About three months ago I was suddenly hit with an incredible pain. I truly thought that my stomach was ripping open. I tried to throw up thinking that it would ease my pain. After throwing up I felt better and stupidly did not go visit the E.R. As the weeks passed I began to notice that I couldn't eat more than a 1/4cup of food and if I did I'd get this pain in my stomach and my left shoulder would throb. To make a long story short I had another sever attack about three weeks ago and this time I went to the E.R. I had a CT scan with dye and they found I did not have a leak. I was floored when my doctor told me it was gastritis. I had no idea gastritis could cause that much pain! I really thought I was gonna die, the pain was so intense. I was given catafate to line my stomach and help it heal. Anyway, I'm still having pain even though I'm taking prilosec to help with the acid. Ugh.