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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Like
    BrickHouse got a reaction from NDN_RN in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    Oh yeah - and I'd l ike to stand up at church without pulling my dress out of my butt.
  2. Like
    BrickHouse reacted to Kalimomof3 in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    I thought of a couple more ... I can't wait to wash dishes and not get my belly soaked in the process . I can't wait to try on premium denim and not leave the store dissapointed or ashamed.... I will be rockin some True Religion and wearing some Bad Heels!
  3. Like
    BrickHouse reacted to kmwheel in 7 Months Out With Pics   
    You look so cool...I love the shirt. I can't wait to be able to wear stuff like that without feeling like a sausage. Don't think of it as bragging, think of it as inspiration to those of us who are waiting. I LOVE to see pictures!
  4. Like
    BrickHouse got a reaction from NDN_RN in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    Oh yeah - and I'd l ike to stand up at church without pulling my dress out of my butt.
  5. Like
    BrickHouse reacted to lollyfidy1965 in I Admit It...i Have Cheated A Bit   
    If you're a reader, I would highly recommend reading "The End of Overeating". It really helped me understand how the food processing companies intentionally manipulate foods, in order to make them addictive (and I use that word literally...you'll understand, if you read the book). The more I read, the angrier I became...and now I have a much stronger ability to resist those foods that are tempting to me...because I know the temptation is a function of those addictive attributes (of the food). Its made my post-surgical process MUCH more bearable....I'm not going to allow any food manufacturer control my health anymore!
    Best of luck to you!
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    BrickHouse got a reaction from Susie in Lima in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    I found a bonus Skittle last week!
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    BrickHouse got a reaction from NDN_RN in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    Oh yeah - and I'd l ike to stand up at church without pulling my dress out of my butt.
  8. Like
    BrickHouse got a reaction from Susie in Lima in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    I found a bonus Skittle last week!
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    BrickHouse reacted to DeterminedGirl in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    1. Cart around 100 pounds that don't belong to me;
    2. Make sure I have the "right size" pants for the day--I've got,like, six different sizes in my closet;
    3. Deny that face in the mirror (who on earth is that fat girl who kinda looks like me?);
    4. Think about my weight and the struggles it brings ( heart, clothes, social,etc.) all day every day;
    5. Worry that when I do some ordinary thing--like sweep the front walk--that I'm going to pull a muscle and injure myself because I'm so out of shape;
    6. See these healthy slim women on television and wonder why I feel like I've never gotten to live my own life (some fatso took it over and is holding me prisoner); and finally,
    7. Have THIS as a problem and have to step on scales in front of medical professionals (yup, I've got a problem), and face major surgery to deal with it. I'm trying to say that the other stuff in my life doesn't require removing 85percent of me to fix.
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    BrickHouse got a reaction from Jessielynn in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    I can't wait to NOT have sore feet. And sore ankles. And sore knees. And sore hips. And a sore back.
  11. Like
    BrickHouse got a reaction from NDN_RN in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    Oh yeah - and I'd l ike to stand up at church without pulling my dress out of my butt.
  12. Like
    BrickHouse got a reaction from Jessielynn in I Can't Wait To Not Have To...   
    I can't wait to NOT have sore feet. And sore ankles. And sore knees. And sore hips. And a sore back.
  13. Like
    BrickHouse got a reaction from mylifeinpink in Lose Weight By Stopping At Mcdonald's Once A Week   
    Two words: Slippery. Slope.
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    BrickHouse got a reaction from robin805 in Sex... Oh My God... Sex!   
    Ha ha! DANG! Well, you just go with your bad self!
  15. Like
    BrickHouse got a reaction from tishissweet in Morning Wood   
    LOL As soon as I read, "Try peaches," I started singing that song in my head! Goin' to the country, gonna eat me some peaches... That song has a whole different meaning now.
  16. Like
    BrickHouse got a reaction from Jadesatin in New To Vertical Sleeve... Looking For Supportive Friends Going Through The Same Thing..   
    Welcome and best wishes! I just began my adventure. I attended a seminar in July and met with the surgeon last week. Tomorrow is my upper GI and ultrasound. My NUT and PSYCH have been scheduled and I'm just waiting on the pulmonary and EGD to be scheduled. This is the best thing Ive ever done for myself and I can't wait to enjoy my life again!
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    BrickHouse reacted to jennrus in The Stuff They Don't Tell You   
    Never trust a fart is one of the biggest things no one talked about.
  18. Like
    BrickHouse got a reaction from Territravel in God Bless Us..   
    Jeremiah 29:11
  19. Like
    BrickHouse got a reaction from Territravel in God Bless Us..   
    Jeremiah 29:11
  20. Like
    BrickHouse reacted to MrzPhillips in I Will Be Sleeved Tomorrow!   
    I started this journey in JANUARY!!! And now finally the day is here!!!!!! I will be sleeved tomorrow and no im not nervous one bit! I know that my Father in Heaven will take care of me, I just want to GET IT DONE!!!!!! What am I to expect? Are there any other August 21st Sleevers???? I will be sleeved in Los Angeles, California!!! Keep me in prayer!
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    BrickHouse reacted to gelen's_change in Ugi Not That Bad   
    Well i had my ugi done and it wasnt as bad as i have heard. U cant eat or drink the night before. When they start they make u drink something similar to alka seltzer and they tell u not to burp. Then u have to gulp down a white paste-like substance ( tastes like chalk). Then they put u in diff positions and make u hold ur breath. The final thing is an esophagus x- ray. U lay on ur belly and they make u drink a waterier white liquid (tastes like Water banana milk shake no sugar) and u have to chug it down. Nice Breakfast rite? Amazingly im not hungry after that.
    Wat was urs like?
  22. Like
    BrickHouse reacted to NurseJenn in Nursejenn's Journey   
    My journey into WLS began over 5 years ago. I went to Dr. Clif Thomas' seminar on WLS options and why WLS is a good idea. I knew he was right. I worked with his office staff to get Gastric Bypass approved. Denied. Appeal. Denied. Appeal. Denied. A year or two later I ended up with a new insurance. Denied. Appeal. Denied. Appeal. Denied. And yet a 3rd insurance company... same results.
    I was finishing nursing school at the time. I knew I wanted to work for the State in Mental Health and I've always heard that the State's insurance covers it. I committed myself to getting it ASAP. I started my new job last year. I check out the insurance... Oopsie... You have to be employed for 5 years, 1 year of psychological counseling, another millionty hoops to jump through. I was so sad and distraught. I kept my vow that if I ever worked out a way to pay for it, it was totally happening.
    I should mention... during the 5 years of all this mess of trying to get approved, I decided VSG was the way to go. Good results, less invasive, fewer negative side effects... it's a winner, all around.
    Late June 2012 I get a call from my Mom. My parents are getting a lump payment and are fronting me the money for my surgery. Time to get a surgeon, get a date, and get back with her with the total. Late June I go in with Dr. Clif Thomas for my consultation. The following Thursday I go in for my EGD. Two weeks later is my follow up appointment with surgery details. I have a massive hiatal hernia that he will repair for me. 07/19/2012 I am sleeved and I wake up into a new life.
    PreOp Weight: 290lbs
    It's funny that I truly feel like a new person since I woke up from surgery. food is not the forefront of my mind any longer. It's funny that I am getting ready for my drive to work and I think "Oh, I'll go to Sonic... Oh wait... why would I do that?" LOL! I have had little interest in food since surgery. Sure, recipes look good and I cannot wait to cook them... but the day to day drive to eat constantly is gone.
    My parents are both proud of me. My GRANDFATHER is proud of me... and I can't remember any time in my life that he's ever actually told me that he's proud of me. My Mom is actually working on her pre-operative stuff for her insurance to cover her procedure.
    Today is 08/19/2012... I weighed in 260.4lbs. I'll take a 30lb weight loss for my first month... sure I was stalled for 10 days... And it's over. Hooray! My goal weight is probably 145. In my mind I'd like to be under 150lbs. I'm 5'3'' so I don't think that's too small... My surgeon says 150-160lbs.
    My newest goals are more simple... at least on paper... 48-64oz fluids daily... 80g Protein daily... Walk my Zoee girl daily... In September I'd like to get a cruiser bike and have a little variety...
  23. Like
    BrickHouse reacted to Mensch in 12 Hours Away From My "sleeveing"!   
    Here goes nothing, Beloved!! Wish me luck and pray for me. Those of you already on the losers bench, make room!!!! I'm taking my seat at 9am tomorrow!!!!
  24. Like
    BrickHouse reacted to COsleeveDude in Lose Weight By Stopping At Mcdonald's Once A Week   
    McDonald's doesn't tempt me at all, but everyone knows their potential weaknesses.
    The way I look at it, I can buy or get crap food that I can immediately jam in my mouth anywhere: fast food, grocery store, Target, Walgreens, gas station, vending machines at work, pot lucks, work lunches, morning donuts, on and on.
    Gotta get used to having access and not partaking. I went out to eat the other night and had a nice, lean cut of bison. Finished about half of it, the sides and other things on the menu didn't even tempt me.
    Maybe that will be different down the road, but facing those situations is important to change your habits and give you confidence that you can live a "normal" life (e.g. going out to eat) while making better choices.
    So, if I ever have to stop at McDonald's with someone in the future, I'm not worried about it. Maybe I would even have a chicken breast or a small salad or something if I had no other options. Point being because it's there and I'm there doesn't mean I have to eat a Big Mac or two. Maybe I will want to in the future, but I don't have to.
    That's the difference between pre and post-surgery, to me.
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    BrickHouse got a reaction from gustavo52974 in Lose Weight By Stopping At Mcdonald's Once A Week   
    What HE said!
    But I still stand by my earlier comment that just being around the smell of a McDonald's could be a very slippery slope for some. I'm so glad you're not going in there to eat!

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