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Jeni 85

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jeni 85

  1. Jeni 85


    Here's our new thread for this month.. Lets keep ourselves going strong with our journeys in weight loss as we slowly are creeping towards out 2 yr mark.. Only 5 more months before our 2yr bandiversary!!!
  2. Jeni 85


    I have not had the test yet... im actually going to have my blood drawn on Nov 15.... and should have my results by Nov 21st when i see my doctor next.... I definitely will let you know... Are you by chance on thyroid meds for your hypothyroidism???? That should help with weight loss... And actually the last time my thyroid was checked my dr. said it was borderline... that's why he suspects it may have gone lower... causing my current problems And here the new thread for the month of November http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f90/marchies-month-turkey-79979/#post1049295
  3. Jeni 85


    I WOULD LOVE TOO!!! i think thats a great idea... just let me know when your going to be in town...:thumbup: So anyways... i went to the doctor today and well i gave into his recommendation.... I never realized how man signs off depression i have.... he also had said that e himself had noticed i was the same person today that i was a couple months ago and he could see that i was carrying th weight of the world on my shoulders.... (i couldnt believe my doctor i have only been seeing the past 6-7mths could see that?!?!) this is basically what finally took me over the edge.. long story short im now on a low-dose antidepressant to help me manage the stress in my life and improve my mood.. Also told him about how the weight struggle has been the past 3mths of the same weight while eating well and excercising.. the fact that my hair is thinning out more.. and the fatigue and dry skin.. He thinks it my be my thyroid.. so im going to get it tested again...(i had the test back in march... e.i. when i was still losing... and it was fine..) so maybe this may be the problem...
  4. Jeni 85


    ya definately!!! its driving me nuts thats for sure... but as a side note.. im proud of myself ... i bought a new winter coat in a size 12/14!!! unbelievable!! my mom was shocked because i can now fit into a lot of her stuff...!!! lol:thumbup: she wears usually a 12 sometimes a 10.. i dont fit the 10s but i will soon enough..... im trying to be optimistic:rolleyes:
  5. oh good luck and keep trying... you can keep appealing and pushing they sometimes give in...:grouphug:
  6. Jeni 85

    Fill Poll

    my dr. only did this once.... and i have had like 10 fills already
  7. When i was going through this process.. i was completely and utterly cinvinced that i dont have any sleeping disorders... But i did the sleep study in order to comply with my surgeons orders and was shocked to find out i had a mild case of sleep apnea... I dont really have any of the symptoms of it but still had it.. so its is completely possible... Im actually going for another sleep study in the next couple weeks to see if my sleep apnea has gone away.. i had lost 105lbs since i had that study.. and they say weight loss helps to fix the problem so im hoping to wipe my record clear of that.. there are other comorbities out there... do you have high blood pressure... cholesterol...??? what about your periods?? are they regular or do you have anything like pcos or endometriosis which are usually linked to verweight and obese patients?? there are tons of things out there.... talk to your dr.. to see if they can help...:pray2: best of luck to you!!:laugh:
  8. Jeni 85


    WOW!!! Where are all the marchies!!! I guess we are all very busy... Juli do what you think is best for you.. how much more are you planning on losing???? if its a lot i would consider waiting a bit longer... im waiting till im at 165 to have a consult... and at this rate it will be a long till.. i think my body is holding on to every pound as if i was starving myself.. but i'm not ... i'm eating right .. i'm excercise.. im not snacking i just don't get it.!!! i guess its just one of those evil stubborn plateaus!!! ill make it through eventually my body will cooperate.. although im wondering if the new steriod my dr. prescribed me has something to do with it??:grouphug: oh well!!! If thats the case... damn asthma!!!
  9. Jeni 85


    basically your good to go as long as you no longer wave a weight lift limit and are all healed up.. basically when you feel good enough.. BUt take it easy:wub:
  10. Jeni 85


    tammyj my band sister... im so glad to see you on here... we are now at the same weight lol... i hope you get that fill soon!!! how is everything going for you:confused:
  11. Jeni 85


    thanks juli and how did you do this weekend??? gwen i tried little things here and there throughout the day.. but in bed i didnt...
  12. Jeni 85


    thanks for the tip gwen... im very proud of myself i made it throught the day without eating any sweets!!:biggrin:
  13. Jeni 85


    wow on Monday...!!! that's great.. you have to let us all know how it goes... And ya baby steps are the key to getting back on track and i plan on starting today.. im doing good so far... no junk food yet!!! lol:thumbup:
  14. Jeni 85


    I really wanted to be around 160-165lbs by the new year as well but its not very likely.... considering i have been stuck at the same point in weight for 2mths... evil plateaus!!! But i think the problem is i need to get moving again.. i have been slacking in the exercise department and with all the stress I've had i have turned to sweets.. Luckily I'm still maintaining and not gaining...:wink2: So my goal is to get myself out of this slump I've been in and start losing again... as long as i hit that 160 goal by my 2yr bandiversary ill be happy.. because i really want to have my PLASTIC SURGERY around March/April, to be good and healed for summer...:cursing:
  15. Jeni 85


    YAY JULI!!! I have been trying to do the same (182) and i know how hard it is!!! Your doing so great!!! It seems like we have been hitting or aiming for the same milestones for a while now!!! :eek:
  16. Jeni 85

    I want...

    oooh dancing with a cute instructor... sounds like a good plan to me lol!!!:thumbup:
  17. Jeni 85

    How long have you had your band?

    I havent been banded as long as some people on here... I was banded march 15, 2007 and am still banded so about 18.5 mths but i know there was a bandster on here who was banded back in 2001.. so 7yrs...
  18. Its not on the list but i personally like: Boost - chocolate high Protein It has 15g of protein. I only like the chocolate and its only good cold... but the best over ice.. awesome.. like chocolate milk!!
  19. I didnt have a program fee.... all i paid for was copays and visits to specialists (insurance covered)... also a initial consultation with my surgeon which insurance covered... But nothing about a program fee:confused:.. this is news to me that they charge something like that.. all i pay for now is copays for fills
  20. Jeni 85


    wow!! thats not a bad idea.. the moisture and harsh chemical to the skin... so it makes sense... but ouch... And juli, i have not lost as quite as much as you, and am already thinking about researching plastic surgeons.. although, my band surgeon thinks it would be best if i waited till i got down to 165 and he would refer me to someone he knows.. The most bothrsome areas to me are the pannis, and inner thighes!!! but the arms and 4th boobs have got to go as well!!! I was at the store the other da with one of my friends and i went o try on another shirt and i joked with and said hey look i have side boobs!! and she started cracking up!! :smile: So im sitting here stuck at home because my cramps have set in full force!! i hate being a girl sometimes... im also refusing to step on the scale because of the whole bloating issue... you ladies have this issue???
  21. Jeni 85

    Marchies 07~18 months later...

    ok everyone here is our new thread for october.. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f90/october-marchies-77525/#post1016648
  22. Jeni 85

    I want...

    THATS A FUN THING TO STRIVE FOR!! At the beginning of my band journey my goal was to be able to cross my legs.. and i've accomplished it!! I know it seems small and silly but it meant the world to me when i got to that goal.. I hope you get there.. In fact if you want it bad enough and work towards it i know you will be successful!! i have actually considered taking a dance class.. but unfortunately i don't have a partner..:biggrin:
  23. Jeni 85

    Just gotta vent

    Ok im going to start off by saying that until you hit that sweet spot dont expect to lose any weight... It will take multiple fills before you get there so just be patient. I'm going to take a stab at this but my guess is your an emotional eater... if that is true, than i can very much relate to you.. Everything was going good for me until last month... all the sudden i am struggling to keep myself away from sweets and trying to avoid the easy way out foods... The only reason i was doing so well was because i didnt have major stresses going on and i wasnt depressed.. But now im having a hard time losing and have been at a stand still for the past two months... I know this is only a temporary thing.. Im slowly teaching myself to learn where to find comfort other then food... the past week ive gotten much better.. instead of turning to sweets ill go for a walk or read a book or go to a friends house just to keep my mind off of sabatoging myself. Its a major bonus to talk about what your feeling with someone you trust .. it helps calm you down and are less likely to turn to the food.. Point of the story is that everyone hits a rough patch in the road sometime in thier lives... We are the type of people tht food was our friend and now that we cant turn to it anmore we are lost and dont know where to turn to... We have to reprogram our brains to thinkin differently, and that takes time... But dont worry in due time you will be successful. Tke baby steps.. I mean take me for example.. im a major emotional eater and look how far ive come... I hope things get better for you... Something i always say to myself and sometimes helps me is "Always Stay Strong, Optimistic,Motivated and Keep on Moving!!"
  24. Jeni 85

    Subway - rude servers

    subway may not be band friendly but Panera is..... i always order a scoop of tuna salad or chicken salad with avacado and tomato and it never a problem!!!:tt1: So forget th idiot at subway and keep on going... there are plenty of other places that are friendly to us bandsters:wub:
  25. Jeni 85

    Marchies 07~18 months later...

    So i went yesterday to see my surgeon for a fill adjustment.. and that .5cc's helped... not at the sweet spot but it is much better and pretty close to it!! But i was talking to my surgeon and he was telling me about how i should be careful on what i read on the boards only because sometimes i could be learning new ways to eat around the band without even knowing it.. like over chewing my food.!!! didn't think you can over chew food.. but i'm going to try to chew a little less and see what happens... And i also got my yearly cholesterol results.. and im so disappointed!!! its still borderline... aroun the same number!!! It kinda sux considering ive changed my life around so much... At least there is proof int my hdl levell that i have changed my activity level... My HDL(the good cholesterol) Went up from 40 to 57!!! The only way to raise that one is to increase the activity level!! so im happy about that... This just goes to show you genetics play a huge role in cholesterol levels... my whole family is cursed by high cholesterol, and im slowly getting there!! Texas, good luck on getting that new position.. its hard working in a high stressful job.. and being unhappy doing it.. keep us updated. Gwen, I actually called my Dr. and he called in a prescription for ambien.. i took it last night and slept like a baby... 10hrs.. it felt real good to get some rest.. i was actually able to think straight at work today... which is probably a good idea considering i stick "little" people with needles all day.. lol... I'm going to try not to use the ambien every night because it kinda scares me the whole possibility of becoming relient on it... (and ive gone back to excercise again and its helping alliviate some of the stress) So how is the school going for you??? Juli, i completely agree w/ your view on not comparing yourself to others on the board... everyone is different..Like my surgeon said be careful what you read.. Janine, how are you doing since re-banding??

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