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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Danielle2649

  1. Danielle2649

    14 days till the big day!

    o2bthin! YEA for the 18th! How are you doing on that diet? mrshorne! I live in Savannah! I hope we get to meet someday!
  2. Danielle2649

    14 days till the big day!

    Thanks everyone for the support! Its down to less than a week now! This diet is not fun AT ALL! I can do it though, but I have had a few lapses of judgement... But, I think it will be alright, I didn't go crazy or anything. I am kind of in a "funk" right now... I had a kind of fight with my husband last night, not about the surgery or anything, but none the less I didn't get much sleep. It seems like my Protein isn't cutting it today either, I think I want to emotionally eat! Its funny how when your kind of sad you get that feeling in your stomach that you think would feel better if you ate something tasty or fattening! I guess its a good thing I can notice that and recognize it. I know that my surgery will go well, I just do, I am not worried about that really. I guess I am just facing the fact that this huge thing IS really happening! I went to a graduation party this weekend and ate some shrimp and corn on the cob (It was a low country boil feast!) I could have went crazy on the potatos, but I didn't and I am proud of that! Also, they only had carbonated beverages and I spoke up and asked for Water. *pat myself on the back* Baby steps, but still steps! okay, I will quit blabbing... I could type forever about how I am feeling! Thanks again for the support!
  3. Danielle2649

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Make that 62 pages!!! wow!
  4. Danielle2649

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hi Everyone! I am having the surgery done in ONE WEEK! :faint: I can't believe it! This week will take forever to go by! I am on week two of my pre-op diet. It has definitly been a learning experience. I am kinda tired of the stuff I have to eat/drink. They gave me different shakes, bars and soups. Mostly stuff with lots of protein. I can do fine during the work day, but when I get home its harder. I am going to do lots of research this week to make sure I am ready. My nutrisionist says I will be drinking water only right after the surgery, then move to 4oz of protein shake until that fills me up and then I can drink 8oz. Then when that fills me up I can move up to mushy stuff, like scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, etc. So on and so forth... I think I can do it! Wait, I KNOW I can do it! I tried to search for post-op food ideas, but got a whole lot of junk come up... Anyone got any suggestions on what they tired, or are planning to try? I can't believe there are already like 50 something pages for us June Bandsters! I will have to read a lot to catch up! I hope to get to know you all well!
  5. Danielle2649

    Georgia Coast Surgical

    Hi! Good to hear from you! I haven't met Dr. Kent, but I assume he is as great as Dr. Henderson! No, I don't live in Brunswick, I live in Savannah. Its about an hour drive, not too bad. I am hoping I won't have too many fills or complications where I have to drive there a lot! I just noticed my ticker says "7 days", I am so excited! I am kinda scared too... I have a lot of mixed emotions right now... Is your name Mr Shorne or Mrs Horne? Ha ha ha! You can read it both ways! Keep in touch! Are you going to have to do the two week diet before your surgery? I can tell you all about it!
  6. Danielle2649

    Christian Bandsters

    Hi everyone! I am new to these parts. I am going to be banded on June 18th! I have debated and debated if this was the right thing for me, and with all your sucess stories and great statistics, I know this is the best thing to do for my health. But, there has consistantly been a little voice in the back of my head saying "What will God think?" I am a very spiritual person, I believe in God, pray to the Lord, and feel that I have a very strong relationship with my creator. But, this little voice keeps asking me if this is what he wants... would he approve? I have always felt that God made each of us different and we are perfect just the way he made us, so by doing this am I contradicting this belief? Am I less of a person because I am fat? Am I not beautiful in Gods eyes because I have a high BMI??? OF COURSE NOT! So, why am I having this surgery??? I decided to check out more of the message board and came across this thread. I was so happy to see how other Christians felt about being banded! Like my title says above, a "weight" has been lifted off my sholders. I know now that this is not a sin. I am not being vain, I am doing this for my health! I am doing this so I can live a longer and healthier life! This message board has brought me so much support! I look forward to keeping in touch with everyone I meet on here!
  7. Danielle2649

    Let the Countdown Begin!

    I just got a call from my doctors office and I have been approved by my insurance!!! I have a surgery date set for Monday, June 18th! (they said they could do it as soon as June 5th, but that was to early, I needed to give my work notice I would be off for a week.) :faint: I am so excited, scared, nervious, anxious, etc. (you all know the feelings)! I wanted to thank everyone that writes on this amazing message board. I have really enjoyed the support I have gotten just from reading about people that have been through this, I dont feel so alone! I hope to get to know everyone a little better now that I will soon be a fellow "bander!" -Danielle
  8. Hi! I have yet to be banded, but being only 26 I definitly want to have babies within the next 3-5 years. Can anyone share their experience of getting pregnant after being banded? I know its possible, because the band is adjustable, I just wondered how it actually went for some of you. I searched all over the site but haven't found anything about those of you that had a baby afterwards. THANK!
  9. Cher! Great news! BCBS of Mass. approved me for the surgery! I can't believe it! It only took a week!!! They are paying for 90% of the surgery. I had to pay the 1st $300 visit with my doctor, but apparently the insurance will pay that back and it will be credited to my account with the doctors office. Next, I will have to pay $1200 for what WILL NOT be covered by the insurance. So, it is a bit of money to handle, but I believe its going to be worth every penny! How are you coming along with things?
  10. Hi! I live in GA, but the company I work for has BCBS of Ma. I haven't been ofically approved for the surgery, but my doctor said that my insurance was great, there shouldn't be any problems. The only requirement I had to meet was a BMI of 40 or above! Thats it! I will let you know when/if I hear anything for sure. I haven't submitted the paperwork yet. I am still waiting for some meetings and workshops at my clinic before I can submit it. Good Luck!
  11. Danielle2649

    in laws are coming to town - what to do??

    I understand how you feel! I don't have the best relationship with my MIL either. She is SUPER skinny and athletic, could eat anything and be the same way! The whole time I have known her my weight or my husbands, weight has been a major issue. We are always "just needing to exercise more!" We even got a nice treadmill for Christmas this year, it makes a lovely place to hang our ironing! So, I have NO intention of telling her I am doing this! I just can't wait to see her face (and the other skinny beeotches in the family) this year at Christmas! I'll just be like "Oh, yeah, I have lost a few pounds, just eating more and using that great treadmill you bought us!" :biggrin1:
  12. Danielle2649

    EEEKKK! Im so nervous!

    I have my first consiltation with my *hope to be* doctor this afternoon! I am very nervous!:nervous :nervous :nervous :nervous When I weighed in at my seminar I was just shy of a BMI of 40, I weighed 239. I need to have a BMI of 40 or above to qualify for my insurance! I have been eating like a pig for the last week and I can't tell that I have gained the extra 2-3lbs I need. The sweet lady that has been my contact at the office has told me to wear really heavy shoes and clothes to help with this. I am going to wear my heaviest shoes and some jeans and hopefully it will be cool enough for a heavy sweatshirt (I live in southeastern GA, its getting hot down here!) I am just so nervous that I will get down there and not have gained enough. Isn't that sad! After all this time I have gained and gained and gained and when I actually want to gain a few pounds I don't think I can! Did anyone else come this close? I definitly can't pay for it myself and I want to get the ball rolling asap! I am so nervous!!! :nervous :nervous :nervous :nervous :nervous :nervous :nervous :nervous :nervous :nervous :nervous :nervous :nervous :nervous :nervous :nervous
  13. Danielle2649

    Georgia Coast Surgical

    Well, I don't think anyone has any information to share.... *crickets chirping* But, in case someone sees this in the future I would like to share that I am so far very happy with Georgia Coast Surgical and their team of professionals. I am just beginning my journey, but they have been so helpful and caring I can't help but boast about them! I would love to continue to share my experience with anyone thats interested!
  14. Danielle2649

    Support group for non banded spouse?

    Hey jbtullis! I am new to this and haven't been banded yet, but I think my husband would do well to have something like you mentioned above. Please post back anything you might come up with so I can pass it along to my husband. It is important for "the banded" to have a place to feel comfortable to discuss, but its also important for our supporters to get support too!
  15. Danielle2649

    EEEKKK! Im so nervous!

    Well, I did it! I did gain 2lbs, but I was also wearing heavy shoes and a sweatshirt! But, my BMI is high enough now to have the insurance pay for the surgery. Im not worried about those extra 2lbs, the fact that this is going to be a reality is worth it! I have some more appointments tomorrow and a workshop this weekend. This is happening so fast! My doctor said I am a perfect candidate for this surgery and he thinks that I will be very succesfull! Of course I know that there is a lot of work involved, but I am up for the challenge!
  16. Danielle2649

    Having Babies after the Band!

    :Banane56: :Banane26: Thanks everyone for all the advice and threads!
  17. Danielle2649

    Having Babies after the Band!

    Thanks Faithmd! I did the advanced search and found TONS more! Looks like there shouldn't be any problems getting pregnant in the future! :clap2:
  18. Danielle2649

    Having Babies after the Band!

    Thanks Wheetsin! I did find a few things, but not much. If anyone else reads this and has an opinion or an expeience to share please do! My husband and I will be married for 3 years this fall, so we are not in any hurry to have a baby, but in the near future. I debated having this surgery because I thought I wanted a baby right now, rather than having to wait 12-18 months. But, I came to the conclusion that I am going to do this for me first! Create a healthier me before I take on being a mommy!
  19. Danielle2649

    Having Babies after the Band!

    Hey Girls! Glad Im not alone out there... now if we could just get some answers! Wednesday is my "offical" first consultation, I will be sure to get some answers from the doc. I would just like to hear some first hand experiences!
  20. Danielle2649

    Good News!

    I went to my first informational meeting on Wednesday and really learned a lot about the procedure. I thought it would all scare me off, but it gave me so much hope! The office manager just called me and said that my insurance is great! I don't have to have any pre-requisites, other than a BMI of 40 to qualify!:faint: (The funny thing is I am right at 39 and she said I should just eat heavy before my next meeting and gain a couple of pounds so my BMI will raise to 40! I can do that! No problem! Its going to be a fun weekend actually trying to GAIN weight! I was so scared that I would have to jump through all those hoops most of you have gone through only to find out I wouldn't be able to do it. I guess nothing is for certain yet, but I am going to schedule my first real consulation on Monday and we will go from there.
  21. Hi Everyone! My name is Danielle and I am 26 years old and live in Savannah, GA. I am about 100 lbs over weight and have been thinking about the Lap-Band surgery for some time now. I found out that my insurance will pay for 90% if my BMI is 40 or if I have a weight related illness. I don't have an illness yet, but it runs in both sides of my family. I am trying to prevent that from happening! From the calculators I have found online I am like 39. something... so close, yet so far away! My first step is the meeting I am going to go to tonight. I am so nervous, :phanvan but I just want to learn more about it and see if I am eligable. I have enjoyed reading everyones stories on here and I hope to become a fellow "Lap-Bander" soon! I just don't want to get discourage with all the hoops I am going to have to jump through, I know they are inevitable! I will keep posting updates and hope to get lots of advice and support from everyone! Thanks for listening! (you'll learn I am a rambler and a terrible speller!) :nervous -Danielle
  22. Danielle2649

    Newbie from Savannah

    Talk about disappointing... I just found out the meeting I was going to tonight is actually tomorrow. I was so excited about going! I am sure this is just the beginning of the hurdles I will be jumping on this journey!
  23. Danielle2649

    Not sure if this is for me...

    I TOTALLY understand what your going through! :nervous I am actually going to go to my first informational meeting tonight and was reading up on here for some good support and so glad I read your message! (Funny how that works!) I am probably just under 100 lbs overweight too. All my life weight has been a struggle, a real struggle! I had NEVER thought about doing something like this before because I always thought it just took some will power. I heard it all, "Eat Less and Move More" is what my mom always told me. Yeah, its not always that simple! But, I have come to the conclusion that I need more than just will power, I think I need some professional help (and believe me, I have tried the other options for professional help like Weight Watches and Curves, etc). So, I am going to check out this meeting and see what this place can do to help me. You mentioned your father passing away and maybe needing metal help as well. I have also struggled with having mental illness most of my life and the best thing I ever did was get professional help! There is no need to live my life with the constant ups and downs of being mentally ill! And there should be no shame in asking for that kind of help. Society puts a very negitive spin on mental disorders, but if someone has a heart problem and needs to take medicine to live, why is that any different than me taking a pill to help my brain create the right chemicals. So, thats how I am looking at this surgery. I just need to accept that I need the help and do whatever it takes to get it. I am so scared!:phanvan :phanvan :phanvan :phanvan But, I am going to take it one step at a time! I owe it to myself! I am only 26 years old and I have a lot of life to live and I DONT want to be fat anymore! I am sorry if I rambled on... Like I said, I am nervous as heck!:faint:

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