I have been diagnose with dermatomyositis/dermatomyositis sine myositis and will be having sleeve surgery in August my Surgeon told me the sleeve surgery might worsen my condition and I need to know if anyone knows about this disorder and the sleeve surgery does anybody have this condition and has had sleeve surgery. I have type 2 diabetes and fatty liver. My actual weigtht is about 220, I have lower back problems and i have reumatoid Arthritis. I was told most of these health problems will go away once I have the sleeve surgery but on the other hand the auto-immune disorder may worsen. I need to be well informed. This is a hard decision and I am running out of time. I also need info on how the surgery has worked for all of you and all the info i can get will be of much help I'm sure I'm not the only one with questions and fears. Please send me all the pros and cons I need to be well informed. I just want to make the best decision for my own heath. Thank you all and I will be waiting for you information.