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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Cookeeeeez

  1. As aussie girl could probably attest to- there's nuffink wurs than a friggin penriff axsent- western Sydney blows you all away :)

    I think after getting thin ill try and get on tosh.0 as a hot chick saying gross things, or on lettermans stupid pet tricks!

    I've been afraid of fifteen minutes of fame but maybe ill make my fortune once I break free of this flubbery prison!

  2. My lil sis is super slim, real gym junkie, but even she gains a little weight every now and then. Her help in this department was to provide insight into my future life: you can't always be "perfect". The point is to recognise that your habits have become less than optimal, analyse how this is affecting your health/appearance, and act accordingly.

    This seems normal but i usually "slip" and then ignore the slip and just keep bingeing for as long as possible... Now those slips become less important, they last a couple of weeks over chrissy rather than months or years!

    I hold to the basic things I can pre-sleeve- NO SODA!!! To even choose a glass outside of a very very special occasion is to choose extra calories that really aren't worth it to me personally! I'm not addicted to soda, it's not my favourite beverage and so slipping into routinely drinking it is just something I have to catch early and stop. No judgement, just recognise - and act! (I've already analysed how much it's not worth it to me).

    Post sleeve and for you guys, these things might be snacking/grazing, emotional eating, sugars or flours that tempt you too often, etc...

    Love yourself vets, you have a great tool but even thin people need to exercise extra self control sometimes too ;) and that involves being kind to yourself!!!

    I think for you vets self control and willpower are something foreign to your pre-sleeve selves- it's not about starvation or privation or failure- it's about adjustments, alterations, improvements...

    Be positive! Peace

  3. OMG...look who it is. High Beth. Glad to see you back. AND you have a surgery date. That's awesome. BTW...the day you start liquids is my surgerversary. How you been?

    I've been really great!!! I was getting a bit down but managed to pick myself up well! I've really missed you but needed a little break from focussing too much on my weight before I have the sleeve to help me :)

    We adopted a new kitten named Ginny for my bday and we are picking up a puppy on the weekend named Tess.

    Just did massive exercise rearranging house to puppy proof and summer clean :)

    I would love an update on all of you! Are you looking forward to surgerversary?! Met any goals recently? I didn't need an extension belt for plane in December! Yey! (Although, lol, I don't know if I ever did- first time on a plane since I was a kid ;) LOL but it's still a pleasant surprise!!!)

    Did you know it was 115 degrees F in Sydney over the last couple of days?! Incredible!!!

    Love you all!

  4. Great to hear you have a date :) But why the stretched out post-op liquids phase? Is that your dr's normal routine?

    Yes, normal routine. My preop is actually a bit shorter than some coz my liver feels good and tests came back good! The nil by mouth is before a barium swallow and after an internal leak test. The extended liquids is standard because he does this operation for more than just weight loss, and it is recommended to reduce risk as there is still chance of leaks three weeks out (which can be more deadly for people with cancer etc).

    I'm super excited for chrissy, it'll be my last big one ever and it's a combined bday too! I'm going to stay away from the naughty beverages and try to fill up on salads- but do plan on having my last piece of mums crackling!!!

  5. Hi all, just wanted to say I have my date for July 5th 2013! Quite excited!

    I'll be on 6 week pre-op Optifast with optional salad/optibars, then two-three days nil by mouth post op, after barium swallow i can try Clear Liquids a week, liquids two weeks, puréed/soft two weeks, solids after that! Plus it's no smoking at least 8 weeks pre-op.

    Rather strict but I'm confident it can be achieved with willpower and family support.

    The stress of final semester uni is getting me very down but when it's over I hope to have a good holidays and start a fresh 2013!

    Hi all! Beth

  6. Check out Iggychic's thread, she had some horrible and long-lasting complications. I know she wishes she had waited until her child was older so that if she had passed away her family wouldn't have been so defenceless :( I think if you take the necessary precautions (will, insurance etc) then you may be more comfortable with having the surgery.

    I'm just turning 26 and will be getting my op next year. I think I'm old enough to take charge of my life, but it has taken years (and will take more) of therapy to help with the emotional issues that could affect my success with wls. I suggest you do so too because youth can make it hard to have objective insight into our own issues. This may also help you with confidence in dealing with the (positive and negative) attention that will come of the surgery...

    Good luck either way, and happy travels!

  7. Hi everyone! Long time no see :) sorry :) lol

    I wanted to say hi to Lila & congrats on the recovery so far!

    Good luck to all of you on pre-op diets!

    I'm currently fluctuating up to TEN kgs depending on whose scales I use, my lowest is 126, my highest is around 132.5 or 144! Incredibly frustrating since all three of those numbers are from medical grade scales!

    I just had my implanon removed yesterday so hopefully the hormonal fluctuations will stop- I'm expecting to drop 10 kgs or so in the next month just from that!

    I also got my copper (non-hormonal) IUD in yesterday, and have to admit it did hurt ALOT but only for about 60 secs then only mild cramping in the afternoon and fine now! Best decision ever, so far ;) the nurses were so lovely, held my hands, and I have to admit (TMI) that the obgyn was lucky my legs were strapped down or he probably would have got a decent kick to the chops ;) lol

    Anyway, I have another app with my surgeon on 8th and hoping to get the go-ahead and date for next year, but honestly may just have to be patient and keep trucking. We're discussing trying the new endo-barrier in the meantime, but id be the first for my surgeon so well just continue to consider options... But hey, maybe is get a discount for being the guinea pig ;) lol!!!

    Peace and safe travels!

  8. Okay, so a good book on "moderation" is

    If Not Dieting, Then What?

    by Dr Rick Kausman

    This is the theory behind OP's discussion :)

    The book explores how to:

    - enjoy food without feeling guilty

    - increase your eating awareness

    - improve how you feel about yourself

    - fit some sort of activity into your day

    - achieve and maintain a healthy, comfortable weight for you, without being deprived of food or quality of life.

    This is not an advert, but I do recommend this book if you are interested in this topic.

    You will find in this book something OP left out: eat when you're hungry, not when you're not. Now one Dorito may be manageable by a person as a treat when they're not hungry. They can enjoy the "taste" (which is what the licking posts are referring to) but aren't consuming it to fill the "void". They can easily stop at one.

    That same person, if physically hungry, may end up eating a whole bag because they didn't realise till they tried that chip just how hungry they were.

    The same person again may not be physically hungry, but may have "head hunger". They may be snacking because its a certain time of day, they're at a party, they're offered it and don't know how to refuse politely, or it is a trigger food! This is where people usually feel disappointed in themselves for "indulging". They didn't feel deprived in the first place, they just ate because it was there.

    So there's a saying that goes "the best tasting bites are the first and the last, so why not just have two bites ;)"

    I tend to agree, it's just that practically this isn't always possible for all people.

    Finally, I agree with butterthebean that some people may use to sleeve to only change how much they eat, and not what they eat. Many obese ppl actually suffer from malnutrition and this is even worse post-op if this behaviour continues.

    Yes, for some, it is great that you're only having half a can of soda, or a small fries instead of a large meal. In Aus the Gov has started an ad coaign in this same vain- "swap it, don't stop it".

    But this also refers to the types of foods. If you can try to swap your half can and small chips to fresh fruit juice and a baked potato with sour cream you are getting even healthier.

    Or you can stay the same if it stops you backsliding to "even-worse-ville"!

    BUT listen to me now please!! Just because your eating healthy-er doesn't mean you're eating healthily! Please try to reassess your eating and exercise habits with a calm and logical approach. This goes to ppl who still only eat 400 calories 2 yrs out and those blending up cheeseburgers and vodka in the hospital parking lot ;)

    This is a wonderful place for learning and we all have our own lives and journeys and even if I disagree with you I will always wish you very very well in your life!

  9. Way to lump us all together.

    There are other types of people on here as well....those who have severe eating disorders and have not addressed them before surgery. They are not laid back and they certainly are not health nuts. Which way should they be advised to go?

    I'm still reading and will post again in a sec, but just wanted to say THANKS :D I'm in this category and if I wasn't getting very professional help with this then the rather anecdotal info in this thread and others could mess me up even more!!! I certainly know that being "laid back" is NOT as easy as OP suggests! Nor is being "obsessive".

    Actually, I would suggest that what OP thinks is what I'm attempting to achieve long term, BUT it's not "the easy way" as another similar thread refers to it.

    Moderation and calm-eating can be just as terrifying as anorexia or obsessive compulsive over-eating. In fact, it's more so because it depends on us relinquishing the control over food (and the control it has over us).

  10. All of the above + the low self-confidence that comes from years of snide comments about the weight! For years we've AVOIDED conversations about our weight, and the judgments and advice (good or bad) that comes with it. Now it's weird to have it become a really central issue in our lives, major surgery, drastic weightloss and changes in eating habits. I'm not ashamed at all, I haven't bought into "the stigma" but I still get very defensive about my past and current struggles with my eating habits. The surgery convo ultimately brings up other things I'm less comfortable talking about...

    Don't worry about other topics on the same, I have commented on this in the past and have a little more insight at the time of posting in this thread :) thanks for the brain food :D

  11. Smelly urine is also a sign of infection. Did you have a catheter? Is your urine cloudy? It can also be a sign if pregnancy or diabetes. Get it checked out!

    To OP, urinary retention is a common side effect if the anaesthetic in surgery. Hopefully it has resolved itself by now :)

  12. I bought cucumbers for my night time snack. I realize now that I have to remove all the sweets in the house. I am ok with it. I also decided to stop drinking liquids with artificial sweetners. So no carbs, sugar or aspartame like substances. It isn't that bad. Veggies are super yummy.

    Yup! Apart from the occasional coffee on an early morning (with raw sugar) I'm completely on water! I choose not to drink my calories :)

  13. Why can't we all just remember why we are on this forum to begin with. We are all in the same boat...we all want to lose weight! And to have a happier healthy life. Well this isn't being happy or healthy. Just keep your personal opinions to yourselves. Just share your weight loss experiences with us. Sorry if this upsets people. But seriously all I want from this is positive feedback from the already sleeved.

    I'm sorry this is one of your first nasty threads :( they pop up occasionally and although I hate feeding the trolls, sometimes you have to speak up or silence can be seen as agreement. We are all here to lose weight but some people bring other baggage with them. Its what makes us human, but don't worry it won't go on much longer :) Sorry for continuing thread, just needed to get that out of my system, because here in Aus we have a few small rascist groups that make us all look bad, and I HATE it! Especially from those who call themselves Christians- EVEN WORSE behaviour!!!

  14. YOU are the people forgetting that I am entitled to my own feelings on whether or not I would want to go to Mexico or any other country besides the U.S. and why I think things are worth it or not, etc. I always stand on principal, and live with the consequences of what is happening to our nation every day. That is part of my life, and I am allowed to express my opinion anytime I want. That is the American way! It's too bad you are so offended...and that's another thing that is wrong with this country...too many people offended all the time...many of them illegal aliens and anchor babies or do-gooder liberals who are blinded by their college education. Grow up and stop the baggering.

    You're not in America on the Internet! You may have rights there but here we follow the rules of the forum! In going to report you for your rascist and offensive comments. But you wanted to offend didn't you! You mock us for our delicate sensibilities. But we mock you back! You are the minority! The ignorant, self-entitled, wasteful and jealous few who will be dead soon, leaving the world a much better place! Get on with it!

  15. Ok I'm pre-sleeve but on long term track to healthy life!!! I hope you don't mind but I've been thru a struggle recently and so have some good advice I'd like to share:

    *see a nutritionist or dietician or therapist again! Each of these people can help you one on one with LOTS of great advice and motivation tailor made to you! They should also provide a judgement-free environment to talk about emotional issues that may be affecting your eating and exercising habits.

    *replace food with something else very indulgent! I cannot stress how important this is!!! I bet everyone of you have put yourself last for a long time until you decided you were important enough to take care of (probably leading to your decision to have wls) and it will be hard to regain that sense of self importance! But you have to treat yourself (regularly) with something other than food, massage, music, concerts, movie tickets, sporting events, makeup, new clothes, new bed sheets or other nice things you like but put off. You are saving on the food you used to eat so indulge a little- it will boost your mood and confidence!!! Ignore this step at your peril ;)

    *try Yoga, Tai Chi, Boxing, Ballet/Hip Hop/Jazz etc, Rowing/Kayaking, Aqua Zumba, MMA, Horse Riding, anything you have ever seen that looks like fun and gets you out of the house! I'm devastated we don't have a decent yoga instructor in the area, but we have one of the best MMA facilities in the country- as soon as I lose some weight I will be back into my training! It's not exercise, it's a lifestyle!

    *increase "incidental exercise"- remember to take the stairs, park further away and walk, run up the stairs rather than walk, hang laundry out rather than use dryer, take the more active shift at work, anything you can think of...

    *stop nighttime snacking! I have decided to have dinner between 7-8pm and not eat or drink anything after this time. Pretend you are fasting for a blood test. A new study is getting a lot of hype regarding nighttime fasting. The main concern is that ppl can't stick to it in a modern lifestyle, but if you can go between 12-16 hours then you will definitely be better off!!!


    * if you're bored with your routine than make a planned change. It is unscheduled eating that gets me in trouble. Make a plan that you like and try to stick to it again. If you need to tweak it (add Snacks, change times etc) do so, but use a plan to avoid head hunger snacking.

    *try to remember what really worked for YOU in the past! If you hate big breakfasts (like me) then YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE PERFECT!!! Do what works for you! Yes it would be better to have "this" but in order to be the "healthiest I can be" I'll have "that". I swap chocolate for fruit, you might switch it for carob, you might switch to dark chocolate which satisfies the craving better, you might not need it very often at all so eat it whenever the craving is very strong. I eat muesli and lite milk for brekky coz it fills me up and tastes great, and honestly it's better than skipping it and gorging on lunch!!! Yogurt is better for me than ice cream!

    *you will go up and down! You are not a machine! You have hormones, commitments, temptations all of which can end up hijacking your routine if you let them. Be as the bird on the Water, slowly rising up and down with the waves, but never sinking ;)

    These are a few things that have helped me get back on the horse recently! But also reading vst really helps! I think it's the community factor that helps me remember I'm not alone and keeps my head in the right space... Don't be afraid to ask for help or give help!

    Peace and happy travels!

  16. I've just had a good kick in the bum and have learned a few things:

    *eating after 7-8pm is a no-no for me. It leads to unwanted snacking late into the night = added calories.

    * Breakfast is most important meal of the day. No I won't have a big Protein filled cook up, I get too queezy! But a bowl of muesli or Special K with lite milk keeps me satisfied till lunch easily :)

    * no more "special" dinners. I'm over it and can't handle the stress! I'm setting up a few basic recipes with portion sizes I can maintain indefinitely :)

    * stick to my healthy Snacks

    * forget about trying to like everyone else! I haven't had the sleeve yet but I wish I could eat like you. I can stick to under 2000 cals if I follow the above rules and that's wayyyyyy under my ideal intake (at this weight). I think when I'm sleeved ill lose the bread rolls at lunch and the carbs (potatoes, noodles, rice) that I need to fill me up right now at dinner time. I think I will fluctuate between 500-1000 cals and that will be fine!

    You only have to find what works for you, you don't have to be perfect! You may find tweaking helps but overall just listen to your body!

    If you are struggling then listen to advice but don't take anything as gold! Find a nutritionist or dietician that is happy to provide regular checkups and help YOU with YOUR own personal eating habits :)

    I hope this helps a little in motivating and reassuring you! IMO you need to develop a healthy relationship with food, and that is a very personal journey! Good luck and happy travels!!!

  17. From their Aussie web site:

    The Chobani Story

    Chobani is the delicious authentic, strained Greek yogurt that tastes good and is good for you.

    Our expert team handcrafts each tub of creamy Chobani so it’s not only the highest quality but also tastes great! So how do we make Chobani so delicious? The secret isn’t an ingredient. It’s a passion and love for what we do.

    First we take wholesome milk and add a special recipe of yogurt cultures, blended just for us. We then strain our yogurt—which is why it’s so deliciously thick and Protein packed—and add real fruit to make Chobani such an indulgent yet healthy treat:

    Made with only natural ingredients.

    Free of preservatives and artificial flavours.

    0% and 2% fat.

    Packed with more Protein than regular yogurt.

    Provides a good source of bone-building Calcium.

    Includes 5 live & active cultures, including 3 Probiotics.

    Free of synthetic growth hormones.

    Free of Gluten.

    Safe for those with nut and soy allergies.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
