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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JerseyGirl68

  1. JerseyGirl68

    Gas, Gas, Gas!

    I was sleeved on Tuesday and the gas was the only thing bothering me. It turned a corner today. Much , Much better. I had been sleeping in my recliner until last night. Slept very comfortably in bed and don't know if being on my back was what finally did it. Are you taking any Prilosec or Zantac? My doctor prescribed it for a month after surgery. I purchased the generic and have been crushing it and having with some sugar free pudding.
  2. JerseyGirl68

    New gastric sleeve

    This morning I tried my chocolate shake mix with warm milk, like hot cocoa, and it went down real easy. Mixed it up for me. Good luck!!
  3. JerseyGirl68

    Sticks of butter..

    It really does put it in perspective when you can look at the actual weight of something. My moment was, if you can believe it, a 45lb. bag of kitty litter. I could barely lift it to get it in the house. I'm down almost 70lbs. since my first doctor's visit and can hardly believe I was toting that plus around. No wonder I would get tired by week's end. Best of luck!!
  4. After not getting sleeved on November 6 due to a spike in my heart rate in the middle of my gallbladder/sleeve surgery, I was finally sleeved yesterday and feeling fine. Surgery was picture perfect, I was up walking around a few hours later and broke up the one gas bubble I had. Woke this morning and had my swallow test, no leaks and everything was perfect. Got started on my 1oz at a time Water sips and found if I could tolerate 8oz. In 4 hours I could go home.... So here I sit, warm and comfy at home. Just sipped 4oz of unjury chicken Soup over the course of an hour and still doing really well. After my bumpy start, I had a text book finish. WHEW!!!! Pain is minimal, I only really feel it in my largest incision, of about an inch and a half and usually only when I cough. I was at The Valley Hospital in NJ, their Bariatric surgery floor are all private rooms, and the staff was amazing. Such a positive experience overall. Biggest kudos to my surgeon, Dr. Beth Schrope, I was in amazing hands and am so happy for the decisions I made in this process Losers bench, here I come!!!!
  5. JerseyGirl68

    post op for December 11th

    Hello fellow 12-11 sleeves, glad we all made it. I came home next day and am doing well. Thanks to this forum, I was well prepared. Continued success to us all!!!
  6. So excited. After getting so close on November 6 and only getting my gall bladder removed instead of GB removal and sleeve, I went for my follow up today and set a new date of December 11. I was never so happy to start a diet (Pre op)!! Continued success to you all and have a Very Happy Thanksgiving!!!
  7. JerseyGirl68

    Finally got my date!

    Sweet!! Congratulations!
  8. I'm tomorrow also. Best of luck!!
  9. JerseyGirl68

    Holy sh*t its here

    Best of luck to all of you!!
  10. JerseyGirl68


    Congratulations on a fantastic start to your weigh loss and for a smooth surgery and recovery!
  11. JerseyGirl68

    wow.... today is the day.

    You got it! Best of luck today!!
  12. JerseyGirl68


    You must feel absolutely amazing! Congratulations!!
  13. JerseyGirl68

    I got APPROVED

  14. JerseyGirl68

    I remember when-One year later

    It's posts like this that reassure me that I am choosing the right path. Thanks so much for sharing!
  15. JerseyGirl68

    Sweet Tooth Help!

    Jello makes a sugar free double chocolate pudding that hits the spot for me. I believe it is 60 calories.
  16. I was thinking the same thing of Rootman, and you Bean.. Both have been a fountain of information for me since I began in the summer. Thanks to both of you and Congratulations on 2 years!!
  17. JerseyGirl68


    YEA!!! Congratulations!
  18. What an amazing start for you! Stay the course, it will go quickly and try your best to prepare for situations where you'll be tempted. They will be hard to avoid during the holidays but do your best. You have great motivators in your wife and little girl. Good luck!!
  19. JerseyGirl68

    Today Is My Day! Ready...

    Best of luck to you!!!
  20. JerseyGirl68


    The idea of mine was way worse than the procedure. Ask any questions you may have and try not to stress too much. I had mine in the hospital, and the scariest thing was getting wheeled in, after that I only remember waking up feeling good. Good luck!
  21. JerseyGirl68

    Decided To Stay Off The Scale

    What an amazing feeling! Congrats!
  22. JerseyGirl68


    What kind of shakes are you having? and what does your pre-op consist of? I'm in week two of my pre-op and doing ok. Give your NUT a call, tell her you are having problems and see if they can offer alternatives. You can do this! Stay strong. Good luck!
  23. JerseyGirl68

    Omg Today Is The Day Im Getting Surgery!

    Congratulations!! Good luck!!

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