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Everything posted by Danielle2649

  1. Danielle2649

    1st fill have questions

    Hi! I had my 1st fill two days ago. My doctor told me to stay on liquids for 48 hours and then mushies for the next 24 hours. Yesterday I tried some soft food and it hurt SO bad going down! Nothing ever came back up, but it kept hurting with every bite... So, I couldn't eat much. This morning it kinda hurts even when I am drinking Water or a Protein shake... I am going to take it easy over the weekend, maybe just drink my meals (however, I hate the whole liquid diet thing!). I wonder if this is the same feeling your having? I don't know if its "normal" but if I keep feeling it all this weekend I guess I will have to get a little taken out. I was really upset last night because it hurt so bad (it wasn't like, rush to the hospital, I am dying bad, just very uncomfortable!) Now I am just worried he put too much fill in. :phanvan:phanvan:phanvan:phanvan:phanvan:phanvan:phanvan:phanvan:phanvan:phanvan
  2. Hi! I am in the very beginning stages of becoming a citizen of "Lap-Band Land!" I am going to be seeing Dr. Peter Henderson at the Georgia Coast Surgical facility in Brunswick, Ga. I was wondering if by chance anyone else on here has gone there or seen Dr. Henderson. Please share any advice and/or stories if you have had experience with this facility. Thanks! :waytogo: :P
  3. Danielle2649

    Georgia Coast Surgical

    Hi Guys! Its been awhile, I didn't know anyone was still writting on this thread, but I am glad to see it! Hi Francoise, the closest doctor my insurance would cover was Dr. Henderson in Brunswick. But, I am glad, cause he and his office is very nice. Let me know how things are going with you at Memorial, I had heard some negative stuff about their program. Nothing about the doctors or the surgery or anything, just a couple people I know had a hard time working with them to get insurance checked out or stuff like that... I have an appointment with Dr. Henderson this Wednesday. I am hoping for a fill cause I don't have much restriction. I can pretty much eat whatever I want right now. Bread doesn't go down too smoothly, but I stay clear from that anyways usually.
  4. Danielle2649

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Vitamin Update! I bought some Flinstones Gummy Vitamins and Chocolate Viactives tonight. Boy, its going to be much easier to take those than those yucky chalky things... yuck! The gummies aren't the greatest, not going to be eating them for the fun of it, but pretty good. And the Viactive is really good, I am going to think of them as little chocolate treats! ha ha ha! Good Night June Bugs! (PS I think that should offically be our "name!"):biggrin1:
  5. Danielle2649

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Madero, I had some internal stiches (I am pretty sure at least) and then some derma bond skin glue on the skin. Didn't have any bandages! The glue was starting to peel up around the edges. I also had sticky residue around other parts of my belly, apparently from some sticky film they put on your belly during the surgery... that came off really easy with the baby oil As for eating, I was told to drink liquids for about a week, move onto mushies for about a week and then move onto more solid proteins when the mushies don't fill me up as much. I was told to just go by what fills me up. I know its so much different than other banders doctors are saying, but I have talked about it to my doctor and nutritionist and they say that I am doing fine with what I am doing and they don't oppose to it! Tonight I am going to try some "real" food with my husband again. We are going to make some chicken fajitas, I will just have to make sure the chicken is really moist. I saw someone mention wine! Is anyone else partaking in a sip of alcohol at all!?! I am not trying to sound like a lush or anything, I can totally wait to drink again, but I just wondered if anyone else was brave enough? Did you get too tipsy? My nutrionist said banders shouldn't really drink beer cause of the carbonation, and most mixed drinks are super high in calories, but she said she doesn't see any harm in a little wine!
  6. Danielle2649

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I know how important they are bigsexy, it just litterally makes me gag to chew and swallow them. I have had better luck with liquid Vitamins, so I wondered if anyone else took them. I guess I better just ask the doctor about it. Does it help to just take 2 childrens vitamins? Seems like there wouldn't be the correct kinda vitamins and minerals... I guess I never looked. And I heard that the viactive chews have a good deal of calories in them (don't know for sure, Ive never looked)... I think I could handle those, but I don't want uneccesary calories... oh the delima! :faint:
  7. Danielle2649

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hope everyone had a good weekend! I can't believe its July already! I cleaned up my belly, thanks for the baby oil tip Faithmd, that really did the trick and didn't take much to get it off. I also trimmed the excess glue around one incision. I think my incsicions are doing well. They are tender to the touch, but no reddness or puffiness. I read some of ya'll talking about skipping food stages, etc. I totally went a lot faster then I thought I would. I think it is crazy how doctors give such various directions. But, I think its all individual, follow your doctors rules, but listen to your body as well. I have had NO trouble moving from 1 week of liquids to 1 week of mushies and slowly moving to more solid meats. I was so excited to actually make and eat the same dinner as my husband. We had veal and spegetti, I know its not that healthy of a meal, but I was dying for it. I really chewed the speg. and didn't have any problems, but I ate like a 1/4 of what I would usually eat! I too have those night time hunger cravings! Those skinny cow sandwiches are really good, and I also eat no-sugar added chocolate pudding pops that are really good. Dana, you mentioned something about shopping at "regular" stores! I feel the same way! I love Lane Bryant and am very glad they offer plus sized women more stylish clothes. But, I can't wait until I can walk into like the GAP or something and find a size! Oh the simple joys in life! I think I do need a fill though, scheduled for July 18th, cause I think I can eat more than I should be. Today I am going to get back on track, 3 small meals a day, smaller bites, slower eating, drink more water and make sure I get more protein. I am having trouble doing that. I have a question about vitamins. I am embarrased to admit this, but I haven't been taking mine or my calcium... I know how important they are, but the chewable ones I ordered are so gross. I can't stomach them at all! Is anyone taking liquid vitamins. I have tried that in the past and its so much easier to "shoot" the liquid than chew that chalky nastiness! Thanks again for everyones advice and I am so glad we are all doing so good! :clap2:
  8. Danielle2649

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Thanks Faithmd! I think I will trim some of the glue and use something to take the sticky stuff off and give my belly a good cleaning! ha ha ha! Can I ask what a barrium swallow is? I have heard it used before and just saw Faithmd mention it again.
  9. Danielle2649

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Well, its almost been 2 weeks for me since the surgery! I haven't weighed in awhile, but earlier this week I was down 8lbs since the surgery! SUZZIE- I think I saw you mention a left side abdominal pain/ache? I have the same problem. It feels like a muscle ache, like when you do too many situps! But, I asked a nurse at my doc's office and she said that is where they insert the scope and they have to go under your rib cage and it takes awhile for that to heal up. So, I think that might be what you were mentioning, hope that helps, but maybe still check with your doctor. I have a question about the port area... I can't feel anything down there! I am still pretty bruised up around that incision, but when I lightly push around below or around it I don't feel anything! I can also sleep on that side with no troubles, like nothing's there! Did they forget to put it in! ha ha ha! Is this "normal?" I just wondered! Also, does anyone else have the glued together incisions? I guess I have some stitches (can't see them) and then glue "gooped" onto it to hold them together. I wondered if anyone else had this and how that was going for them? The glue is pealing up around the edges, but I am just leaving it and letting nature take its course. Also, does anyone else have sticky stuff on their bellies? I had the hardest time getting the iodine off, but now it seems like I have a lot of sticky goo left around my belly, even where there are not incisions. I was also curious as to how everyone is keeping there bellies cleaned? I am afraid to use any soap or anything. I am still having those hiccup things that kinda hurt. I have them all during the day, can't really find the reason why. Its like one big hiccup, hard to explain. I think someone else said they had something simmillar. Can't believe the time has passed so quickly! Glad to hear how everyone is doing. Won't have a fill until July 18th, but I am okay with that. I am loosing right now and using this time to learn new habits!
  10. Danielle2649

    June 2007 Bandsters

    :whoo:Hi everyone! I just weighted myself, 8 days post-op, and I have lost 8lbs since the surgery! Thats a total of 23lbs since I started my journey (15lbs pre-op and 8lbs post-op)! I am so pleased! I hope it just keeps coming off! :whoo:
  11. Danielle2649

    sleeping on side

    I hate sleeping on my back too! After the first night after the surgery my back hurt. The next night I put a pillow on each side and created a "nest!" When I want to sleep on my side I had a pillow under my belly and one to support my back, cause I found that hurt a bit too. It also helped keep my husband from bumping into me in the night. He's not a crazy sleeper, but any uneccessary movements or touches hurt! Hope this helps! Build you nest! Actually, last night I thought I could try without the pillows and I slept just fine, but I kinda missed that extra comfort! As for sleeping on my belly, I am slowly moving along...
  12. Danielle2649

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Pippz, are those things from Pier 1 like smaller bowls or something? Before the surgery I went shopping for smaller bowls and couldn't believe how big they all are, or they are way to small. Its amazing how, as a culture, our dishes, bowls, cups and utinsels have gotten so HUGE! My grandma has some old juice cups and coffe cups from a long time ago and they are so tiny! But, really they are the appropriate size that everyone should use! I would like to introduce you all to my new best friend: "CANNED CHICKEN!" *trumpets blaring* Since moving to mushy food I bought a bunch of canned tuna, chicken and tried deviled ham (didn't like it too much, unless I used a lot of relish with it!). But Swanson (don't know if its a local brand) makes really good canned chicken in water. I can make 2 meals out of a can. Today for lunch I added some to some chicken soup to "meaty" it up a bit! Last night I warmed it up and put some A1 steak sauce on it ( I LOVE my A1) and it was very good! I am doing much better today at work. Seem to be pepping up nicely! I was able to drive about 3 days after the surgery, but it was just down the road and I hadn't had the meds to often. As for the bra and waistbands... I was lucky, the incisions are either above or below the bands! I didnt wear a bra for the whole week I was off and when I had to put one on I was scared! But, it doesnt bother me anymore! Have a great day everyone!
  13. Danielle2649

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Glad to hear your fill went well Toni! That doesn't sound so scary!!! I think I have my first on July 18th. I talked to my dietician today about my "slip up" this weekend. She said that was just fine! I told her that I had read about a lot of other patients that have to be on liquids for so long and she said that all the different doctors vary and some are just way more cautious than others. She said there was not reason why I shouldn't be able to move on to the mushy stage if my body is allowing it. Just not to eat too much! It will probably be a little while before I start trying meat like chicken or stuff like veggies. But for right now these mushies are heaven! I can't believe I ate a container or cottage cheese for lunch and was full!!! Its amazing! I do have a question though... I don't feel hungry but my stomach is growling like crazy! Its almost like a gas pain in my belly then it rummbles and feels better. Anyone else experiencing this? Also, I have these almost burp/hicup "sensations" every once in a while. They don't really hurt, but are just weird! Today is my first day back at work. I am a lot more tired than I thought I would be! I guess sleeping in this past week really got to me! But, I seem to be doing alright! Thanks again for your support Toni and others! Its so nice to have everyone to talk to!
  14. Danielle2649

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Thank you so much Toni! You know I was just sitting here waiting to hear back from someone! You have made me feel a lot better. I am going to call the doc tomorrow and see what the nurse says. I think I will try to get by on 8oz of shake in the morning and see what they say. I know its just will power, but its so much harder than I thought it would me, so much more mental! Thanks again! Your support means the world to me right now!
  15. Danielle2649

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hi everyone! Its been almost a week since my surgery. I feel like I have really healed good. I have a dull pain/ache on the lower left side of my abdomen, but I think thats where my port is. (I don't remember which side the doc said it would be on!) Its not really painful, just like I can feel the muscle is a little sore. So, my dietician had me on 4oz of shake (I am drinking sugar free Carnation Instant Breakfast) 3x a day. Around day 4 I was upped that to 8oz 3x a day. That was filling me up just fine, but Saturday (day 5) I just couldn't take drinking anymore! I had to eat something with some substance. I am suppose to wait at least a week after the surgery to move to mushie protiens, but I had some tuna fish on Saturday and a scrambled egg and cottage cheese today. I am so scared to tell my doctor and dietician! I can't believe I went thorough all this and I am already sabotaging myself... I just couldn't stomach anymore protein shake! And everything I had went down well, I never had a problem, but I still feel very bad...:think Is my stomach pouch ruined? Is it already streatched out? Can I get back on track tomorrow? Should I go back to drinking the 8oz of protein shake 3x a day again or do you think I can move on to the soft protein mushies? I know, I know, I will have to tell my doctor whats going on.... but can anyone give me a little advice? I am feeling kinda down now! I was just beginning to feel better since the surgery, more like myself, but I feel like my bad habits started back up again.
  16. Danielle2649

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hi everyone! Well, I made it through the surgery alive! I am doing pretty good today. I haven't had a lot of pain, some minor discomfort and some nasia (sp?). I have been drinking my protein shakes, 4oz. 3x a day, and I am not hungry really. But I am going to call my nutrisionist and see if I can have something like chicken broth or something. I am sick of the sweet stuff! Does anyone have any suggestions?
  17. Danielle2649

    Georgia Coast Surgical

    Hey Mrs. Horne! How is the diet coming? I hope good! I am 3 days post-op and doing rather well. The surgery went well, no complications. The outpatient care center is so nice! You will be impressed! All the nurses were very nice and patient with me. I can't believe I got to go home so soon! The pain and nausia meds they gave me seem to do the trick. I really haven't had a lot of pain, just discomfort and a tight feeling in my chest. Kinda like when you have a chest cold and it tightens up when you breathe, but once I let the air out through my mouth it eases up. I mostly have been fighting with slight nausia, nothing serious, just feeling woosie. It helps if I walk it off and take slow deep breathes! I have been drinking the Protein shakes for the last couple of days, but I am wondering if I can have something like chicken broth or something... I am tired of all the sweet taste! I have been taking my Vitamins, but my Calcium losenge (sp?) that I got, wild cherry, is totally grossing me out. I can only take about half of it. I am going to have to get a better calcium supplement! Have you tried all those samples? Wild cherry wasn't in my samples, but I thought it would be better than the chocolate, mint or cinnamon. Its not the flavor really, its the texture. Its grossing my out just talking about it! :-P Hope your diet is going well! Keep in touch!
  18. Danielle2649

    14 days till the big day!

    Hey everyone! Well, I made it through the surgery alive! The outpatient care center I went to in Brunswick was so nice. Everyone was really sweet and patient and the center was only a year old, so it was very clean and new looking. Mrs. Horne, I went to Brunswick because Dr. Henderson was the closest doctor my insurance would cover fully. I don't know why there weren't any in Savannah, but I am glad it led me to Georgia Coast Surgical cause they are the best! I don't really have a lot of pain. When I first woke up it was mostly nausia (sp?). I got home Monday around 1pm and took some more pain and nausia meds and slept throughout the rest of the day! Tuesday was better. I started drinking my Protein Shakes and lots of Water. Yesterday I took a shower for the first time and that made me really woosie! I don't know why, but I took some more meds and slept it off. I have been walking around the house as much as I can, it has been raining outside these last days. A few minutes ago I got on the treadmill and walked a really slow pace for about 10 minutes. That helped get some of the antsiness out of my system. So, this will be day three off the Protein shakes. The 4oz. seems to be filling me up alright, but I am really sick of all the sweetness! I wish I could have some chicken broth or something like that. I think I am going to call my nutrionist in a few minutes and see if that is possible. I have never been a big fan of sweets. Its funny, cause I know I am really not physically hungry, but I keep seeing pizza commercials on TV and would kill for one! I think its just my mental hunger! The thought of really eating and swallowing something like that is not appealing, but just the taste! Ha ha ha! Maybe I can just lick some pizza! JK!
  19. Danielle2649

    14 days till the big day!

    Hi everyone! I am so happy! My surgery is in two weeks! :nervous:nervous:nervous:nervous I started my pre-op diet this morning. I have to say its not so bad, but its only been 1/2 a day! The Fiber shake I drank really filled me up and for Breakfast and lunch I have had some nutrition bars that actually do fill me up for a good while. The real challenge will be this evening when I am home and my husband is having dinner... He's dieting along with me, so its not like he will be scarfing down pizza in front of me, but still... I atteneded a workshop this weekend with my doctor's psycologist. It was GREAT! I encourage everyone that has an opportunity to learn more about the mental process we will/have endured during this process to do so. Its amazing how much of weight troubles are really mental, not just the fact that we eat too much! I am going to try my best and be as positive as I can be during this process!:biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1: Anyone elese getting banded on June 18th! I would love to Celebrate with ya!
  20. Danielle2649

    Georgia Coast Surgical

    Hi Mrs. H! Well, I am in the final stretch of the diet and when I had my pre-op visit with Dr. Henderson on Wednesday I had lost 15lbs! I have to admit though, when I was first weighed I wore heavy clothes and was carrying my purse (I had to be a couple lbs heavier to get my BMI over 40 so my insurance would pay)! The diet isn't too bad. The food gets kinda old after awhile. What kinda stuff did you order? I got one of everything. The Ful-fill drink you drink in the morning (I got fruit punch, not tea) is actually good, tastes like cool-aide or crystal light. But, if you sip on it slowly through the morning it really keeps you full. I hated the vanilla shakes, yucky! I tried blending blueberries with it, but still YUCKY! The chocolate isn't as bad, but the texture of the shakes is not very good. I think its because they don't blend well, I can stir and stir till my arm falls off and there will still be chunks of the powder! The Soup is okay, but I added some veggies like cabbage, mushrooms and some Mrs. Dash to the chicken soup. The tomato soup isn't very good, but tolerable. I am so sorry, I am probably depressing you! The Meal Replacement bars are decent and I really liked the variety pack of snack bars. But the bottom line is its only 2 weeks! And after the first couple of days it comes easier. I was fine the first day, then the second day I was so cranky! Now, since its only two more days, I see the finish line on the horizon! I have to be honest, I have cheated a little bit here and there. But it was with healthy stuff, not like junk food. I did go out to dinner yesterday for my birthday. (I wasn't going to Celebrate my birthday with those gross shakes!) In my opinon, others may disagree, but if I have lost 10-15lbs my liver is probably in good enough shape for the surgery. I am not really really overweight, so I can't imagine my liver being that fatty in the first place. I had laproscopic surgery on my appendix a couple of years ago and everything went fine, there was no need to worry about a fatty liver. I am looking forward to getting the surgery over with. I went to the Outpatient Care Center at the hospital for my pre-op registration and it was VERY NICE! I am feeling good that I will be in the best of hands. I am looking forward to having all of next week off to heal and rest. It will be a much needed vacation! I would like to keep in touch with you Mrs. Horne! I wish you the best on your diet! I am sorry if I scared you, just being honest! I will let you know how the surgery goes as soon as I can! Take care!
  21. Danielle2649

    Fruits and Veggies

    Hi all! I am being banded next Monday! Yippee! I am trying to think ahead about what kinds of fruits and veggies I will be able to eat after I have healed from the surgery and am able to eat solids. I really love fresh fruits and veggies, so after I have my Protein each meal, I want to be able to eat as much fruit and veggies as I can. (Of course, I am not going to over do it or anything, I know not to stretch my stomach!) I heard that asparagus is not a good idea because its stringy... That bums me out because I LOVE it! What if I cut it cross wise really small and chewed it like crazy? Does this also include celery? Its kinda stringy too! What about brocoli and carrots? I really love strawberries, blueberries and green seedless grapes. I know that fruits have a good deal of sugar in them, but are there any that I won't be able to eat anymore? Any advice would help. I am starting to get really nervous and trying to plan stuff out as much as possible to help calm my nerves! Thanks!
  22. Danielle2649

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hi everyone! CARIE - I am getting banded on June 18th too! Can you believe its only 4 days away! I keep thinking of things in the terms of "Last weekend I will be fat" ha ha ha! Today is also my birthday! YIPPEE! My friends decorated my cubicle here at work! I love birthdays! I still get excited like I am a little kid again! Hope everyone is having a great day, healing well, or getting excited about their upcoming bands!
  23. Danielle2649

    Fruits and Veggies

    Thanks ladies! My hopes are up now! I guess I will just have to wait and see what works for me! I appreciate your support! 4 days until the surgery!!! :faint:
  24. Danielle2649

    Fruits and Veggies

    Thanks! I didn't even think of pineapple! I guess I forgot that was stringy too! Darn, I love it!
  25. Danielle2649

    June 2007 Bandsters

    Hey! I am not on the calendar?!?! Less than a week until my big day! I am having a rough day, want to eat bad stuff. I had a "kind of" fight with my husband last night, not about the surgery, but still, I didn't get much sleep! Lots of emotions going on right now... Butterflies in my stomach! I am excited, scared, nervous, but really just want to get the surgery and healing part over with so I can get on with my life! I know the surgery will go over fine, not really worried about dieing or anything. But, I am such a big baby when it comes to pain. I hope I can survive an hour car ride home after they release me! Hope all you other Junies are doing well! I can't believe how many messages we have on here! I can barely keep up!

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