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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JerseyGirl68

  1. JerseyGirl68

    H Pylori test positive.

    Your surgeons office might still have an call service. Have you tried leaving a message for your surgeon? Could be a long shot, but worth a phone call and a little peace of mind. Good luck!
  2. JerseyGirl68

    First day of pre-op diet

    Take it one day at a time. keep a bottle of Water at the ready and get rid of things you should not have at your place. Keep reminding yourself that this is a necessary part of preparing for your surgery. You want to go in at the very best you can be and don't want to do anything to jeopardize your surgery or recovery. You can do it!! Good luck!!
  3. It can get overwhelming with all the appointments. I tried to schedule things together (on the same day) as much as possible. Thankfully my primary doctor has weekend and evening hours so that helped out a lot. I also was able to get my endoscopy on a Saturday morning to help with taking a bunch of time off pre-op. For every appointment I asked if they had early morning or evening hours and worked it around my schedule as much as possible. It never hurts to ask. Good luck!
  4. JerseyGirl68

    Dr. Shrope vs. Dr. Bessler - Valley

    Hey there, It is absolutely scary, but I can honestly say I am so happy with this decision, not a single regret other than I wish I had done it sooner. I am so appreciative of the level of care and service I get from Dr. Schrope and the entire staff. I have not encountered a single person who did not seem 100% invested in my success. The personal attention is invaluable to me. They really make you feel we are all in this together, and never hesitate to remind me they are always there to answer questions. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask me.
  5. JerseyGirl68

    Surgery today

    Congratulations! BEst of luck for a smooth recovery!
  6. JerseyGirl68

    Surgery Day!

    So exciting!! Best of luck to you!!
  7. JerseyGirl68


    Awesome!!! WOOP WOOP!!!
  8. I cannot speak specifically to the diet pills but I did take an antihistamine the day before my First surgery and my heart rate spiked and they had to stop the procedure. I woke up to a tube in my throat and hooked up to several monitors. It was the scariest thing I had been through ever. The cardiologist said he could not be 100% sure that was the cause, but he suspected it was and it was the only out of the ordinary thing in the weeks surrounding my surgery. Any stimulant, diet pills included, can cause heart palpitations on their own and they wont' know if the anesthesia will exacerbate that. I was able to go back and have my sleeve a month later, but had I been aware of what could happen I would have lived with the sinus'. You can do this. Good luck!
  9. JerseyGirl68


    I agree with the above posters about the fluids. I don't have an issue with my Calcium chewables, but I do know they offer different kinds in the forms/flavors of chocolate or caramel. I have seen them at my local grocery store. Good luck!!
  10. JerseyGirl68

    Maybe you could help me.......

    I remember that for the first few days, it wasn't bad - just noticeable. Warm liquids did not feel that way and very small sips worked too. Good luck!!
  11. JerseyGirl68

    1st attempt at puree'n

  12. JerseyGirl68

    Gall Bladder?

    I had gall stones prior to my sleeve surgery and was scheduled to have my gall bladder removed while I was being sleeved. I had an unrelated complication half way through and only had the gall bladder out the first surgery. But, there was no issue with getting them both done, it just didn't happen in my case. I was told it would not have change my recovery. I would definitely try to get them done at the same time if you can.
  13. JerseyGirl68

    Jealous Friends

    I've been friends with "Kathy" for over 35 years. Love her to death, but she cannot keep anything in confidence. For most things it didn't bother me too much. But for this surgery, I made it very clear to her that any information about my surgery was to come from me, period. I asked her specifically not to share it with anyone. She, of course, didn't think she had an issue with keeping things private. Remind your friend that this is your story to tell if you choose to, not hers and you would appreciate her respecting that.
  14. JerseyGirl68

    What do you tell employers?

    It's my understanding that you do not have to get specific with your employer about the operation, and they can't ask you specifics. Depending on what you do and how you heal, you might not be out long at all. Our time off is combined sick/vacation days so I just planned to take vacation. I had surgery on Tuesday and was back at my office on Monday (I'm 44). I made sure I walked around alot and did not lift. But I felt fine. I was getting my gall bladder out at the same time and that is what I shared. Good luck!
  15. JerseyGirl68

    Good choices of CERAL?

    I just saw that the other day and purchased it also. Kashi Go Lean Crunch has a Honey Almond Flax version that is 9gm of Protein. The only thing I'm being aware of is the additional carbs I'm taking in having cereal.
  16. JerseyGirl68

    Dr. Shrope vs. Dr. Bessler - Valley

    Hi! I'm doing really well, I feel great. Same ad you, slow and steady. Very happy with everything. Hope all is well with you also!!
  17. JerseyGirl68


    I'm not a pill person either, but they are important. I keep a supply at home and at my office in case I forget to take. What about the gummies or chewables? Have you tried them?
  18. JerseyGirl68

    I am approved!

    Awesome!! Congratulations!!!
  19. JerseyGirl68

    Purging the closet

    About the same time I was ready to start purging some items, I received a donation bad in the mail from the Lupus foundation. They request you fill it up and give them a call. They came and picked up 3 big bags of very good condition items. Double my NSV!!
  20. JerseyGirl68

    SAVE ME!

    Ugh, I feel your pain. When I was still in pureed stage (thankfully) my mom wanted Popeye's Fried chicken. She's 78, and who am I to deny her a little comfort food. Little did I know that the aroma of freshly fried chicken in my car would trigger and unleash the only "craving" I've had so far. I promptly dropped off the demon chicken, opened all the windows in my car (even though it was bout 2 degrees out) and drove around the block several times to let it air out before driving home. Note to self. Have someone else get mom her fix.
  21. JerseyGirl68

    100 Pounds!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is awesome!
  22. JerseyGirl68

    wow surgery

    Sooo exciting!! Best of luck to you!! I will echo the walk, walk , walk. It really does help.
  23. JerseyGirl68

    Drinks other then water!

    Vitamin Water Zero works great for me, there are a variety of flavors. Crystal Light is a good alternative also.
  24. Congratulations on your surgery! Both my NUT and surgeon stressed it was important to progress my diet as recommended, and as more foods were introduced, to lessen the shakes as long as I was getting my Protein in. Both said our bodies need to get used to more dense Proteins to get back to "normal" Denser proteins will fill you longer as they take more time to process. Call or email your NUT, see what they say. Good luck!!
  25. JerseyGirl68

    So little weight loss!

    I agree, you are recovering, retaining Fluid and swollen. Give yourself some time it will take a turn. I came out of the hospital 4lbs. heavier than I went in. LOL Good luck!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
