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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JerseyGirl68

  1. JerseyGirl68

    Really disgusted

    Shame on them. I can understand having concern and that bringing about some questions, but some people should get off their high horses. I have been very fortunate to not have any negative feedback. I also haven't shared it with the masses, for just that reason. I researched and planned for a long time before making my decision. Anyone that knows me, knows that is how I go about big decisions. I had my answer all ready for the nay-sayers if they came..... "Negativity helps no one. And you have never walked in my shoes. I appreciate your concern, but I don't think you have better or more information about this procedure than I do. I'd be glad to share what I know to educate you." I was very pleased with myself, until I never got a chance to use it. Don't let anyone get you down.
  2. JerseyGirl68

    Got my date

    Congratulations Tracy!!
  3. JerseyGirl68

    Why did I do this again?

    Hate to beat a dead horse, but it will get better. Aside from the discomfort from surgery, everyone tolerates anesthesia differently and that will take a while to exit your system completely. Warm peppermint tea helped me the first week. I was very fortunate not to suffer from nausea, but prior to surgery that always settled my stomach (and it counts as your water) Walking around, even though you don't feel like it helps too. Good luck!
  4. Hi there! unjury products don't have sugar alcohols and are very low carb/high, good quality Protein. Look at unjury.com their chicken Soup is a great source of protein also and a staple for me the first weeks out. Good luck!!
  5. JerseyGirl68

    Dont know what to do!

    You are doing great so far!! There are a lot of factors that go into losing. Getting your Protein in is important to maintain energy and muscle. You have to get in enough calories a day Where does your doctor want you to be? At 6 weeks out my doctor wanted me at 1000 calories a day. Try adding a high Protein shake a day to increase your numbers. Where are you in your diet? What is a typical day for you? Skipping meals won't help you lose, try eating smaller meals more often. I agree with those above, it is hard initially get in all your protein, but you need to do your best for your own sake. You can do this!! Tracking with a program like MyFitnessPal absolutely helps. It is not easy getting into an exercise plan. Start slow, but move. Walk... park further at the market. Walk up the street. Go up and down the stairs a few times. It will get much easier as you lose, your mobility will get better and better and you'll be able to do more. Anything is better than nothing. 'll say it again, You can do this! You made a great decision to go forward with surgery, finish the job and do everything you can to be as successful as you can. You have a great tool to help you. now is the time to be committed. We are all here for you and are all going through this together.
  6. JerseyGirl68

    129lbs lost

    Awesome! Truly an inspiration!!
  7. JerseyGirl68

    My story made the news!

    You should be!! Congratulations!!
  8. Best of luck tomorrow!! Anxiety aside (and I think we all had anxiety leading up to surgery) you sound like you're in a good mental place for after surgery. Good luck to all of you having surgery, and I wish you smooth recoveries.
  9. JerseyGirl68


    It is great you are feeling good enough to work out! Congratulations on your surgery and your great success so far! I agree, definitely a question for your doctor. Mine didn't want me doing anything but walking for a month. Just remember, that even though your external stitches may be healed, you have internal sutures you don't want to mess with. You are still a bit numb/swollen on the inside and might not feel "pain" when it happens, give yourself a decent amount of time to heal. Good luck!
  10. JerseyGirl68

    Does "met medical crieria" mean approved?

    Sounds like it! Congratulations! I wasn't able to get a solid answer from BCBS by phone at all, the office coordinator at my surgeon's office was able to get the answer.
  11. JerseyGirl68

    Need Advice from VSG friends

    It can absolutely be frustrating to not see the scale move. Always keep in mind that your body has to adjust at times and you won't lose for a while. You said you are at the lower end of 60gm of protein and at times less than 64oz. of water. My first suggestion would be to try and get these numbers up. Staying on your doctors plan, of course. Good luck!!
  12. JerseyGirl68

    What is going on?!?!?!?!

    You may not be taking in enough calories. What were you instructed to be taking in at 4 weeks? At my 6 week check up, my NUT had me increase my calories to 1000/day (I wasn't losing quickly at all) That has seemed to keep me slow and steady at about 12lbs a month since. Here is a link posted by user ButtertheBean regarding stalls http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.html Very good read and it helps to know the why sometimes. Good luck!!
  13. JerseyGirl68


    Congratulations on your surgery! It will take a few days to bounce back, you are still healing. Check with your doctor on when to start your supplement. Stay on course, you'll do great!!
  14. JerseyGirl68

    Clean Plate Syndrome?

    I completely agree with Don, smaller plates, smaller portions. I grew up having to clear my plate and that habit stuck. Before surgery I invested in small forks/spoons (I found small silver ones on amazon) and a bunch of 4oz. tupperware type containers to portion out my food for home and if I take lunch to the office. I always eat on a smaller plate (salad plate) now and only take 4oz. at a time. I can clean my plate, be completely full and not waste anything. Eating out may be more challenging, ask for a side plate and put a portion on that and eat. The rest take home. You can work the problem, it doesn't have to control your success.
  15. JerseyGirl68

    Trying to stop smoking

    Congratulations on two excellent life choices! I cannot imagine how hard it is to give up smoking, and I applaud your commitment! Get strength from others here who have gone through the same thing. You can do it!!!
  16. JerseyGirl68

    What is the psych eval looking for?

    Mine was basically searching for addictive personality issues and depression, my relationship with food / was I prepared for the lifestyle changes. You can't go wrong with going into it honestly. If the doctor thinks there is some issue that should delay your surgery or will stop you from being successful, it might be something you need to be aware of. I'm sure it will all go fine, Good luck!!
  17. JerseyGirl68

    1st post... anxious

    Hi Cindy! Welcome!! I agree, I always found that focusing on the Big picture/ end point would get me through. The 10 days won't be easy but in the grand scheme of things, its only 10 days. Don't let your inability to follow a diet like this before sabotage you. You can do it, keep telling yourself you can and commit to the changes. Everyone has different doctor instructions, you need to trust in and follow what your doctor ordered and try not to allow yourself to be lulled into a feeling of "so and so cheated and they are fine" type of mentality. I have read of some doctors who will no go forward with the surgery if you don't follow orders, and I have read of folks pigging out until the night before. What works for one does not work for all. Trust your doctor. It is not forever, it is 10 days, and you can do it. If you need encouragement-- post, Private message, whatever you need to get you through. There is ALWAYS someone here that understands what you are going through. Best of luck to you, keep us posted.
  18. JerseyGirl68

    Having second thoughts! Help!

    It is completely normal to feel anxious about your decision. Best thing I can say is trust your gut instinct. YOu know what your reasons are for choosing surgery and if you feel you need more information then you should get it. Just because you are confident in your decision doesn't mean the anxiety and nerves will go away. Hopefully you will find some peace of mind. I can say for me, it was the scariest, best decision I ever made. And I could not be happier. Best of luck to you!
  19. JerseyGirl68

    Bad leg cramps - help!

    I was going to say the same as Don. My doc even said a little salt water might help for leg cramps.
  20. This is exactly what I do. It has worked great for me. I do not feel as though I am limited or depriving myself. I find it much easier during the week, at work. My staff takes scheduled breaks so when they do I make sure I have something. On the weekends there are many times I 'forget' to eat. Sometimes life gets too interesting I guess... I just do my best to make it up. I'm so excited for you!! 5 days to go!!
  21. Hey there! I always had a big appetite. The feeling of being full I think satisfied me more than the food itself, if that makes any sense. I never understood how the band helped satisfy hunger, since you do still have the majority of the hormone producing part intact. Since surgery 6+ months ago, I have rarely felt traditional hunger. There are definite triggers that spring up. Certain smells, places etc. But that is my head, not my stomach. I plan my meals, but I know that 4oz. will satisfy me. REALLY satisfy me. and that is probably the biggest help. I do suggest really committing to sticking to the rules on this long term. It will only help you succeed. Just because you never have been able to say not to some things, doesn't mean you can't start now. I knew I needed help and getting sleeved was my answer to that. I did have to rethink and restructure my relationship with food overall. I found comfort in food, always did. But this time HAD to be different. I was committing to a major surgery, and let's face it, there is no real long term data on this. We are putting our hope on the idea that if we do what we're told, we will finally succeed. I trusted my surgeon to do their best, I owe it to myself to do my best. One sure way to fail is to keep repeating old patterns. All that being said, I have been on every diet known to man, a few times even. This is the first time that I do not feel hunger most of the day. I'm physically satisfied with my meals. But, I also make sure that the majority of my calories come from lean Protein. Carbs are present, but I know for me they are only a trigger so I keep them low. Finally, I don't have to rely on Lean Cuisine or WW frozen meals to stay on "track". I eat well , in taste and nutrition, I don't "diet" in the traditional sense. If I do take one too many bites, it feels a little uncomfortable, but passes in a bit. I can't describe it as pain, but I typically portion my food, so I can tell how much to eat. Denser Proteins fill me faster so I just have to account for that and not overdo it. Best of luck to you!!
  22. JerseyGirl68

    preop diet...

    Good for you wanting to get as ready as you can! I agree, all docs are different and some are very strict and some have no pre-op diet at all. I found the pre-op really helped me get motivated and ready for surgery. Mine was not too bad at all. 3 high Protein / low fat/ low carb shakes a day and one low fat/carb/calorie meal. Though I was never a soda drinker, seltzer was my choice, I went off all carbonated beverages before to make it easier too. Best of luck to you!!!
  23. I can absolutely understand your frustration. I went in for sleeve & gall bladder removal on November 6. I woke up from surgery, intubated and my hands tied down. The nurse was calmly explaining that I had a complication during surgery and they only got the Gall bladder finished. Half way through surgery my heartbeat started racing and they didnt' know what to make of it. Turns out it was very common and not at all dangerous. But better to be safe than sorry. I was so disappointed. In my 44 years I had never been in the hospital, so voluntarily going in for surgery was a hard pill to swallow. It took me a few hours, but I decided to adopt a "it all happens for a reason" attitude. I didnt' take it as a sign not to have the surgery, just that it wasn't meant to be that day. I stuck out my pre-op diet for another month and I'm so happy I did. I was sleeved a month later and it has been the absolute best decision I ever made. Staying on track that month in between really helped my commitment to the plan. I didn't have to stay on the pre-op.. I chose to. It prepared me so much for getting myself used to the new normal that was to come. Thankfully it was only a urine test with no serious issues found. So many aren't that lucky. Yeah, I'm giving you the Glass half full speech.. But it does not take away your disappointment. I'm sorry it got delayed, but it will happen.. Stay the course and you'll be better off for it. Good luck!!
  24. JerseyGirl68

    need more food

    My NUT told me the exact same thing at 6 weeks, and she was right... I would add a good quality Protein shake. It will boost your calories and your protein, its easier (for me at least) to ingest liquids. I have always used Pure Protein chocolate brand, with my smart balance milk and some PB2 powder. Very tasty and if I have one, I do it first thing in the morning. Gets me off to a great start. It will get easier to take in more calories. Great start for you!!! Congratulations!
  25. JerseyGirl68


    I think this is still pretty normal. Your surgeon removed your stomach through one of the incisions and for me, that one ached the longest. They had to go through muscle and if you are engaging those muscles to get up then it makes sense that it still has some discomfort. Congratulations on your surgery!

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