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Kris Cheek

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Kris Cheek

  1. Kris Cheek

    I am so frustrated. I haven't lost a single pound in 4 weeks!

    I spoke with the DR about that yesterday. She said that we hit platues after fast weightloss to allow our body shape to catch up with the loss. Measure your body weekly and see where the inches are coming off. 219 was mine for 3 weeks but I lost so many inches it was crazy. Also muscle wieghs more so as you tone your weight might become stagnant. Oh and he said that our goals and our bodies goals are different! No that made me plum mad. He told me that as I may want to be 120 my body may say no.. 140 is where we are staying!! But I do say that 140 is sooo much better then 259!!! Amen....
  2. 14 weeks Post op today and I am down 65lb and 51 from surgery date!!! We can do this!!!

  3. I am 14 weeks post op and have dyed my hair twice. No problems here. But I only wash my hair and blow dry it 2x a week because of the hair loss. My stylest recommend getting ot professionall washed 2x a month at least bercause the vigorous washing stimulated the scalp and new hair growth. Dr said absolutley correct. So I treat myself! I am lucky that my hair is not oily.
  4. Kris Cheek

    4 days post up issues

    I had similar issues but it passes. You feel like hell but it does get better.
  5. I am 8 weeks out and can not find anything to help my funk! It is horrible!! Has anyone else had this problem. I have been avoiding my husband for a month without showering first and finally came clean lastnight. He says he does not notice it. Well I do!!!
  6. It actually depends on your Doc and insurance. I had BCBS and they tested me 2-3 weeks prior to surgery for nicotine and cotine. Cotine stays in your system for 3-4 weeks. I smoked for 30 years and did not want to quit so I studied it. I am happy to say that I am now smokefree since October! Good luck!
  7. Kris Cheek

    Protein shots

    How funny I bought the same ones last night and tried them this morning. OMG Yuck! I could only get down half. I figure at 42g I will keep trying! LOL
  8. Kris Cheek

    Telling your kids

    I had my LabBand in 2008, my kids were 9 and 10. I told them once the surgery ws scheduled and explained the benefits. They were so excited to have a healthier me that the morning of the surgery they kissed me and said by old mommy and I can't wait to meet new mommy. Now the RNY is riskier but I still would have told them right away. It gives them time to think of questions and time for you to answer and reassure them. Good luck!! and Congrats!!!
  9. I know!! I was released last thursday and can't find anything I like. I think I am morning my old portions. Two bites and I am full which makes me just not want to eat at all!!

  10. Kris Cheek

    Advice plz...5 weeks post op!

    my username is kristurney
  11. Kris Cheek

    Kris Cheek Journey

    Pictures of my tramsformation
  12. Kris Cheek

    post Op 6 Wks

    From the album: Kris Cheek Journey

    This is me 6 weeks and 1 day post op. 33lbs down!!!!!!
  13. Kris Cheek

    Pre Op

    From the album: Kris Cheek Journey

    Pre-op Thanksgiving, 5 days before my surgery. I weighed 263 prior to surgery and 244 the day of surgery.I had gained so much weight that I no pants to wear on Thanksgiving and my husband had to run to walmart and buy me a pair of jeans. We did not know what size I was so he bought a 22 & 20. 22 was tight but i pulled it off. Thank goodness I could not eat so mypants did not get tighter as I stuffed my face like in years past.
  14. Kris Cheek

    Advice plz...5 weeks post op!

    Hi, I am 6 weeks and still struggling. Most of use myfitnesspal.com. It has an app for all phones and tablets. It tracks your food and exercise, plus a chat room. It is awesom.
  15. Kris Cheek

    My Fitness Pal

    Hi guys, I am on myfitnesspal.com and would love to share my journey. kristurney is my user name. I friend requested some of you yesterday. Good luck on your journey to fabulous!!!
  16. Hi, I had my surgery 11/27/12 and I was 244 the day of surgery. I am now 213 and have been fluctuating between 216 & 213. I feel as tho I am doing something wrong. I log all I intent in myfitnesspal and barely make 700 cals. My NUT appt is next thus and I have only lost 4lb since the 27th and I am afraid. Is it normal? I am a .band to bypass revision.
  17. Kris Cheek

    5weeks out and discouraged.

    She si so right!! My first 3 weeks I wanted to die and I regreted the sx. Then all the sudden I was doing well. It was like overnight and I have not regreted it since. I encourage people to join myfitnesspal.com and friend others from this website. You will be able to view what others eat and experience the full journey will support from both sights. I am honest on mine and sometimes I make bad decisions but other suport me on there and give me ideas that help me to make better choices. Good luck. Look for the post in the excersice forum that says myfitnesspal.com and you will find a bunch of users that would love to suport you! mine kristurney.
  18. Today is just a blah day! I am now back to work and sit at my desk all day. I have the urge to workout and we have not rejoined the Y yet. I called my husband and pleased my case on how it would help me emotionally also. He said yes!!! I am happy I went up and down the stairs today at lunch and I am on the third floor. I was pooped!! I did well for lunch spent .80 cents for lunch. On rainy days I used to go down to the deli and EAT!! Well today I got a 1/2 cup...

  19. Kris Cheek

    Feeling lonely

    Hi, It is very important to walk!! I was non compliant and suffered 3 hospital stays due to infection and pnuemonia. Walking also helps wake up the bowels and keep things moving on the inside. I felt like crap but once I started to comply thing turned for the better immediately. Now I am 6 weeks out and feel fabulous. Good luck.
  20. I am having a hard time finding a protien that I like. My taste buds have changed so much. Even chicken tasted bad no matter what I do. Sauces are too sweet or sour.
  21. Kris Cheek

    what a rough day

    I dealt with this for years prior to my Lapband. Infact my Lapband was done one month after leaving. The pain was so hard to go thru without the crutch of eating. I can not gove you any tips because I drowned in my work. Infact my daughter just cried to me last week that she felt like she lost us both. in the same breath she said she is much happier now. Your weight loss is for you and those kids!! Stay strong and scream to us! Stay or go is soley up to you and you will not find judgement as I did both. Do you go to the gym? Go hit a bag!! Makes you feel better. Pillows on the bed work well too! (for hitting or screaming)
  22. Kris Cheek

    From Lapband To RNY

    Hi, good luck with the letter but ASK for it! You deserve it. I am also a revision and am 6 weeks out. My journey was a hard one. Some have minimal pain mostly on the left by the ribcage. Some have pain so bad they can't breathe. The latter was never told to me. My Lapband was a breeze. No pain meds afer surgery and was driving the kids to school the next morning (sore). This was not the case this time. I had 3 hospital stays and my issue was infection in the intestine and pnuemonia. My suggestion is walk, walk, walk and breathe in the machine they give you! I was not very compliant due to my pain and it cost me. Excersing helps your bowels wake up and your lungs. When I was in the hospital the last time I was told that I would look back and laugh. Well, today I can say haha! I am so happy I did it. Just remember that unlike the lapband, you HAVE to meet your protien and supplement guidelines or you will suffer from hair loss and more! Good luck. Hope yiu don't see me as a downer. I knew best case and worst case of post-op but not he in between. I like to think I fell in between.
  23. Kris Cheek

    Protien Help

    My husband got me the Blue Raspberry Isopure, YUCK, I spit it on him. (Accident I promise) I just went to mybariatricpantry.com and ordered a few sample packets. I hope I like one of them. Click was one so we will see. Thanks guys
  24. Kris Cheek

    5weeks out and discouraged.

    LOL. I hear ya on that one!! I need to find a protien that has enough protien, low in cards and sugar that I actually can stomach! The one I loved prior to surgery tastes horrible to me now. I gag it down and we have to sip which is torture. I was so excited that I was introducing foods and now, not so much.
  25. Kris Cheek

    5weeks out and discouraged.

    I have found that our journey will not be like others. Our expectations get in the way. I am at that point where nothing tastes good. What I used to love I hate so I am barely getting in all I should. Not eating is just as bad and Sunday the hair started falling out. Of coarse this is because I am not getting enough nutrients. Ugh

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
