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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JerseyGirl68

  1. JerseyGirl68

    Looking for support...

    You got it! Being scared is normal, it's major surgery. You have the added luck of the kissed penguin with you. How could you go wrong. Best of luck!!
  2. JerseyGirl68

    Food vs vitamin bills

    I was thinking about this last week. I think initially we invest in all our supplements, shakes etc. but they last a little while. I've found that I am spending less on food overall and the added expense of the supplements doens't really fill that void. I get to spend the extra money on new clothes! Now THERE is where I'm spending much more than I usually did. I do a lot of comparision shopping online for vitamin deals,coupons etc. I found that WalMart stocked my fav. protein shake (Pure Protein) so that helped too. I stock up when they are on sale and it helps.
  3. JerseyGirl68

    Food ideas.

    A go-to for me is cheese sticks, I always have some at home and in the office refrigerator. Greek yogurt is also a great source of protein.
  4. JerseyGirl68


    Not a single one. I wish I could have gotten it done years ago. Initially I couldn't drink as much water as I could other liquids. So I incorporated Vitamin Water Zero into my day and not a problem at all. I get in about 80-100oz a day also. I had a very easy recovery, and thanks to VST was ready for all the little things that only someone who has been through it would know. One of the things I did alot of research on was which surgeon to use. I'm lucky to be in an area where they are plentiful. I read reviews and backgrounds etc. Fortunatley I found a wonderful combination of skill, compassion and experience. I could not have been happier. I would be surprised if you couldn't find an answer to every question you have if you search VST. Good luck!!
  5. JerseyGirl68

    I'm outta here!

    Best of luck today and for a smooth recovery!
  6. JerseyGirl68


    Congratulations! Be well and have a smooth recovery!
  7. JerseyGirl68

    Feeling Weak

    I think it possibly could be from the heat, especially if it is only since the heat wave. Are you getting in enough liquids?
  8. JerseyGirl68

    Just found the trail

    Good for you! Welcome! you'll love it here!
  9. JerseyGirl68


    Glad you are feeling better, a great reminder how important staying hydrated is for all of us. The heat in the North East has been bruatal with no end in sight, so good reminder! Be well.
  10. JerseyGirl68

    Derailing! Help!

    HI Amy: I can imagine it is a challenge to stay the course and feed a family. I know that if I don't plan out my meals at least a little it can get challenging. I've been working at altering my favorite recipes a bit so I don't fall into just grabbing whatever is convenient (which is what I was doing a year ago) I use Saturday or Sunday morning and prepare a few things and store them pre-portioned for me. Some I'll take to work for lunch and others are ready for dinner. This weekend was a mocked up Turkey pot pie, no potatos, lots of turkey. I baked them in 4oz ramekins and only put a square of "crust" on the top (my favorite part) No crust on the bottom and it totally satisfies me. It has got to be hard to find the time to take care of you. But if you need an hour a weekend to give you time to plan and keep you on track, try and grab it. I also give props to the websites emilybites and theworldaccordingtoeggface great , easy to do recipes that should keep anyone interested. Before deciding on surgery I thought long and hard about what it was that derailed me. It is almost always getting bored with the food. Once I start feeling seriously deprived, I'm done. I decided to do what I can to change that . The built in portion control is and will be fundamental to my success, but damn it, I'm gonna enjoy what I eat! Good luck Amy, I'm sure this is just a bump in the road.
  11. JerseyGirl68

    Three Year Update

    You once again, very eloquently, put to post what I'm sure so many of us feel about ourselves and our experiences. Thank you so much for sharing. It does keep things in persepective and remind us all that its a journey, and a lifelong commitment. I know you don't look for the accolades, but I'm gonna! Thank you, you've become a voice of reason, guidance and comfort to the lot of us that came after. Congratulations on a happy, healthy you!
  12. Excellent choice for member spotlight! He is always a great source of information and encouragement for all of us. Congrats Fiddleman!!
  13. JerseyGirl68

    In mourning

    I get it, I really do. And agree, to each his own in this regard. I know I really needed to get a handle on the control food was having. I was letting it comfort me, reward me. .. UGH. LOL The choices you make are yours and everyone deals with things differently. When I made the decision for surgery, I went into it knowing that I'll never eat the same way again. Not that I'll never eat again. I think the notion of "NEVER" is a tough one for anyone to grasp. In time , unless your new stomach doesn't like something you will be able to have just about anything, just much less and you need to make the best choices for you. If you think the idea never eating certain things is triggering your mourning, try to find a way to think in different terms just for your own piece of mind. 6 weeks is a long time. If you feel the same way after surgery it might make recovery much harder than it needs to be. Best of luck to you!!
  14. JerseyGirl68

    Please explain

    No problems swallowing Post-op either, I did only take 1oz sips for the first few days (nerves more than anything else). If your doctors were aware of your current meds, they will instruct you what to do. There are a bunch of folks here that have had to take meds in pill form right after surgery. They work with you accordingly. Best of luck to you!!
  15. JerseyGirl68

    Not doing the liquid diet

    Hey Ashlee: A few days closer to surgery for you, and I hope it is getting easier. It takes a lot of courage to post when we feel we are failing. I'm glad you emailed your surgeon and clarified what you meant by "failing". It is hard, but every day is a victory for you! Best of luck in the next few days and on Wednesday! You'll be in my thoughts. Keep us posted!
  16. JerseyGirl68

    Lack of Support

    I was ready for these types of conversations. Thankfully, they never came. I armed myself with lots of information and the belief that unless you have walked in my shoes, you don't know my struggles. Be confident in your decision and when you need more support, log in here. Best of luck to you!
  17. I found the pre-made shakes to be too sweet for me. I finally tried Pure Protein brand Chocolate frosty powder and never looked back. I add some PB2 powder or some sugar free Torani syrup and I'm set. Post Op I had to switch to Smart Balance milk, I guess I became lactose intolerant, but all is good now. Hopefully after surgery that hunger will subside. I applaud your willingness to stay the course even though its a struggle. Good luck on the home stretch!! Keep us posted on your surgery.
  18. JerseyGirl68

    Tiny bowls!

    I also took that approach. Small bowels, plates, forks, spoons.. the lot. I grab my regular spoons/forks now, but still use the smaller plates/bowels. I like portioning and much less waste. I can only get in about 4oz. anyway so why not.
  19. JerseyGirl68


    There will be varied opinions on this, best bet is to do what your doctor recommended. Mine wants 3 meals and 2 - 3 snacks. She wants me having something every few hours, but always high protein/low fat/low carb. I stick with Fruit, cheese sticks, nuts or a good quality protein bar (but I limit them to a max of 1 a day) Good luck!
  20. JerseyGirl68

    Not Sure if its the right move...

    Hi Jilly: I'm sorry you are stuggling. I can say, the gas pains will get better. You are walking, that helps. I found a heating pad also helped with some of the persistant gas pains too. Best of luck!!
  21. JerseyGirl68

    Not Sure if its the right move...

    Hi there, You are right to think this through, ultimately ony you can decide what is right for you and your overall health. I have been overweight my entire life, tried every diet (multiple times with varied success) and knew this was the right path for me. But everyone is different. I had a very smooth recovery and now at almost 7 months out I could not be happier. Yes, there is discomfort in the beginning, as there would be with any surgery, so you do need to take that in to consideration. What it is not.... a cure all, magic bullet, poof I'm thin fix. It will take time, commitment and energy to find your new normal. The built in restriction is fundamental for my success. I always had a sluggish metabolism and raging appetite. This greatly helped my appetite. I'm not hungry and a few ounces physically satisfies me. Get all the information you can, and ask the questions you have. You will find a wealth of knowledge, experience, compassion and empathy here. Best of luck to you!!
  22. JerseyGirl68

    How long were you off work?

    I had surgery on a Tuesday and was back at the office Monday (6 days) I felt fine, a little tired after the day, but I expected that. Good luck!
  23. JerseyGirl68

    I can now say this....

    Awesome!! Congratulations!
  24. JerseyGirl68

    Not doing the liquid diet

    Hi Ashlee: You CAN do it. You have to commit. Get yourself in the best possible shape for your surgery. You will have a lot to deal with post-op, do you want to add NOT being prepared on top of it? Trust in what your surgeon has asked you to do and do it. This is not a punishment, it is an opportunity (http://www.verticals...an-opportunity/) This is one of my favorite things I've read here and one that is so very true. Take control now. Don't accept "I can't" just because you haven't be able to before. You said it yourself that after surgery you can do it, do it now... do it for you. Why would you even tempt this effecting surgery at this late stage. Come on Ashlee. I believe you can, YOU have to believe it too.
  25. JerseyGirl68

    Need Motivation!

    Congratulations on your successful surgery! Seems like we are always waiting for something.. Waiting for surgical approval, waiting for our dates... waiting to finish the pre op.. waiting for the discomfort to end. It can be frustrating. Try and focus on your "plus sides" Like losing 7 pounds in a few days... like beginning your new normal... that it's been a few days and even though there is a different issue, its not too bad. You had major surgery, give your body time to get out all the meds, lose the extra fluid and heal. You will feel better, it will just take a few days Thankfully, while these issues are annoying, they are very common and to be expected. A heating pad might help with the sore tummy. Feel better and continued good luck and success!!

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