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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JerseyGirl68

  1. JerseyGirl68

    Sleeved In A Couple Hours ...

    Best of luck and smooth recovery to all of you today!
  2. JerseyGirl68

    50 Pound Mark!

    AWESOME photo, your smile says it all! Congratulations!
  3. You got it!! Good luck!
  4. JerseyGirl68

    What Blender Is Best?

    I love my Ninja Pulse. I use it a few times a day and works great for shakes & purees
  5. JerseyGirl68

    T -1 Day!

    Best of luck to you tomorrow!!! You'll be in all of our thoughts.
  6. JerseyGirl68

    Befor And After Photo

    I can definitely tell. Good for you!
  7. JerseyGirl68

    Pre Op Diet Question

    You might not have to worry about it tonight, but I would definitely try to get in the two going forward. Give yourself enough energy to get through til surgery. You want to stay healthy and not let your resistance get down before surgery. I don't think (and anyone please feel free to correct me on this) you did any "harm" today by having a low calorie intake, but you want to stay strong. Good luck!!
  8. JerseyGirl68

    December 3Rd My Surgery Date

    Good luck and best wishes for a smooth recovery!!
  9. JerseyGirl68


    Congrats!! I wish you a smooth recovery.
  10. JerseyGirl68

    Starting My Journey

    Congratulations on your decision. And welcome!
  11. JerseyGirl68

    Living In Onederland!

    AWESOME!!! Congratulations!! Can't wait to join you.
  12. AWESOME!! So happy for you.
  13. WOW, You must feel amazing!! Congratulations on such a wonderful start, you're an inspiration!! Continued success!!!
  14. Best of luck to you today and for a smooth recovery!
  15. JerseyGirl68

    Approved! Date Set!

    YEA!!! Congratulations ! I find this forum and so many members instrumental to my sanity while waiting for surgery. Good luck!!
  16. I love reading these posts, it always makes me just a little more comfortable with my decision. Glad everything is going so well! Continued success!!
  17. JerseyGirl68


    This is a huge life change, Emotions running high is normal. Keep in mind too, that some people are effected by anesthesia very differently. Any time my sister gets put under (c-section, dental, etc) she cries for weeks. Her doctor reminds here every time that this happens and not to worry. If you're feeling overwhelmed, sign on.. Someone will always be here. Good luck!
  18. JerseyGirl68

    Sleeve Date Set For December 11Th

    I'm 12/11 also, and did a pre-op initially about a month ago for my first bid at surgery... I have again started my pre-op of 2-3 shakes a day and one low fat/carb, high Protein meal. Get some shakes that fill you, add ice and blend if need be. Mix up your liquid. I'm enjoying some Vitamin Water zero in addition to water and Crystal light. The first time I did this, It wasn't too bad, keeping busy helps. Good luck!!
  19. JerseyGirl68

    Need Protein Recommendations

    Pure Protein powder is 25gm per serving. If you use 8oz of Skim plus it adds 11 more grams. I've found the chocolate is delicious. Sometimes I add some PB2 for a Chocolate Peanut Butter shake. Good Luck!!
  20. JerseyGirl68

    45Lbs Gone!

    AWESOME!! What a great start!
  21. JerseyGirl68

    Getting Surgery In 12 Days!

    Congratulations!! Don't be afraid to ask questions and follow what your doctor told you. You'll find lots of threads on preparing for your surgery. Good Luck!!
  22. I have started (my second time around) lol Although mine is not strictly liquid. I'm allowed 3 shakes a day and 1 low fat/carb, high Protein meal with 4oz lean protein. I'm didn't find hard last time. I avoided situations that might be hard and kept a good mix of drinks/sugar free ice pops to keep it interesting. Selfishly, I'm in the mindset that this is my time to do what I need to for me. This time around, I'm preparing for Christmas. I'm preparing some homemade Soups for when I get out of the hospital and freezing them in 4oz. containers. Lots of preparing. LOL Stocking up on cases of Water and moving some things so I don't have to bend too much for reach too high. Just want to make everything as stress free as possible for when I get home.
  23. JerseyGirl68

    Smelling Real Good

    That is awesome, Good for you!!
  24. I'm scheduled for December 11 also, and could not be more excited! You can do this, Hell.. WE can do this!! I echo what everyone else has said. While no two recoveries are identical, the complications are the exception, not the rule.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
