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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JerseyGirl68

  1. JerseyGirl68

    Beating yourself up after eating

    I think you might be a little hard on yourself. But you know, I also think that you sound like you want to do everything "right" and worry about slipping. Being very aware and selective of what you are consuming will ultimately help you. A spoonful of whole grain pasta isnt' the same as a spoonful of ice cream. You do need some carbs. You'll ease into a more comfortable relationship with food. You are doing so well, I can completely understand not wanting it to stop or change. It's all about the choices you make. I know for me, one of the biggest reasons I decided on the sleeve was that I wanted to be able to have a spoonful of my favorites at some point. I'm choosing to hold off until I lose the weight I want, but I also know that I do my best when I'm ultra focused. Congratulations on such a great start!! The reality is there isn't a single spoonful of anything that brought us to obesity. You should be so proud of your success!!
  2. JerseyGirl68

    Gas pain in left shoulder

    The gas pain I had was only in my shoulder area too. I found rolling my shoulders back one at a time helped break it up. I walked a lot too, but I did feel better after rolling my shoulders. Feel better! Good luck and Congratulations on your surgery!!
  3. JerseyGirl68

    Gall bladder or c section?

    I had my gall bladder out the month before my sleeve, they were very comparable as far as discomfort and recovery. But if I had to pick one, I would say the gall bladder was worse. I didn't really feel pain from either one. Recovery was very similar, I had more grumblings from my stomach with the sleeve.
  4. JerseyGirl68

    Care after surgery

    I was also only restricted until I was off pain meds. As long as you don't need to lift your child into a carseat, it should be ok. But definitely check with your doctor first.
  5. JerseyGirl68

    I can SEE it

  6. JerseyGirl68


    I had a few attacks similar to what Terri described, and had mine out the month before getting sleeved. Did your doctor indicate that you had gallstones before? Full blown attacks are horrible, yet different from person to person. Having an infected gallbladder is different than having stones. You do not want it to rupture and have to have emergency surgery. Attacks in some cases can be triggered by eating fatty foods, this was not the case for me. It would happen any time the stone moved and the gallbladder got inflamed. I happen to have a large stone, many people are filled with small stones. A simple ultrasound could let you know what the deal is. Good luck! Don't let it go too long.
  7. JerseyGirl68

    Newbie here!

    Welcome Angi! You'll love it!
  8. JerseyGirl68

    One month

    That's awesome! Congratulations on a successful first month! Best of luck going forward!
  9. It does sound reasonable, but I also hear what John is saying. I'm human. I know that, in life, I'll have good and bad days and days where I'll want something not nutritionally good for me. I also know that, as in the past, that I can do any diet for a period of time. I've embraced the notion that until I lose the weight I want to, I'm on a pretty strict diet. Hopefully the last diet I will ever be on. I hope to use this time, to really work on a new relationship with food, to finally conquer the issues that have plagued me in the past leading me to fail. I am chipping away at that total and want to use every minute of this honeymoon phase to get rid of every pound I can. My sleeve is only a tool to aid me with portion control and less hunger (as long as it lasts!!) I know I still need to put the work in and knowing that this time things are different keeps me very motivated. Best of luck to you!!!
  10. JerseyGirl68

    Going back to work

    I had surgery on a Tuesday and was back at the office on Monday. You can't really predict how your recovery will be, but if you stay hydrated and get in as much Protein as you can your energy should be ok (again, everyone is different). It is important to remember to move and walk those first few weeks, especially if you are at a desk all day and have a long commute. It will be important for you to listen to your body and not overdue it. I do recall being very tired at the end of the day, the first few days back. Good luck, if you really dont' feel you can go back that soon, get a note from your doctor.
  11. JerseyGirl68

    Desperately seeking advice

    I can imagine the frustration. Do you track your daily food intake via MyFitnessPal or something similar? A few things recommended to me by my NUT... Aim for 800-1000 calories a day, at least 70-80 gr of protein, low fat, low carb. Get in at least 64 oz a day, I average at least 80oz. My NUT wanted me off the shakes as soon as I was cleared for all foods, and it was hard getting in all the protein initially, but now I get it in easily. On my last visit, for my 3 month followup, she suggested adding more fiber to my diet, I added in a bowl of Fiber One cereal if not every day, then at least most days. I had found some High protein bars that I enjoy, but my NUT wants me to limit them to one a day and get in more "real food" I can only speak for myself, but I think Tracking absolutely gives you a better big picture of what's going on. We can be at 1000 calories, but if 200grams of that is Carbs, then I can't imagine doing too well. Another aspect I like for My Fitness Pal is that you can view other's food diary's (if they allow) for menu ideas . Good luck! I'm sure you'll get some great help and support here.
  12. Congratulations!! Keep that positive attitude!!
  13. JerseyGirl68

    typical lunch

    I think your mindset going into any lifestyle change is most important. Good luck!!!
  14. JerseyGirl68

    typical lunch

    Amen sista!! That looks great Fiddleman!
  15. JerseyGirl68

    low mein chineese food

    I'm not too surprised, some folks can handle heavier foods but many have shared that pasta (lo mein noodles) doesn't sit well. I wasn't on full foods until 6 weeks out. Good luck.
  16. I'm certainly not going to suggest going off your Protein shakes, but if you want something to break it up. BariWise makes some protein Fruit drinks. I've tried the orange and it was pretty good. I've seen others at Bariatric Choice too, http://www.bariatricchoice.com/bariwise-bariatric-shakes-drinks-194.html?gclid=CKjy45nuz7YCFccx4AodEEkA6g Good luck!
  17. I'm with Laura and grammy... You have to keep the junk out of the house. I was at my mom's house for an extended time last week and just being in her kitchen (always a source of very good, but very bad for you yummies) made me want Entemman's cakes. It was just sitting there, and BOOM.. it had power over me. Thankfully I got out of the kitchen without incident.. Recommit, get rid of all temptation and don't even go down those aisles in the store anymore. I'm allowed some Snacks, so I always have cheese sticks, fat free/sugar free pudding or single serve reduced fat Peanut Butter on hand. You can do this! You didn't go through surgery to fall back into bad habits. Good luck!
  18. JerseyGirl68

    Readmitted to the hospital

    I'm so sorry you are having a hard time. You might want to get some unjury chicken Soup to get some Protein in for when you are ok to proceed. Also, I used to add heated milk to my chocolate Protein shake and drink it like hot cocoa, it went down much easier and I got about 35 grams of protein in an 8oz. cup. Best of luck to you!! feel better.
  19. The first week out is mostly Water weight, your body is adjusting. Plus you said your are PMSing. I don't know about you, but I always gain right before my period. Your loss will come don't get discouraged. Still an awesome loss for less than two weeks out! Good luck!
  20. JerseyGirl68

    High protein soups

    unjury makes a great chicken Soup, good amount of Protein and very good flavor. tomato might be more acidic than the others, but as long as you are aware of it, you should be fine. I also drank my shake mix with warm milk, like hot chocolate the first week, it went down easier for me. Congratulations on your surgery!!
  21. JerseyGirl68

    Getting family to understand

    Biker hit it on the head. If you believe you are doing what is best for you, you may just have to deal with the fact he is not on board. If it is really important to you, maybe bring him to your next visit with your surgeon. He will get the facts, but sometimes when someone's mind is made up, there is nothing you can do but stay as positive a possible. Good luck.
  22. If you have been sticking to the foods phase your NUT laid out, you shouldn't be doing any harm. Is it constant or come and go? Do you have any fever or chills? Pain, in general, that cannot be explained easily (like incision site) should be investigated. Since it is the weekend, you may want to call your surgeons office, but go to the Emergency room.
  23. Definitely pulling out old clothes that haven't fit in years.
  24. JerseyGirl68

    Favorite tracking app?

    Also a devotee of MyFitnessPal. I pair that with my FitBit pedometer.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
