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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JerseyGirl68

  1. JerseyGirl68

    Eating before surgery?

    Everyone's pre-op diet is different. Mine was 2-3 shakes a day and a low fat, low carb meal. This was up until the day before surgery, then nothing starting at midnight. It is always the best course to follow what your doctor laid out, not what other's did. Good luck!!
  2. JerseyGirl68


    I had mine out the month before my sleeve. The recovery was easy, and happy to be rid of those attacks. My attacks were not brought on by a reaction to what I ate, I had one big stone and if it was laying the wrong way long enough to irritate my gall bladder... BAM. See if your PCP will order an ultrasound for you, they will be able to tell what the deal is. In the meantime, the only thing that eased the pain for me was walking and stretching (oddly enough) I would hold onto the top of a door and breathe really slow. It might have just been in my mind, but it helped at the time. My mom, who delivered 10 children and had her gall bladder removed said she would rather go through another childbirth than to ever have another gallbladder attack...
  3. JerseyGirl68

    Have your sleeve and ice cream too... Well, kind of.

    I'm going to try this and add some vanilla or unflavored protein powder! Thanks for posting!!
  4. JerseyGirl68

    #160 lost 1 year post op (w/ pics)

    So happy you proved your PCP wrong! Congratulations on your new life!
  5. JerseyGirl68


    I can only speak for myself, but I shared with some family and some close friends that I was having surgery. Also a few co-workers ,but not all. It was not out of embarrassment, it is a very personal issue for me and one I struggled with for years. I did /do not discuss my diet or weight or other personal matters with those people and did not feel it necessary to share this. If asked, I'll be honest, but selectively. I don't share my medical issues with random people and kind of think it rude for someone not in my "circle" to ask. There was some family members that I chose not to share surgery with until after the fact. I love my family, but there are some who, no matter what the issue, only will believe what they believe. I did not think any one of those people had better or more information on this topic than I did. I researched a long time before making my decision and was not going to debate the issue with anyone who could not possibly be as informed. I knew the risks, heard some "horror" stories... the whole spectrum. With certain people, I felt I would only be opening myself up to negativity, so I waited. I have had a few friends say they knew someone else considering surgery and asked if could they share that I had it... No problem, I'm thrilled so far and would be happy to share my experience.
  6. JerseyGirl68


    My surgeon is Dr. Schrope. She works out of Columbia in NYC and Valley Hospital in Ridgewood, NJ. Very happy with her, and the entire staff. Good luck!
  7. JerseyGirl68

    Serious question seeks serious answer!

    I tend to agree that it is a personal preference. I've had weight issues my entire life and have dated all different shapes and sizes, I tend to gravitate to a bigger guy. Taller etc. not just weight (I'm also fairly tall ,so I think proportion as opposed to weight). In my dating experience I've met guys who only wanted larger women, that to me is more fetish than attraction. Real attraction come from the whole package, in my opinion.
  8. JerseyGirl68

    anyone feel GREAT three days out?

    I feel that I would have been fine going out 3 days after surgery. I was off meds the day I came home and back to work 5 days after surgery. You won't really know until you are living it, but if all goes well for you, bring a bottle of water and enjoy!
  9. JerseyGirl68

    My confession. I fell of the wagon

    Thank you so much for sharing. It takes courage to put it out there that we are struggling. No matter how big a rockstar you are, you are human. :-) Your post reminds all of us food addicts that it is a long-term and on going process. The sleeve is a tool, but we are accountable. Thanks again, and always remember, we are here for you - just as you have been for so many of us.
  10. JerseyGirl68


    Hi Tia: Congratulations on your surgery! It is not the easiest thing to follow the progression that your doctor laid out, but it is important that you do. Unless told its ok, try not to progress too fast, your new sleeve needs to heal and you need to do your part to make sure that happens. What schedule did your doctor layout? You can do this, you are stronger than you think!! If you need to mix it up, even on clear liquids you can have sugar free ice pops. They will add flavor and a different texture for you. Good luck!
  11. JerseyGirl68

    Can't Drink Water At All

    I had no desire for Water initially, and used Vitamin water Zero instead, it was recommended by my NUT. As long as your Fluid is no/low calorie and decaf you should be fine. Some other options: Crystal Light Unsweetened decal Ice Tea You should be getting in 64oz a day or more. Sip all day. It will get easier to drink as you progress. Good luck!
  12. I can't point to specific posts, but I know I've read some stories of folks this "didn't work" for. Ask yourself if you are doing everything as you are supposed to. Are you getting in all your Water and Protein? What stage food are you at? If you can honestly answer yes, then just try to be patient. You're taking in far less calories than before and your body is taking a little bit of time to adjust. How are you feeling otherwise? A lot of people (myself included) hit stalls at 3 weeks out, so it is not so uncommon. I know you are not really far out from surgery, but are you tracking your foods with a program like Myfitnesspal? This for me has been a big help in keeping track of what i'm taking in on a daily basis. Good luck!!
  13. JerseyGirl68

    Jiff to-go

    I have the reduced fat ones. I love the individual servings and have one every few weeks with sliced apples. YUM
  14. JerseyGirl68

    High Vitamin B-12 Levels?

    I was put on it right after surgery and mine came back high (1542) during my 3 month follow up. I was cut back to taking it 1 time a week and they will check it again in a few months.
  15. JerseyGirl68

    Pre op bloodwork

    Prior to surgery they cross and match your blood, they check for any other issues that could relate to your surgery. I don't think a few crackers will alter any blood work results, but just try to do your best with your pre-op diet. Good luck! You can do this!!
  16. JerseyGirl68

    Post Op abdominal bruising

    My sis had the same thing happen,it got worse as the days went on. Did your arm bruise also?
  17. JerseyGirl68

    I'm back and mad as hell!

    Hi RJ, I am so, so sorry you had to endure all of that. It is important to share this type of story to show the other side, when things don't all go as planned. I can only imagine what you are struggling with , we're here for you! I'm glad you are on the mend. Be well.
  18. JerseyGirl68

    Post Op abdominal bruising

    Hi there, While I agree that getting it checked it the way to go, I have seen the heprin shots cause bruising like that. I didn't react to it that way, but my sister did. She had HUGE bruises every place they injected her. Hopefully that is all it is. Good luck, I hope that is all it is.
  19. JerseyGirl68

    100 pounds down today!

    AWESOME!!! Congratulations on this first of many milestones!
  20. JerseyGirl68

    Hard Candy

    Definitely find something that works as far as drinking. It should be sugar free/calorie free or low calorie and caffeine free. . I had no desire for Water at all initially and found that Vitamin Water Zero went down easy. Peppermint tea was another favorite early on too. As the other posters said, you need to get in your water. Mints aren't supplementing anything other than sugar, really. You can do this, it gets much easier. Good luck and congrats on your surgery!!
  21. JerseyGirl68

    At the hospital

    Good luck for a successful surgery and smooth recovery!!
  22. JerseyGirl68

    Last Supper Syndrome?

    Not too much longer now!! There will be many, many different opinions on last suppers or food funerals. Ultimately you have to do what works best for you. Once I committed to surgery and changing my lifestyle, I started embracing my choices instead of dreading them (that always lead to failure on any traditional diet I was on) I started tracking my food on My fitness pal, I wanted to be accountable to myself for my intake. For me, easing into this better-eating life worked. I didn't mourn the loss of what I can't have. The beauty of the sleeve is that there are no "off limit" items. You are bound only by the choices you make. You will have your favorites again if you choose, just much smaller portions. Your better relationship with food starts when you decide, not the day after surgery. So make the best decisions for you. Best of luck!!
  23. Congratulations on your success so far, you are going really well! I can completely understand being frustrated. Keep in mind your body has to adjust. You will have days you don't lose, and some days the scale just might go up. But, stay on track, and it will start moving in the right direction again. Remember, you are just about 3 weeks out and still healing, don't overdo it.
  24. JerseyGirl68

    Getting water AND protein

    It will get easier as you progress. Hydration is still the most important right now. American Bariatric makes an orangeade drink that I enjoyed early on and it has 15gms of protein. (http://store.americanbariatrics.org/Orangeade_p/orangeade-fruit-drink.htm) There are other protein fortified drinks you could try, you'll be getting your fluids and protein. Good luck with everything!
  25. JerseyGirl68

    Bizarre trend?

    I always knew I was an emotional eater, it was easy to say but much harder to truly understand, come to grips with and work on changing. I lurked on this forum about 5 months before joining. I joined the day I decided to have surgery. It was through reading so many honest posts about other's struggles with emotional eating/relationships with food that I feel I gained so much insight. The thing that brought it home was that the posts I was reading were from people who I felt were walking in my shoes. Not once in my 44 years had I verbalized it. It would never had occurred to me to talk to any of the other overweight friends or family I have to share the emotional aspects of my struggle. But, I started to. I stopped using other excuses, and came clean with myself, and anyone who cared to ask me questions about my decision. When I did go for my psych consult, I felt I was able to be very upfront about why obesity had consumed my life. Since, I've been able to talk about it freely and have had so many conversations with my sisters especially about triggers, and what I do now etc. Having the awareness and a safe place to really talk about these things makes all the difference for me. I think one of the hardest things to do is admit when we "fail" or perceive we fail, it is even harder to do it to the masses. I give anyone that has the courage to post about a day when they are struggling all the credit in the world, they knew to turn to the people who would understand. It is those same people who will give you a good swift kick in the as* because they know it is what is needed. Excluding folks who have had complications, I would think the biggest population of regrets would come from folks not fully coming to terms with those underlying issues. I think you hit it on the head John

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
