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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sramos89

  1. sramos89

    For Those Who Started At 250

    I started at 240 on Sept 17th, today I am 204, I have stalls that last for a week and then I go a week where I loose one pound every three days.
  2. sramos89

    No Lbs Lost In 2 Weeks

    Maybe, skip the fruit baby food in the am and replace it with protein like an egg. Maybe the switch from carb to protein might help? I don't know. I met with my bariatric ppl last week and was told I was having too many carbs- mine were mashed potatos so I had to cut it out. I was sleeved 9/17. I lost 10 pre op and 25 post so I am stalling a lot too.
  3. sramos89

    Help! I Am On A Bender

    I would allow yourself a chocolate treat one time week, that is it. It would be a treat not a daily thing. I am having a hard time with my daughters halloween candy in the house. I have control if it is not in the house but if it is in the house I am weak, weak! Good luck to you!
  4. sramos89

    Very Nasty

    Agree!! Call your doc, you should not be bleeding from your mouth! No pills my mouth either- all meds should be liquid right now.
  5. I was told by the nurse prac that there is only one reason, gummies don't have thiamin because it taste awful and there is no way to mask it in a gummie. No other reason.
  6. You are toast my friend! You lost so much weight! Nice job on that! Super policy at work on not gossiping but YOU are going to be hot gossip for months, policy or no policy! No one can lose that much weight and not be under the gossip microscope for "did he or didn't he have surgery". Look at Star Jones, she lied to the public for months, telling everyone she didn't have surgery, she did it with diet and exercise. The other posters are right, this is America and we don't have to tell people if we don't want too! It is our private medical business. In my humble opinion if you fess up to the surgery there is less to gossip about. You had it, you are thin, end of gossip. BUT, if you don't tell, it festers the gossip wheel of "did you or didn't you" Plus, you could be a real inspiration to those fighting obesity. I sound real bold in my advise but I too work in a remote office site and have not told my co-workers but feel that time will come soon! Congrats to you!
  7. sramos89

    Very Upset Right Now

    After a lifetime of struggling with my weight and hating myself as a result of that failure. The sleeve has given me my first opportunity of freedom. I was telling a friend tonight I feel free of the control food has over me. With every other diet I would go to bed so hungry and miserable thinking and missing food. I am not hungry now, I am not a slave to that and I felt like a weak, unlovable, uncontrollable, awful person. I am gaining my self respect back. Your co-worker may know about exercise but she does not know about losing weight because if she did she would understand how much deeper this issue is and never have said what she did to you. I thank God for this surgery.
  8. Thank you for posting, I have done well but when i was released to eat regular food I have been experimenting to see what all I can and can't handle and am disappointed that I tolerate everything so well. Bread and pasta are no problem in small portions. Also the Halloween candy has been an issue. I do use my fitness pal and being accountable on that seems to help. I want this weight off and I am not wasting my second chance at life! I am reining it back in and refocusing on what I am doing. You can do this! Look at it this way, we got something new, some people took really good care of their new stomachs and we took them out to the race track to see what they could do. Now it's time to go home and baby them! Or we will wreck them.
  9. I did it! It was so great! and so discusting! We were at my daughters softball game and I chewed up cheese balls and spit them out in a cup. It was so gross! But I was 2 weeks post op and I so needed something to chew up!
  10. Thank you for the OP. Yesterday I hit a big milestone for me, thought I was well on my way and today fell flat on my face with a binge. I need to hear this I am 7 weeks out and the weight is coming off I feel like this is going to last forever but it isn't and I need to wake up and get with the program and not waste this amazing 2nd chance at my life!
  11. I had a 10 day stall and did not make my Nov.1st goal of being being in One-derland so I am sitting at 206 right now but my clothes are getting pretty baggy on me so I went tonight to get one pair of pants and got to shop in the REGULAR size ladies dept! No trek upstairs to WOMAN'S or PLUS for me! I bought a size 18 it felt so good! After 20 years! JCPenneys is also have a huge clearance sale so I also got a second pair of Liz Claiborne docker style pants for .70 cents! Might want to check it out if you are like me and not wanting to invest in clothes until you are closer to goal!
  12. I had it. I thought my surgery was a breeze, maybe that was why. I have a little scab that is healing like the incisions where the tube was that went to the pain ball was inserted. They came in on day three and pulled it out, no pain, and put medical tape on it like the rest of my scars. I had a pain pump that I kept pushing when I hurt, I am not sure if it was to that in my stomach or to my IV. I guess I should have asked! Good Luck!
  13. I had to do the blood thinner too once I got home, small needle in my stomach once a day and it was no big deal. I noticed I didn't have much feeling on my stomach area anyway probably from the surgery anyway so it never hurt. It is not a big deal and I don't think all doctors make you do it. If it is hard for you to do you could have a family member do it.
  14. sramos89

    Help Needed!

    Someone posted a few days a go the 10 mistakes we make and I remember snacking being on there. I think you already answered your question and you know what to do! It helps me to write everything down that I eat because I don't want to log down that I ate a herseys kiss, so sometimes that will deter me from eating it. Are you using my fitness pal or another log for food? You can do it!! Good Luck, you already made the first step!
  15. sramos89


    I just got back from my 6 week post op visit and asked if I could start using a straw and was told yes! I was told to give it a try and that they suggest not to use a straw because of the extra air in the new stomach but at 6 weeks out I should be fine.
  16. sramos89

    I Dont Like Food Anymore

    We have Chipotle here in Texas and they make a burrito bowl that is so good. It is grilled chicken, pinto beans, salsa and cheese. One bowl lasts about 5 meals and it is so good and fresh! They normally come with rice and guacamole but I leave those out. It really helped me with not liking what I was eating. I got excited knowing that was dinner, so maybe you just haven't found a post op food that does it for you yet!
  17. sramos89

    5 Confessions (Join In)

    I confess yesterday I went to Burger King and ate a kids cheeseburger and a few fries and it tasted good! I kinda wished it would have made me sick but it didn't!
  18. I have a head cold/sinus infection and have been so nauseated, feels like I am hungover. I have been eating sherbert and even had a mini hamburger, it helps for a while and then the nausea is back. I see my doctor on Monday and should have enough zofran to last until then. I went 6 weeks with no nausea and now I feel awful. Has anyone else experienced this when they were sick with a cold? Do you think it could be something else?
  19. I went in to see about lap band as well my BMI was 40 and after the consult I was SOLD on the sleeve. I am 6 weeks out and very happy that I did this. After more education I can't see living long term with something foreign in my body that needs regular fills and can slip or leak. I know that my weight problems were not going to be "fixed" and then I could remove the band. This is going to be a life long issue for me so I had no problem with the sleeve. The doctor also told me he had done over 1,500 and not one person wanted it reversed, that helped me too. Good luck to you no matter which one you choose!
  20. sramos89

    Post Op Naseua

    Aside from nausea the day of surgery I haven't really had any until Now (6 weeks out) I just started an antibiotic or a sinus infection so I am pretty sure that is what it is from but I can't hardly drink water, all I want to eat are carbs and I still feel nauseated all day. I am hoping once I stop the antibiotics this will end.
  21. I am 6 weeks out, released to eat real food. I do not want to drink protein shakes unless I have too. I could use some meal ideas. I understand protein first, then vegs. I do well with eggs, chili, beans, chicken, lunch meat, canned fruit, and a little baked potato, But each time I venture outside of this I have awful burping and nausea. tonight I had a couple bites of spagettie- and I still feel sick. Any ideas?
  22. sramos89

    Down In The Dumps!

    Look at the long haul! I am 6 weeks and 30 pounds and happy! It didn't come on this fast it won't come off this fast. Hang in there!
  23. sramos89

    No -One Responds!

    I have an office job and I could have gone back in a week, the second week I just messed around. Easily could have gone back. Stay the night in the hospital. I was so doped up I needed too. By the next or third day I was much better!

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