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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JerseyGirl68

  1. JerseyGirl68

    Off track

    I'll take venting like that any day, Marie. You're taking control, not whining about it being hard. Good for you! We can all hope not to fall off track, but it is what we choose to do next that counts. Gmanbat wrote this yesterday to another poster that was seeking motivation, and I saved it, for when the day comes I need to see it myself. "You have beaten the greater part of your enemy. It's on the ropes. Kill it. Go over your battle tactics one at a time, cover all the bases. Water, Protein first, exercise, Vitamins, Fiber, sleep... Accept no excuses, show no mercy, don't lie to yourself... You can take it to the goal and beyond, it is in you. Grab it. Get mad, get mean. Win. " Good luck Marie!
  2. JerseyGirl68

    Have to share!

  3. JerseyGirl68

    Newbie Here

    Congratulations Annette! Best advise I got and followed, walk as soon as allowed after surgery and keep walking. It will help with any gas issues and the more you move the better you will feel. You'll hear walk, walk, walk.. sip, sip, sip a lot.. It works. Best of luck for a successful surgery and smooth recovery!!
  4. JerseyGirl68

    Is there a difference in proteins?

    There is a thread on here called "Not all proteins are equal" from O.T. R. http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/49499-always-check-the-ingredients-all-proteins-are-not-equal/page__hl__%2Bnot+%2Ball+%2Bproteins+%2Bare+%2Bequal, it gets into types of whey Protein, ones that are a good source of protein and ones that are not. Good luck!
  5. What a range of emotions for you. I'm so sorry about your surgery but Congratulations on your pregnancy! I have no first hand knowledge to offer, but maybe you can confer with your NUT and you can plan for a healthy pregnancy. As long as your insurance doesn't change, they shouldn't deny you after pregnancy. You still have a history of obesity and it is documented. Best of luck to you!!
  6. JerseyGirl68

    Needs some motivation

    Where is Laura-Ven when you need her! I am so sorry for the loss of your mom, it has to be so hard for you right now. I'm happy you decided to reach out, you know what you need to do and you came to the right place for motivation. You need to grieve, but at the same time, you need to take care of yourself. No good can come of getting deeper into habits you know to be destructive. Recommit. Are you using any tracking software (myfitnesspal)? I know this keeps me accountable and the friends I have there are great motivators for exercise and diet. It is never too late to get back on track. We are here for you! Take care of yourself.
  7. JerseyGirl68

    How am I doing?

    Congratulations on your surgery and I'm glad you are doing as well as you are. You had major surgery and a complication to boot, give yourself a break and time to heal. Walking should help with the gas discomfort, and I found a heating pad was very helpful. It is great you haven't had to take the pain meds since Sunday, that will definitely help get you back to your old self quicker. Are you able to get in your water and protein?
  8. JerseyGirl68


    You can do this. It is only a few more days. I agree with the above, not getting in your Water or Protein will definitely effect your energy. Have you tried unjury chicken soup? It was a great source of protein when I was in the early stages. pureed should be easier for you. I pureed chicken salad and had that with a tiny bit of cranberry sauce for variety. You can have refried Beans & cheese. Puree some chili. Do a recipe search on theworldaccordingtoeggface.com or Emilybites.com You'll get some great ideas for meals. There is a great Ricotta bake that was fantastic during puree's and your family will probably like it too. Add some Protein Powder to some sugar free pudding if you need to bulk up to feel better. Good luck, you can do this!
  9. JerseyGirl68

    Non-scale victory today!

    Isn't that the best feeling! I'm a bit older, but did the same thing with a gown I had worn 10 years ago - the last time I had lost a ton of weight. I weigh more now then I did then, but the gown was big on me. Don't know how that happened but I'll take it! Congratulations!!
  10. JerseyGirl68

    Introduction - Hello every one

    Welcome and Congratulations!! I wasn't a big milk drinker prior to surgery, but after I was having cramps when I had my shakes. I switched to Smart Balance lactose free milk and I've been fine since. Are you on Prilosec or another PPI for acid? Good luck!
  11. You have the right idea, you're planning for it. One of your drinks can be a shake or other protein drink if you want to make sure you're getting in your protein and be able to take your time with it. I'm pretty sure one of the Naked drinks is high protein, but not sure what the other nutritional content is.
  12. JerseyGirl68

    Foods that keep you full?

    Check out theworldaccordingtoeggface.com and Emilybites.com both have a bunch of great food ideas. I love the breakfast "muffins" they always keep me satisfied.
  13. Congratulations on your success so far. That is a loss of almost 4lbs. a week! Try not to compare yourself or your loss to anyone else's. We are all different, we gained differently, we'll lose differently. If you are sticking to your plan, you'll do fine. Are you getting in your water/protein?
  14. My coordinator and insurance company told me the same. My official "start weight" was what I was when I first met with surgeon and nutritionist. When I first committed to surgery, my insurance required a 6 month supervised diet. a month or so into it, they dropped that requirement and it allowed me to have the surgery a little earlier. I had prepared myself for the 6 month wait and wanted to do everything I could to get my mind in a good place before the surgery. I lost almost 60 pounds before surgery, but gained a great mindset and had started my new relationship with food before having to do the pre-op. I didn't have food funerals or have to come off carbs/sugar/caffiene. I was there already and made the transition easier for me. Dieting cold turkey has never been successful long-term for me, I knew that for this to be a successful life change, I had to start when I made my decision. This worked for me, so that's all I can really speak to. Good luck!! and congratulations on your decision to start this journey.
  15. JerseyGirl68

    chinese food

    It really depends on what food stage you are at. At 3 weeks out I was on pureed foods, so there were no real Chinese Food options for me other than soup (and for me, that wasn't a great option since I was trying to get my Protein in as best I could). Since starting all foods, I've had steamed shrimp/chicken with vegtables and garlic sauce on the side. A very small amount of sauce gave a great flavor. I agree that most menu items are fried, high calories/carbs and high sodium. As with anything, we need to make good choices. Congrats on your surgery!! Good luck!
  16. JerseyGirl68

    100 lbs. Lost...But....

    Hi Tannak: I didn't feel "restriction" as I expected until I was on more dense proteins and even then, never experienced any discomfort. You are going about it the right way, measure and portion according to what you were told and hopefully you will never feel "pain" when eating. I was one to always eat until I was full so getting in the right frame of mind for that change was important. I still measure everything and happily it is working. Glad you are doing well!
  17. JerseyGirl68

    100 lbs. Lost...But....

    AWESOME!! Congratulations on your success! All NUTs are different, mine wants me to eat every 3 to 4 hours so I'm typically at 3 meals and 3 snacks, depending on the day. She would also like me to get in between 800-1000 a day. I track everything with my fitness pal and aim for no empty calories. I've recently added in a bowl of Fiber one cereal either in the morning or evening to keep everything moving. You're doing great!
  18. JerseyGirl68

    Phase 3 and Terrified!

    You got this Amanda! I know how you feel, with every new stage I was so nervous. I took my time and everything went well and 4 months out I am loving it! Such great success so far for you!! Good luck and enjoy!!
  19. JerseyGirl68

    Bizarre trend?

    I'm a big chicken medically, so easing into it helped me mentally prepare. I believe this was my last hope too, and nothing, not even having a complication during my first attempt at surgery was going to stop me. Went right back in a month later and never looked back.
  20. JerseyGirl68

    Bizarre trend?

    I can absolutely understand what you are saying. It is hard, and some people absolutely have an easier time than others. I'm like you where I have to watch what I eat strictly and exercise every day to lose, and I have weeks where I drop nothing. I did expect it to be hard to lose the weight, I'm looking forward to after I lose it, that maintaining the loss will hopefully be an easier task because of the restriction. I don't think anyone here is trying to paint any one group of people with a single brush.
  21. JerseyGirl68

    Proud of my wife!

    Thanks for sharing! You are both to be admired!
  22. JerseyGirl68

    Bizarre trend?

    I feel the same Jane. I also feel Insurance companies are getting more and more on board with the sleeve and are lessening the requirements. I first started my research in January of last year, and it was June before I made up my mind. At that time my insurance company required a 6 month supervised diet. I really appreciated that, I wanted to get in the right frame of mind for what was to come and planned on Surgery in February, 2013. A month later, they dropped that requirement and I could move forward faster. I chose to move a little faster, but not immediately. I wanted to take it in and really be ready before getting operated on. It would not ever cross my mind to advance my diet faster or not follow my doctors orders as laid out. This was a very big deal to me, and I dont' think that I'm exaggerating about that. This surgery is becoming more mainstream and I think the notion of a quick fix trumps the fact that getting our minds straight is still necessary for overall success. It is still major surgery, there will be pain, to what degree is individual. Thankfully those that came before me on the boards really were honest about it and I felt I was very prepared. This is not to diminish the feelings of those that have had complications, did it all right and have regrets. I cannot imagine going through some of what others have had to endure and I respect them for keeping everyone posted and informed - good and bad. Good topic Laura!
  23. JerseyGirl68

    Down 76...Only 166 MORE to go! Pics

    So happy for you DeeDee! You look great! What a great success so far!
  24. JerseyGirl68

    Questioning my restriction

    Leading up to now, you were more swollen and healing from surgery. I could feel everything a little more the first few weeks, but as I healed I felt more and more normal. You're doing the right thing.. Measure your foods to monitor your intake. You want to get in 3-4oz, and not feel uncomfortable. Dont' push yourself to feel "full". Your new relationship with food and feeling satisfied with less will only aid you going forward. You may feel more restriction as you move on to more dense Proteins. Good luck, sounds like you are doing very well!
  25. JerseyGirl68

    All Checked In

    Good luck!!!

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