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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JerseyGirl68

  1. JerseyGirl68


    Fantastic!! Good for you!
  2. It may not be a "stall" At some point your body has to adjust. You're still very close to surgery and healing. Don't stress over a few days with no loss. I borrowed this link from Butterthebean's profile, http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.html It is a good explanation on why the scale might not be moving. Great start!! Good luck.
  3. JerseyGirl68

    5 Months Out, 45Lbs Down

    I agree with a lot of the posters, you are doing well and should be proud of what you have accomplished so far. If you feel you could be doing better or want to try, then make sure to track everything you are eating, either on your own or using something like My Fitness Pal. Sometimes it is a matter of mixing up your routine a little, adding/removing carbs or calories. This will also let your NUT track what you're doing and give advice accordingly. Don't get discouraged, try to get motivated! I know, easy to say but what is the alternative - Don't let old habits win, you are stronger than that. Good luck!!
  4. JerseyGirl68

    Is it ok?

    Just my thoughts... you say you are on Liquid/mushy stage, for me they were two distinct stages, weeks apart. I moved to pureed foods two weeks after starting full liquids and mushy foods two weeks after that. My NUT told me, "if you have to chew, it' s not for you" during pureed. She stressed that my stomach needs to heal and I need to let it by not progressing until told to. You will get as many different answers and thoughts on this as there are doctors, try and do what your NUT instructed until you can reach her. You don't want to progress too quickly, you can hold off. It is in your best interest to do what you were instructed. Good luck and congratulations on your surgery and loss so far!!
  5. JerseyGirl68

    December 2012 Sleevers

    54 lbs down from surgery, feeling great! Had a few stalls, but I'll take it!
  6. JerseyGirl68

    Wow! 100Lbs Down

    DAMN! You look fantastic! So happy for you, Congratulations!
  7. JerseyGirl68

    nervous about EDG!

    The procedure itself took about 20 minutes. I had mine done at the hospital, so I had to go to pre-op for a while before. I remember nothing at all about the actual procedure. I had an IV put in ahead of time, got wheeled in and was put under. I woke up in recovery, left about half hour later. They won't let you drive yourself. I was completely out for the entire thing and only had a very mild sore throat later that day. I had never been under anesthesia before and was very nervous, but it was no big deal at all. Good luck!!
  8. JerseyGirl68

    Down 25 pounds in First Week!

    Awesome start for you!! Congratulations!
  9. JerseyGirl68

    Tomorrow is the Day!

    Good luck on your surgery and for a smooth recovery!
  10. JerseyGirl68

    Liquid phase did yu cheat

    Nope, followed the doctors instructions to the letter. You have to give your sleeve time to heal, let the swelling go down and let your body adjust before advancing your diet. I trusted my doctors enough to cut into me, I trusted that their instructions were for my best interests. Good luck!
  11. JerseyGirl68

    April 9th

    One week away to a brand new you!! Congratulations!!! It is scary for sure, but so worth it. Good luck for a smooth surgery and recovery! Keep us posted!
  12. JerseyGirl68

    will I be approved if?

    Congratulations!! Great news for you!!
  13. It will get easier in the next few weeks. I found that I can drink more Vitamin Water zero than plain water, and initially warm liquids were easier. The further I got from surgery, the more I was able to drink, Now I can get in at about 80oz. a day, if not more. Keeping a bottle with you , if you are able, always helps. Congratulations, you are doing so well!!
  14. JerseyGirl68

    support groups northeast nj

    I'm in Lyndhurst, Surgery 12/11 down 54 lbs from surgery. Are you using MyFitnessPal? I've found it to be a great help in tracking my food/water.
  15. JerseyGirl68

    support groups northeast nj

    I haven't asked at the office, but I thought Gio was doing a support group at the Valley Bariatric Center? How are you doing??
  16. It's a good question, I've asked it myself and my nutritionist assured me that even doing everything perfectly can result in "slow" loss. Everyone is different. I always was a slow loser and that hasn't really changed, it is just much easier post surgery for me. The bonus is after surgery, you will have a permanent restriction that should definitely help a portion control issue. You will feel full and satisfied on much less. Emotional eating is something alot of us struggle with. And something you should try to get a handle on before surgery. Even though you'll be sleeved, you could still "binge" on foods that would ruin any diet plan. This is big step, it is permanent and uncompromising. It really boils down to choices, make good choices and you'll succeed. The biggest motivation for me is knowing that if I stick to the plan, lose the weight I need to and make it to maintenance then it will be the last diet I'll ever have to be on. Surgery is only a tool to aid in the big picture. We all have to commit to the changes and follow through. You can do this!! It is SOOOOOOO worth it, and you have a built in support system here. If you need motivation, you'll get it. Need an a**-kicking to get back on track... you'll get that too. All you have to do is ask. Good luck Jessica!!
  17. JerseyGirl68

    Frustrated :,(

    It can be a frustrating process for sure. Did your PCP give you any reason why they feel it will take a year for clearance? Can you switch primary doc? Your swollen liver most likely can be managed with diet (unless there is an underlying liver issue) A major reason for the pre-op diet is to reduce liver size prior to surgery. I would definitely get a second opinion. My insurance originally required a 6 month supervised diet, weight watchers was an approved diet and I only had to go to get weighed in at my doctors office once a month for 6 months. Fortunately for me, two months in the insurance requirements changed and it was no longer required. Good luck, keep us posted.
  18. JerseyGirl68

    She's here!

    Congratulations! She is beautiful! You've been missed on the boards :-) So happy everything went well for you, that you are both healthy and you are recovering well. Take care of yourself and God bless your new little princess!
  19. JerseyGirl68

    food preparedness?

    Protein shakes, sugar free popsicles, Sugar free pudding. Peppermint tea helped settle my stomach in the first days. unjury chicken soup went down very easy and gave me protein. Vitamin Water zero is another favorite. I purchased some 1oz measuring cups to use the first week (amazon) Having a heating pad helped alot also the first week. Have some liquid tylenol or generic on hand or a pill crusher ( I would put it in a spoonful of sugar free pudding) The tylenol worked better for me than the pain meds, but everyone is different. Chewable Vitamins. I made sure to put things I would need within reach, no lifting more than 10 lbs for a few weeks. Have some comfy clothing, jeans would rub on your incisions, keep it comfy. Here is a link to a helpful thread about what you need for surgery: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/10081-the-official-what-you-will-need-for-your-gastric-sleeve-surgery-thread/ Congratulations on getting your date and Best of luck!!
  20. JerseyGirl68

    New to this...and already frustrated

    Congratulations on your surgery! Definitely read the article that O.T.R. suggested above, you'll have some facts behind stalls etc. You are still healing, give yourself a break. You will do fine, keep following your doctor's instructions and don't let anyone make you feel bad. You had major surgery less than a month ago, your body needs to adjust. Stick with it and give it time. Good luck !
  21. JerseyGirl68

    6 month diet - Weight watchers?

    You can try doing weight watchers online. I am pretty sure it is less expensive than going to the meetings. Good luck!
  22. AWESOME!! Congratulations on your success!!
  23. Check out theworldaccordingtoeggface.com and emilybites.com both have great recipes for all stages and are easy to prepare. Good Luck!!
  24. Beautiful! Congratulations on your success!!
  25. JerseyGirl68

    Is this right?

    I'm a little further out, but I could always hold 6oz. of yogurt/soup and only 3 - 4oz. of more dense protein like chicken or fish.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
