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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Cookeeeeez

  1. Cookeeeeez

    Lump In Arm...

    Hot to touch is a huge sign of infection, the swelling can be normal healing but I wouldn't risk the heat... If you cant get into surgeon asap then Just see a regular dr to start with ASAP, they can check for other signs of infection like swollen lymph nodes etc
  2. Cookeeeeez

    You Know You're A Sleever When...

    Mwahaha!!! That wil be meeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
  3. Cookeeeeez

    So Sad I Cannot Breathe

    Oh and I'm all for getting hospitalised (been there, done that), but if she's talking to hubby and going to work then she seems to be functioning ok, just with an overall stress that needs some help- this doesn't always meet hospitalisation (especially if it might stigmatise her in her workplace)... There are alternative therapies that are worth a shot at this point in time
  4. Cookeeeeez

    So Sad I Cannot Breathe

    Also I think Italy might be a wonderful way for you two to rebuild and restrengthen your lovely relationship... I'm pretty sure it will help her too, to out things back in perspective. Although if she still seems jittery in a few weeks then of course it's probably not the best idea, but as you said, leaving her alone in that state probably isn't either catch 22 but I know you will all get through it safe and well
  5. Cookeeeeez

    So Sad I Cannot Breathe

    Okay, so as the resident nut-case on here: Sometimes the people we love are the only ones we feel safe to yell and scream at. YOU giving her ANY advice will make her back away. Hopefully she WILL apologise when she starts to feel better. The fact that she fell asleep means she is totally emotionally exhausted and needs to vent. Seeing a priest, therapist, masseuse, etc may help her avoid having a big breakdown next time. Do you have an acute mental health care team in your area? Sometimes they can do house calls just to check on her, and can bypass red tape if she has a serious issue. She will talk to your husband because he didn't experience her breakdown and is probably embarrassed to talk to you. Maybe send a simple text: "hi, I love you, give me a call anytime, im always here." later on you can get into the whys and let her know that treating you this way is innapropriate, and to pay for repairs, but not now... I am 99% sure she will not act this way with anyone else unless backed into a corner, and even then she is more likely to self harm. In the meantime try to relax (I know it's hard!) take care of your self do you can support her if she needs it, and get hubby to keep non-judgemental tabs on her like does she have groceries, how is work, just listen and it will come out whatever has happened... Keep us updated, peace Beth
  6. Cookeeeeez

    Getting Very Frustrated

    Hey see how time flies when you have friends with you! You'll be helping me along when I'm in your situation! Best luck!
  7. Cookeeeeez

    "just Eat Already!"

    So what's your gran say now that you can "just eat all ready"? Jk it's funny but as a kid I remember my dad just huffing and puffing when I would cough from a cold.. Some people care about you but just lack that little bit of patience when anyone is sick... Even when he is sick he gets annoyed at himself! Lol So glad you're getting better!
  8. Cookeeeeez

    Big Mistake!

    Hey it's funny but just checked out another thread that says acid reflux can cause hunger feelings... Try a medicine for this?
  9. Cookeeeeez

    Big Mistake!

    Ah louiseC thanks!
  10. Cookeeeeez

    Big Mistake!

    I'd like to hear back from OP... I hate feeling full! HATE it! Personally I think that your desire to feel full, rather than "not hungry" or disinterested in food may be a psychological issue... Do you? Have a big think about why you got surgery and butterthebean/other posters have provided some good advice about why physically you may not be full... Oh and anyone care to talk in grams! Can't picture 4-8 oz
  11. Cookeeeeez

    Getting Very Frustrated

    Hiya! So proud of you ngm! Day five must be really hard, your over the "excitement motivation" of day 1 and far away from "imminent surgery motivation" of last day! I know you will do your best possible and plan better tomorrow... We believe in you! Beth
  12. Heya, biotin is in the swisse multivitamin but other than that my derm says it isn't really a big help... Great haircut!
  13. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Fingers crossed for Lila today!!!
  14. They do help me out, and because it's in a positive environment I feel a lot better, like taking some me time... They say the first one loosens and the second extracts (sorry tmi) but some people only want your money so will tell you to come more frequently... Your choice I suppose
  15. I've read about a sleever okayed by surgeon to have a colonic 3 days out... The water doesn't go anywhere near sleeve and should only result in mild swelling of lower belly- ask your surgeons I suppose but they've been good to be for short term constipation and usually result in a move on the scales...
  16. Lol! I'm still pre-sleeve but it shouldn't be a problem for your sleeves, should it?!
  17. Cookeeeeez

    Before And After Pics

    Love the stash! Way to go zino!!!
  18. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Hey W2G!!! Now, why don't you try on a 14 from city chic?! Jk!!! Awesome inspiration puppy!!!
  19. Hey you both look gorgeous! And younger!!! W2G!!!
  20. Cookeeeeez

    Fruit Anyone?

    Could be diabetes related diet, no carbs?
  21. Cookeeeeez

    Explain Your Name!

    So sorry @ zenoosh! I know he lives on forever in your memory!
  22. Cookeeeeez

    Where To Start

    Mine is just after final straw moment, not my heaviest but close to it I've lost 25 pounds since july- no sleeve just waiting for those "well if you can lose weight without it...." comments to start rolling in :/ congratulations Laura, so proud of you!
  23. Cookeeeeez

    My Fitness Pal Great Way To Track Progress

    Hi all, I'm blevarre I'm pre sleeve for a while so maybe my stats will make you feel good in your hardest moments lol!
  24. Cookeeeeez

    Fruit Anyone?

    I heard pineapple is great for ketosis breath!
  25. Cookeeeeez

    Attention ! Australian Sleevers

    Oh my gosh you should read the flaming going on in another thread right now because someone asked if they could have a beer... Sooooo funny!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
