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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by JerseyGirl68

  1. JerseyGirl68


  2. JerseyGirl68

    Clothing postop

    I had a cathedar post-op until the next morning, so I stayed in the hospital gown and a robe when I was walking (the hospital gown was actually a side-tying one so no exposure and it was pretty comfortable). When the cathedar came out,I showered it was stretch pants and a soft top until I went home. I stayed comfy for the next few days.
  3. The heading should actually read 4 year old had surgery 2 years ago. I just read about this online and have mixed feelings about it. Figured I would share. http://www.foxnews.c...iatric-surgery/
  4. I try and remember that people that care about us aren't trying to be judgmental, no matter how it comes out. They are coming from a place of concern/fear. But... no one that hasn't walked in your shoes can ever really know how you have struggled with weight. We can't expect them to. Try not to take it personally, they are telling you what they know to be true. Deciding to have surgery can be a deeply emotional decision. I know that coming to the realization that I needed surgery was very hard for me. I initially felt "why CAN'T I just do this?" But I couldn't, I needed the help the sleeve has provided me. You'll get all the support you need here with folks that know how you feel. We have lived it to. Be well and best of luck!!
  5. JerseyGirl68

    2 Year old had VSG 2 years ago.

    Yeah Aside from the "what the hell are these parent's thinking!!" initial feeling I had, the followup concerns me too. Vitamin deficiency mostly. I read this on two different websites, one stated that he was born a normal weight. They could not tell if the parents followed the diet plan he was put on, but he gained 17lbs instead of losing. Maybe he'll learn better habits as far as portion control, but man, that is pretty severe for a two year old who cannot even voice what he is feeling and when. If the parents couldn't monitor him effectively, and yeah I blame the parents completely for this one, How will they post-op?. Hopefully someone stepped in to monitor him going forward. I'll be interested to see what happens years out too.
  6. JerseyGirl68

    Cant stop crying!

    Good luck tomorrow ladies!
  7. JerseyGirl68

    Getting sleeved today!

    Glad you are doing ok!
  8. JerseyGirl68

    Food Funerals?

    There are so many different opinions on this, and really only you can decide what is best for you. The day I decided to go for surgery, I changed everything. Starting with my mindset and the control food in general had on me, I still feel making those changes on my terms helped me when it got hard and cravings or the need to emotionally eat came. I don't regret not having "food funerals" I was of the same opinion as Lipstick Lady, I wanted to be in the best possible physical condition for surgery. Best of luck leading up to your surgery! Follow your doctors instructions, you can't go wrong there.
  9. The only thing I can think of surgery related is perhaps an internal stitch is pulling. I would say when in doubt, call your surgeon. Even off hours they usually have a service of some kind. Be well.
  10. In my never ending Quest to find an exercise I could enjoy doing, two weeks ago I purchased my first bike in about 30 years. I LOVE IT! I rode at the beach this summer to test the waters and found it really was as much fun as I remembered. I take it down the the nearby park and aim for at least 5 miles a night. I find myself actually looking forward to it! And I know if I were still carrying around 140+ pounds there is no way I'd be doing it. This time around, I am finding because I went to such "lengths" to get my weight under control, I am not as easy to brush off the work required. The more I'm able to do , the more I WANT to do. I'm all in on this one.
  11. JerseyGirl68

    Luv This!

    That's awesome, I hope you feel as great as you look!
  12. JerseyGirl68

    New here!

    Welcome! You have found a wonderfully helpful group here. Best of luck!!!
  13. JerseyGirl68

    Its my day!

    Best of luck to you today!
  14. I totally forgot That I also purchased a recliner right before surgery. It was a fantastic help!
  15. JerseyGirl68

    Jealous Friend

    I have one very close friend that won't talk to me about my surgery or weight loss either. In her case, I don't believe it to be jealousy, but rather her not wanting to deal with her own weight issue. She's not morbidly obese, but definitely overweight. She is a long-time, dear friend, so if I need support, I just don't look to her, I find it elsewhere. Thankfully, she is not my only means of support, so I can let this go.
  16. JerseyGirl68

    sooooo sick of soup.

    Are you on "Full Liquid" or clear? For me, on full liquids I could have sugar free/fat free pudding/ thinned cream of wheat, plain yogurt. Are you also having shakes?
  17. These were the little things that helped. I tried to prepare my home so I wouldn't have to lift or reach for a bit. I got an extra long charger so I could keep my phone/ ipad charged and close by and not have to fumble for the charger cord. I had a supply of protein powder, soup, sugar free/fat free pudding, ice pops and pain meds (though I didn't use them) and pill crusher all ready to go. I Made sure I had plenty of comfy clothes , loose and baggy all ready to go so I wouldn't have to worry about laundry right away. A heating pad was also helpful the first few days, helped with the little discomfort I had.
  18. HI Jewel: ( i edited this a littlle, I dont' think I fully explained what i meant) It is a great idea to get your self prepared as far as your diet it concerned. IMO I think it really gets us in a good mind space to prepare and not have to not make drastic changes only after surgery. When I got serious about surgery, I joined weight watchers (again) It kept me accountable and helped frame my mind for the changes to come, without being in a specific "pre-op" diet plan. I agree with Bufflehead (below) about not going into a drastic calorie restricted plan, but rather change your behaviors in preparation for the pre-op and surgery. I wound up losing almost 60lbs. between June and December. For your information... Here is a pdf of the diet plan my NUT gave me, pre-op through post. Stage 1-7.pdf
  19. JerseyGirl68

    Surgery today!

    Very exciting! Good luck to you! Walk around as much as you can after surgery, moving around definitely helps. Be well!
  20. JerseyGirl68

    A First...

    I took my very first Zumba class tonight. Yup, I am as uncoordinated as I thought.. Lol good to know these things for sure. But. I did the 45 minutes all the way through and didn't have to rest. I'll take it!!!
  21. JerseyGirl68

    The skinny on $$$

    My max out of pocket was $3500 so that plus prescriptions and some misc. items. I would say about $4000 total.
  22. JerseyGirl68

    Surgery postponed :(

    I'm so sorry Maggie, I had my first scheduled surgery postponed too and it sucks. I hope they can get you re-scheduled asap. Stay strong!
  23. JerseyGirl68

    Have I tried HARD ENOUGH?

    Anyone who has not struggled with their weight long term can never really understand, and you can't expect them to. It's like someone who doesn't drink telling an alcoholic to just stop drinking... Only you can answer the question have you tried hard enough or if surgery is right for you. I would not wish another 20 years trying on anyone (I'm 44). This particular surgery was not an option when I was your age (damn, now I feel old writing that) I didn't opt for the lap bad or bypass years ago, so I don't think "surgery" was my answer. I think THIS surgery was the answer for me. If you want to try on your own again, do it. You can even do it while you are moving forward with plans for surgery. Only you know what is best for you, but you are asking questions and you can't go wrong there! Best of luck to you in whatever you decide!!
  24. JerseyGirl68

    Nausea with Multi-vitamin

    I used to have issues with some vitamins, At my NUT's suggestion I took Flintstones Multi and started taking them before bed and it didn't' bother me as much.
  25. JerseyGirl68

    From start to finish how long?

    The supervised diet , if required, is probably the biggest time issue. I found out about 6 weeks in that my insurance dropped their 6 month requirement. So I got the rest of my testing done and scheduled much quicker. When you know what your insurance requirements are you will get a better idea of how long the whole process should be. It could be as fast as a month, if you get everything else in place. Good luck!

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