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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JerseyGirl68

  1. JerseyGirl68


    Welcome! Best of luck to you as you begin this new chapter!
  2. JerseyGirl68

    Surgery Is Monday - Do I Have What I Need?

    You sound well prepared. I agree with the extension cord. It was one of the best things I used. Best of luck to you!!
  3. JerseyGirl68

    My success pics

    Stunning elPaso! Congrats on your success, both surgery and healing from the leak!
  4. It was about a week for me, and then only when I introduced a new food.
  5. JerseyGirl68

    Surgeon Questions

    That was the one question I kept forgetting to ask. I was curious, more for the "why this size and not that" but I also trusted my surgeon would do what's best. I was definitely curious, but it wasn't a deal breaker for me.
  6. JerseyGirl68

    I am embarrassed

    It is such a personal decision. I typically have no problem sharing details about my life. But for me, this was different. What if I failed, do I want to draw more attention to my obesity?? I told those I trusted with my feelings, that trusted my decision making abilities. I did avoid telling some family members who I felt might not be as supportive as I needed them to be. I did share with more people when I was a few weeks out, and I'm glad I did. I was very fortunate and got support from so many people. You have to do what makes you comfortable, you have your reasons. And its not for anyone to judge you. Good luck!
  7. JerseyGirl68

    Do i smell or something?

    I found that a few folks I knew were being overly cautious about what I "couldn't have" Once I was on solid foods, I could always find something on a menu, and always let that be what I put out there. Maybe they are just trying to be helpful. Have you tried initiating the invites to lunch? How far out are you?
  8. JerseyGirl68

    Worst thing so far

    It has got to be hard, it is a process and every day is closer to "normalcy" Can you have Soups yet? Still a meal, not as much fun, but a meal nonetheless. You can do this, stay strong, vent when you need to. Congratulations on your surgery!! Best of luck to you.
  9. I agree it is harder to admit when we falter and seek help. I'm glad you posed and am sorry you are struggling. Some good advice posed. Getting back to basics, remember what drew you to slipping, but don't beat yourself up over it. Tomorrow is a new day. I find tracking really helps keep me motivated and on track. Re-commit to staying on track, you have a world of support and encouragement here, draw from that! You got this!!
  10. JerseyGirl68

    My endoscopy pictures are sexy

    Awesome!! Good luck!!
  11. Some of the vets are doing 5:2, maybe a change for a while to shake things up might help? Do you do any weight training? I was just reading an article about how both cardio and weight training are essential for loss. If I find it, I'll post. I was in a month long stall and not quite as close to goal as you but i can feel your pain. You are an inspiration Frank!
  12. JerseyGirl68

    Hi Everyone…

    Awesome! and congratulations on your successful surgery and recovery! Some great websites to check out for food ideas for all stages. theworldaccordingtoeggface.com and emilybites.com Try the Ricotta bake-- awesome!
  13. JerseyGirl68

    Gallbladder and VSG

    Now that you mention it... I was never a milk drinker prior to being sleeved, so no "diagnosis of lactose intolerance" ... But after I attributed some tummy rumblings to more milk intake. I did switch to Smart Balance Fat Free milk and poof.. no more problems. I do have some gluten in my diet now, but no where near what I had. I have never felt better. Even my slight case of excema cleared up. Good luck, I hope things turn out equally well for you!!
  14. JerseyGirl68


    In addition to the lemon/ginger tea... Peppermint tea also helps with neasea, also decaf. Feel better and good luck.
  15. JerseyGirl68

    Gallbladder and VSG

    I had my gallbladder removed a month prior to getting sleeved. I have been lucky and not had any issues as far as bowel movements relating to the Gall bladder removal. Moreso because I'm not getting in as much Fiber and have had to increaes to keep things moving along nicely. Do you notice it being any different depending on what your diet consisted of? I came to realize after surgery that I had a gluten sensitivity. I always attributed my sinus issue with allergies, but since the sleeve surgery I have had no issues at all.. I used to take over the counter meds daily - only once since surgery in December.
  16. JerseyGirl68

    Pre surgery

    BariWise makes an Orangeade that (for me) did not have the texture or smell of regular Protein drinks. Also, unjury makes a chicken Soup that was a very good, savory option to the traditional shakes. http://www.dietdirect.com/bari-wise-health-fruit-drinks-bw202-orangeade.html www.Unjury.com Some sites will let you get some samples too. Best of luck finding some you like.
  17. JerseyGirl68

    100 pounds gone forever

    Awesome Jessica!! Congratulations!
  18. JerseyGirl68


    I haven't had any issue with lettuce (9 months out). I've had it like Bunny suggested, with some protein. Turkey/chicken, shrimp and just this weekend a really good lobster salad YUM. I got the crunch of the salad with out adding too much.
  19. JerseyGirl68

    6 mo out

    That is fantastic Brandy!! Congratulations!
  20. Awesome! I love that you took the photos that way, you can really see a transformation.
  21. True, you asked if folks who did poorly on the pre-op still lost after surgery. "Poorly" is subjective, I guess. I took that to mean you did not follow your instructions, and wanted reassurance from others who had the same experience and did fine with their loss post-op. I understand wanting reassurance, we all do at one time or another. I know I shouldn't assume, But I did.. 30 lashes for me. I assumed you are still pre-op, and I answered as though you were still going through your pre-op and struggling. I'm still not sure what stage you are at, but I'm glad when questions came up, you posted to get feedback. Thinking about it some more, doing "poorly" could just mean that you followed everything to the letter and didn't lose. If that is the case, it could just be your body adjusting, stay the course and you should lose with no problem. It may not be as quick as you want it (I know it never is for me) but it will come. I think it has a lot to do with mindset when it comes down to it. It is easier not to indulge or overindulge post op... Fear of harming your newly sleeved stomach does wonders for self control, the build in restriction does too. One of the phrases I hang onto through this whole process is that "You get operated on your stomach, not your mind" Head hunger, cravings etc, may or may not be easier to deal with post-op, but if you follow your plan post-op , you should be golden. Best of luck to you!
  22. JerseyGirl68

    Protein shakes

    Premier Protein shakes, you can purchase at costco and Pure Protein Shakes are both 30 grams of protein, low fat/low carb and approved for me by my NUT. I liked using the Pure Protein powder better, it tasted less sweet to me and I would add some sugar free flavors from time to time. WIth your fat free milk, it is also over 30gm/ serving.
  23. I looked at some cookbooks specific to weight loss surgery, but honestly found my greatest inspiration comes from two websites theworldaccordingtoeggface.com and emilybites.com Both are great resources for all stages of your diet, easy to make receipes and very yummy. Check out the Recipe forum on this site also. Best of luck to you!!
  24. JerseyGirl68

    This is fake right?

    Hello and Welcome!! There are some amazing transformations here for sure!! Read everything you can, be aware of the risks and complications so you are fully informed. You will find a great community here of very gracious folks willing to help, encourage and inform. Best of luck to you!!
  25. I hear you Justin, in all fairness to you, I must have been typing out my resonse when you posted. So my comments were not directed at yours, just my overall feeling about sticking to what they tell you. And again, simply my opinion. I agree that the doctors do err on the side of caution, I also think that each of us are at different starting points, different co-morbidities in some cases and different overall health and I like to think our doctors have our best interests in these regards..... while covering their a**es too. :-) I'm glad you're doing so well!!

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