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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Cookeeeeez

  1. Oh and, I had a thought/ saw a doco on medical marijuana in Colorado. It seems to be a drug that helps a lot of people with your sort of symptoms... Is it worth a try anywhere near you? It's strange but it sounds like the surgeon hit a nerve in your abdominal cavity... Has any doctor suggested this possibility? Nerve damage does strange things...
  2. A few things- I'm very very sorry you are going through this. You seem like a person of faith and I hope this has helped you in the tough times. Maybe god knew you were strong enough to go through this, equipped you with heartfelt writing ability, and sent you out to help others? I'm not sure I would be strong enough... My mothers doctor was drunk when treating her early in her pregnancy with my younger sister. Gave her penicillin knowing she was allergic. She nearly died and speant rest of pregnancy worried my sister would be born with side effects. She was ok, perfectly healthy baby. But mum sued for the terror (started suit While still pregnant). Took nearly ten years and doctor died before ever saying sorry. Mum got about $10, 000 from his estate. It wasn't worth it though, no-one else really "got" her pain, maybe coz they were all men? Just saying this to add, if lawyer can't help with money then just speak out as much as you are comfortable with... I was rushed to hospital earlier thus year unconscious with aspiration pneumonia. Went to slep Wednesday woke up Friday in hospital. I had very bad flu and throat infection which a GP hadnt wanted to give me anything for. Said if I lost weight I'd be healthier next winter- argh! Anyway in the night I must have coughed so hard I breathed in my own vomit. Admitted to critical care unit for five days. Most nurses were good but the massive antibiotics I were on in hospital gave me mouth thrush. I couldn't swallow anything and was crying in pain. Noone could help me. It took the lady who bought tea and coffee to diagnose the thrush and have the nurses bring nilstat. It cleared up in a day... When I was released they gave me a medication to take at home. That night I committed and thought I was having a heart attack. Went straight to same emergency room. Had to wait there with bleeding, coughing, vomitting others for two hours before throwing up again myself, right there on the floor. They sent someone to clean it up but still couldn't have a dr see me. I went home, cried myself to sleep, went to local clinic next morning. Told me the medicine hospitak had prescribed causes those exact side effects. And the triage nurses at e.r. Couldn't look that up anywhere?! Just some small things about the "monolith" that is western medicine... Drs don't know all. Some don't even know the little things like hirse-sized amounts of antibiotics cause thrush! Allergies kill people. Medications have side effects... I hope your daughter does a medical anthropology class at college- shell get a kick out of realising doctors don't know everything Oh and lastly, I've rocked the overweight anorexic look before... I feel for you- but hey, vampires are in this season- hi light your pallor for the hottest summer trend Get well and god bless...
  3. Cookeeeeez

    Macho Cheese Doritos

    Hmm, dunno if I'll name my sleeve but my stomach and it's chub is called Bertrand (after Russell) and my partners is called Gertrude (not after stein, more from the giggling gurdy)...
  4. Cookeeeeez

    Explain Your Name!

    Favourite drive-by ever, a group of teens screamed "cooookiiee moonsterrrrr" at me... I thought, well I doooo like cookies!!! Hence chub-related nickname...
  5. Cookeeeeez

    Macho Cheese Doritos

    Well he probably burnt off all the calories in his "nacho dance"... Is it weird I imagined him naked? I can tell I'm gunna have sexy food dreams tonight hahahahaha!!!!
  6. Thankyou everyone for your stories! I'm so proud of y'all!!! Umm, it was one straw for me but does need slight background- I was a pageant child, always the prettiest little girl, who got fat as a pre-teen. Bad diet, not really encouraged to exercise. Finally decided I was old enough to go on a "diet" or "healthy eating plan" as it was beginning to be called. Became obsessed, lost all the weight and more and nearly died of anorexia. Oh and it started as a "whim to be slim" like my friends, but Ive never really had body confidence issues, I like the way I look, I don't mind my body physically and have always had luck with the opposite gender I just fell in LOVE with the high of not eating, doing something everyday that no-one else could do- starve myself! I was quite good at it Anyway, "Recovery" was kind of "easy" once i found the perfect dietician, but obviously my mind was still messed up. I thought "hey, I beat it, food no longer controls me!" I could eat whatever I "wanted". Needless to say I "kind of" exploded in size... About 100-110 pounds up to 200 in less than a year!!! I tried to cut calories again but started having panic attacks and even suicidal thoughts. Started yo-yoing up and down until I hit 300 pounds. I was delusional by then, I would just not eat for as long as possible then binge out of starvation. But I didn't compensate with laxatives or vomiting, I just moved on, and the cycle continued. People think I must love food, but most of those who know me well can see how I try to ignore that I'm eating. I pick cheap easy (ergo high cal) foods that can be consumed quickly with little thought involved... Then the straw- I got aspiration pneumonia from a common cold. Went to sleep Wednesday and woke up Friday with tubes and needles everywhere. Bedridden for five more days and anything that was left of my core muscles went and my lumbar discs began to bulge. Enter stage left- EXCRUCIATING pain all down lower leg and foot. Sledgehammers, needles, tourniquets cutting off feeling and blood supply... All of the above. Asked doctor obvious question: is it my weight... Obvious answer: yup- lose it and it will go away but in the meantime here's a huge number of scarily addictive drugs to take... I have psych, dietician, GP, physio, alternative therapist and partner's support this time but I'm still scared. Though not scared of the surgery per se, rather- will I mess this up too? Will I ever "get over" food? It's been a few months now, lost 25 pounds pre-op, had a sort of bad week last week but am back on that sturdy old horse, 9 months until in ready for surgery and look out world!!! Thanks for reading, I havent seen many people on here with "eating disorders" so I thought I'd share... God bless.
  7. Cookeeeeez

    The Stuff They Don't Tell You

    Hehem... Anyone else tried hydrating from the errr other end? I found that a plain clean tap Water enema at home really got things moving. I dont think they are meant for more than occasional use (some professional colonic irrigators will try and make you a, erm, regular) but aren't always unpleasant and the result is satisfactory... Oh and I can't wait for my surgery! The way I see it, I have eaten enough for a lifetime - I may miss some food or drinks but really I've kindof abused my food privelage... Also, most of the side effects mentioned here involve some minor physical discomforts- to get some idea why they don't really bother me, they are a small price to pay if I can lose the weight causing a bulging disc causing sciatica and nerve pain from l4/l5 disc. Take a sledge hammer and smash your foot, at the same time randomly stick some pins in your calf! No hyperbole, I'm on (gradually decreasing dose) OxyContin aka hillbilly heroin and two types of nerve suppressant for the pain... I'm only 25 years old and some of the damage done to my spine is irreparable I'm going to check out the last straw thread sassy pants mentioned, short of some sort of major leak disaster- for me personally- im gunna take my chances with the devil I don't know (& you guys have helped prepare me for) Good luck all!!!
  8. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Poor susie I lost my hair from flu-induced aspiration pneumonia earlier this year and am so sorry this bad flu has gotten to you right at the worst possible time I can imagine how long your journey has been and it must feel awful to have a rescheduling possibility looming but broccolini is your friend lol hope he boosts your immune system a little!!! We'll all be here for you if worst happens but I hope you get better- it's almost a weekish away so you have time to recover!!! Fingers crossed!
  9. Cookeeeeez

    Macho Cheese Doritos

    I LUV thread hijackers! We should start a fast n furious section where a straight-man asks a question and we see how nuts we can go on it!!! I actually think there was a great lot of adviCe in the humour: tasting tasty exterior of treats = great low-cal option + leftovers for unsuspecting others... I wonder if it would work with choc-coat peanuts as well as salted snacks!?
  10. Sometimes I think I could go into a doctors office with a broken leg and they'd still just tell me to lose weight... Although for once a doctor (head of the clinic) seemed shocked when I told him my bmi. He said I "carried my weight well"!!! Lol well I've had plenty of time to get used to it!!!
  11. Cookeeeeez

    I Can't Wait To Not Have To...

    It may have been said, but that awkward dosey-doe around and inbetween other chairs and aisles because I might knock people over with my hips and thighs!
  12. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    So excited for y'alls imminent surgeries!!! Think how thin you'll be by the time I get mine done!! I had my first really good day again today, I think it has helped to go back 2 basics, Cereal, sandwich, meat n 3 veg, fruit and nuts for snacks... And to take the pressure off myself- I mean I haven't been sleeved yet and when was the last time I stuck to being healthy for so long? A little hiccup three months out, but I have 9+ months & the rest of my life left to go!!! I'm seeing reflexologist and physio again next week, hoping they can help with more of the pain as it has been putting me down in the dumps since it flared up last week I can't wait to see all y'all new haircuts!!! I've always got half a dozen DIY dyes around the house but have been happy as a brunette lately. Also been afraid to show bald spot to hairdressers but need a cut pretty badly lol Can't wait for next meet up!!! Good onya guys! And good luck Lila!!!!!!!!
  13. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Sooo excited and jealous for you Lila!!! It's good to be second, the doc'll be all warmed up for the day lol Wishing you best of luck in the last few days of your old life!!!
  14. Cookeeeeez

    "you Have To Reexamine Your Relationship With Food"

    I'm so happy to read this. Some ppl (even on here) don't seem to "get" my relationship with food. It's never been a comfort for me though, I DESPISE it! I hate buying, preparing, cooking, and eating it. But I'm re-learning to love that it nourishes me, that I can enjoy the taste sometimes! I usually just fast all day then binge eat while distracting myself with tv or something. Now I remember to plan my day to include food, to actively choose some "naughty" foods to eat and try to enjoy every bite or sip of them without getting disgusted at myself. I try to help ppl on here figure out that carbs aren't bad in themselves, it's what type they are, what they do to your body, how they taste or make you feel. I hope we all find happier relationships with food someday! Thanks butterthebean for sharing!!!
  15. Cookeeeeez

    List Of Cons

    Oh and gustavo I've heard A LOT of ppl on here say they just can't stand anything even remotely sweet anymore...
  16. Cookeeeeez

    List Of Cons

    Lol! I can imagine! When my gallbladder was playing up if I even looked at anything fried or fatty I would collapse in pain! I can see myself though, taking that little bite of cake and just sucking the life out of it! Lol I truly love that one day I will love even the thought of cake, even if I don't eat it just smelling it or seeing other people enjoy their slice would make my day
  17. Cookeeeeez

    Mocha Iced Coffee

    You know what- every time someone goes thru the McDonald's drive thru with me they ask "are you suuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrreeeeee you don't want ANYTHING?!?!" and they get that pained look like I'm missing out- and I feel bad because sometimes I am a little hungry or thirsty and would like a treat but their food just goes straight thru me. But I discovered their coffee kick frappe. I get a small lite milk one sometimes now with the little bit of whipped cream and fudge sauce (it just wouldn't be "it" without it) and I'm soooo happy! I enjoy every sip and I know that one little treat every once in a while makes everyday a little more sparkly If having a iced coffee even daily takes say 1 year off your life think about how many years you've gained by changing yiur enture lifestyle and how each sip makes your day happier. If you think it's worth it then that's it, that's your own unique little sin that makes you you! Bon appetit!
  18. Cookeeeeez

    List Of Cons

    Go gustavo- you hit the nail on the head IMO... Although I'm pre-sleeve I am already noticing I have started a really healthy habit of portion control. Yes- tonight I had soda chips and chocolate but I had half a glass. A quarter of a bag, and two pieces. Hopefully if I ever have a "bad" day when sleeved I will have a sip, a chip, and a bite! It's not brain surgery and even a bypass can't stop you drinking soda or eating ice cream but it does seem like you get into the habit of eating for nourishment and simply tasting for pleasure... I can't wait y'all!!!!
  19. Cookeeeeez

    Question About Oatmeal

    Also- no carbs are bad if they're full of fibre like fresh fruit and oats. Oats are full of soluble fibre and can reduce cholesterol. Too many ppl seem obsessed with carbs and unless you are a diabetic you should only be worried about the fibre count in your carbs happy travels...
  20. Isnt it summer in the US? I'm sure most people are eating a few cold things in the hot weather...
  21. Oh my gosh, I'd kill for two ice cream sangas to be a cheat- I'm presleeve and tonight had some potato chips, soda, and chocolate! Not that much of each to be sure but I have that awful junk food mouth taste, kinda scratchy and sore I've been so "good" and this week has been terrible but I'm getting back on the horse over and over again- I think that's the key I've also been up to a lot of walking and exercise lately so maybe u haven't been keeping up with the calories I need with good food so my tummy starts craving those quick calories? I think we all know when to exercise and what to eat but I'd like to see someone tell a skinny person to get off their butt and exercise every time we see them eat a naughty food. I think youd probably get a big punch in the nose! As part of a lifelong change there is always room for a nice treat!!! Don't ever forget the importance of listening to your body! It sounds like original poster knew she wanted something cold and sweet and ate it! Go for it! Although I tend to yum sorbets, passion fruit or mango especially. Lol!
  22. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    I'd love to, will put it in my planner I like south bank too and would probably love a cool dip if the weather keeps getting warmer!!! I'll try and get a better nights sleep so I'm less yawny and tired Oh and it would be great if we could bring a packed lunch - I can imagine all of you spending a fortune on expensive meals you can barely eat!! Lol Also it will be only 8 months to my surgery by then... Soooooo excited! I had a pretty good day today too but was so fatigued again, I really think the reflexologist knocked my socks off- I feel amazing but sleepy ! Lol!
  23. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    I use musashi n-force2, vanilla it tastes fine and never leaves clumps... I tried tvsn's whey less and initially it tasted fine but then about half way through there was a high concentration of insoluble grit- I think it was the artificial sugar but it tasted like drinking egg shells yuk My sister likes musashi slm and she has probably tried all of them. The slm/n-force trade off is slm has lower carbs, the n-force has higher Protein... Just make sure it's not the slm Meal Replacement or you'll accidentally bump up your calories too!! Lol
  24. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Lol, Even my OAO couldn't get in my super greens powder, was disappointed now I'm on the hunt thru health stores for a similar algae/spirulina/chlorella and wheat grass/barley mix super vegie type power food powder thingy... How's that for a futile fight?! Lol
  25. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Yup, naked noodles ordered from organic Australia online, shirataki noodles made from konjac plant. 6 cals per 100g 0% fat 1g Protein 4g carbs in form of fibre and are 20% Calcium. Haven't tried them yet but told to rinse them before use as packaging has a slight smell that disappears after rinsing... Good find Lila glad your doing well, so excited for your surgery!!!!

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