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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sramos89

  1. If you are overweight and Need this surgery, you are going to have health problems down the road that are going to cause you to miss A LOT of work. If you need this surgery do it now, you will feel so much better and be able to do so much more. You are only restricted from driving until you are off the pain meds. For me that was 3 days from the day of surgery. Good Luck!
  2. You need to research Dr. Garth Davis in Houston Texas. He is a Bariatric Doctor and Vegan. He is on facebook and if you friend him, he actually writes you back! He is very supportive of of this lifestyle. If you would have asked me this question before I knew him I would say impossible! You need too much protein from meat but after seeing how passionate he is about being able to maintain VSG with no animal protein I believe it can be done! Good Luck to you!
  3. sramos89

    Time off work

    I work in an office and took two weeks off but I could have gone back after a week. I enjoyed the second week because I could spend time getting used to the new way of eating.
  4. I lost about 20 the first month and only 7 the second. There are lots of posts about stalls here- I ignored them thinking that coudn't happen to me- but boy did it!! ug.
  5. sramos89

    Slow Weight Loss

    Are you tracking your food in My Fitness Pal or another tracking system? I too was worried when I was eating 800 calories a day, walking and not loosing. Just hang in there and it will come off. I lost 7 pound the entire month of Nov. Are you getting in all of your water? I think I was slow because I was not drinking enough. Someone posted a really good article on here about water weight and your body adjusting to the weight loss. It does seem shocking that you can eat so little and it not just fall off but you will lose it. Don't get discouraged yet.
  6. sramos89

    Week 1 Down 22 Lbs & Not Excited

    If I were you I would appreciate it! This surgery isn't magic and trust me you are going to hit a point when you hit a stall, even eating 800 or fewer calories a day! I didn't think that would happen to me either but it has taken me a month to lose 7 pounds. This is only a tool. Be happy at 22 or you are setting yourself up for false expectations! You will lose it, and faster than any other "diet" but still not that fast. Good Luck!
  7. sramos89


    It just sucks. I think the pre-op is the worst part of the entire thing. You just have to remember your goal "Surgery" and push through it. People say after the first couple days it gets better, I was hungry and grouchy the entire week. I liked the hot tea and popcicles but was sick of the broth. You can do this and it isn't forever!
  8. sramos89

    Frustrated In The Process!

    Keep after it. I called the cardiologist and he couldn't get me in for a month so I called the doc and he said I could see any cardiologist so I made an appointment with the first one that I could get me in asap. I would call another sleep clinic. My sleep study was scheduled and done in 4 days.
  9. sramos89

    It Just Hit Me..

    Crazzzy Good! You are going to be so happy!
  10. sramos89

    Is It Just Me?

    Yes! I think we all did, because what weight loss program, diet, etc, have we not done that DID work? We are use to them not working. Plus, this is a big deal- surgery. It makes you think, "what I am doing this for?" Another failure? Everytime I would doubt myself I would get on this forum and read all of the sucess and I realized all of these people can't be wrong. I am a food addict. I was very worried that I wouldn't be able to stop eating when I was full so I didn't think this would work for me. I eat differently, I have new habits, I haven't had a diet coke since pre-op, I have lost 43 lbs and am making real changes in eating habits and am much more active.
  11. sramos89

    Family, Kids, Vsg, And Hospitals

    In my opinion from someone who has been through it. You need a caregiver for YOU while in the hospital, don't bring the kids at all. Your wife is going to be stressed and worried about you and even the most well behaved kids are going to be bored to death for 2 days in a hospital. I would leave your kids at home with a sitter. Have your sister come take care of you and leave the wife at home or have the sister come to your home to watch the kids and take your wife with you. We left our daughter with my parents and my husband took me. We had a 5 hour drive, one night in a hotel and then two days in the hospital. I threw up, cried, demanded stuff from my husband in a rude way. No children need to see that from their parents.
  12. sramos89

    Bcbs Of Illinois

    I have BCBSIL the sleeve was covered for me, the surgery was $77K plus some little bills here and there for pre-op and stuff. I think I paid my deductable $1,000 and that was it.
  13. Doctor said if I had to I could take a small sips with a meal. I try not to but sometimes you need a small sip now and then, I have forgotten and had a big gulp with a meal and that was the only time I threw up a meal.
  14. sramos89

    4 Days Post-Op & Overwhelmed

    This will only last a few weeks and soon you will feel much better. I am only 10 weeks out and I am totally normal minus 43 pounds, I can eat pretty much anything in moderation. But in the first few days I was going nuts wondering if chicken broth and flavored water was my new life. It isn't. Hang in there!
  15. Really nothing, just moderation but I live in Texas so flour tortillas where almost a daily thing and they just sit real heavy so if I do have them its a bite or two. I can't eat a whole one anymore, not a good feeling. I can do corn chips- crispy shell tacos.
  16. sramos89

    Exlplicit..actual Sleeve..

    Cool! I told them I wanted to see mine and they said I just had to ask, they take pictures of everyones. I need to call. Thank you for posting!
  17. sramos89

    My Mother!

    When I was on my liquid diet I had to send my family out to eat because I couldn't be around food. I was very grouchy too! I am two months out and I promise that about a month- 6 weeks after surgery you will not be that senative around food, at least I was not~ No matter what anyone is having, preparing or offering me, I have a little and am satisfied. The pre-op and month after is the worst. After that your mom can TALK FOOD all she wants and you will enjoy it. In fact, I bake a lot more now, because I know I can have it in the house and control myself around it. You will be so glad you did this surgery. Just remind yourself this stage is not forever. Even though you will feel like it sometimes!!
  18. I just read the rest of your post, it is easier to lose weight with the sleeve. I get full on small, tiny amounts of food. I am not starving and thinking about food 24/7 and for me that makes losing weight easier, faster, just better! I could not have lost weight without the surgery. It does not come off as fast as I thought it would but I am losing, not gaining and that is a plus. I would suggest it to anyone!
  19. In the hundreds of diets I tried and re-tried over the years I always failed because I would always go "off program" when I got sick of starving and go back to my old eating habits. I was either off or on, no matter how hard I tried to see it as a life style change. I had the gastric sleeve done on Sept. 17th and the main difference is my portions and appetite. I eat WAY less and stop because I am full not because I reached my 1/2 cup portion the book told me I could have. ALSO, I am not starving all the time like I was before. I don't miss food I don't want food. I eat a small bit and I am happy and I go on. It is like the food obsession is gone. If we order pizza, I eat a very small piece of thin crust and I am done. Before I would eat 4 slices. The surgery is not a diet program at all, it is the tool that makes food controlable.
  20. sramos89

    Stupid Question

    I went home without bandaids. They wanted them kept dry. If they are just normal bandaids can you take them off and check things out/clean it and then put on new ones? If they are steri-strips you might want to call the doc's office and ask. I would at least look under there and see what it going on!
  21. sramos89


    I use premeir protein that is premade. I buy it at sam's. I get 12 for $18.00. It has been the only one I liked. It is just a long trial and error for us all I think! You will find one- Keep trying them until you find yours!
  22. My hair is coming out in handfuls. I am uping my protein from one 30g protein shake a day plus food to three, so 90g protein from the shakes plus food. I also added Biotin. Doc is running blood work to see if I am missing in key vitamins. Did anything work for you? Any advice? From those I have talked to that have been through it they just tell me, it happens and it grows back- Sounds like I have to deal with it. But when will it stop? I am worried I will be bald my Christmas at this rate!! Thank you!
  23. Amazing, we are pretty lucky! I could have never done this without insurance covering it! Very lucky and happy!
  24. I am also losing my hair in handfuls! I had tons of hair so I don't notice it yet, just when I shower and pull out all the stands but I am going to add a second protein shake to my day and see if that helps. Doc is running blood work to see what vitamins I am low in too. Any ideas? Any sept sleevers seeing hair loss yet?
  25. 9/17 42 lbs down from a size 22 to new 16's!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
