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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JerseyGirl68

  1. They obviously do not know you too well Kathy. Sad that they couldn't recognize they were in the presence of ProudGrammy and she plans on staying that way!!
  2. Quite the opposite. Almost my entire floor was bariatric patients, and the only way I knew that we ran into each other in the hall while walking and shared experiences. Some of the nurses had themselves been sleeve patients and gave me some pointers. All in all, I felt the hospital experience was beyond what I expected.
  3. JerseyGirl68

    Any Nj Sleevers

    North Jeresy here, Good luck everyone!!
  4. JerseyGirl68

    Ins upfront?

    Same here, deductibles were paid upfront.
  5. JerseyGirl68

    Pain lot of

    If water is giving you a problem, try herbal tea, or warm water. I found Vitamin water zero went down much easier than regular water. It did get much better after a few days. I even heated my milk & shake mix and had it like hot cocoa. It was much easier for me. Good luck, feel better!
  6. JerseyGirl68


    Hi Karyanne: It is a big decision, and should not be taken lightly so I can completely understand being scared and asking all the questions you are. It is best to go into this with eyes wide open and getting all the info you can. And you are doing just that. I don't miss eating "more" because I'm eating better. The pleasure I got from overeating, if I can even call it that, was fleeting. I NEVER felt good about myself after over indulging. I felt weak and it was a horrible cycle to be in. I love that I am satisfied after a few ounces. food does not have that power over me. Yes, there are times when the emotional eating thoughts creep in, but I've got a handle on it. My pre op time did that for me. There is an excellent thread here http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/78443-the-pre-op-diet-is-not-a-punishment-its-an-opportunity/ Check it out, those months leading up to surgery were so important to my being able to handle all the changes after surgery. I mentally was able to get in control and the rest is following the plan my doctor laid out. Prepare yourself the best you can, follow your pre op the best you can. You deserve to go into this in the best possible condition. Don't get lulled into the notions that it is ok to go against your doctors recommendations because someone else did and they were ok. This is major surgery, treat it as such and treat yourself the very best way you can leading up to it. Best of luck to you, I wish you as great an experience as it has been for me.
  7. JerseyGirl68

    Cream of ?

    I agree with your logic on this.. I was answering her question about omitting the powered milk and just using water. I was typing it out while she posted the next question and missed it.
  8. Awesome! Mine: 1: I can run around and play with my young neice and not tire. 2: My allergies are all but gone. I haven't had to take any sinus meds since. 3: No more back aches from being on my feet for hours 4: Going from a size 24/26 to a 14. I can buy of the rack in most stores. 5: I dont' worry about where to park , or if it will be too far for me to be comfortable.
  9. JerseyGirl68

    HELP! please...

    The size difference is not that great, sounds bigger than it is. I found this comparison chart online. Don't worry.
  10. Check out theworldaccordingtoeggface.com and emilybites.com both sites have tons of great sleeve friendly recipes for all stages of diet. Good luck and congrats on your surgery!
  11. JerseyGirl68

    Thinking about the sleeve

    You have two excellent descriptions above by Cheri and SpaceDust. Best piece of information I always remember... this surgery is on your stomach, not your head. It is not a cure all, but I can honestly say it is the single best tool I have ever armed myself with. I got my mind straight pre-op and was fully committed to the changes I had to make. Six months out and I have not had a moment of regret. I was fortunate and had a very smooth operation and recovery with no complications. Best of luck to you in your decision.
  12. JerseyGirl68

    Easting schedule

    I think more about food than I did before surgery, just not in the same terms. I definitely plan my food day so I get in my requirements. I always have a bottle of Water or Vitamin water on my desk. I found if I use the bigger bottles I do better. Your schedule seems to be good, very similar to how I go about my day too. You'll be able to take in more as time passes, so be patient with that. I recently added in a 8oz. Protein shake in the morning (NUT approved) to boost my protein/calories. I use the Powdered Pure Protein chocolate Frosty and love it. I also add in a serving of PB2 for added protein and taste. I've learned to enjoy Greek yogurt (Oikos) another good protein source. I make sure I always have cheese sticks at home and at the office. We are lucky to have a refrigerator. As time passed I also kept a stock of good quality Protein Bars (Pure Protein and Kashi Go lean bars) for an afternoon snack. Planning serves me well. I try to embrace the notion of eating to live not living to eat, philosophy and try to make the most out of my calories. Good luck!
  13. JerseyGirl68

    Cream of ?

    The addition of the dry milk is to pump up the protein intake without giving you more ounces to drink. Good luck with your surgery tomorrow! Remember Post Op to strain your soups until you are on mushies. I agree about the Unjury Chicken soup. it was a great way to add protein and was yummy.
  14. JerseyGirl68


    I'm sorry Rhonda, Do you think it is pain from incisions or gas? A heating pad may help. Good luck and feel better.
  15. JerseyGirl68

    What's the pain like?

    There are as many answers to this one as there are members here. I woke up tender but not in pain.It felt like I had done a ton of situps and ached in that area. I can truly say I was fortunate and never had "pain" per se. ( I had two surgeries one for gall bladder and the sleeve one month a part and the experience was equal, if not better the second time with the sleeve) I was achey, felt a twinge here and there if I twisted awkwardly. I was on pain meds in the hospital, and the first day home, after that Tylenol worked just fine for me. The first few days I was walking gingerly, but I think I was more worried about hurting myself than anything else. I made sure not to lift anything heavy or bend if I could avoid it. I slept in a recliner for a few days and that made things easier. I did have a lot of noises from my stomach that I was somewhat anticipating (thank you VST). I was very alert after both surgeries, had them on Tuesday and was back to my office that Monday. I took the advice of many and walked as much and as often as I could. The more I walked the better I felt. Good luck!
  16. JerseyGirl68

    Wet eyes 2day

    I know how you feel. The worry that "what if THIS doen't work" rears its ugly head from time to time. When it does, I log in and read other's posts. I have never had a feeling or worry that hasn't been touched on here. Reading words of encouragement, knowing that others have gone through and are going through the same feelings/concerns helps. I went years believeing I must be the only one who feels this way because I was always the biggest person I knew. But you know what, here we are connected by this specific issue. I took so much information from those that came before me. I read about what they did when they stalled, took advice on the best way to succeed and took comfort in thier kind words of support. I love my doctor and NUT and am still convinced I made the best choice for me. But, reading other's experiences here hits home for me. I know you all know what I feel. And we can relate to your struggles too. You are not alone through this and there are tons of people (me included) who are more than happy to buck you up, share what worked for us or just listen when you're concerned this won't work. Slow loss will happen to some, stalls will happen to some, don't give up, don't go off your plan. Do the very best you can, it is all any of us can do. You are still not very far out from surgery. still healing and your body is adjusting. I really have found that eating the small meals several times a day make it easier to get in the Protein, not feel hunger and stay energized. Tracking will not only give you a good big picture but it will help your doctor know what is working for you and what is not. You got this! Take control where you can, plan your meals - - search for recipies that you will enjoy. I enjoy food, so it helps me greatly to know that I'm not on another "diet" where I can't enjoy anything. Dont' be afraid to add in food items or liquids (staying on your doctors plan, of course) just do it slowly and you'll expand your choices. I hope today is a better day for you, you are doing great so far and this is just the beginning.
  17. JerseyGirl68

    Wet eyes 2day

    Aside from echoing exactly what Laura said, I'll add this question. Do you track what you take in with MyFitnessPal or similar program? I find this helps a lot in making sure I am getting in my protein. While getting in your water is most important, in the next few weeks you should work on getting in your protein and calories too. What food stage are you in your diet? I still have a hard time "seeing" my loss when I look in the mirror. Stick with what your doctor recommended and share with your NUT your frustration. You have the right idea about not going off track, and that is a HUGE part of the process. I need to stay away from carbs too, but I've found that if I have my 4oz. of protein, I'm not even looking for anything else. I'm so glad you reached out. We are in this together, and have been through the doubts, fears and anxieties. Vitamin water zero has been a lifesaver for me, I can still drink it better than regular water so I make sure to always have some handy. Try not to get discouraged, focus on the things you have control over, getting in your water/protein and moving as much as you can, and the sleeve will do its job. Good luck!!
  18. JerseyGirl68

    All of my December sleevers...

    Ugh... I love that I'm able to touch base with my nutritionist via email or phone whenever and have called on her for input several times. I would hate not having that backup. At almost 7 months out I'm able to tolerate just about anything (though I don't really venture off my plan) I was stalled for a few weeks so I added a morning shake to my day. The boost in protein seems to help. Typically I'll have a shake or greek yogurt in the morning, a snack (cheese stick) at around 11, Luch at around 1: consists of either 4 oz of protein (today it was sliced flank steak) or 3.5 oz protein 1 oz or so of veg or a starch. Snack around 3 (fruit) dinner around 6 or so. Smae break down as lunch. I find the biggest help to me has been portions. I can eyeball some things. But I always bring my lunch in a 4oz. container, saves on waste and keeps me where I want to be. It really is enough. I feel full (satisfied). I have had small tastes of pasta, but only a spoonful. And I try not to deprive myself. If I want a treat, I have it. But instead of haggen daaz, I'll have a skinny cow ice cream or sugar free ice pop. I always have cheese sticks handy and good quality protein bars. I don't want to get into a habit of not having something to eat and grabbing fast food. Changing these habits has been key for me. I want to make sure that the bulk of my calories have nutrional value. I plan, but that is what works for me. Luckily I'm able to cook for a good chunk of the week over the weekend and I'll portion my meals out then, freeze what I need to and won't have to worry for the week. Continued success to everyone!!
  19. JerseyGirl68

    Will I ever be able to

    Yes, but when will be determined by what your NUT suggests and how well you can tolerate it. I was about4 months out when I started having some with no issues. I didn't really try before that. How are out are you? Good luck!
  20. Sooo happy for you Jessica!! Independence day for you indeed!! Best of luck!
  21. JerseyGirl68

    1st day out of hospital

    Congratulations on a successful surgery! The Gas-X strips help for gas within your stomach, for trapped gas in your shoulders/back etc. walking and a heating pad helped a bunch. My doctor said Miralax if I needed, but I wound up being ok in that area. Good luck!
  22. JerseyGirl68

    On a really happy note!

    Awesome news! I hope it keeps getting better for you!!
  23. JerseyGirl68

    Cheesecake Factory low carb cheesecake?

    Even though it is low in carbs, it isn't low in fat or calories. Just my two cents, but I would aim for getting the most out of the calories you can take in. For me, after weeks of being on liquids and mushies, even the sugar free chocolate pudding tasted really good. Congratulations on your surgery and good luck!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
