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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by helgaready

  1. Probably not cool to say but if gagging is an issue for you...you can try putting a dab of "anal ease" near the back of your throat and it will quiet the gagging reflex...A trick I was taught when I was learning the skill...You need to give it a couple minutes to work...It numbs your throat...As I think about it...I wonder if chorolseptic(sp?) will work as it has a numbing effect to....

  2. Highest weight: 232 lbs

    Surgery weight: 227 lbs (8-17-12)

    1.1.13 weight: 177.6 lbs

    Current weight: 169lbs

    Goal Weight for Valentine's Day: 160 lbs

    Off my goal a bit but also have been off my eating plan so I can't have a pity party...Instead I need to refocus on goal and make it happen...On the positive I am still down another dress size...Bought my first size 8 about two weeks ago. Jeans are still a lil snug but they go on and button but I would like to get down another 10 before I wear the jeans out...but the dress and jumpsuit I bought is getting some public play time next week...

  3. I plan on doing a half June 1st...had VSG on 08/17/12 so plenty time out..I had been training well n den d holidays came n I got off schedule but I'm bck on d grind tmrrw...will b my first half eva..did a few 5k n even a 7mi race once..so looking frwd to being conditioned to run 13mi...Training shud help me shed dese last 22lbs n give d tone n my legs dat I am looking for...

  4. HW = 232 SW = 227

    VSG = 08/17/12

    Wk 1 (12/07) = 182

    Wk 2 (12/14) = 179

    Wk 3 (12/21) = 177.6

    Wk 4 (12/28) = 176.4

    Final (01/01/13) = 176.6

    So 174 is being so evasive...I been gunning for this goal for about a month now...Now really happy about how things working themselves out but I am going to say encouraged...On to the next challenge. I am participating in the Valentine day challenge...hoping to make it to 160 by then...With refocused eating habits and exercise (which I have not done for the past month) then I think my goal is very doable...

  5. Yes my mom did not agree with my decision either. I talked about it for about 6 months with her and she vehemently despised my decision and even told me I was from a fat family so we were suppose to be fat...Besides I wasnt fat as some and I carried my weight well so I should basically be good with myself. It cried and told her how unhappy I was and that I not living life anymore because my weight was holding me back and she just said girl get over that. I first thought I needed for her to cosign a loan for me as I was self pay as I had applied before and could not get approved for a personal loan. Well that was out the question. So I applied a couple months later and was approved on my own...Never looked back on all her madness....Also my boyfriend at the time didnt support my decision to have surgery...Told me it was an easy way out and that all I need to do was work out harder and quit eating...Well his nonsupport a$$ sure didnt do much to encourage me to do less emotional eating and more working out...I have since gotten rid of him but it hurted so knowing the people I wanted validation from most did not support my decision and couldnt find it then to support me either.

    But going through with the decision was the best decision I could have made. As I lose the weight and regain my confidence they notice...My mom still finds it somewhat hard to say I look good...she says I look different...will take her some getting used too but I am so beyond what they think now as I am once again loving myself for the first time in a long time...I think that will be your story too so forge ahead...have the surgery and as the weight comes off you will find that you can stand on your own and are no so caught up in being validating by those around you. Sure you still love them and want them to be happy for you but you can rely more on your internal happiness you find comes with losing the weight.

  6. Highest weight: 232 lbs

    Surgery weight: 227 lbs (8-17-12)

    Current weight: 177.6 lbs

    Goal Weight for Valentine's Day: 160 lbs

    My final goal weight is 155...Would be super nice to reach that but I think that is pushing it a bit much...I am planning to take Valentine photos for the first time in over 10 year so I would love to be as close to goal as possible.

  7. Look on craigslists in the free section to see if anyone is giving away treadmills or other exercise equipment. In my local area, there is always something on there as people do not want to take the tile to haul it away or pay to dispose of it. Also get some DVD's...or if you are able to jump rope...it is inexpensive but very effective exercise. You can also do body resistance exercise...like squarts...lunges...scissors kicks...Anything that using the lower extremities are good as those are your large muscles and so are your calorie burners...not to say that you should not focus on upper body...But you can do something as simple as putting a broomstick behind your neck and doing trunk twists...YouTube could give you a crap tone more ideas of ways to use your body own resistance to get an awesome workout...

  8. I agree with fluffylibra30. You can certainly lose the weight without exercising but you get a much better luck if you incorporate exercise. I am at 177lbs wearing a size 10 because I have exercised and toned up losing alot of inches. My initial size goal was a size 11 as I thought that was in line with my goal weight of 155lbs.

    Also as we get closer to our goal weight and farther from our surgery date...the weight loss will slow down yet we will also begin to incorporate more foods into our diets. In order to ensure that I reach and maintain goal, I want exercise to be a daily part of my routine. I know I want to have boob surgery when all is said and done but if I can minimize the need for any other surgeries...i.e. arms...inner thighs...and boot lift by putting some time in with the treadmill...weights and squats well I am all for putting sweat equity in...

  9. As other have said...everyone loses at different paces...Just focus on good eating and incorporating exercise as you can. I started at 232 and lost 25lbs the first month, with five of those being on the 1 week pre-op diet. I have since lost 55lbs and I am 4 months out..But I have had a couple of weeks where I gained but I dont get down about it. I started walking on the treadmill one week out and by week 4 I started incoporating a lil jogging...VSG is an awesome tool and I am certain if you focus on the Protein first...limiting carbs and sugars...keeping up Water intake and exercises as allowed, you will be a success.

  10. I was on liquids for 3 weeks and then introduced soft foods at 4 weeks and no solids until 5 weeks...I still eat very small portions most times. Somethings such as popcorn I can eat more. I have less of the stuck feeling unless I overeat or drink too soon after eating. As a previous poster said, it does get better and pretty soon you will be able to eat a whole egg...lol. Most mornings that is all I can eat but sometimes I add a half piece of toast (bad carbs dont do it..lol) or slice of bacon...I am so happy though with the self control my sleeve had afforded me. It is so worth it and things will get better. Congrats on the weight loss...I am 4 months post op and I have lost 55lbs...

  11. I know...I am just over 4 months out and still do not regularly go on my own. I just recently starting taking daily Fiber and also take milk of mag once a week otherwise it could be weeks on end before I go. And each time I go, I am losing a pound..pound and half...So there is something that needs to see the day of light again only my body has not figure out to make it happen on it own since surgery.

  12. I too want a boob job and am going to get one once I have reached my goal and maintained it for 3 months...I have always had smaller boobs and I was cool with them for the most part...Now as I lose weight they are hanging more than I can appreciate so I am going to go bigger and prop them babies back up where they were intended to be...

  13. Had a couple and up and down days with the holiday grazing but this past week I have seen the scale go down consistently...My year end goal is a definitely a challenge at this point but I am going for hard so that I can get as close to it as possible. In fact, I have no Christmas plans so I should be able to avoid all the holiday grazing I did over the past month.

    HW = 232 SW = 227

    VSG = 08/17/12

    Wk 1 (12/07) = 182

    Wk 2 (12/14) = 179

    Wk 3 (12/21) = 177.6

    Wk 4 (12/28) =

    Final (01/01/13) =

    Goal Weight is 174lbs by New Years....

  14. Had surgery with Dr. Alvarez on 08/17/12 and have since lost 50lbs...Loving my sleeve...Healed up fantastic...Would recommend him in a heartbeat...Everything went so smooth from arrangement of the surgery to follow-up afterwards...I still email Dr. A and Susan with questions and they are always very prompt to respond...

    Want more details...private message me....

  15. Update...Agsin I had surgery on Aug 17th with Dr. Alvarez in Mexico (didnt meet insurance req n d states so was self pay)..still think its d best decision eva....seems scary to go to Mexico but he was a very skilled surgeon...almost painless..back at work 5 days post op...walking a mile on treadmill 7 days post op...running since 30 days post op...was on liquids for 3 weeks post op...1 week of soft foods before moving to solids 5 weeks out...Have lost 46lbs...my only complaint is I still have to take laxatives to have a BM...but 46lbs n 6 sizes down...I can deal with it...lbvs..here is a progress pic a few pounds ago....



  16. Weight before surgery - 232

    Date of surgery - 08/17/12 (227 day of surgery)

    Beginnng Contest Weight (11/02/12) 192.8

    Week 2 (11/08/12) - 190.8

    Week 3 (11/15/12) - 188.8

    Thxgiving (11/22/12) - 188.2

    End of Month (11/30/12) -

    Goal weight for competition 182

    Didn't make goal but I also didn't gain this week so Ima call this a win...on to the next challenge to get bck on track...Mo protein...mo water...back on the exercise regime...

  17. People started to notice on me after the first month. I was down 23lbs then...Now down 43lbs and 6 sizes everyone notices, even those who see me everyday. But as someone said, I carried weight in my face and so I lost alot there first and so I think that is why people noticed early one... Now most anyone I see notices. I know this journey is about getting healthy, regaining control in our lives and for that matter learning to live again. However, it is only natural to want people to notice our success. I personally am nervous about going home to visit my family back in Arkansas in a couple of weeks. I come from a big family, big in number and size and so they are convinced we are suppose to be fat. I am more worried about them noticing my weight loss and having something bad to say. I am almost hoping no one talks about it.

  18. I echo everyone else. You are handsome...The weight loss ihas only enhanced your naturally good looks...

    Oan: I do a great deal of cardio and to be honest the only weight training I do is far my arms and shoulders. I thought about more weight training just to help tighten things up and to gain some strength as I plan to do the Tough Mudder race next December. Based on your results it appears I need to get on that soon and very soon and chase your good results...

  19. I used Dr. Alvarez for my VSG on 08/17/12. Had the best experience...Both Dr. A and Dr. Gabe were excellent surgeons. In fact, all the staff was awesome...I have never had a dr with better bedside manners. With that being said, I have read rave reviews on Aceves as well. I think there is a forum on this topic. You can probably do a search and find my extensive review of Dr. A. Since surgery I have lost 41lbs and 6 pant sizes, had absolutely no complications, incisions healed super and are working out nicely with scar cream application. I am sure you will make the best decision for you but as said before me, I do not think you could go wrong with either surgeon.

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