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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JerseyGirl68

  1. JerseyGirl68


    I went in on November 6 for my sleeve/gall bladder surgery (only got the gall bladder done) and woke with a catheter, which they did not remove until the next morning before I was getting discharged. I was dreading the thought of the catheter more than the surgery. It was not bad at all, in the end I was very happy to have it so I did not have to get up every 20 minutes to pee. They need to watch your output, and yes when I got up to walk around, it came with me. :-) It was put in while I was out, and removal was more embarrassing than uncomfortable.
  2. JerseyGirl68

    The Journey Begins Tomorrow

    Good for you!! Congratulations on your decision!
  3. JerseyGirl68

    Just Got Threaded Last Night 26 Nov

    Congratulations!! Be well and good luck!
  4. JerseyGirl68

    Well Its Gameday

    Best of luck for a smooth surgery and recovery!
  5. JerseyGirl68

    Great Protein Shakes

    I agree, the Torani syrups are nice to add. Also, if you are a Peanut Butter fan, try PB2 in your shakes. It adds a nice real peanut butter flavor. Good luck!!
  6. JerseyGirl68

    Copay Options?

    What is your maximum out of pocket? You may be close to meeting that already before this new surgery. Also, are you sure you have a surgical co-pay of $1500 or is that your deductible? If it is your deductible, then you have already met it and should not have to pay again. I have BCBS NJ and also had to have gall bladder surgery before the sleeve. in my case, my deductible is 2500, my maximum out of pocket is 4000. with my surgery, and all other co-pays through the course of the year, I have met my 4000 out of pocket and do not need to pay any more before the end of this year, even though my insurance pays for 80% of the surgery and my "responsibility" is 20%. Since I have met my Maximum out of pocket, I will not have to pay any more. Also, something to keep in mind. I was told the approval for weight loss surgery is valid for 6 months, if you go past that , you'll have to go through that again. Most hospitals do have financial help available (my deductible was paid to the hospital directly). Definitely ask them about it. Good luck!!
  7. I went into the hospital yesterday for the sleeve and gall bladder removal. I came out with my stomach intact and minus the Gall bladder. Half way through my surgery I had an adverse reaction to the anesthesia. My heart rate shot up and they had to stop and stabilize me. Per the cardiologist, I have no cardiac issues to worry about and it is good they now know so that they can be prepared for next time. Very disappointed, but it was what needed to be done to be safe. On the positive side, the recovery for both surgeries is similar so I can report that I am up and walking around, very little gas and just a little pain on one side. The hospital staff were amazing. I have no hesitation about going back and finishing what I started in a few months. I am home and resting comfortably. Hope all you other November 6 sleevers are doing well!!
  8. JerseyGirl68

    Well, It Didn't Happen....

    Glad to hear all is well with you. DId they give you meds before surgery to ward off an episode? The cardiologist I saw in the hospital told me the same thing. He ran all the tests and said I have a very healthy heart. I go see him tomorrow for a followup and get his clearance for my new surgery date, Dec. 11. Very excited!!
  9. JerseyGirl68

    Surgeons In The Nyc Area

    Hi Nikki, and welcome! My surgeon is Dr. Beth Schrope, she has a practice both at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia in NYC and at The Valley Hospital in Ridgewood, NJ. (I'm in NJ) Very happy with her and her staff. My surgery is set for December 11. They offer informational seminars which I found very helpful when I was in my beginning stage. Best of luck to you!
  10. JerseyGirl68

    My Second Birthday!

    Good luck to you on the 11th, I'm scheduled for that day also and very excited!!
  11. How exciting!! Best of luck tomorrow and for a smooth recovery!
  12. I agree, This is "IT" But try to look at it as a new IT. A new beginning. Next Thanksgiving, you can enjoy dinner, just stay on your plan. I'm trying to focus on all the "can haves" instead of mourning what I won't have. The things I want out of life far outweigh my desire for what will be on any holiday table. You have such an impressive start pre-op, Stay the course!! Have a wonderful holiday, and continued good success!!
  13. I want to join the list of thank you's for posting this. It is the one thing that we can't really predict, when the emotional aspect will rear its ugly head. I agree with you, that trying to get a hold of that part before surgery will be so helpful. Getting how you feel out there is such a positive way to move forward. Good luck to you!!
  14. JerseyGirl68


    AWESOME!!! Congratulations!!
  15. JerseyGirl68

    Flying Home After Surgery

    Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving!
  16. JerseyGirl68

    Good Hair, Skin And Nail Vitamin

    I noticed the same think with taking Biotin. My hair is growing faster than typical. I am still pre-op but not too early to start!
  17. JerseyGirl68

    Befor And After

    Fantastic!! Congratulations!!
  18. JerseyGirl68

    Flying Home After Surgery

    Tell the doctor of your fears, maybe he can give you a heprin shot before leaving the hospital. Also talk to the flight attendant and explain you just had surgery and your concerns. They might be more willing to let you stand, walk. Even talk to the attendant when you check in, you might be able to get a bulkhead seat with more leg room to help you out. Good luck!
  19. I agree with Lizzy. The thought of the procedure by far was the worst part of it. My experience was the same. Good luck!
  20. JerseyGirl68

    Finally Have My Date!

    That is fantastic!! Congratulations!
  21. JerseyGirl68

    I Didnt Believe You

    I've been using the PB2 also, and LOVE it in my Chocolate Protein shake. Also have been using the sugar free peppermint syrup with the Chocolate. YUM
  22. JerseyGirl68

    Well Its Finally Here!

    Good luck to both of you!
  23. I struggled with these thoughts too, and am still pre-op. I have been trying to redefine my relationship with food and I have gotten to a point where I think I'll be ok with having "some" of what it is I want. I know from my experience that "finishing your plate" came from childhood. Portion size be dammed. Physically you will get the full stomach satisfaction, so maybe it won't be so hard. I think a great thing you did is post. So many of us think we must be the only ones that feel a certain way, once we get responses, we don't feel so bad about ourselves and begin to see a little light at the end of tunnel. Being on liquids must be doubly hard, alone with our thoughts and head hunger rearing its nasty head. Just keep active here, and remind yourself that you can do this. Good luck and stay positive!!
  24. JerseyGirl68

    Still On My Journey

    WOW, that is really fantastic progress! Congratulations!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
