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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JerseyGirl68

  1. JerseyGirl68

    Is food still enjoyable?

    I completely agree, I am 6 weeks out and still enjoy food. If going out to eat, I do look up the menu first and plan ahead. I'm having fun with altering some of my favorite recipes to make them more healthy for me, and those around me are loving it too. I've found its not the proteins that added the calories/fat as much as the sides and extras. I love it that 4oz fills me. I physically feel satisfied and mentally I'm still enjoying the flavors I like, just healthier versions.
  2. JerseyGirl68

    Food and drink at the same time?

    One thing my NUT really stressed was not drinking and eating at the same time. That was good enough for me. But, I saw this video on another site and the visual really stayed with me. I can't post the video but, go to FormerFatDudes . com toward the bottom right is a "Popular Posts" box, Click on Friends don't let friends drink and eat. Simple, but effective. Granted, he didnt' have the sleeve, but I think the idea is the same. Good luck!
  3. Surgery on Dec. 11. Breakfast: Protein shake Lunch: 3-4oz. Chicken Salad w/ fat free mayo or sliced turkey breast with a little cheese Snack: Greek Yogurt Dinner: 3-4oz. grilled salmon & steamed broccoli Snack Sugar free pudding or some fruit.
  4. JerseyGirl68

    OnQ pain Buster

    Good luck for a speedy recovery!!
  5. JerseyGirl68

    Can you chew sugar free gum?

    I was advised not to chew any kind of gum at all.
  6. JerseyGirl68

    Woohoo! Finally got my approval!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! I loved getting that call. Best of luck to you!!
  7. You will find many different answers to this, and the reality is - it's a personal decision. I told most of my family, close friends and only a few co-workers. Those that would be supportive and not judgmental. Much like any other personal information I go case by case. Not trying to hide it, but I don't share every detail of other aspects of my life with just anyone, so I used the same gauge. You'll know what is right for you. Best of luck to you!!
  8. JerseyGirl68

    Anyone kon myfitness pal?

    Welcome Amy! I'm on My Fitness pal and will send a request to you. You will find a wealth of information on the site, search for whatever questions you have, I'm sure they have been answered by some veterans. Good luck!
  9. JerseyGirl68

    Vitamin deficiencies

    I was put on 10,000 a day before my surgery, and I can honestly say I feel great since starting it. As you lose, I'm sure your levels will go up. "Vitamin D is extracted from the blood by fat cells, altering its release into the circulation. People with a body mass index of 30 or greater often have low blood levels of vitamin D." Web D
  10. JerseyGirl68

    Approval Letter

  11. Best of luck to you Thursday!! Once you are able, walk, walk, walk. It helps break up the gas and the more you move, the better you will feel.
  12. JerseyGirl68

    Sleeved in oct! Update

    WOW, Fantastic! Congratulations!!
  13. JerseyGirl68

    Egd done before surgery

    I also had mine done on a Saturday morning, and was told not to drive til the next day. They are checking for stomach issues prior to surgery. Better they know what they are dealing with before they cut.
  14. JerseyGirl68

    Dr. Shrope vs. Dr. Bessler - Valley

    Hi, I had both my gall bladder surgery (Nov. 2012) and Sleeve (dec. 2012) done by Dr. Schrope. I found her to be kind, helpful and incredibly knowledgeable. She took her time with me at our appointments, I never felt rushed at all. The staff at her office is fantastic. I never met Dr. Bessler, so I really can't speak to how he is. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to ask.
  15. JerseyGirl68

    Not eating enough

    All you can do is keep trying to see what works, you are still healing so hopefully things will begin to get better. Are you taking any acid reducer? You're not a failure, your experience is just different than others. I would definitely reach out to your nutritionist and see what you can do to increase your Protein with what you can tolerate. Do puddings go down ok? I've found that heating my milk for the Protein shake (like hot chocolate) really helped. There are even some drinks (not shakes) that are available www.bariatricchoice.com Maybe something like that would mix it up for you and get you the much needed protein.
  16. AWESOME!! Congratulations on your success so far!!
  17. JerseyGirl68

    Not eating enough

    It is frustrating. Your body could be in "starvation mode". Talk with your nutritionist, you may be able to find some foods/shakes that will increase your caloric intake and get you the nutrition you need. Try unjury chicken Soup or some other higher Protein options to get in what you need. How far out are you? Good luck!
  18. JerseyGirl68

    Weight watchers proof for 6 month supervised diet

    When I first went in for a consultation, I was told that yes, Weight Watchers would count. Thankfully, my BCBS policy changed and it was no longer a requirement. Confirm with the coordinator at your surgeons office, they usually have the latest info. Good luck!!
  19. JerseyGirl68

    The journey has just begun...

    Congratulations!!! Best decision I ever made! Good luck!
  20. JerseyGirl68

    Sorry, may be a stupid question..

    It's a fair question. I was told it was to shrink my liver prior to surgery, making the surgery itself and recovery easier. I found it to be a good starting point so I wasn't dealing with the shock of surgery on top of severe diet restrictions afterward. Some with a high BMI have to do a longer pre-op, sometimes needing to lose 10% of their weight prior to surgery. The last thing I would have wanted to do was compromise my surgery because I couldn't follow direction for two weeks. All doctors are different, you won't know what yours expects until you speak with them. Good luck!!
  21. JerseyGirl68

    104.4 Gone

    That is awesome!! Congratulations!!
  22. JerseyGirl68

    today is the day!

    Best of luck to you through your surgery and for a smooth recovery!
  23. JerseyGirl68


    YEA!! Congratulations!! Make room on the losers bench for one more!!
  24. JerseyGirl68

    Pre-op shakeups

    Your mindset going into it is a HUGE benefit. I loved having my chocolate shake mix with warm milk and Torani sugar free peppermint syrup. Best of luck to you! You'll do fine!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
