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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jeni 85

  1. Jeni 85

    Last of 2008 Weight Loss Challenge

    not a pound since i started this challenge.. this is so frustrating im going for a fill on thurseday hopefully that will give me the boost that i need... Im very happy to see everyone else is doing so well!!!:redface:
  2. Jeni 85

    Happy Day!

    YAY!!!! CONGRATS!!! Best of luck to you in your new journey to health!!!:redface:
  3. Jeni 85

    Gallbladder attack...without a gallbladder???

    YES IT IS POSSIBLE!! You can form stones in the common duct that leads from the liver..... if there is one there it can cause the same pain.. sometimes can be worse.. you need to have that taken care of.. i suggest you see your dr.. Its not very often that this happens.. but it is definatley possible!!:redface:
  4. Jeni 85


    i have 5 from band and 4 from gallbladder.. luckily my surgeon used one of my previous scars.. so i have 8 scars.. my mom calls me a human strainer!!!:redface:
  5. Jeni 85

    Is there hope for me?

    WOW!! I love your way of thinking... I had the last supper.. i really didnt know what to expect.... i didnt find this site until 2mths postop and i still regret the last supper thing dbut i did really well with the banding so far... im 18mths post op and ive lost 105lbs!! so im thrilled and you will be successful as well... good luck:wub:
  6. glad to hear.... good luck with surgery tomorrow and welcome to bandland
  7. good luck wioth everything and keep us posted
  8. Jeni 85


    i got my gallbladder out july 30, 2008... not at the time of band surgery.. wasnt made as an option for me... but why mess with something that is working fine.. i sa just let your gallbladder be and stay where its at..:rolleyes2:
  9. actually a lot of surgeon that do a tt on a weight loss patient typically do the mons lift at the same time... heck im going to make sure it gets done as welll... whats the harm ??? roight??
  10. Jeni 85

    Getting Stuck

    I completely agree with jack... Im 18mths post op and still have a slip up every once in a while..... but were just human and are supposed to learn from our mistakes!!! p.s. by the way bread is a major no no for me... and i have some issues with rice and Pasta as well.. but could handle it in small quantities
  11. Jeni 85

    My first PB!!!

    PB'S do suck... and like you said ... gotta learn from your mistakes... but sometimes thats not it... im 18mths post op and will still have a random pb....:rolleyes2:
  12. i'm not a cardiologist or anything but im pretty sure its nothing to be too worried about.. your surgeon just wants to make sure everything is ok before he decideds to cut into you... Its good that he is taking all the precautions.. They will probably just need to make some modifications during surgery to fit your needs...
  13. Jeni 85

    New to Site

    Welcome to the site.... and good luck on your journey to bandland:wub:
  14. To tell you the truth.... which surgery a person chooses is up to them... thoughts and beliefs vary in all of us.. Quite frankly the gastric bypass scared the shit out of me and seemed a little to complicated... im not saying there is anything wrong with it.. it has helped many people.. but it was not right for me... I chose the band and am very happy with my choice... Explore your options and everything about the different surgeries out there.. make sure to be well informed and you'll be able to decide which one is right for you..
  15. Jeni 85

    Marchies 07~18 months later...

    Im not at the sweet spot.. i go see my surgeon on thurseday... and i have going up and down the same 5 lbs for the past month and it is driving me absolutely nuts.. but anyways i saw my pcp and told him everthing.. it made me feel a bit better telling him. he gave me some suggestions on helping my stress level.. and gave me a suggestion to try the melatonin.. and i guess its helping a bit, by helping me fall asleep initially but am still waking up multiple times.. Next step is putting me on a rx sleep aid and maybe an antidepressant.. just to help me get through all of my issues... Janine Congrats on getting rebanded im so happy for you!!!
  16. Jeni 85

    The Count Down is On!

    cONGRATS!!! I felt the same way last year.... best of luck to you... and i look forward to getting to know you as well.. if your ever need any help or advice this site is definately the place to go..
  17. Jeni 85


    major emotional eater here.... but when you hit that sweet spot with the band and fills.. trust me there is only so much you can put in before it comes back up... im 18mth post op and i still struggle with the head hunger sometimes.. but yes the band does help with regular hunger.. and stops binge eating with the amount of space you have to fill up
  18. im jealous of those people who never need fills.. lol i was at my sweet spot but had to get completely unfilled due to surgery.. i got unfilled july 30 and am still trying to et back to that sweet spot .. i see my surgeon next week.. hoping it will work this time.. but yes the fill process can sometimes be tricky:cursing:... but youll eventually get there... :crying: and dont be embarrassed:redface: about going in again.. your surgeon will just be able to see your determination... and thats something he should be proud of... good luck:cool:
  19. Jeni 85

    Marchies 07~18 months later...

    hope you have a wonderful trip.. and its ok.. the weight loss will come down.. a little at a time... im not to concerned about that right now.. im just worried about these panic attacks i have been getting lately... im going to try o stay strong till friday.. when i see my dr.
  20. Jeni 85

    VG 11 and fills

    im currently at 7.7 cc's and need a fill... i was unfilled a month ago and am still trying to get back to tat sweet spot.. mine was around almost 9 cc's
  21. Jeni 85

    Marchies 07~18 months later...

    lots of streets are still flooded by my school... its by a river.... so school has been closed since saturday
  22. Jeni 85


    Cholecystectomy: medical term for removal of the gallbladder
  23. Jeni 85

    Weight gain after gallbladder surgery

    i got my gallbladder out july 30th of this year.... I actually had the same surgeon take out my gallbladder who put in my band.. he had also completely unfilled my band.. so ofcourse i was constantly hungry.. i maintain right after surgery and lost some because i was obsessed with not gaining.. funny thing as soon as i started the process of getting refilled.. ive gained about 8lbs... im slowly losing them again but am still not at the right level or "sweet spot" You definately need a fill adjustment.. i would recommend that you either fight insurance to pay for it or find out how much your surgeon charges for self payers... its usually a lot lower.. and you can go that route.. but i think its better to self pay for the adjustment and contine on your journey than sit here and struggle with it.. i mean we had this surgery to get to our goals and help us.. i mean what the point of having this tool if were not going to maintain it.. i've gone through 10 different adjustment in the past 18mths and am willing to continue.. and trust me there were time where i had to ay out of pocket... i was 8.7cc before i got unfilled and am currently at 7.7ccs.. so hopefully he can get it at that level next week.. good luck to you
  24. To tell you the truth it really depends... I try to get the three a day but there are days i have 2 some have only 1 with some snacks.. like frut or veggies.. and sometime i have 3 meals and 3 snacks.. my hunger level varies through the week... It also depends on my fill level.. i need a adjustment again so im actually getting the 3 meals a day with fruit as Snacks in between... I really do like it when i dont need those snacks.. And truthfully im 18mths post-op ad i dont always get the recommended amount of protien... but i do try to:tongue:

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