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    BrickHouse reacted to TheNewSleevedJulie in Albany, New York....?   
  2. Like
    BrickHouse got a reaction from missmeli in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    I can't wait to NOT have sore feet. And sore ankles. And sore knees. And sore hips. And a sore back.
  3. Like
    BrickHouse reacted to jatherley in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    Got my sleeve 8/27 so I'm 6 months out now. I'm down 97lbs since the start of the process. Some of the great changes are.
    -I am now able to exercise regularly. I'm walking at least 4 miles a day.
    -I can keep up in Pilates
    -I can run with my son
    -I can cross my legs and I do every chance I get.
    -I am not ruled by my hunger
    -I can wear heels
    -I bought a knee length dress and it looks pretty good on me.
    -I can sit in a booth at a restaurant without being uncomfortable.
    -I can lay down in my tub and take a bath
    -I can clean and cook for hours with out being exhausted.
    -best of all - I can lift and carry my four year old son without being winded.
  4. Like
    BrickHouse reacted to rensterness in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    A lot has changed for me, I was sleeved October 7, 2013 so I am just about five months post op. I am down over 100 pounds since day of surgery and now weight 145 and and about 5'8 tall. My positive changes?....
    *Officially no longer have sleep Apnea and don't have to use CPAP
    *Back pain has decreased a LOT
    *I look in the mirror and can actually be happy with what I see
    *I am a size I NEVER thought I would be, men's 28 waist and size small shirt
    *People actually pay attention to me
    *My butt crack doesn't hang out
    *I know what being cold feels like and don't use the AC in the winter anymore lol
    *Prior to surgery I wasn't able to have a dog due to the need of walking him which wasn't possible with breathing problems, back problems and so on. Now own a beautiful puppy which I walk daily and spend lots of hyper going crazy together times.
    *I don't shy away from a camera, I actually take 'selfies' now!!
    *I don't get winded walking 10 feet.
    Great thread Brick!!!

  5. Like
    BrickHouse got a reaction from rensterness in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    I can't wait to NOT wear baby powder on my neck at night.
    I can't wait to NOT sweat sitting still.
    I can't wait to NOT count on my kid to pick up everything I drop.
    I can't wait to NOT feel like I need another shower by the time I get dressed.
  6. Like
    BrickHouse got a reaction from Branmuffin in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    This turned out to be such an awesome thread with so much sharing and camaraderie, I am BUMPING it! Many of us are now post-op. Have things changed for you?
    I ended up with RNY (not sleeve) on December 11, 2013. I am crossing many things off my list. It feels great!
  7. Like
    BrickHouse got a reaction from rensterness in Albany, New York....?   
    Kyle, you look awesome! Keep posting those pictures! You don't just look smaller, but you look so much happier and more ALIVE!
    I had a great time yesterday. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pics taken. I have to make a point to do that soon. I hope to just get out and try some stuff on this week and I'll take some pictures in dressing rooms! LOL! I'm not used to being the subject of photos, so I don't really think about it. But I do need some progress pictures to keep me motivated!
    Last year, I started a thread on here called "I can't wait to NOT have to..." and I see there were a couple "likes" to some of my old posts... I'm off to go re-read some good stuff!
  8. Like
    BrickHouse got a reaction from Branmuffin in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    This turned out to be such an awesome thread with so much sharing and camaraderie, I am BUMPING it! Many of us are now post-op. Have things changed for you?
    I ended up with RNY (not sleeve) on December 11, 2013. I am crossing many things off my list. It feels great!
  9. Like
    BrickHouse got a reaction from missmeli in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    I can't wait to not have to hear the floorboards squeaking and creaking when I walk around my 1940 house!
  10. Like
    BrickHouse got a reaction from missmeli in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    I found a bonus Skittle last week!
  11. Like
    BrickHouse got a reaction from missmeli in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    I can't wait to NOT have sore feet. And sore ankles. And sore knees. And sore hips. And a sore back.
  12. Like
    BrickHouse reacted to rensterness in Albany, New York....?   
    Everything is fine. Went to Doctors today and met with doctor and results from testing look good. Problem....? Well it's stress. Turns out not only is stress bad for you as well all know, but it's very bad after having Bariatric surgery. Need to keep the stress levels down and go from there. Meet with head doctor on Monday. Hope everyone is going well.
  13. Like
    BrickHouse reacted to rensterness in Albany, New York....?   
    Just took an updated photo earlier, figured I would share it

  14. Like
    BrickHouse got a reaction from rensterness in Albany, New York....?   
    OH, NO! Feel better, Jenniebell00!
    Today I am officially 50 pounds down!
  15. Like
    BrickHouse reacted to rensterness in Albany, New York....?   
    Misread your post, sorry. Well it seems they feel I should be able to eat more then what I am, and that I am ot 'sensative' to to much. I personally thought this was normal as from friends that have had it and through postings, but they feel it is a complication. My so called sensitivity to what I thought to be may be certain foods, seems to be a problem. Four months post op and I don't eat more then the size of a quarter, or at most half a gold ball size. They feel I should be able to tolerate more foods at this point and take in a little bit more, as well as not have a sensitivity to so many things. Only time will tell. IF my pouch is to small, then it will pretty much just have to stay at that size, if it is something else or a combination of that and something else then whatever the other part is could be fixed, such as if it was the pipe from throat to pouch that needs to be stretched then they could do that. But from the sounds of it they are thinking it's my pouch, the pouch itself or some kind of obstruction inside the pouch. Who knows, who knows :/ Jules what do you do again at the hospital? Maybe I will be seeing you with all this testing I am having going on lol. Ya never know. I will def keep you all updated. Thanks for the support Jules, Brick and Cherrie whom has sent me private messages to check on me. Best I can do is stay positive and make the best of it
  16. Like
    BrickHouse got a reaction from rensterness in Albany, New York....?   
    I had to stop back in to say, Kyle, you look fantastic! Wow - you are just a shadow of your former self! You must feel incredible. I know with only 50 lbs. gone, my feet, ankles, knees, back... everything hurts less! Be very proud!
  17. Like
    BrickHouse reacted to rensterness in Albany, New York....?   
    I am somewhere where I never thought I would be. Four months ago day of sleeve I was over 250 pounds. I do not weigh myself at home, I consider the scale my enemy, so I only weigh in at doctors. Well, I am now not only in 'onederland', but then then half of it! Weighed in today at 147!!! The sleeve was and is the best decision I have ever made! Think of you guys and wishing you nothing but success!

  18. Like
    BrickHouse reacted to rensterness in Albany, New York....?   
    Groupon has some amazing deals. For my friend whom was there for me non stop through my surgery, pre op and post op I got her a groupon for a resteraunt, I love groupon! Lol.
  19. Like
    BrickHouse reacted to TheNewSleevedJulie in Albany, New York....?   
    You could always bake them something or cook a dinner for them to enjoy as a couple? Really thoughtful gifts without the large cash aspect
  20. Like
    BrickHouse reacted to TheNewSleevedJulie in Albany, New York....?   
    Thank you. I'm sorry your nauseas though. You would think they would have made your diet instructions clear to you. Man, it could only get better right? I hope so
  21. Like
    BrickHouse reacted to TheNewSleevedJulie in Albany, New York....?   
    Brick house hope your feeling better! Still thinking of you!
    I also wanted to share two things with everyone.
    One. I had my well what I'm considering first NSV! I got out of the shower today and the towel actually fit all the way around me!! It was a very proud moment for me. I've been at a stand still with the weight buy I know I'm losing inches! Things are fitting better if not getting loose so even tho the numbers on the scale aren't moving. I know other things are. And I'm ok with that! Yay!
    The second thing I wanted to share is. I signed up for The daily burn. It's an online workout thing. You can stream the videos from any device basically and they are a series of workout videos customized to what your looking to do. I started it today and my first video was 19 minutes and it was awesome! There's actual real life people in the videos with their own disabilities and It's starting me off slow and I work my way up. It's 10$ a month after the first free month trial period. I picked how much time I'm willing to spend on the work outs (I chose 30minutes) and I dunno. I'm really excited and wanted to share.
  22. Like
    BrickHouse reacted to rensterness in Albany, New York....?   
    Cher I am four months post op and I had the sleeve, best decision I have ever made! I was doubtful when it came to the insurance approving me but it all worked out! What insurance do you have? Since surgery I have felt amazing! Off all my blood pressure and cholesterol meds, no more sleep apnea, back pain is significantly better, my every is better, breathing, everything! This will be an amazing life changing decision. No regrets here what so ever!
  23. Like
    BrickHouse reacted to rensterness in Albany, New York....?   
    So glad your home Brick! Oh so glad! Was wondering the the h$ll happened to you! I missed my Brick!!! Lol. Xoxo
  24. Like
    BrickHouse reacted to Kris24 in Albany, New York....?   
    Wow! I hope you feel better and have a Safe recovery! I heard this happens often to people who have had weight loss surgery. Lots of hugs and love sent your way! I
  25. Like
    BrickHouse reacted to rensterness in Albany, New York....?   
    Oh my god Brick I'm soooooo sorry! This is awful! Are you feeling a lot better? Anything in perticiular that effected it? This is just so crappy to go through right after just having the bariatric surgery. Jeeze. Well, make up for Valentines Day you didn't get to have! Well recover first then make up for it! Lol. So glad you are now in the comfort of your own home! Please keep me posted

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