to see my dr. next friday to talk about and hopefully get some sleep aides, so i can finally get some much needed rest.. and maybe some suggestions on where to go to get some help, to talk to someone.. (especially since my "best friend" is absent) I realize i need to take care of myself but sometimes, i need to be reminded..
  4. Ok I'm going to start off by saying this is a long post, Because i have a lot on my mind.. So please bare with me. First of all, My brother was a drug addict about 5-6yrs ago... At that time i was 16-17yrs old and had to be the strong one in the family and bottled up everything inside because i didnt want my mother to see me fall apart in fear that it would make her fall apart even more.. I stayed strong help my mother and brother through everything and always was supportive to both of them. What i turned to at that time of stress was food and sweets in order to suppress my emotions.. My brother recovered and stayed clean for 5 yrs, his life was starting to fall into place and so was mine.. I thought i finally got my food addiction under control and emotions as well.. I got my band, the weight was coming off i got a full time job and am a fulltime student working in getting my Nursing degree. But this joy was short lived, unfortunately my brother had recently relapsed and returned to his old ways; and once again i find i am back in the same place of having to be the strong one.. I really dont think i can handle this again, but i know i have to do it for my mom. My mom needs all the support she can get, especially now since she has hypertension (high blood pressure) and high cholesterol.. Its basically a stroke waiting to happen.. Naturally, i want to turn to food as comfort, but i know i cannot.. Im trying my hardest not to give in, but its so difficult.. I figured i could turn to my fellow bandsters for some support..I just dont know what to do anymore.. I am having a hard time sleeping, little rest is making it hard for me to concentrate at work and school. Im just so upset at myself i thought i finally conquered the emotionional and psychological issues of eagting but found out that they were only temporary... I am also starting to put myself down again and thinking im a failure... :redface: Any advice would be greatly appriciated from everyone on here.. Thanks for taking time and reading this, -Jeni M.
  5. Jeni 85

    Memory Loss

    make sure you get a good b-complex vitamin it helps.. and is essential in our diets for memory and other things as well.. if that doesn't help.. i think you should go see the Dr. you might be lacking in various vitamins.. or it could be something else.. either way it wouldnt hurt to get it checked out.. Good Luck to you
  6. Jeni 85

    Dying for coffee!!!!!!!!!

    My dr. says coffee is ok.. when i was first banded he said to have a decaf.. But im now 18mths out and im drinking caffinated coffee... only proble with caffinated coffee it can increase your appitite and make you feel hungrey sooner.. so i dont drink it too often.. As far as alcohol is concerned.. its ok to have once in a while within limits "empty calories" But be careful, if your like me alcohol will go quicker to your head so youll feel a buzz faster.. And congrats on getting rebanded!!!
  7. Jeni 85

    Emotional Changes

    You are not alone.. i promise!!! You are in what they call bandster hell....we have all been there... basically the band isnt supposed to have its full efect until you hit that sweet spot...Where you get those fills you are working your way towards that... Think of any weight loss you have before hitting that sweet spot as a bonus.... But hang in there....
  8. first of all congrats on the tremendous amount of weight you lost.. you are doing fabulously.. But what you described, the heartburn, pbing, and slimming are all indicators the you need an adjustment to get some Fluid out of your band.. I had the same expirince back in march and the unfill helped so much.. Get in contact with your surgeon asap... Tight fills can be harmful to your band and not to mention health Good Luck!!
  9. hey susie feel free to email me at my personal email


  10. Jeni 85

    Marchies 07~18 months later...

    thanks juli... i needed that...:thumbup:
  11. Jeni 85

    Marchies 07~18 months later...

    thanks janine, that was well said.. Yes the band is a wonderfull thing and i too got a reality check when i had my band completely unfilled.. (as hard as it is to admit i finally realized that the evil compulsive eater is still inside me) I understand that i will only be set back a little.. (thanks to my band buddy) but its just so hard to deal with the emotions.. im having such a hard time keeping my composure talking about this .. even typing or reading the posts on here have got me breking down in tears.... I just dont know if i can be strong enough to go throught this yet again.. Thank you for your kind words:wub:
  12. I take yasmin, but i might be switching soon to a higher hormone level bc.. because my gyn. thinks my periods are to heavy and that a higher dose of hormone will help it to be lighter and should help me with my extreme cramps... i have never seen an endocrinologist for my problem..
  13. Jeni 85

    Marchies 07~18 months later...

    Ok I'm going to start off by saying this is a long post, Because i have a lot on my mind.. So please bare with me. First of all, My brother was a drug addict about 5-6yrs ago... At that time i was 16-17yrs old and had to be the strong one in the family and bottled up everything inside because i didnt want my mother to see me fall apart in fear that it would make her fall apart even more.. I stayed strong help my mother and brother through everything and always was supportive to both of them. What i turned to at that time of stress was food and sweets in order to suppress my emotions.. My brother recovered and stayed clean for 5 yrs, his life was starting to fall into place and so was mine.. I thought i finally got my food addiction under control and emotions as well.. I got my band, the weight was coming off i got a full time job and am a fulltime student working in getting my Nursing degree. But this joy was short lived, unfortunately my brother had recently relapsed and returned to his old ways; and once again i find i am back in the same place of having to be the strong one.. I really dont think i can handle this again, but i know i have to do it for my mom. My mom needs all the support she can get, especially now since she has hypertension (high blood pressure) and high cholesterol.. Its basically a stroke waiting to happen.. Naturally, i want to turn to food as comfort, but i know i cannot.. Im trying my hardest not to give in, but its so difficult.. I figured i could turn to my fellow bandsters for some support..I just dont know what to do anymore.. I am having a hard time sleeping, little rest is making it hard for me to concentrate at work and school. Im just so upset at myself i thought i finally conquered the emotionional and psychological issues of eagting but found out that they were only temporary... I am also starting to put myself down again and thinking im a failure... :redface:
  14. Jeni 85

    Marchies 07~18 months later...

    Janine, Congrats on your getting approved for being rebanded!!! I'm so happy for you!!!:thumbup: Don't forget, as miss juli said once a marchie always a marchie!! Its really hard to believe 18mths post op (mine is in a week).. Im a little down because i wished i would be a little further in my journey.. Dont get me wrong i am very pleased without the amount i have lost!!! But the fact that my scale is flat linning and im not at the 'sweet spot' is frustrating me.. I've also been very stressed lately... I was doing ok handling school and work until the now when family problems arose... I can't sleep (almost at the point of asking my dr. for a Rx for sleep aides) and am completely fighting my instinct of turning to sweets when im stressed.. I'm trying to keep a positive outlook, but its really big challenge for me right now.
  15. triglycerides are high.. and yes they are caused by eating fatty foods.. but high triglycerides are sometimes high or elevated because of family history/genetics.. And a little suprise... being overweight and obesity also cause high triglycerides(read below) As far as the folic acid just take a prenatal Vitamin daily and it should be fine... I know its weird that i say that but it contains 100% of all Vitamins you need on a daily basis plus extra.. So it would benifit you... here is a little info about folic acid and triglycerides: Folic Acid Also called: Folacin, Folate, Pteroylglutamic acid, Vitamin B9 Folic acid is a B vitamin. It helps the body make healthy new cells. Everyone needs folic acid. For women who may get pregnant, it is really important. When a woman has enough folic acid in her body before and during pregnancy, it can prevent major birth defects of her baby's brain or spine. Foods with folic acid in them include leafy green vegetables, fruits, dried Beans, peas and nuts. Enriched breads, cereals and other grain products also contain folic acid. If you don't get enough folic acid from the foods you eat, you can also take it as a dietary supplement. National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary supplements Triglycerides Triglycerides are a type of fat in the bloodstream and fat tissue. Too much of this type of fat can contribute to the hardening and narrowing of your arteries. This puts you at risk of having a heart attack or stroke. Diseases such as diabetes, obesity, kidney failure or alcoholism can cause high triglycerides. Often, high triglycerides occur along with high levels of cholesterol, another type of fat. Triglycerides are measured along with cholesterol as part of a blood test. Normal triglyceride levels are below 150. Levels above 200 are high. If your triglyceride level is high, you can lower it by Getting medical treatment for the problem causing the high triglycerides Following a healthy diet low in sugars and carbohydrates Exercising regularly Taking cholesterol-lowering medicines
  16. Jeni 85

    Last of 2008 Weight Loss Challenge

    Im so joining in........im aiming low because i never make these challenges so im aiming a little lower this time!! It would be nice to make it this time!! Name...............Starting................ Current.......Goal..............To Go areellady...............189.......................189............159.. ................30 BIGB......................342.......................342............300 .................42 BellaPerdente.........287.......................251............200.... .............51 Boos02..................258.......................226............200.. ...............26 BrownBear.............240.......................240............200.... .............40 Claudine................250.......................250.............225. .................25 Bunkey1965...........194.......................193.............170.... .............23 Dionna113.............199.......................199.............160... ..............39 FeliciaLevy75 ........240.......................240.............190................5 0 GillieBean..............304.......................304.............264. ...............40 Hollie ...................154.......................154.............125...... ..........29 Jeni 85..................182.......................182.............160.................22 Josie74.................260.......................260.............215. ...............45 klmsilva.................216......................216.............190. ...............26 legster..................183......................183..............160 ...............23 linksmom..............251......................251..............200... ............51 Liquidbluegal.........225......................225..............199... ............26 Liz_hager..............161.....................161..............130... ............31 lotzasunshine.........292.......................292..............250.. ..............42 Luu2008................230.....................203..............153... ............50 MELISSA AGUIRRE..266....................233..............160................73 Melody2006...........223.....................223..............173..... ...........50 odizzzydori............242.....................242..............199... ............43 srknepler...............285.....................285..............255.. .............30 Sunshine2.............177.....................177..............160.... ...........17 stevegoad..............370................341.............. 267.................74 Truediva...........299................285...........235............50
  17. oops did i say right.. sorry i wrote that response when i was half asleep. it is on the right side just under the liver.... and it really doesnt matter what we think it is.. you should really talk to your dr. if it is as uncomfortable as it seems... if it was anything like my pain and discomfort before my surgery.. i wouldnt wait to long... after all that a dr.'s job to make us better when they can..:smile2:
  18. Jeni 85

    August marchies!

    definately agree with the whole position the port thing.. it can be ucomfortable if you dont:cursing: but juli im actually a Certified Medical Assistant and im going back to school for Nursing to get R.N. behind my name :smile2:
  19. it can be the gallbladder but if its gallbladder issues or usually only associated with eating.. are you getting sharp pain on you left side right under the ribs...??? I had my gallbladder removed on 07/30/2008 so about a month ago..
  20. Jeni 85

    vEGAS pICS

  21. Jeni 85

    Jeni with Chippendales

    From the album: vEGAS pICS

  22. Jeni 85

    August marchies!

    Thank you ladies.. I had a wonderful time.. and yes i did snuggle in!!! :crying: And i am currently wearing 14/16 depending on company... and juli said he size dress was 14p... so yes we are about the same size.. Juli You look great!!!! I had my first Class today (sociology) You know the first day of every class is uneventful and sometimes dull... but it wasn't to bad... I have Pyschology (human development) tommorow morning.. Im very much looking forward to it.... It will benefit me now while im at my current job.. help me understand how the little ones and my work are growing up developing!! I will keep you ladies updated!!
  23. Jeni 85

    August marchies!

    Back from Vegas!!! I actually got back tuesday evening but have been busy trying to unpack and get my books for school, pay for classes etc... I had a great time.. but Vegas is evil when your not at that sweet spot.. i gained like 5lbs!!!! but thats ok... im down 2lbs already so no biggie... i go for a fill on thurseday and my surgeon is going to put me back to the fill where i was at.. close to 9cc's(my sweet spot!!!) If anyone goes to Vegas you have to go see the Chippendales it was a lot of fun!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
