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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JerseyGirl68

  1. JerseyGirl68

    Hello Onderland

    AWESOME!!! Congratulations!
  2. JerseyGirl68

    Need some opinions!

    Both Yogurt and Sugar Free Jello/pudding was on my list for "Full Liquids" Are you only supposed to be on clear liquids? If you get a clear idea from your surgeon or Nutritionist what you can have it might open up your options and make it easier to stick with the plan they laid out. I'm also of the opinion that we should stick with what the doctors have instructed. It is confusing and at times frustrating that some progress faster, but none of us have the entire story as to why the doctors instructed another patient to do what they do. You can do it, Good luck!
  3. JerseyGirl68

    Where can I don't find I PB2?

    I have seen it at GNC, You can also purchase at Amazon.
  4. JerseyGirl68

    Nervous about surgery

    I had never had surgery before my Gallbladder 1 month before my sleeve. The anxiety of the unknown is worse than the surgery. You'll get an IV, you'll get a shot of heprin before the surgery. Everything else will go into your IV. Be sure to ask the surgeon any questions you have as well as your anesthesiologist. Once wheeled into the OR, I only remember getting onto the operating table. Then, poof I woke up in recovery. Everyone's experience is slightly different, so read, read, read. You will become more and more comfortable with what to expect. Good luck!!
  5. JerseyGirl68


    Good for you! Congratulations!
  6. JerseyGirl68

    Scared. Having doubts

    I think everyone has to make up their own mind as to what is best for them. I fully anticipate being able to try different foods, and enjoy restaurants and a drink if I so choose, once I lose the weight I want to. For me, that was a very big selling point for having the sleeve vs. other surgeries. I cannot predict what I will or will not tolerate, but I'm ok with that. I want to follow my nutritionist's recommendation to get the most out of this surgery then maintain a healthy weight while still enjoying everything I always did, just much smaller portions. When making my decision, I also made a list of all the things I want to do, but my weight held me back. That list won. Best of luck to you!!
  7. AWESOME!! Congratulations!
  8. I am four weeks out: I usually have my shake in the morning, A scoop of Pure Protein chocolate frosty, 2 tsps PB2 and a cup of Smart Balance fat free milk. 41gm Protein. 3oz chicken salad made with Fat free Mayo and a small spoon of Cranberry sauce on top for extra flavor. Snack : low fat cheese stick DInner: 3/4 oz homemade meatloaf, made with 97%FF ground beef or turkey.& a tsp of sweet potato or other veg. Depending on my intake for the day I'll add some Oikos Greek yogurt. I'm able to get in at least 64oz. of Water a day , I'll usually break that up with a bottle of Vitamin water zero.
  9. JerseyGirl68

    when can I eat uugghhh

    I think Traci is on to it. A lot of us (me included) were/are "emotional" eaters, soothing ourselves with food. I know for me this was a HUGE, lifelong problem. Try to use this time to redefine your relationship with food. Take a walk, look for a great recipe you an try when you're on purees. Reach out to a supportive friend. The less we rely on food to soothe us the easier this whole journey can be. You can do this, Best of luck to you.
  10. JerseyGirl68

    abdominal spasm

    I experienced something similar, but I knew it could happen so it didn't surprise me too much. Mine didn't hurt, just awkward. I just took smaller sips from a medicine cup (1oz.), and took some deep breaths. It got better every day and by day 5 or so it stopped. I stopped taking my pain meds the day I got home, and was just taking Tylenol (crushed in pudding). A heating pad was also a big help, very soothing. But If it concerns you, give your surgeons office a call just for peace of mind.
  11. JerseyGirl68

    sleeved 12-11-12...

    Awesome! You must feel wonderful! NIce start!
  12. JerseyGirl68

    3 mos out today down 103

    Fantastic!! Congratulations!
  13. JerseyGirl68

    Stomach gurgling

    First, Congratulations on getting sleeved. The gurgling is normal, maybe some don't experience it, but a lot of us do. You will find many posts about it. The first week or so was the "worst" , not that it was bad, but it does get better. Your stomach is swollen and recovering, give it time. I also get the gurgling back when trying some new foods. After Day 5, drinking in general became much easier. During that first week, I found warm liquid wend down much easier. unjury chicken Soup, herbal tea. All good. My NUT was much more concerned with staying hydrated the first week, so she stressed drinking above all else. Though I was not taking pain meds, I did take liquid Tylenol (acetaminophen)/some times I crushed tablets into a spoon of SF pudding, and that helped with discomfort and swelling. Good luck!!
  14. JerseyGirl68

    Scared to take my vitamins

    I'm four weeks out, and no problems taking my meds in pill form. If you are still nervous, get a pill crusher and mix with Sugar Free pudding or apple sauce.
  15. JerseyGirl68

    Finally under 300

    AWESOME!! Great start!
  16. JerseyGirl68


    I've attached a copy of Stage 6 - 7 that was given to me by my nutritionist. Your NUT might have their own set of rules that differ from these. Good luck ! Stage 6-7.pdf
  17. Normal is pretty subjective in this case, we all have different weights, body types, metabolism, etc. Stay the course, and track everything and show your NUT if you want to see where you can improve. Do you use My fitness pal?
  18. JerseyGirl68


    I'm one month out and would definitely do it again.
  19. JerseyGirl68

    Just had my plastics tues...

    Good luck for a smooth recovery! Congratulations!
  20. JerseyGirl68

    I found my old friend

  21. JerseyGirl68

    Trying not to stress!

    Prayers and good thoughts for you today and for smooth recovery! You'll do great, Best of luck!
  22. I experienced the same thing until about day 5, then it got much better. Good luck!
  23. JerseyGirl68

    im sleeved

    Congratulations!! Can they give you anything for the nausea? Hope all continues to go well for you!
  24. JerseyGirl68

    i should be more nervous

    Good for you! Best of luck tomorrow and for a smooth recovery!

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