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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JerseyGirl68

  1. JerseyGirl68

    OMG! I just can believe it!

    AMAZING!! Congratulations to you, such a great start!
  2. JerseyGirl68

    My fitness pal

    Click on "Goals" toward the top of the page on their website after you login. Click "Change Goals" at the bottom of the goals page. Select "Custom" on next page I have mine set to 800 cal. 25% Carb, 50% Protein 25% fat. Select "Change Goals" at the bottom to save your changes. I know I 'm staying low carb, low fat, I'm most concerned with tracking my protein & calories. What stage are you on? I'm on soft foods and for lunch some days I have some Deli turkey breast (3oz) and a little low fat cheese, I like to microwave it for a few sec. to melt the cheese. It's low cal/low fat and a great protein source. Also make some turkey salad, with Fat free mayo and just put about a 1/2 teaspoon of cranberry sauce on top to mix it up.
  3. JerseyGirl68


    Are you having the same experience with other types of foods? I can easily drink more than I can eat solids.
  4. JerseyGirl68

    Gas pains in my chest!

    I had the same issue with gas, even when I was sitting, I would roll my shoulders back one at a time to encourage movement. Seemed to help, but then again I don't have much to compare it to. Good luck !
  5. JerseyGirl68


    I ordered FitBit on the advise of my NUT, and I love it. Having that accounting of how much I am moving absolutely motivates me. I have found myself parking further away from stores just to get more steps in. I love it it syncs with My Fitness Pal too.
  6. JerseyGirl68

    Sleeved Tomorrow

    All good thoughts going your way! Good luck tomorrow and for a smooth recovery!
  7. JerseyGirl68

    Sleeve Supports ;)

    Right back at ya!
  8. JerseyGirl68

    2 years post op!

    Awesome! Congratulations !
  9. JerseyGirl68


    Great thing is you posted and asked! Can't tell you how much information this forum has given me. Good Luck!!
  10. JerseyGirl68

    Im 21! Surgery is 3/15/13 im so EXCITED!

    Congratulations!! You have come to a great place for insight. There are tons of veterans that have been a wealth of information, support and motivation for me and so many others. Welcome to the club and best of luck!!
  11. JerseyGirl68

    Can i eat crab dip

    Crab with a little fat free mayo or yogurt was a staple when I was in pureed stage (check the nutritional content on any packaged foods). I used my emersion blender to really make sure it was chopped enough. When I moved on to soft foods I made a "crab cake" with crab meat, an egg, some onion & seasoning, sprayed some pam on the pan and browned it slightly. It was delicious You can make a little dip out of plain greek yogurt and old bay
  12. JerseyGirl68

    Pre-Op To-Do's

    MomW covered the hospital. I also brought a back scratcher and it was a godsend ( the meds made me itchy) For home, I made sure I had plenty of bottled Water, Vitamin water zero, unjury chicken Soup, Protein shake/mix. In the hospital, if they don't offer you a swab for your mouth after surgery, ask for it. You won't be able to drink until the next day and that for me was the worst. I rinsed off the lemon and just dipped it in cold water and squeezed it, just to moisten my mouth. I also made sure I elevated what I needed to (bottles of water) so I didn't have to lift and bend. Good luck!!
  13. So happy for you Dee Dee, You have really gotten off to a great start. I feel your pain as far as stalling. I'm at every other week having a good loss. I keep reminding myself NOT to get on the scale every day. I also remember when I was doing weight watchers, that this was exactly how I would lose. Every other week. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  14. JerseyGirl68


    I guess technically it counts as mushy, but nutritionally not a real solid choice. Have you looked into the website theworldaccordingtoeggface.com ? It has a ton of really tasty dishes that are high protein and low fat/low carb. I know for me, Carbs like Mac & Cheese was such a trigger, I have a spoonful, and I crave it. Did your nutritionist have any recommendations for that stage?
  15. JerseyGirl68

    can't eat

    If warm liquids are going down easier, try heating your milk with a Protein Shake and drink it like hot cocoa. Also try unjury chicken Soup, I found it went down much easier than a shake. Good luck !
  16. JerseyGirl68

    Day 1 of Pre-Op Diet

    Best of luck to you!!
  17. JerseyGirl68

    was sleeved this afternoon!

    Congratulations!! What a great start. Glad everything went well.
  18. Best of luck to you tomorrow and for a smooth recovery!
  19. JerseyGirl68

    Sooo happy

    Great pictures! Congratulations!!
  20. JerseyGirl68

    Hey! How about an update?

    So great to hear form someone so far out! Thanks so much for checking in, it helps so much!
  21. JerseyGirl68

    Tomorrowos the day!

    LOL your place looks like mine did. Best of luck to you for a smooth recovery. You'll do great.
  22. JerseyGirl68

    No Energy

    I'm so sorry you're having a tough day. But 11 pounds in 10 days is pretty good! Have you tried unjury chicken Soup? It has 22gm of Protein in 6-8 oz not too bad. If you're on full liquids can you have yogurt or sugar free pudding to break up the monotony? Vent when you need, it will help make these last few days of liquids go quicker. You can do this! Good luck!
  23. JerseyGirl68

    I'm back!

    Fantastic! Congratulations!
  24. JerseyGirl68

    support and motivation

    Hi Jami! I went through my pre-op phase believing that this was going to prepare me for the mental and emotional aspects of overeating/dieting/food in general. I also wanted to make sure I was in the best possible shape for my surgery. The fear of a complication because I didn't do what I was asked far outweighed my desire to cheat. I wanted to make sure I had a handle on these things BEFORE surgery. Try and push yourself to follow what your doctor has laid out. It really will help you when you are post op and have no choice and can do real harm by not following instruction. Plan your meals, make new things that will keep you on track. Stay stocked up with better alternatives than you may have in the past. It is a struggle and unless someone has gone through it, it is very hard for them to understand. Use this time to almost re-program your thinking, maybe you need to make small changes or make them gradual. I hate excersizing, but I tried to find something that would at least interest me. I have a recumbent bike and I park it in front of the TV if need be to make sure i use it. I am hoping as I lose more and my energy levels rise that I will grow to love working out (fingers crossed). This is a perfect place to get inspired, to get ideas and to get the motivation you need. Take the advise of those further out. They have succeeded and you can get a wealth of information from them. Check out websites like theworldaccordingtoeggface.com She has great recipes that will help you to stay on track and keep you interested. You can do this. It is too big a decision to not follow doctor's instructions. You already conquered smoking, and I can only imagine the notion of giving up and changing so much in a short period of time can be overwhelming. I'll say it again. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Best of luck to you!!
  25. JerseyGirl68

    100lbs GONE!

    WOW!!! Congratulations!!

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